- Perl 5.10. Think I can install it?
- Pin custom compiled package
- Creating Personal Repository
- Recommended Gutsy Source List ??
- Dapper apt-get broken
- Use locally compiled package instead of apt-get's
- How To: Create a local repository
- New Ubuntu Repository
- [GIT] Latest GIT packages for all ubuntu versions
- CVS update repositorie
- ant and xml libs
- what to do with package non-maintainers?
- [SOLVED] Where are some of my DEB files going in Ubuntu 64-bit???
- swf-player package bug? big prob?
- proxy problem with ports
- Mono Develop & Mono Addins
- [SOLVED] Error installing libgtk2.0-dev
- How do programmers collaborate code and get it to work as one?
- source installation and apt-get
- Java 6 JDK
- mplayer and mencoder in backports don't show subtitles correctly
- kernel issues
- Can synaptic ignore Unauthenticated packages?
- PSI 'SSL/TLS Plugin not found' on 8.04
- What licenses are allowed into repositories?
- 3 days and no updates for Hardy?
- vmware-server
- Tcl/Tk
- Java DB available?
- No Nonsense Development Enviroment
- Upgrading to Intrepid already???
- [SOLVED] Qt 4.4 In Repository?
- Coherence
- Tomcat5.5 won't install properly via apt-get
- Apache management under ubuntu
- Will we see Firefox 3.0 RC1 in Hardy?
- How to install previous versions from repository?
- How does apt-get work exactly?
- Unofficial personal Intrepid2Hardy backborts repository available
- Mplayer 1.0rc3 svn 20080530
- quick c question
- gnome-control-center no Visual Effects tab
- GNU C++ compiler - which packages?
- How do I install GCC on my system?!?!?
- Older versions of objc
- Ktorrent 2.26 or 2.27
- tomcat5.5 wont install on hardy
- repository for code::blocks
- Moving apt-mirror to new server
- Ubuntu Imagemagick
- git downgrades my kernel
- How to download deb files using windows ?
- [SOLVED] Why can't I install and use mkisofs, cdrecord instead of genisoimage and wod
- Package downloading & updating on two machines
- gthread-2.0 install
- Xlrunner packages for Firefox 3.0.1
- KoalaMUD removed from the repos?
- Netbeans 6.1
- Repository ISOs
- Qt4.4 configuration problems
- I want to submit my package
- eclipse offline installation for ubuntu
- Getting a list of downloaded packages
- Trying to backport kernel 2.6.26 to hardy, but...
- Falcon vs reprepro
- apt-move and custom packages
- Manully install packages in ubuntu server
- 500 Internal Server Error
- [Announcement] GNUmed needs to be tested to move into hardy-updates
- Installed phpbb2 off the repositories and cannot find the program to execute it...
- Aptitude BREAK(install) gnucash
- Trying hard to get a repository setup in Ubuntu
- Patches for cups
- gosa backport for ubuntu 8.04
- Where is Repository With Windows?
- python 2.6?
- need help reverting gutenprint 5.2.0.-rc1 to 5.1.0
- sunbird 0.9 64bit intrepid
- Installing stdc2.xx on Intrepid
- SDCC and GPSIM Installation
- Firefox security update, hope it gets in
- Cernlib
- NetworkManager 0.7 "Officially" Released?
- Brasero 0.8.3 package for Hardy?
- PPA problem
- apt-pinning not working? Where's the error? please someone help!
- Keep old Ubuntu distributions in local debmirror
- I just annihilated python on my computer, now what?
- New binary ATI Driver 8.12
- question about Terminal
- [SOLVED] Dev packages reqd for Cairo-dock
- Failure to install sun-java-jre
- Local repository on Local Harddisk on Windows
- package listed in apt but not Add/Remove Programs
- UMTSmon - where is it ?
- problem related with ubuntu repositories
- where is initrd-tools
- Repos and compiler versions
- A great site
- Deluge 1.1.3 and so on
- Updating Monodevelop
- Gnormalize in A Repository
- gcc cannot find libstdc++
- [SOLVED] Looking for current GCC-AVR
- HandBrake in a Repository
- Which packages depend on/recommend this package?
- finding the uninstalled package providing a file
- How to Update Safely
- 8.04 backports flash10
- bleadperl PPA?
- Battle for Wesnoth 1.6
- Mono 2.4
- Numeric precission differences between emulator z/os on Ubuntu and real z/os
- Windows Orbit >>> Ubuntu xxx => xxx=?
- Stacker?
- apt-get and synaptic package manager not working in Jaunty or intrepid
- PPA package building has gone slow?
- Broken dependencies for libcgal-dev on 8.10?
- I need a lot of files
- having both kde3 and kde4 devel packages
- g++-3.3 on jaunty
- apt-get: get download size and install size
- Can't install Vim in Jaunty
- intrepid empty qyoto/kimono packages?
- differences between installing tomcat by deb package or tgz
- Icedtea 7
- [apt-get experts] long delayed, partial downloads keep resetting
- Not able to follow instructions on DebuggingProgramCrash wiki
- Firefox 3.5 intrepid backport?
- Trouble compiling
- Why packages.ubuntu.com does not respond?
- How to remove/downgrade packages from disabled repos
- Huawei E169 problems after kernel update
- Transmission 1.70
- Where is hid-ids.h file?
- where can I find libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3?
- Local File Repository Problem
- upgrade python and perl question
- Minimal CD with local site repository
- installing mongrel
- Games
- Switch from karmic beta to release
- glibc 2.7 under Jaunty
- How to use kernel-ppa?
- eclipse CDT
- Options required to allow dist upgrades from a local mirror
- Wanted: Help with php news script.
- [SOLVED] Problems with installing libcairo2-dev
- Firefox fails because of missing LIBPK-GTK-MODULE.SO
- Centerim 4.22.9
- connectivity problem with mysql
- C - mysql query on mysql_res
- How do I install Danbooru on Ubuntu 9.10?
- How to install mysql 5.1 on ubuntu 8.04
- Updating to ubuntu 9.04 broke subversion
- Launchpad PPA NO_PUBKEY error
- Latest Version kdevelop from Repository Ubuntu 9.10
- Will Firefox be updated to 3.6 for Karmic?
- How to install expat and libjpeg in Ubuntu , please
- Software Center Source Code
- Simple SVN Repository Question...
- OpenOffice.org 3.2 / Ubuntu Hardy / Scribblers PPA
- why does lsb-core depend on postfix?
- libwww-perl with ssl
- Please don't drop Package Download Script!!
- extra repos
- RMagick installation Issue
- Can't add repository to apt-get to install firefox 3.6
- svn co ..
- Kernel compiled & --print-installation-architecture
- libmpc 0.8 on Karmic Koala?
- Repositories for GIMP help and Kompozer need attention
- Git fatal error: Remote end hung up
- Updates break dev dependencies! Workaraound?
- isntall kdevelop
- Package game "Virus Kiler" -- an inside joke or, what the...
- Update Issue?
- Thunderbird 3.0, Seamonkey 2.0
- - add - mainline kernels to ubuntu repositories
- [SOLVED] Need kernel patch... [I2C]
- A little gui apt-get tool
- [SOLVED] Python 2.5 on Lucid
- alsa 1.0.23 backport for ubuntu 10.04
- initramfs-tools stuck in loop
- Building gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor
- GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release
- Python-Visual on Ubuntu10.04 LTS
- Update Eclipse 3.5 to 3.6
- Project help required repository (ppa) packager
- calculate usage from file
- How do I obtain build dependencies that are not in repositories?
- Java in Maverick Meerkat
- Please backport the Evolution version that has the SHA1 bug fixed
- Inconsistent repository information
- [SOLVED] Adding non Launchpad repositories to the Software Centre
- How to create a ubuntu mirror repository?
- APT magic, is it possible to use apt and unionfs overlays?
- Pgf77
- [Tool for tester] Repostory
- gtk+ gtk_label_set_text and variable
- Eclipse CVS + Main not found
- Where are the antlr3 C headers?
- PPA repository issues
- Firefox update to 3.6.12 not working
- PHP connecting to MYSQL and MSSQL at the same time
- Cannot install webgui
- Can't Install python-qt4
- phpmyadmin Ubuntu problem
- oropo repositories
- List of packages in base installation.
- Cannot install package lesstif2-dev in Ubuntu 10.10 (Not connected to internet)
- No rule to make target `/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.3/include/stddef.h
- running a maverick kernel on lucid
- Error importing Tkinter with Python ( _tkinter )
- Need to mirror install and update repositories
- Lamp on ubuntu 10.10
- gnome panel applet repository
- [SOLVED] updates in ubuntu
- Documenting a PPA with the Steps Taken to Build It
- How to get added to the repository?
- Repository for Zend Framework 1.11.6 for Ubuntu 10.04
- Upgrading a debian package
- Eclipse cdt
- fail to set default repository in tortoisehg
- Mercurial Server Ubuntu 10.04 Issue
- server: does apt-get now have an install log like software center?
- offline update of the synaptic
- Java plugin for browsers installation
- hijacked pc problem
- python-h5py 2.0 with natty
- HPLIP GUI not yet working in 10.10
- Kernel Packages
- Canonical OpenJDK Future Support
- "Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root"
- No Commit option with RabbitVcs
- Problems with Installation of Netbeans to Ubuntu 11.10.
- Request help installing Java EE 6 tutorial required software
- Using Matlab
- Redirecting APT to New Repository
- glibc reprosotory
- Ubuntu 11.10 64bit mplayer/mencoder compability problem
- Installing PHP 5.2 on Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric
- [SOLVED] Bad Command: git-receive-pack
- Where can I get started with Arduino Uno?
- gcc 4.7
- Launchpad fails to build a package for my PPA
- XInput2 extension not found
- [SOLVED] No gdk-2.0 and gthread-2.0 in repos
- python-pandas
- Creating apt-get repositories?