- apt-get not installing packages fully
- pubkey?
- which sources do I add? cannot install packages
- Package doesn't contain module source
- libmotif3 for Breezy
- no video on .avi and .mov files
- What app to handle nero image file???
- Can Not Download All Repository Indexes.
- apache with mysql and php testbed
- Math software
- Knowing what to upgrade or not
- Error when starting Synaptic
- Am I using BIEW wrong??? (C disassembler)
- Hercules Mainframe Emulator
- LinCVS installation problem
- kernel update how to ??
- how to replace local mirror to sources.list
- new to ubuntu :: gcc not installed
- dpkg/apt dead after lilypond-data install
- ddrescue
- apt-get -f install wants to remove almost everything
- Need help building an apt repository server
- apt-get after updating to breezy
- apt-get update error - Behind ISA server
- try runnig apt-get update?...I did!
- aegis-virus-scanner & Clam antivirus
- I'm a newbie to Ubuntu, please help!
- How do I get gcc
- Help: I Think I have Broken Something
- How do I install Skype?
- emacs install
- Errors when starting Synaptic
- mysql development package?
- mozilla - broken dependencies
- synaptic
- Synaptic through a proxy
- Error message that i hate
- looking for libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2
- Australian daylight saving has changed, need update
- help please: unable to install motif
- Can't use apt-get: 'The Package .. needs to be reinstalled..'
- Have I Broken Apt-Get?
- problems with repositrys
- Which repo do I come from ?
- Grayed out programs in "Add Applications"
- php5-cli... suppose to come with zip support?
- i've had errors in synaptic for a while. can you show me a sources.list i can use?
- Cannot install xorg-driver-fglrx
- Universe/Multiverse? what are these? Me newbie :(
- clamav upgrade link error?
- security.ubuntu.com mirrors?
- In package list, what does [security] mean
- need help installing opera
- Error loading new program with Synaptic
- Cannot reach repos. Are they down?
- Create DVD with with all repos?
- gimp help files?
- When adding new Repositories ubuntu will not update.
- Having problem with repositores...
- Determining mirror locations
- gzip error w/ apt-get update
- Repository signature error
- Problem with "Pool" repository
- Kubuntu repository help.
- Slow downloads
- ftp instead of http in sources.list
- gcc-4.0 in broken packages list
- Repositary on CD.
- Can't install/upgrade any packages - memtest86+ error
- Having problems with proxy
- Security Repo's are down
- apt-get command
- Linux 686 image version in repository wrong
- I'm so confused
- Hosting my own repository
- Installing Gaim 2.0 beta with Synaptic?
- erratic repos behaviour
- Help with Dell Inspiron 1100 Screen Resolution
- Slow repositories
- Can't add an outside repository
- apt-proxy 503 service unavailable problem
- GCC-3.4 hates me.
- mplayer
- Bad libarts1c2_1.4.3-0ubuntu1_i386.deb
- ocaml in repos
- get a source package, tweak options?
- Loads of apt-get errors ... :(
- repository for installing dnsmasq and ipmasq?
- gtkmorph installation
- Errors out the wazooo after changing repository
- What if use Debian repos?
- Banshee Crashes
- Reading database takes forever
- Security Signature
- message error when updating, french
- apt-get problem whebn accessing repositories/cd
- Can't apt-get install transcode
- Package Authentication
- libcal? for use with MultiSync/Evolution
- dapper repositories apt.sources list anyone?
- Weird problem
- Downgrading and pinning?
- i lost dosbox from repository
- resp inst w/o internet
- resp inst w/o internet
- Adding packages - mass confusion
- corrupted sources.list...help
- deb commands?
- phpmyadmin won't uninstall.
- problem apt-getting libxext
- Apt-get online problem Dapper Drake
- Problem rsyncing kubuntu repositories
- local repository with auotmated update from remote user
- Multi-problems one at a time (stat)
- Has a repository been eliminated?
- Why package openoffice.org localization isn't in ubuntu ?
- how to make apt-get update in offline?
- repositories offline?
- my source list
- Please help, I can use repositories
- Cannot download repositories from ubuntu server?
- Ran apt-get dist-upgrade ... how do I go back
- update error, pls help.
- sane outdated
- Mixing downloaded and home-made binary packages
- Games repository
- Downloading without apt-get?
- sources.list error....
- installing packages without the cdrom when prompted for it?
- Original sources.list
- Network Repository
- Updated packages for amd64?
- need Help on the repositories
- Certain apps won't replace config files?
- apt-get update not working
- Errors when doing apt-get update
- ruby & rails - even more broken!
- Using aget in apt-get
- I can not use sudo apt-get update
- libvarconf-1.0c2_0.6.2-2ubuntu3_i386.deb error
- My apt-get is really messed up. :(
- Apt-get with no CD
- libwxgtk
- error updating libc6 - breazy
- Repo 404 error
- Breezy repo for libdps.so.1
- Using Squid or Apache as an apt repo cache?
- Repository question????
- I need help!! again.
- apt-get command question
- Synaptic: Can't update Mozilla
- wget? (apt-get) and dlink
- add extra repositories - broke?
- xmms-shn
- synaptic trouble with 302s via proxy
- VCD Imager problem
- After mysql install getting this:(((
- Installing Wah!Cade?
- Download fglrx?
- Can I use sourceforge.net as a repository?
- synaptic and apt-get problems with install
- can not remove package, synaptic not working
- synaptic repository vs tomcat5 and java-packages
- I need Encrypted internet connection
- install programs on another partition
- Msttcorefonts
- Dapper Drake and Update-Manager Help
- firefox 1.0.8 conflicts with audacity, gpm and numlockx
- Software update panic
- repos/server location
- A really dumb question about the repos
- Ligglib2.0-0
- Please add mplayer to DAPPER repos
- broken package problem
- is debian unstable repo good for ubuntu?
- apt-cdrom -d /cdrom add
- sharing printer form windows
- Repo connection refused
- public keys for repositories
- GTK libraries in repository
- installing only the base system
- sudo apt-get... ->not working at all
- audio and dvd codes, what happened
- Why can't i update anymore my Kubuntu Dapper?
- problems with apt installing libc6-dev
- Local repository?
- gdm update today
- Can someone tell me if this is an unofficial repo
- Broken Package? (libggi2)
- md5sum: MD5 check failed for 'md5sums.gz
- installing a software.
- REQUEST: gimp 2.2.11
- REQUEST: libfreetype 2.2.10
- aptitude vs. apt-get
- cannot connect to repositories
- xmms2 and repository?
- DVD source images?
- Where to put deb files for synaptic to use
- Are updates for Ubuntu hardware dependent
- Recent version of thunar in repository?
- I can't install freeglut3-dev
- broke repository, please help.
- Are the Dapper Universe Multiverse repositories down?
- Dependency Error - mplayer
- Struggling with a local repository
- Breezy-updates mailinglist/changelog?
- Dependancy tracker
- 2 pkgs claim ea. other as dependencies?!?
- Breezy source list in Dapper?
- Update problems
- CANT UPDATE theli, koti, archives
- Breezy Multiverse not working for me!
- Directvnc Framebuffer errors
- Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/multiverse
- What is the difference between multiverse and universe?
- Problem with dpkg-scanpackages (making custom repo)
- php5-gmp support
- I cant find vgetty in my packages...
- E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' which is't solving the problem.
- Repositorys for breezy acting strange ??
- apt-cacher woes
- can't apt-get or install dpkg packag dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `root' in stat
- Repositories give error code; ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
- oooooopps!
- Dapper PLF is here!
- Reps down?
- How do you install packages without direct access to the internet?
- Trying to create new repository.
- Trouble with Adept / apt-get in Dapper
- How to get/install new python packages?
- [SOLVED] "unresolved dependencies"
- FREE i-Pyme program. Develop your own on-line shops in Internet
- Flashplugin-nonfree installation stalls
- xlibs
- IGN on freecontrib.org and cyberfunk.org
- Best repos for AMD64?
- Dapper Mythweb package dependency problem
- emacs21 fails (emacsen-common error)
- Multimedia without internet
- Is multiverse down?
- Dapper Drake - Download and install packages and their dependencies under windows
- Stand Alone Package Install
- libstd compatibility library listdc++5
- Dapper's Conky is Busted ( slightly )
- Can't install packages for kernel recompiling
- Uninstall hplip to patch it...
- clear all items in the update manager
- repositories in kubuntu Vs ubuntu
- cant get in touch with http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-updates/Release.
- [SOLVED] Synaptic Console Error Message