View Full Version : Ubuntu Cloud and Juju
- Signature Spam - I need help in devloping website
- [ubuntu] 8.04 image on a 10.04 UEC cloud intsallation.
- [ubuntu] Creating virtual colud
- [ubuntu] ? what is Ubuntu Cloud
- [ubuntu] UEC - Not getting the Store Image list
- [ubuntu] How to run an instance?
- [ubuntu] UEC broken with upgrade.
- [other] URLs for other repositories?
- [ubuntu] After reboot, cannot attach volumes.
- [ubuntu] Create additional log in users with Amazon EC2
- [ubuntu] Instance goes from pending to shutting down to terminated??
- [ubuntu] Can't ssh into my instance.
- [other] UEC access to controller behind NAT
- [ubuntu] Ubuntu Images
- [ubuntu] Can't connect to the net!
- [ubuntu] Which Amazon image?
- [ubuntu] Ubuntu Private Cloud Vs. Condor?
- [ubuntu] UEC - Problem installing from USB Drive?
- [all variants] Ubuntu Private Cloud in Schools
- [ubuntu] Meta data not working
- [ubuntu] cannot study chess openings
- [ubuntu] UEC Hardware - Blade Servers
- [ubuntu] Is Ubuntu One secure?
- [ubuntu] No ssh keys installed in instances
- [ubuntu] Desktop on Cloud Trial Fails
- [ubuntu] ubuntu cloud networking troubles
- [ubuntu] UEC nodes can not access internet
- [ubuntu] No GUI on server or node
- [other] Connect Ubuntu One music store to US or UK store from another country.
- [ubuntu] Issue with adding KVM Images to UEC.
- [ubuntu] Can't attach volumes to my instance
- [ubuntu] Ubuntu 10.04 LTSP-Thin client network boot over Internet
- [ubuntu] Security and Data Loss Prevention
- [ubuntu] What is Cloud Controller Address
- [all variants] File synchronization between several different computers
- [ubuntu] cannot run instances (no availability zones)
- [ubuntu] Not able to run instance in UEC
- [ubuntu] How to access cloud
- [ubuntu] Help with creating custom compatible ECIs and AMIs
- [ubuntu] To Cloud or Not to Cloud
- [ubuntu] Must I configure the iptables for the CC in UEC?
- [ubuntu] Unable to get Elastic ip
- [ubuntu] Nx Client
- [other] Installed, now what?
- [other] Cloud virtualMachines.
- [ubuntu] UEC CD install: login on node? default user/password?
- [ubuntu] Cloud - Newbie Questions
- [other] What is a "cloud"?
- [ubuntu] 64bit 10.10 AMI and RabbitMQ
- [ubuntu] can a private cloud do this?
- [ubuntu] UEC storage questions
- [ubuntu] Enterprise Cloud Image Install Error
- [ubuntu] Amazon S3 host of wordpress site
- [ubuntu] UEC Node question
- [ubuntu] Using UEC image on Virtualbox
- [ubuntu] I needs a lotta help please q.q
- [ubuntu] Im thinking of building a cloud - I have some questions
- [all variants] web based virtual machine manager
- [ubuntu] noob: 3 server home uec setup
- [other] my cloud setup whats wrong
- [ubuntu] [Advice] What's the best set-up, given the kit I have?
- [ubuntu] Small Non-Profit UEC Architecture - Sanity Check
- Convert Current Server to UEC Image
- [ubuntu] Cores vs CPU presentation
- [ubuntu] Cannot manage Cloud from Client Computer
- [ubuntu] From which machine i should making/bundling an image?
- [ubuntu] UEC upgrade 1.6.2-2.0.0, problems with HSQLDB
- [ubuntu] Interaction between two Clouds
- [ubuntu] Network Configuration on UEC
- [other] OpenNebula on Ubuntu
- [ubuntu] What cloud training topics you want to see
- [SOLVED] UEC guests have no connectivity to outside of cloud
- [SOLVED] UEC NC initial network setup
- [other] Problems in administering instances
- [ubuntu] Can't register NCs + few questions
- [ubuntu] Permission denied (publickey)
- [ubuntu] passwordless eucalyptus
- [ubuntu] Instance remains "pending" after launch until it terminates
- [ubuntu] Amazon EC2 SSH terminal console hangs
- [ubuntu] VM over all nodes
- [ubuntu] HowTo: Setup OpenVPN on Amazon EC2 service
- [ubuntu] micro instance AMI below 10GB
- [ubuntu] Transfer from vmware to Cloud
- [ubuntu] Complete reset
- [ubuntu] "A newer build of the Ubuntu lucid server image is available. " How to update ?
- [other] Apache James Gateway
- [ubuntu] modify eucalyptus.local.conf
- [ubuntu] Not picking up public ips
- [ubuntu] second nic interface between node controllers
- [ubuntu] windows instance on UEC 10.04 bugs
- [ubuntu] dns requirement
- [ubuntu] private cloud
- [all variants] Media Cloud on Intranet
- [ubuntu] Errors on UEC startup
- [ubuntu] Setting up Ubuntu Cloud on a single machine
- [ubuntu] UEC Private Network off of eth1
- [ubuntu] Custom image not booting properly
- [ubuntu] Instances go from pending to terminatd
- [other] Error: User not approved yet
- [ubuntu] euca-run-instances is terminating
- [ubuntu] LandScape And Ubuntu
- [ubuntu] ec2-ap-tools package
- [ubuntu] Unable to ssh to a maverick server on EC2
- [ubuntu] UEC Setup Problems
- [ubuntu] UEC Setup Problems
- [SOLVED] Change hostname and add other users on Ec2
- [ubuntu] Setting up UEC 10.10 for S3 Bucket testing
- [ubuntu] Cloud on ubuntu Desktop
- [other] Strange SSH behavior
- Stuck process named "processess" on ubuntu 10.04
- [ubuntu] why my instances sometime could run well but sometiem it couldnt
- [ubuntu] Eucalyptus user on NC
- [ubuntu] diference uec virt-manager landscape
- [ubuntu] when I "get credentials", I obtain a cuple of warnings
- [ubuntu] not able to attach a volume
- [ubuntu] UEC, Lamp Server in Cloud
- [ubuntu] /usr/share/eucalyptus/gen_kvm_libvirt_xml
- [ubuntu] Cloud Computing Problem
- [ubuntu] virtio_net performance
- [ubuntu] ssh problem in Amazon cloud
- [ubuntu] ubuntuone-syncdaemon runs at 100% CPU
- [ubuntu] Network speeds to UEC Walrus/S3 Buckets
- [ubuntu] Expanding SC Storage
- [ubuntu] all images are gone in Admin Panel > Image Tab after image disable
- [ubuntu] networking mode selection doubt
- [ubuntu] Setup complete cloud [CLC+CC+NC] on a single machine
- [SOLVED] My volumes disappeared!
- [ubuntu] Access UEC Instances
- [SOLVED] Instance resource problem.
- [ubuntu] install packages inside the cloud instances
- [ubuntu] sshd buffer overflow detected crash from certain ip addresses
- [ubuntu] cloud on Virtual Box
- [other] Hybrid cloud
- [other] Relationship between images and block devices
- [ubuntu] How to do a 2 node HA config for virtual servers
- [ubuntu] Could not find data source
- [other] Apache removed from cloud instance won't reinstall
- [ubuntu] Problem with running of instances + other issues
- [all variants] VNET_MODE="SYSTEM", instances hang on DataSource
- [ubuntu] Uec setup
- how to set up UEC -facing problems
- [ubuntu] Setting up a Private cloud via. UEC
- [ubuntu] No SSH-Connection
- [ubuntu] Create key pair
- [ubuntu] Instance running but empty console.log
- [ubuntu] connection Time out problem
- [ubuntu] servlet on cloud
- [ubuntu] help...!! cloud.
- [ubuntu] STORE NOT WORKING error 35: gnutls_handshake()
- [ubuntu] Cloud computing :problem in running instances of machine images
- [ubuntu] My Dream Project.. Services hosting software
- [other] User Accounts
- [ubuntu] cannot access ec2 url https://192.168.x.x:8773/services/Eucalyptus
- [ubuntu] ERROR showing in WebUI on Installatin store image
- [ubuntu] Euca-run-instances terminating
- [ubuntu] ConVirt Enterprise Beta with Amazon EC2/UEC support released
- [SOLVED] UEC, the basics...
- [ubuntu] NTP server
- [ubuntu] UEC instances pending - never change
- [ubuntu] ubuntu EC problem
- [ubuntu] How to enable GUI in Ubuntu Cloud enterprice
- [other] How can I use Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud in my private infrastructure?
- [all variants] Announcing, Ubuntu Cloud Days
- [ubuntu] Ubuntu Eucalyptus Cloud
- [ubuntu] UEC in two machine
- [ubuntu] instance terminating soon.
- [ubuntu] Separate CLC and CC euca_conf --list-nodes
- [ubuntu] problem in creating volume in one availability zone from a snapshot in another
- [ubuntu] EC2 newbie questions
- [other] Cluster and VM Instance Availability
- [all variants] VM-Builder: 'unpacking' takes a lot of time...
- [ubuntu] Empty Store
- [ubuntu] hybrid fox-error
- [ubuntu] UEC euca-describe-availability-zones verbose command
- [ubuntu] Proxy failed to retrieve Eucalyptus credentials
- [ubuntu] User Registration Bug
- [ubuntu] About testing UEC
- [ubuntu] Proxy
- [ubuntu] Proxy
- [ubuntu] ubuntu enterprise cloud setup
- [ubuntu] General doubt about UEC
- [ubuntu] Empty /var/run/eucalyptus/net, dhcp not starting
- [ubuntu] Listing registered nodes from a remote machine
- [ubuntu] Crontab with shell script for creating tar issue
- [SOLVED] Ubuntu/Canonical Ltd. revenue
- [ubuntu] UEC, dhcp works;ubuntu server + uec packages, dhcp doesn't work
- [ubuntu] Heap Space Error
- [other] Ubuntu Enterprise cloud help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- [SOLVED] Schedule Ec2 snapshots
- [ubuntu] Instance always in pending state when resize image before publishing
- [ubuntu] hybridfox
- [ubuntu] VM instance
- [ubuntu] Can not connect internet from vm instances
- [ubuntu] Ubuntu server or enterprise cloud?
- [ubuntu] Failed to connect to EC2 desktop cloud instance of ubuntu-natty-daily-i386-desktop
- [ubuntu] UEC image management
- [ubuntu] ssh access problem
- [ubuntu] Install/modify apps in UEC images before bundling/upload
- [other] Converting form U Server to UEC - Storage questions
- [ubuntu] Can not see the volume in Window instance
- Amazon Instance non responsive after shutdown
- [ubuntu] ssh access to vm instance problem
- [ubuntu] vm types
- [other] My experience
- [ubuntu] Not enough resources available
- [ubuntu] vm instance cannot not be connected to internet
- [ubuntu] Permission denied
- [ubuntu] Need working Managed-novlan mode settings
- [ubuntu] Ping reply, but can not Remote Desktop Connect
- [ubuntu] GUI interface
- [ubuntu] Solution for Ubuntu Server to host Thin Clients running Windows Virtual Machines
- [ubuntu] SSH problems
- [all variants] Ubuntu Server AMI, by default EXT4 - How to convert to XFS for consistent backup?
- Quick Help on VMs
- [ubuntu] Doesn't have eth0 interface in VM, It can not connect to the Internet directly
- [ubuntu] Can not SSH to Instance download from Store
- [SOLVED] Frontend Controllers Not Registering
- [ubuntu] Ubuntu switches cloud software
- [ubuntu] SSH to VM from University OK, SSH to VM from home Reset by Peer
- [ubuntu] clc with single network interface
- [ubuntu] waiting ofr metadata service
- [ubuntu] Error authenticating with WinSCP SFTP
- [ubuntu] Intances desappear after nc reboot
- [ubuntu] Node Controller not working on UEC
- [lubuntu] How to VMs in Libvirt connect direct to Internet
- [ubuntu] CLC not running
- [lubuntu] Cloud Newbie Getting Started
- [ubuntu] Problem starting UEC
- [ubuntu] Is there a how to guide for building Oracle cluster
- [ubuntu] ubuntu server via amazon ec 2, problems visualizing picture
- [SOLVED] Volumes not working after snapshot
- [ubuntu] Regarding Images like Mediawiki and M/DB
- [ubuntu] Ubuntu Cloud - VmWare Esxi
- [ubuntu] NIC driver installation
- [ubuntu] ubuntu cloud setup in vmware/virtualbox
- [ubuntu] Images not downloading in UEC store
- [other] UEC in existing network
- [SOLVED] Other newbie question
- [ubuntu] Can I install UEC Front-End in Virtualbox VM?
- [ubuntu] help - cannot connect to instance
- [ubuntu] can't use ssh to instance after shutdown/restart
- [ubuntu] howto make uec-component-listener startup when system boot up?
- [ubuntu] Instance Unreachable
- [all variants] Full software rendering on EC2 and Ubuntu 10.10
- [ubuntu] apache cluster ubuntu natty
- [ubuntu] Cloud Computing Framework
- [ubuntu] when instance restart installed Apache will disappear
- [ubuntu] UEC Front end, seperate OS nodes?
- [ubuntu] Upstart shutdown script that runs curl does not work when instance is terminated?
- [ubuntu] UEC platform idea
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