View Full Version : Repositories & Backports

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  1. Perl 5.10. Think I can install it?
  2. Pin custom compiled package
  3. Creating Personal Repository
  4. Recommended Gutsy Source List ??
  5. Dapper apt-get broken
  6. Use locally compiled package instead of apt-get's
  7. How To: Create a local repository
  8. New Ubuntu Repository
  9. [GIT] Latest GIT packages for all ubuntu versions
  10. CVS update repositorie
  11. ant and xml libs
  12. what to do with package non-maintainers?
  13. [SOLVED] Where are some of my DEB files going in Ubuntu 64-bit???
  14. swf-player package bug? big prob?
  15. proxy problem with ports
  16. Mono Develop & Mono Addins
  17. [SOLVED] Error installing libgtk2.0-dev
  18. How do programmers collaborate code and get it to work as one?
  19. source installation and apt-get
  20. Java 6 JDK
  21. mplayer and mencoder in backports don't show subtitles correctly
  22. kernel issues
  23. Can synaptic ignore Unauthenticated packages?
  24. PSI 'SSL/TLS Plugin not found' on 8.04
  25. What licenses are allowed into repositories?
  26. 3 days and no updates for Hardy?
  27. vmware-server
  28. Tcl/Tk
  29. Java DB available?
  30. No Nonsense Development Enviroment
  31. Upgrading to Intrepid already???
  32. [SOLVED] Qt 4.4 In Repository?
  33. Coherence
  34. Tomcat5.5 won't install properly via apt-get
  35. Apache management under ubuntu
  36. Will we see Firefox 3.0 RC1 in Hardy?
  37. How to install previous versions from repository?
  38. How does apt-get work exactly?
  39. Unofficial personal Intrepid2Hardy backborts repository available
  40. Mplayer 1.0rc3 svn 20080530
  41. quick c question
  42. gnome-control-center no Visual Effects tab
  43. GNU C++ compiler - which packages?
  44. How do I install GCC on my system?!?!?
  45. Older versions of objc
  46. Ktorrent 2.26 or 2.27
  47. tomcat5.5 wont install on hardy
  48. repository for code::blocks
  49. Moving apt-mirror to new server
  50. Ubuntu Imagemagick
  51. git downgrades my kernel
  52. How to download deb files using windows ?
  53. [SOLVED] Why can't I install and use mkisofs, cdrecord instead of genisoimage and wod
  54. Package downloading & updating on two machines
  55. gthread-2.0 install
  56. Xlrunner packages for Firefox 3.0.1
  57. KoalaMUD removed from the repos?
  58. Netbeans 6.1
  59. Repository ISOs
  60. Qt4.4 configuration problems
  61. I want to submit my package
  62. eclipse offline installation for ubuntu
  63. Getting a list of downloaded packages
  64. Trying to backport kernel 2.6.26 to hardy, but...
  65. Falcon vs reprepro
  66. apt-move and custom packages
  67. Manully install packages in ubuntu server
  68. 500 Internal Server Error
  69. [Announcement] GNUmed needs to be tested to move into hardy-updates
  70. Installed phpbb2 off the repositories and cannot find the program to execute it...
  71. Aptitude BREAK(install) gnucash
  72. Trying hard to get a repository setup in Ubuntu
  73. Patches for cups
  74. gosa backport for ubuntu 8.04
  75. Where is Repository With Windows?
  76. python 2.6?
  77. need help reverting gutenprint 5.2.0.-rc1 to 5.1.0
  78. sunbird 0.9 64bit intrepid
  79. Installing stdc2.xx on Intrepid
  80. SDCC and GPSIM Installation
  81. Firefox security update, hope it gets in
  82. Cernlib
  83. NetworkManager 0.7 "Officially" Released?
  84. Brasero 0.8.3 package for Hardy?
  85. PPA problem
  86. apt-pinning not working? Where's the error? please someone help!
  87. Keep old Ubuntu distributions in local debmirror
  88. I just annihilated python on my computer, now what?
  89. New binary ATI Driver 8.12
  90. question about Terminal
  91. [SOLVED] Dev packages reqd for Cairo-dock
  92. Failure to install sun-java-jre
  93. Local repository on Local Harddisk on Windows
  94. package listed in apt but not Add/Remove Programs
  95. UMTSmon - where is it ?
  96. problem related with ubuntu repositories
  97. where is initrd-tools
  98. Repos and compiler versions
  99. A great site
  100. Deluge 1.1.3 and so on
  101. Updating Monodevelop
  102. Gnormalize in A Repository
  103. gcc cannot find libstdc++
  104. [SOLVED] Looking for current GCC-AVR
  105. HandBrake in a Repository
  106. Which packages depend on/recommend this package?
  107. finding the uninstalled package providing a file
  108. How to Update Safely
  109. 8.04 backports flash10
  110. bleadperl PPA?
  111. Battle for Wesnoth 1.6
  112. Mono 2.4
  113. Numeric precission differences between emulator z/os on Ubuntu and real z/os
  114. Windows Orbit >>> Ubuntu xxx => xxx=?
  115. Stacker?
  116. apt-get and synaptic package manager not working in Jaunty or intrepid
  117. PPA package building has gone slow?
  118. Broken dependencies for libcgal-dev on 8.10?
  119. I need a lot of files
  120. having both kde3 and kde4 devel packages
  121. g++-3.3 on jaunty
  122. apt-get: get download size and install size
  123. Can't install Vim in Jaunty
  124. intrepid empty qyoto/kimono packages?
  125. differences between installing tomcat by deb package or tgz
  126. Icedtea 7
  127. [apt-get experts] long delayed, partial downloads keep resetting
  128. Not able to follow instructions on DebuggingProgramCrash wiki
  129. Firefox 3.5 intrepid backport?
  130. Trouble compiling
  131. Why packages.ubuntu.com does not respond?
  132. How to remove/downgrade packages from disabled repos
  133. Huawei E169 problems after kernel update
  134. Transmission 1.70
  135. Where is hid-ids.h file?
  136. where can I find libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3?
  137. Local File Repository Problem
  138. upgrade python and perl question
  139. Minimal CD with local site repository
  140. installing mongrel
  141. Games
  142. Switch from karmic beta to release
  143. glibc 2.7 under Jaunty
  144. How to use kernel-ppa?
  145. eclipse CDT
  146. Options required to allow dist upgrades from a local mirror
  147. Wanted: Help with php news script.
  148. [SOLVED] Problems with installing libcairo2-dev
  149. Firefox fails because of missing LIBPK-GTK-MODULE.SO
  150. Centerim 4.22.9
  151. connectivity problem with mysql
  152. C - mysql query on mysql_res
  153. How do I install Danbooru on Ubuntu 9.10?
  154. How to install mysql 5.1 on ubuntu 8.04
  155. Updating to ubuntu 9.04 broke subversion
  156. Launchpad PPA NO_PUBKEY error
  157. Latest Version kdevelop from Repository Ubuntu 9.10
  158. Will Firefox be updated to 3.6 for Karmic?
  159. How to install expat and libjpeg in Ubuntu , please
  160. Software Center Source Code
  161. Simple SVN Repository Question...
  162. OpenOffice.org 3.2 / Ubuntu Hardy / Scribblers PPA
  163. why does lsb-core depend on postfix?
  164. libwww-perl with ssl
  165. Please don't drop Package Download Script!!
  166. extra repos
  167. RMagick installation Issue
  168. Can't add repository to apt-get to install firefox 3.6
  169. svn co ..
  170. Kernel compiled & --print-installation-architecture
  171. libmpc 0.8 on Karmic Koala?
  172. Repositories for GIMP help and Kompozer need attention
  173. Git fatal error: Remote end hung up
  174. Updates break dev dependencies! Workaraound?
  175. isntall kdevelop
  176. Package game "Virus Kiler" -- an inside joke or, what the...
  177. Update Issue?
  178. Thunderbird 3.0, Seamonkey 2.0
  179. - add - mainline kernels to ubuntu repositories
  180. [SOLVED] Need kernel patch... [I2C]
  181. A little gui apt-get tool
  182. [SOLVED] Python 2.5 on Lucid
  183. alsa 1.0.23 backport for ubuntu 10.04
  184. initramfs-tools stuck in loop
  185. Building gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor
  186. GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release
  187. Python-Visual on Ubuntu10.04 LTS
  188. Update Eclipse 3.5 to 3.6
  189. Project help required repository (ppa) packager
  190. calculate usage from file
  191. How do I obtain build dependencies that are not in repositories?
  192. Java in Maverick Meerkat
  193. Please backport the Evolution version that has the SHA1 bug fixed
  194. Inconsistent repository information
  195. [SOLVED] Adding non Launchpad repositories to the Software Centre
  196. How to create a ubuntu mirror repository?
  197. APT magic, is it possible to use apt and unionfs overlays?
  198. Pgf77
  199. [Tool for tester] Repostory
  200. gtk+ gtk_label_set_text and variable
  201. Eclipse CVS + Main not found
  202. Where are the antlr3 C headers?
  203. PPA repository issues
  204. Firefox update to 3.6.12 not working
  205. PHP connecting to MYSQL and MSSQL at the same time
  206. Cannot install webgui
  207. Can't Install python-qt4
  208. phpmyadmin Ubuntu problem
  209. oropo repositories
  210. List of packages in base installation.
  211. Cannot install package lesstif2-dev in Ubuntu 10.10 (Not connected to internet)
  212. No rule to make target `/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.3/include/stddef.h
  213. running a maverick kernel on lucid
  214. Error importing Tkinter with Python ( _tkinter )
  215. Need to mirror install and update repositories
  216. Lamp on ubuntu 10.10
  217. gnome panel applet repository
  218. [SOLVED] updates in ubuntu
  219. Documenting a PPA with the Steps Taken to Build It
  220. How to get added to the repository?
  221. Repository for Zend Framework 1.11.6 for Ubuntu 10.04
  222. Upgrading a debian package
  223. Eclipse cdt
  224. fail to set default repository in tortoisehg
  225. Mercurial Server Ubuntu 10.04 Issue
  226. server: does apt-get now have an install log like software center?
  227. offline update of the synaptic
  228. Java plugin for browsers installation
  229. hijacked pc problem
  230. python-h5py 2.0 with natty
  231. HPLIP GUI not yet working in 10.10
  232. Kernel Packages
  233. Canonical OpenJDK Future Support
  234. "Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root"
  235. No Commit option with RabbitVcs
  236. Problems with Installation of Netbeans to Ubuntu 11.10.
  237. Request help installing Java EE 6 tutorial required software
  238. Using Matlab
  239. Redirecting APT to New Repository
  240. glibc reprosotory
  241. Ubuntu 11.10 64bit mplayer/mencoder compability problem
  242. Installing PHP 5.2 on Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric
  243. [SOLVED] Bad Command: git-receive-pack
  244. Where can I get started with Arduino Uno?
  245. gcc 4.7
  246. Launchpad fails to build a package for my PPA
  247. XInput2 extension not found
  248. [SOLVED] No gdk-2.0 and gthread-2.0 in repos
  249. python-pandas
  250. Creating apt-get repositories?