View Full Version : Repositories & Backports

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  1. apt-get not installing packages fully
  2. pubkey?
  3. which sources do I add? cannot install packages
  4. Package doesn't contain module source
  5. libmotif3 for Breezy
  6. no video on .avi and .mov files
  7. What app to handle nero image file???
  8. Can Not Download All Repository Indexes.
  9. apache with mysql and php testbed
  10. Math software
  11. Knowing what to upgrade or not
  12. Error when starting Synaptic
  13. Am I using BIEW wrong??? (C disassembler)
  14. Hercules Mainframe Emulator
  15. LinCVS installation problem
  16. kernel update how to ??
  17. how to replace local mirror to sources.list
  18. new to ubuntu :: gcc not installed
  19. dpkg/apt dead after lilypond-data install
  20. ddrescue
  21. apt-get -f install wants to remove almost everything
  22. Need help building an apt repository server
  23. apt-get after updating to breezy
  24. apt-get update error - Behind ISA server
  25. try runnig apt-get update?...I did!
  26. aegis-virus-scanner & Clam antivirus
  27. I'm a newbie to Ubuntu, please help!
  28. How do I get gcc
  29. Help: I Think I have Broken Something
  30. How do I install Skype?
  31. emacs install
  32. Errors when starting Synaptic
  33. mysql development package?
  34. mozilla - broken dependencies
  35. synaptic
  36. Synaptic through a proxy
  37. Error message that i hate
  38. looking for libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2
  39. Australian daylight saving has changed, need update
  40. help please: unable to install motif
  41. Can't use apt-get: 'The Package .. needs to be reinstalled..'
  42. Have I Broken Apt-Get?
  43. problems with repositrys
  44. Which repo do I come from ?
  45. Grayed out programs in "Add Applications"
  46. php5-cli... suppose to come with zip support?
  47. i've had errors in synaptic for a while. can you show me a sources.list i can use?
  48. Cannot install xorg-driver-fglrx
  49. Universe/Multiverse? what are these? Me newbie :(
  50. clamav upgrade link error?
  51. security.ubuntu.com mirrors?
  52. In package list, what does [security] mean
  53. need help installing opera
  54. Error loading new program with Synaptic
  55. Cannot reach repos. Are they down?
  56. Create DVD with with all repos?
  57. gimp help files?
  58. When adding new Repositories ubuntu will not update.
  59. Having problem with repositores...
  60. Determining mirror locations
  61. gzip error w/ apt-get update
  62. Repository signature error
  63. Problem with "Pool" repository
  64. Kubuntu repository help.
  65. Slow downloads
  66. ftp instead of http in sources.list
  67. gcc-4.0 in broken packages list
  68. Repositary on CD.
  69. Can't install/upgrade any packages - memtest86+ error
  70. Having problems with proxy
  71. Security Repo's are down
  72. apt-get command
  73. Linux 686 image version in repository wrong
  74. I'm so confused
  75. Hosting my own repository
  76. Installing Gaim 2.0 beta with Synaptic?
  77. erratic repos behaviour
  78. Help with Dell Inspiron 1100 Screen Resolution
  79. Slow repositories
  80. Can't add an outside repository
  81. apt-proxy 503 service unavailable problem
  82. GCC-3.4 hates me.
  83. mplayer
  84. Bad libarts1c2_1.4.3-0ubuntu1_i386.deb
  85. ocaml in repos
  86. get a source package, tweak options?
  87. Loads of apt-get errors ... :(
  88. repository for installing dnsmasq and ipmasq?
  89. gtkmorph installation
  90. Errors out the wazooo after changing repository
  91. What if use Debian repos?
  92. Banshee Crashes
  93. Reading database takes forever
  94. Security Signature
  95. message error when updating, french
  96. apt-get problem whebn accessing repositories/cd
  97. Can't apt-get install transcode
  98. Package Authentication
  99. libcal? for use with MultiSync/Evolution
  100. dapper repositories apt.sources list anyone?
  101. Weird problem
  102. Downgrading and pinning?
  103. i lost dosbox from repository
  104. resp inst w/o internet
  105. resp inst w/o internet
  106. Adding packages - mass confusion
  107. corrupted sources.list...help
  108. deb commands?
  109. phpmyadmin won't uninstall.
  110. problem apt-getting libxext
  111. Apt-get online problem Dapper Drake
  112. Problem rsyncing kubuntu repositories
  113. local repository with auotmated update from remote user
  114. Multi-problems one at a time (stat)
  115. Has a repository been eliminated?
  116. Why package openoffice.org localization isn't in ubuntu ?
  117. how to make apt-get update in offline?
  118. repositories offline?
  119. my source list
  120. Please help, I can use repositories
  121. Cannot download repositories from ubuntu server?
  122. Ran apt-get dist-upgrade ... how do I go back
  123. update error, pls help.
  124. sane outdated
  125. Mixing downloaded and home-made binary packages
  126. Games repository
  127. Downloading without apt-get?
  128. sources.list error....
  129. installing packages without the cdrom when prompted for it?
  130. Original sources.list
  131. Network Repository
  132. Updated packages for amd64?
  133. need Help on the repositories
  134. Certain apps won't replace config files?
  135. apt-get update not working
  136. Errors when doing apt-get update
  137. ruby & rails - even more broken!
  138. Using aget in apt-get
  139. I can not use sudo apt-get update
  140. libvarconf-1.0c2_0.6.2-2ubuntu3_i386.deb error
  141. My apt-get is really messed up. :(
  142. Apt-get with no CD
  143. libwxgtk
  144. error updating libc6 - breazy
  145. Repo 404 error
  146. Breezy repo for libdps.so.1
  147. Using Squid or Apache as an apt repo cache?
  148. Repository question????
  149. I need help!! again.
  150. apt-get command question
  151. Synaptic: Can't update Mozilla
  152. wget? (apt-get) and dlink
  153. add extra repositories - broke?
  154. xmms-shn
  155. synaptic trouble with 302s via proxy
  156. VCD Imager problem
  157. After mysql install getting this:(((
  158. Installing Wah!Cade?
  159. Download fglrx?
  160. Can I use sourceforge.net as a repository?
  161. synaptic and apt-get problems with install
  162. can not remove package, synaptic not working
  163. synaptic repository vs tomcat5 and java-packages
  164. I need Encrypted internet connection
  165. install programs on another partition
  166. Msttcorefonts
  167. Dapper Drake and Update-Manager Help
  168. firefox 1.0.8 conflicts with audacity, gpm and numlockx
  169. Software update panic
  170. repos/server location
  171. A really dumb question about the repos
  172. Ligglib2.0-0
  173. Please add mplayer to DAPPER repos
  174. broken package problem
  175. is debian unstable repo good for ubuntu?
  176. apt-cdrom -d /cdrom add
  177. sharing printer form windows
  178. Repo connection refused
  179. public keys for repositories
  180. GTK libraries in repository
  181. installing only the base system
  182. sudo apt-get... ->not working at all
  183. audio and dvd codes, what happened
  184. Why can't i update anymore my Kubuntu Dapper?
  185. problems with apt installing libc6-dev
  186. Local repository?
  187. gdm update today
  188. Can someone tell me if this is an unofficial repo
  189. Broken Package? (libggi2)
  190. md5sum: MD5 check failed for 'md5sums.gz
  191. installing a software.
  192. REQUEST: gimp 2.2.11
  193. REQUEST: libfreetype 2.2.10
  194. aptitude vs. apt-get
  195. cannot connect to repositories
  196. xmms2 and repository?
  197. DVD source images?
  198. Where to put deb files for synaptic to use
  199. Are updates for Ubuntu hardware dependent
  200. Recent version of thunar in repository?
  201. I can't install freeglut3-dev
  202. broke repository, please help.
  203. Are the Dapper Universe Multiverse repositories down?
  204. Dependency Error - mplayer
  205. Struggling with a local repository
  206. Breezy-updates mailinglist/changelog?
  207. Dependancy tracker
  208. 2 pkgs claim ea. other as dependencies?!?
  209. Breezy source list in Dapper?
  210. Update problems
  211. CANT UPDATE theli, koti, archives
  212. Breezy Multiverse not working for me!
  213. Directvnc Framebuffer errors
  214. Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/multiverse
  215. What is the difference between multiverse and universe?
  216. Problem with dpkg-scanpackages (making custom repo)
  217. php5-gmp support
  218. I cant find vgetty in my packages...
  219. E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' which is't solving the problem.
  220. Repositorys for breezy acting strange ??
  221. apt-cacher woes
  222. can't apt-get or install dpkg packag dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `root' in stat
  223. Repositories give error code; ( - connect (111 Connection refused)
  224. oooooopps!
  225. Dapper PLF is here!
  226. Reps down?
  227. How do you install packages without direct access to the internet?
  228. Trying to create new repository.
  229. Trouble with Adept / apt-get in Dapper
  230. How to get/install new python packages?
  231. [SOLVED] "unresolved dependencies"
  232. FREE i-Pyme program. Develop your own on-line shops in Internet
  233. Flashplugin-nonfree installation stalls
  234. xlibs
  235. IGN on freecontrib.org and cyberfunk.org
  236. Best repos for AMD64?
  237. Dapper Mythweb package dependency problem
  238. emacs21 fails (emacsen-common error)
  239. Multimedia without internet
  240. Is multiverse down?
  241. Dapper Drake - Download and install packages and their dependencies under windows
  242. Stand Alone Package Install
  243. libstd compatibility library listdc++5
  244. Dapper's Conky is Busted ( slightly )
  245. Can't install packages for kernel recompiling
  246. Uninstall hplip to patch it...
  247. clear all items in the update manager
  248. repositories in kubuntu Vs ubuntu
  249. cant get in touch with http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-updates/Release.
  250. [SOLVED] Synaptic Console Error Message