View Full Version : General Help
- alt character codes
- Windows-based Ubuntu Installer Development Thread (merged parts 1 and 2)
- SABnzbd for Linux
- Welcome to the Wubi forum!
- Wubi Forum FAQ (read this first)
- Wubi-7.04-Beta Bug Reports
- Wubi Feedback
- How to access your Windows drives from Ubuntu
- Request for HowTo's on bluetooth and beryl
- Pre-release testers wanted
- Are keyboard/regional settings carried over?
- translation & help
- The description is "Windows migration tool" right?
- plz help
- Wubi Auto-installs on unavailable HDD, copying img files to another folder
- wubi help
- Change language in Ubuntu installed by Wubi
- Recovering from WUbi-install crash at boot (starting the graphical shell)
- Suggestion
- Other versions of ubuntu and wubi
- How to move files?
- If there is problem with wubi
- DVD playing lockup
- /wubi/linux error 17
- Boot problem with wubi-7.04-beta-minefield13.exe
- Login problem
- Cant get to the OS
- Problem with installation
- Can we control Wubi's install place it will take ?
- Automount NTFS + FAT32 Partitions
- Wubi Boot Failure
- Problem at lupin 1
- Wubi problem or Ubuntu problem?
- Wubi on RAID
- wubi with vista & xp triple boot system
- Wubi on a Mactel?
- Upgrade Wubi
- Ubuntu 7.04 release candidate delayed due to validation bugs
- Is Wubi Finished Yet?
- The installer crashes straightaway
- Wubi, a couple questions
- Download problems
- Proposed merge of Lupin code within Ubuntu
- Can i install without letting WUBI finish the download?
- wubi keeps downloading
- Refusing to use kubuntu
- Stucks whyle downloading?
- Login Issues
- Bootup problem
- reboot problem
- Wubi Keeps downloading
- Question
- Installation Problems
- "Loading, please wait..."
- GRUB4DOS bug fix
- !! Load installer components from CD - Asus R2H
- wubi-7.04-minefield2.exe Boot Up Failure (RAID-0) #2
- Discussions for Wubi inclusion in Gutsy
- Wubi Freezes on Blue Screen.
- Blue Screen Freeze
- deleted windows under wubi -HELP!
- ubuntu installer (exe)
- Howto: Use Wubi-netboot to install standard Ubuntu (real partition) without a CD
- mi windows is in adifferent partition...
- problem with booting
- Expectations from a Windows user
- No splash-screen with wubi-installation?
- wubi failure on boot
- Wubi 7.04 test1
- RAID-0 Support Yet? (Please update)
- Wubi installs, Doesn't Startup
- Time to test Wubi 7.04-test1 for Raid-0 Compatbility!
- Is Wubi virtual?
- Wubi Hibernation
- Accessing Wubi Disks from Windows
- Windows 98 support?
- Using Wubi with a Live CD?
- copying files to C:? from linux?
- Video Mode
- Wubi Reviews
- cant boot into anything
- Error 17: File not found
- Freezes when going into host
- Grub errors
- Blue Screen w/ black bottom
- Error On Load (Video Included)
- Is it supposed to take this long?
- How do I boot into "Safe Graphics Mode"? (using wubi)
- Hitherto unposted error
- Vista support, testers wanted
- Problem with screen resolution
- Windows Loader?
- Wubi reads incorrent parition size
- Tricky problem with the Error 17
- So far, not impressed
- Load another distribution with Ubuntu core?
- Download via proxy???
- Firefox Extrange Behaviour on Wubi7.04-Test1
- When is the final version coming out?
- Minefield 0.6, testers wanted
- Sound not working in Ubuntu
- Support for UbuntuStudio?
- wubi stuck on boot
- Logitech g15 keyboard isn’t recognized by the boot loader.
- Screen Brightness/Contrast Etc?
- NVidia Settings don't save
- problem with boot
- New minefield 0.7!
- Wubi-7.04-test2 - bug reports, regression issues
- new problem (kernel-panic...)
- Wubi install w/o internet
- So far, so good
- Stacked at 33%
- Can't open registry key?
- Problem with WUBI at dual-boot.
- Expand Virtual Drive Size - After Install
- Lubi: Wubi for Linux: Install *ubuntu on any Linux, no partitioning needed
- PS2 connected keyboard not functioning in bootloader..
- Wubi Ubuntu: Can't Login
- Problems After Installation
- WUSB54GS drivers installed, but no internet
- Ubuntu won't display of my monitor
- .tmp errors
- boot eror "ALERT ! does not exist. Droping to a shell!"
- Error 14: Invalid or unsupported executable format
- Will WUBI work with Ubuntu Studio?
- Works fine. Loving it.
- A few questions for a new user
- shut down restart option missing
- Crashed desktop
- Site Down???
- Installed but see nothing
- ntldr error oxc000007b during boot
- Wubi is fan-bloddy-tastic!
- Can Wubi load other types of linux? ubuntu studio?
- Wubi space requirements
- help with username and password
- Wireless Network visible but not reachable
- increase space available to wubi ubuntu
- Cannot Shut Down My System
- Halting disk access: could Wubi be making it worse?
- Will Not Boot
- Problem with GRLDR
- X Server Config Issues
- Virtual Disk Loading Screen Hangs!
- can not find wubi registry keys...
- Wrong display mode
- 3 Distros-My PC won't boot Linux?
- Using Wubi When I Already Have Ubuntu Installed?
- run ubuntu from wubi on external usb hard drive?
- run wubi from "bootable" CD?
- wrong menu.lst file?
- Gateway Cannot Be Reached!
- Thanks for Wubi
- problem with swedish
- Booting Fiesty Fawn thru Wubi
- Gutsy inclusion progress
- Beryl Issues - Did I Break It?
- Can't Log In :(
- newbie help - a little help before i start to install
- stacking at 33% :(
- A few questions and need some clarification before I install WUBI+Fiesty in Win XP
- login/recovery mode help plz.
- Ubuntu Studio in Wubi already?
- Backing up files to external hard drive while using Wubi install
- Not working, need help
- Crashing after activating ntfs drivers
- First day--worked like a charm... What happened?
- Boot failure /bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off
- connot find grldr in all devices
- MBR/ BIOS errors
- Umount host
- Incompatibility/but with windows 2000 and wubi.
- Suspend in Wubi
- Application item from menu bar does't respond
- Error: cannot find GRLDR in all drive. CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart
- Update Mananger freezes
- I Can't Get Back On To Vista (help!)
- Wubi XServer Error
- Wubi Install on a dual boot xp/vista
- Problem with Ubuntu Studio login
- A New Bootup Problem
- CRAZY Idea
- Using wubi to go back to dual-boot
- For God Sake tell me why
- Pre-installation question
- Wubi daily builds - Minefield 194-53 : Update !
- Black screen
- Wubi translations submissions are open.(new version)
- This is driving me CRAZY! After installing Wubi, I boot STRAIGHT INTO WINDOWS!
- X Server error
- x64 Ubuntu? And some questions
- hal.dll error (help please!)
- safe?
- segmentation fault
- About using the latest version of Wubi minefield
- help! cannot use ubuntu iso with wubi
- Installed Feisty Fawn With Wubi
- Wubi after bootloader screen
- New Wubi version (test3) is out
- Wubi installer does not work
- Failed Boot
- Quick Question.
- Wubi in Virtual PC 2007 on Vista
- Can Not Boot!
- how to start right on the terminal
- Wow!Thanks for wubi!
- Wubi and Windows XP Bootcamp
- Help with default UserName & Password
- ttf opensymbol error installing open office
- wubi + broadcom wireless: no chance?
- Wubi fails at Migration Assistant with xubuntu
- Wubi Users: Status
- Ubuntu problems with abrupt system restarts
- Wubi Users: Status after installation
- Help setting up an XP dual boot
- Drive Space
- Missing hal.dll
- Wupi wont start
- vista will not boot up at all
- Question about localhost in Wubi
- Abnormal windows setup: extra steps?
- wubi from cd ????
- Trying to uninstall, errors...
- defragmentation and a small problem
- Can't boot ubuntu after wubi install - can't access tty
- Test 3/updating Wubi
- Is it possible to use Firebox and Thunderbird from Windows in Wubi?
- Boot issues
- No RAID Disks
- Unable to install Wubi
- Problem installing, can't mount
- i installed ubuntu with wubi
- Segmentation fault??? wot does that mean
- just installed ubuntu it works really hard 100 percent
- Botched Wubi Install
- Unable to login
- help
- Stuck up in "Installing the base system"
- EasyBCD adds Vista support for Wubi!
- Upgrade Manager problem
- How to : go back to a older kernel
- swap takes 30 mins to start
- wubi
- Root
- Issues with installing UbuntuStudio
- Sourcetrunk rewiews Wubi
- wubi SUCKS
- installing wubi on real partition
- can you have two ubuntus installed
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