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  1. [lubuntu] Formating a encrypted hard drive on mac
  2. [ubuntu] (POWERPC) screen goes blank while installing Ubuntu from CD
  3. [all variants] How can I replace copy and paste everywhere?
  4. Shrink osx partition
  5. [PPC] We loose Firefox support here
  6. [ubuntu] Installing on MacBook Pro (2012) with MacOS Sierra V10.12
  7. [Solved] Caja missing after upgrade to Mate 16.10
  8. 2007 24" imac fails login with Nvidia driver
  9. Crashing, freezing, hanging on “Remove Stuck Pageflip”
  10. Boot Failure on MacBook Air
  11. 2011 iMac with AMD 6970M - How to Disable Discrete GPU?
  12. Alternative video driver for macbook pro 12,1
  13. [PPC] (X)(L)ubuntu (MATE) 17.04 testing
  14. [all variants] 2012 iMac bluetooth keyboard and mouse works on live disk but not after install
  15. SSD in mac, works with Ubuntu not with OSX
  16. Radeon driver: Can't run without "nomodeset": MacPro6,1; two AMD R9 280X Tahiti cards
  17. [PPC] bed news for all us powerpc user debian drops powerpc release arch
  18. Trouble with my Ubuntu partition on my Macbook Pro
  19. [SOLVED] MacBook Pro 1211 – Temperature above threshold
  20. [lubuntu] iMac G5 PPC Sound Issues
  21. Changing mouse tracking speed
  22. [SOLVED] Black screen booting ISO on 2016 MacBook Pro (MacBookPro13,1)
  23. ubuntu live mode vs persistent mode (Bluetooth, webcam and Touchpad)
  24. [ubuntu] Boot problems Ubuntu on Macbook Pro 9,2
  25. MacBookPro13,1 internal NVME SSD not visible in 16.10 installer
  26. [other] Ubuntu Privacy Remix and Macbook Air Model A1466 Booting Issues
  27. [SOLVED] 16.04 on MacBook Pro early 2011 - Lost in an Alien Apple Landscape
  28. [SOLVED] Accessing hard drive...
  29. [all variants] Boot Delay on Macbook pro 11,1 (mid-2014) with Ubuntu 16.04
  30. [ubuntu] Removing Ubuntu from my mac
  31. [ubuntu] Strange results: “ruby”, “date” and “gdate”
  32. [PPC] Video conference on Lubuntu possibly dropping PPC/i386 flavors 11/16 UTC 1500
  33. dual boot iMac OS 10.6
  34. [SOLVED] External hard drive mount problem...
  35. Early MacBook Pro
  36. [all variants] All versions of Ubuntu 16.04 16.10 Mate and Debian8.6 fail to boot to live desktop.
  37. [all variants] Setting up single-boot *buntu 16.04 with EFI on late 2006 Macbook 2,1
  38. Powerbook G4 running Ubuntu 12.04. What will happen?
  39. some gesture im not sure about?
  40. GRUB difficulties on iMac
  41. install ubuntu on mac mini intel core duo
  42. [ubuntu_mate] Powerbook G4 pbbuttonsd Keyboard problem
  43. Macbook no longer my work-horse, just a glorified MP3 player.
  44. Multiple boot MacBook Air new model
  45. HELP! Ubuntu will not start up
  46. How do I edit rEFIt boot menu? It has too many options.
  47. 16.04.1 Install fails on Macbook 2008 while installing GRUB
  48. Mac keyboard layout - Cant find the correct opton in settings/setup???
  49. Has Anyone gotten Their Magic Mouse and Keyboard working on Ubuntu?
  50. [ubuntu] Macbook Air 7.2 brightness issues
  51. [ubuntu] MacOS 10.12.1 and I can't get Ubuntu to load
  52. [PPC] G5 Dual boot problem with OS X on separate hard drive
  53. [ubuntu] Help with BusyBox at startup
  54. please help :) I'm stuck!
  55. Trackpad and keyboard freezes randomly on MacBook5,1 after system update to 16.10
  56. Macbook Pro installation issues - booting to black screen
  57. [SOLVED] How should I boot Ubuntu on USB to Mac Desktop - broken internal hard drive
  58. [ubuntu] Advice before installing Ubuntu on mid-2012 MBP
  59. mac pro 1,1
  60. [SOLVED] Help with Grub Boot Repair (Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS via USB on MacBook with OSX)
  61. [ubuntu] Switching CMD and CTRL keys in Ubuntu (mac)
  62. Intermitent Wifi on Macbook Pro 7,1 Mid 2010
  63. [lubuntu] Macbook Air 11" Alt key
  64. Early 2009 macbook help
  65. Help installing Lubuntu onto 2011 Mac Mini
  66. [lubuntu] slow Mac single boot installation of Lubuntu
  67. Where could I get firmware-b43-installer and b43 for ibook powerpc ?
  68. Where could I get firmware-b43-installer and b43 for ibook powerpc ?
  69. Where could I get firmware-b43-installer and b43 for ibook powerpc ?
  70. Dual Boot Ubuntu and Windows on a MacBook Pro
  71. [ubuntu] Improving MacBook Pro 11,2 battery life , help needed
  72. [ubuntu] tutorial for noobs: how to modulate Mac built-in display brightness comfortably
  73. [SOLVED] Alternative to Burg on Ubuntu 16.10?
  74. [ubuntu] macOS / Ubuntu dual boot install - installation ending with initramfs / BusyBox
  75. mac install to external hdd
  76. Apple thunderbolt does not wake up after hibernation
  77. [ubuntu_studio] Problem Installing
  78. UE Boom 2 Bluetooth speaker not working on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or 16.10
  79. [ubuntu_mate] Apple bluetooth keyboard-device added successfully but failed to connect
  80. Brightness on low on restart, same with keyboard backlight(macbook)
  81. [ubuntu] Macbook pro 4,1 best ubuntu version and Live USB / DVD not working
  82. Please Help me with my 1st Gen Mac Pro
  83. [SOLVED] Mac>Linux transition: questions re system backup, file transfer
  84. [ubuntu] Unresponsive Login
  85. [ubuntu] Ubuntu taking to long to boot, help me analyze the problem
  86. Obsolescence question
  87. Apple bluetooth keyboard support with ubuntu-mate
  88. [SOLVED] ignorant ? re downloading/test-driving Xubuntu
  89. [SOLVED] problem installing rEFInd
  90. [ubuntu_mate] ATI Radeon RV350 - psychodelic colors
  91. [ubuntu] Hibernate/suspend on MacBook Pro 13"
  92. Unable to Boot OS X After Removing Ubuntu 16.04 Partition Installed Via EFI
  93. [ubuntu] Have Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on my MacBook Air, no longer able to boot.
  94. No boot after clean install how do i run fsck manually?
  95. Unable to Boot Original OS After Removing Ubuntu Partition
  96. MATE 17.04 PPC G5 - lsvpd problem
  97. [ubuntu] 16.04 Server, kernel update will not boot /boot/efi unable to mount
  98. [SOLVED] Video performance of Ubuntu 16.04 on Mac Mini 2,1 (Intel Integrated 945GM/GMS)
  99. [SOLVED] Corrected obsolescence question
  100. Sound problem
  101. Brightness problem after sleep
  102. Time to give up on Xubuntu? (can't wake up) Bug-free alternatives?
  103. [ubuntu] macOS Sierra/Install on 64G Flash Drive/Boot from Flash Drive
  104. Best Linux for 32-bit MacBook Pro?
  105. Select which EFI to use while booting Macbook Pro
  106. [SOLVED] Boots to white screen with toolbar
  107. [lubuntu] How to make use of a Powerbook G4 in 2017
  108. Installing Ubuntu 16.04 on macbook pro mid 2012 13"
  109. [xubuntu] Display issues after waking from suspend. Fresh install of Xubuntu. Radeon hd 2600
  110. Ubuntu on White Macbook 2,1
  111. [ubuntu] Remove MacOS partition from macbook pro retina dualboot with ubuntu mate 16.04
  112. USB Keyboard and Mouse Stop Working after a Short time (PowerPC)
  113. imac fan out of control 2
  114. [ubuntu] Weird SDL Glitches
  115. [PPC] PowerPC main packages brings 404 error in 16.04 Ubun-MATE PPC?
  116. [PPC] No more Lubuntu Daily ISO images
  117. Lubuntu install on a power book g4 network does not work
  118. [PPC] Pls PPC users report the opengles opengles2 issue here!
  119. Can't get signature key to validate iso
  120. no vga_switcheroo, MBP Retina 2012 + Xenial
  121. Installing Ubuntu Studio on Macbook Pro (late 2013 model)
  122. [ubuntu] Ubuntu partition vanished on dual boot install (macOS 10.12.2)
  123. [PPC] <SOLVED> How to force Ubuntu on PowerMac to boot into shell
  124. [ubuntu] Wifi not working - module wl not found
  125. imac g5 fan control issue
  126. [ubuntu] imac won't boot
  127. [ubuntu_studio] Low sound output on Macs
  128. Can not install linux on Macbook
  129. Lubuntu 16.10 MacBook Pro keyboard mouse stop responding.
  130. [amdgpu-pro] Apple Mac Pro 6,1 running Ubuntu 16.04 (purple blank screen on boot)
  131. SOLVED [PPC]4.4.0-63-powerpc64-smp kernel upgrade kills network
  132. When I close the lid and then reopen It screen stays black
  133. [ubuntu] Disable secure boost?
  134. Manually updating trusty powerpc-smp kernel to backported HWE kernel
  135. [ubuntu] Slow boot time due to removed OSX partition
  136. [ubuntu] Accessing old Mac hard drive using Ubuntu
  137. Triple-boot trouble (Ubuntu, Windows, OSX)
  138. Macbook and Clonezilla Live - Recommended usb Ethernet / Wifi Adapter
  139. [SOLVED] Ubuntu 16.04 boot goes to BusyBox after a restart.
  140. best minimal install for notebook?
  141. [SOLVED] please tell me what key board conf your mac (notebook) uses
  142. [ubuntu_mate] Macbook Retina Iris Pro mid-2015 seems to work perfect with 16.04.2!?
  143. [ubuntu] Issues with Apple Wireless Keyboard caps lock in Ubuntu 16.10
  144. Ubuntu not booting - display remains black. (Macbook 12" 2016)
  145. Re: Launching lubuntu-14.04.5-desktop-powerpc.iso (DVD-R) freezes a PowerBook G4.
  146. Black screen after update
  147. [ubuntu] AFP Share name - Netatalk
  148. Random freezes on Macbook Pro. Fresh install of 16.04 on a USB 3.0 stick
  149. Apple Magic Mouse keeps disconnecting and losing settings
  150. [SOLVED] 13 in. 2009 Macbook (Wifi Issues)
  151. [SOLVED] 2009 13 in. MacBook (Low Graphics Mode)
  152. [SOLVED] How to identify boot in Mac?
  153. [SOLVED] Ubuntu doesn't start after installation
  154. Installing Lubuntu PPC
  155. ntpd not working on PPC
  156. macmini2,1 will not turn off ? ACPI bug
  157. Change Keyboard Layout to English (Macintosh)
  158. [other] Vt-D works on mac mini 2011?
  159. Collecting $0.02s about whether I have what it takes to run Ubuntu
  160. Wired Connection not working, 'Unmanaged' Macbook (2010)
  161. Ubuntu 16.04 on a MacBook Pro 1,1 - need to boot twice
  162. [ubuntu_studio] Ardour installation - insufficient resource
  163. Post install black screen with blinking cursor. (Dual-boot on 2010 Macbook)
  164. [SOLVED] Macbook touchpad and keyboard don't work in software but ok in Bios
  165. [SOLVED] Cannot start single-finger movements on bottom part of trackpad
  166. Installing Ubuntu on 2015 rMBP (11,5)
  167. control-click mapped to two functions
  168. [ubuntu] lightdm switches to lower resolution on boot
  169. macbook 5,2 ubuntu 16.04 screen dimming
  170. [SOLVED] 16.10 - wifi connects, no internet , have tried all in this forum
  171. Lubuntu 16.04 LTS 64 bit on Macbook 3,1: very slow boot of the OS
  172. Ubuntu on a Mac Mini 2,1 (2007) for a Linux-novice?
  173. PowerPC G5 Quad nVidia 6600 Xubuntu
  174. Yaboot problem on G5 powerpc Ubuntu Mate 16.04
  175. Installing Ubuntu LTS (problems with GRUB install)
  176. [ubuntu] Boot from USB --- MacBook Pro 5,4
  177. [ubuntu] How to get OpenCL on Mac Pro (6,1 late 2013) with Ubuntu 17.04?
  178. [lubuntu] Netatalk Permission Issues
  179. Burning iso image with finder.
  180. [ubuntu] How to make a ubuntu live usb bootable on a Mac in Ubuntu?
  181. Ubuntu 16.04 alongside macOS sierra using rEFInd. issue-no OS detected
  182. [SOLVED] Advice on installing Ubuntu on older Macbook with OSX 10.6.8
  183. Can I install Xubuntu on a different internal drive to the boot drive?
  184. [ubuntu] Odd graphical issue on iMac 2009 21.5" after installing Ubuntu 17.04
  185. Boot process: rEFInder -> GRUB - then starts
  186. Early 2008 MacBook Trackpad working poorly after 16.10 upgrade
  187. Fail to boot Ubuntu 16.04.2 from USB stick - MBP L2011
  188. [kubuntu] Shortcuts on Aluminum Keyboard not working
  189. [ubuntu] Questions about NVIDIA settings
  190. [SOLVED] How to reinstall Xubuntu from 32 bit to 64 bit on a MacBook
  191. Please help - unable to boot into mac recovery or usb after installing ubuntu 17
  192. How to download photos in mass from an iphone/ipad from iCloud...
  193. Can I change locked Mac drive files from live edition of Ubuntu?
  194. [ubuntu] Fail to boot ubuntu after installation
  195. [ubuntu] Headphones not working - Dual Boot (OSX and Linux)
  196. [ubuntu] Locked out of account, no boot menu, completely bricked?
  197. Getting stuck while trying to usb boot Ubuntu 16.04.2 on a Macbook Pro
  198. [ubuntu_mate] how to get function keys on macbook to work with other window managers?
  199. TouchEgg on Kubuntu 17.04 ... a quick fix
  200. help with yaboot (Powerpc) for triple boot config
  201. [SOLVED] [MacBook Pro] Used lid to suspend -> Computer no longer stays suspended with lid open
  202. Install freezes after "download updates while installing" screen (Gnome 17.04, USB)
  203. "no network devices available" I tried everything.
  204. After install of 16.04 MacBook won't start
  205. [SOLVED] machine not waking.
  206. [ubuntu] Ubuntu 16.10 in MacBook Pro 2012
  207. [ubuntu] Low quality sound on MacbookAir6-1
  208. wakeonlan on mini-G4 ppc
  209. Netatalk up and running but cannot use it as TimeMachine
  210. Create A Bootable USB Drive Using Mac But Never Succeeded
  211. Ubuntu.Gnome - Explain hotspot mode in network control panel
  212. Remapping keys on MacBook Air (UK) & Xubuntu 17.04
  213. Advice on blocking spam number
  214. OOPS! attempted install accidentally deleted mac partitions, need data recovery
  215. [PPC] HOWTO - Get X running on a 2nd graphics card (radeon, x86-BIOS)
  216. I Can't Boot Into Lubuntu 12.04 LTS
  217. [PPC] subprocess /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)-Xubun 12.04/iMac800
  218. [SOLVED] Installation on MacBook is hanging up with apt.
  219. How do I remap the keyboard?
  220. [ubuntu] Trouble with creating live usb with persistence on mac
  221. Installed Server 16.04 on 2007 Mac Mini 2,1-won't boot if display not connected, fix?
  222. OpenGL and NEStopia
  223. [ubuntu] 16.04 on Macbook Air 5,2 - Wifi Issue
  224. Manually Recover Files from Apple HFS/HFS+ Drive Partition
  225. [xubuntu] Unable to boot fresh install on Macbook 8,2
  226. [ubuntu] Re: Error about wireless when tried to install.
  227. [SOLVED] Coming back to Ubuntu, installing on microSD errors
  228. [Solved] unstable wifi
  229. [SOLVED] rEFInd not seeing new installation on MacBook
  230. Ubuntu on Mac: Dual-boot and Single boot?
  231. [SOLVED] Uninstall Deepin / Install Ubuntu
  232. Installing rEFIt does nothing. What's up?
  233. FYI - the BEST triple boot guide
  234. Wifi works but can no longer detect SSID
  235. [ubuntu] Icecast2 startup
  236. rEFInd question
  237. [ubuntu] Purple screen when booting into computer after dual booting ubuntu.
  238. [ubuntu_mate] Booting from USB on PowerMac G5 through OpenFirmware
  239. Mac Book Pro dual boot Ubuntu install woes
  240. Dual-Boot OS X/Ubuntu woes - getting OS X to play right
  241. Dual Boot Ubuntu/OS X *SO* close - can't get past boot loader
  242. Ubuntu installation fail error message
  243. [ubuntu] Trouble with fan on Macbook Air 2010, Ubuntu 16.04
  244. 2012 Mac book pro wifi not working under 17.04
  245. MacBookPro: Heat and Trackpad issues?
  246. File transfers take MORE time as they progress. ?????
  247. [PPC] Help - No networking after upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04
  248. Intermittent wifi
  249. Changing tripleboot to dualboot
  250. [other] Fix for "Not found returned from legacy loader"