View Full Version : Repositories & Backports

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  1. Kernel fails to load following a Synaptic smart update
  2. What are repositories?
  3. Samba Installation problem
  4. error messages from synaptic?
  5. Package install errors
  6. **Before You Post**
  7. Another Swat Question
  8. Nautilus does not burn CDs
  9. Realplayer support in Ubuntu?
  10. System crash after apt-get upgrade
  11. List of packages?
  12. Mozilla Firefox 1.0 ?
  13. list installed Universe packages
  14. Kernel Source Package
  15. gaim-encryption
  16. Menu Update with new game....
  17. xmms skins?
  18. Music player error messsage " no plugin installed"
  19. Can't enable universe on new install
  20. Upgrading kernel failed due to disk space; how 2 resolve?
  21. Ubuntu repository doens't contain _all_ debian sid softwares ?
  22. apt-get fully dead/broken
  23. Having a problem adding a repository
  24. Is there some good apt repository for update?
  25. Off-line custom repository
  26. Gaim 1.1.0
  27. problem removing gforge-ldap-openldap
  28. nvidia-glx
  29. An apt-get primer...
  30. I seem to have broken apt/dpkg
  31. Repository for Amarok? Hoary vs. Warty?
  32. PUTTY Access Denied
  33. Creating a local update repository
  34. Synaptic Slow Updates?
  35. Ham Radio Apps
  36. dselect shows only installed packages
  37. PHP5 only from source?
  38. Knowit?
  39. install Kernel source offiline?
  40. Firefox and Thunderbird in version 1
  41. evolution upgrade 1.4.6 to 2
  42. Multimedia HOWTO Help
  43. Synaptic Segmentation fault
  44. Package CD
  45. SMB / CLI: Can't mount win2K3 share
  46. Synaptic Package Manager Help
  47. Apt-get and synaptic problem
  48. where is imlib2?
  49. kernel-headers
  50. How do I edit my sources.list file?
  51. Right-click problem in Forefox
  52. Urgent -- Apt broken again
  53. Repositories and browser problems
  54. Upgrade Doubts
  55. Packages kept back
  56. apt-get retry/resume failed downloads
  57. Synaptic Question
  58. I'm lost - first time using linux or ubuntu
  59. apt-get Question
  60. Help With Mono
  61. sl-modem dependency probleme
  62. Adding the mounted ISO
  63. Kernel-source
  64. gtk-gnutella missing bin file?
  65. synaptic broke...
  66. zsnes
  67. gzip trouble with apt-get update
  68. Updating with Synaptic?
  69. Debian source?
  70. Problem getting repository indexes
  71. package install from CD-ROM is there a way ...
  72. synaptic issue on network
  73. synaptic on network
  74. Updates and How to Do Them
  75. Did upgrade, lost my panel!
  76. Bug? X crashes on certain Firefox renderings.
  77. Where IS the source...
  78. Odd messages from Synaptic
  79. Unable to start Synaptic
  80. ubuntu archive - mirrors?
  81. Problem with gnotime package
  82. Repository not Loading
  83. Latest kerberos security update breaks krb5-user
  84. [libusb]package manager and versions
  85. gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1plus': No such file or directory
  86. please to permit an suggestion idea
  87. cdrom source.list
  88. Smart update via command line?
  89. Universe URL
  90. xmms an others missing!
  91. Updating Thunderbird... not?
  92. hey, there is something wrong!
  93. apt-get - Package not found problem
  94. mc,nedit,kwrite ;)
  95. i can install firefox but cant install mozilla?
  96. Trouble Installing fluxbox
  97. Basic repository questions
  98. aptitude changelog
  99. Problems with package update
  100. repository list
  101. Where is vnc.so - what package has it?
  102. How do I install downloaded programs...
  103. Multimedia ?
  104. Evoltion removal ?
  105. tun/tap on ubuntu
  106. apt-get dist-upgrade, kernel
  107. dependency conflict?
  108. where is the kernel source?
  109. Warty upgrade fails with error message
  110. Plone mismatch in warty repository
  111. Trouble with upgrading the kernel
  112. drivers/net/wireless/net80211 missing in kernel source package?
  113. Mozilla Flash Plug-in
  114. Rhythmbox lacks
  115. Error upgrading using Synaptic or apt-get
  116. Dependancy problems
  117. Custom filters in Synaptic - based on repository?
  118. downlaoding packages
  119. wxPerl and wxGlade
  120. Big Aptitude/Apt problem
  121. Compiled programs
  122. lha lzh compression
  123. Does apt-get log updates?
  124. Download Packages question
  125. Having trouble with synaptic updates
  126. Is it safe to remove ubuntu-base, and what exactly will this remove?
  127. downloading packages from a non-linux machine
  128. Evolution - adding languages
  129. numlockx package
  130. `ucf' is missing final newline <- My apt-get suddenly doesn't work
  131. Mencoder dependencies issue
  132. Badly built wxWidgets on Warty
  133. Problems with Apt
  134. Can't Install MySQL?
  135. Passive socket question w/ apt-get
  136. Cernlib
  137. Procedure for suggesting packages for main?
  138. Somthing goes wrong
  139. Bandwidth issues after Slashdot article?
  140. Samba failing to install
  141. Updates and patches
  142. a little password problem
  143. Navigating apt in alternate OS
  144. marillat repository
  145. Installing Eclipse 3.1M4 using apt-get
  146. sinaptic package manager
  147. libpcre0 ?
  148. Apt-get doesn't work
  149. No Synaptic?
  150. Re using downloaded packages on other machines?
  151. glib!!
  152. Opera supported?
  153. gnu cash problem
  154. gftp - can I get this for Ubuntu
  155. Held Back?
  156. Kernel Upgrade
  157. getting graveman
  158. Gentoo->Ubuntu, apt-get/universe questions
  159. Newest Muine
  160. how to put /var/cache/apt/ as a repository server
  161. Galeon
  162. Synaptic issues with proxy servers
  163. Sylpheed-claws e-mail anybody use it?
  164. Repository basics: How do I get mine?
  165. Pixieplus Image manager?
  166. security problem with apt-get
  167. libncurses-dev in no repository
  168. synaptic dies?
  169. Problems updating
  170. NetBeans, J2EE, Tomcat on Ubuntu
  171. kernel upgrade - will I lose my 66.29 drivers?
  172. why all the upgrades in synaptic
  173. dpkg error with mv
  174. So I changed all "warty" references to "hoary" in sources.list
  175. can not upgrade..
  176. Adding experimental as source
  177. Can't get new *Hardened* kernel
  178. Fresh Install Update?
  179. Synaptic finds nothing anymore !
  180. ogm files
  181. Annoying bug with Synaptic
  182. Unable to reinstall/remove sun-j2sdk1.5.0
  183. unable to get into Gnome login screen on first boot after upgrade on warty
  184. linux-image won't install (again)
  185. Where's the bin86 package?
  186. Synaptic with auto-configure proxy?
  187. Do not manage to get apt-get build-depend to work
  188. It just aborts
  189. Bluefish & gftp?
  190. Add Universal Reposity - Synaptic
  191. manually applying updates
  192. Need connected to be able to install from ubuntu repository?
  193. [Perl-base] update problems
  194. MP3 problem & links
  195. can't tell if upgrade is working
  196. closely related packages in different packages?
  197. apt-get interrupted
  198. how to get rid of xdm?
  199. Unabe to find package libesd-alsa0
  200. Store packages on a CD
  201. Apt-Get update / Synaptic
  202. warty -> hoary upgrade: reloading synaptic errors???
  203. Broken package overwriting file that also exists in another package
  204. modconf
  205. please help newb!!
  206. What repository to add to get new stuff
  207. Could not install SML using apt-get
  208. Accidental upgrade...any way to undo? Help!
  209. repository rss feed
  210. Where is hoary/postgres on amd64
  211. X-Chat systray plugin?
  212. need libglib2.4.8-1-dev
  213. libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby
  214. Mplayer and repositories
  215. apt messages
  216. makeinfo?
  217. why make it difficult for designated target ?
  218. not getting loki UI for game install
  219. Adding a directory to the sources lists
  220. knowit - tuxcards
  221. Can I find and install older packages with Synaptic? (Xfce4)
  222. xfce4 doesn't download
  223. Auto-install dependencies?
  224. Backport issues
  225. deb command
  226. OpenOffice crashes reproducible
  227. Flash for Ubuntu (PPC?)
  228. New ubutu mirror
  229. Apt Repository error?
  230. Trying to find old debian package
  231. libavcodec2: broken packages
  232. Problem With Synaptic Package Manager
  233. repositories for acroread and realplayer..
  234. Installing WINE without an Internet Connection
  235. Minicom file capture in cron job
  236. Kernel ?
  237. ok, I give, how do you get new software?
  238. Libcurl2 upgrade !!!
  239. Synoptic crashes
  240. Too many programs....
  241. apt-get - list of software?
  242. hoary repositories????
  243. OpenSSL libcrypto?
  244. [SOLVED] update problems
  245. Wine, WineTools with Synaptic?
  246. Repository woes
  247. nvidia package (new)
  248. apt-get install is not working...
  249. update problems with language packs
  250. dcgui-qt is broken!