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  1. [ubuntu] Oh no, new MBP, no more twinview
  2. [PPC] Free new batteries
  3. [ubuntu] Portrait orientation for 2nd monitor?
  4. [ubuntu] boot to ubuntu partition on ext. fw drive
  5. [ubuntu] Proper keyboard backlight support available (i.e. no pommed, yay!)
  6. Compositing in Debian Squeeze
  7. [ubuntu] Ethernet with G4 - Cannot connect
  8. [ubuntu] Uninstalling ubuntu?
  9. [ubuntu] Ubuntu + Macbook 7.1
  10. Macbook Pro 8,1 + Maverick
  11. [wubi] Mac OS X equivalent to Wubi?
  12. [ubuntu] Macbook Pro drag-and-drop support touchpad with Ubuntu 10.10
  13. [SOLVED] Kubuntu doesn't display properly
  14. [ubuntu] no harware in sound preferences
  15. [ubuntu] Another question
  16. [ubuntu] Macbook won't recognise any USB peripheral
  17. [PPC] Ubuntu ubuntu-9.10-desktop-powerpc
  18. [PPC] iBook G3 600MHz, boot errors
  19. Can I trust iTunes to not send me viruses?
  20. [PPC] Can't find Packages
  21. [ubuntu] Default Booting Ubuntu
  22. [other] complete newbie lot of ?s
  23. [PPC] Problems booting from the installation CD
  24. [PPC] No yaboot partition?
  25. iMac 27" and ubuntu only 1 cpu?
  26. [ubuntu] Ubuntu 10.10 on macbook air 11inch issue:
  27. [PPC] Install ubuntu on Power Mac
  28. [ubuntu] Suspend/Sleep Macbook Pro 5,5 running ubuntu.
  29. [ubuntu] macbook Darwin 10.6.0 -> ubuntu
  30. [ubuntu] Disks disapear suddenly while MacBookPro installation...
  31. [ubuntu] Total Noob looking for some help
  32. [PPC] Processor scaling
  33. [ubuntu] double tap and hold scrolls the pointer downward
  34. [ubuntu] Uninstall Ubuntu, re-install Mac OSX
  35. [ubuntu] Installation Errors
  36. [ubuntu] Partition trouble
  37. G5 installation
  38. [ubuntu] Surprised and impressed by Linux!!
  39. [ubuntu] CD Not Booting on Macbook Intel
  40. [ubuntu] Trackpad stops working
  41. Extracting a specific file in Ubuntu from Mac Time Machine Drive?
  42. [ubuntu] installed ubuntu via wubi. selected 5gb as size. anyway can put it to 20gb?
  43. [ubuntu] Ubuntu installation stuck on keyboard layout dialog
  44. [SOLVED] Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on Ibook G4 fixes (SEE)
  45. [ubuntu] Trying to make a DVD with 3 Ubuntu ISOs on it
  46. [ubuntu] mac on linux
  47. [ubuntu] Apple tv ubuntu
  48. [PPC] How to turn down the mac startup chime on PPC
  49. [ubuntu] Any way to to access mac pages files in ubuntu?
  50. [ubuntu] Is Maverick Meerkat ISO for PS3 in Japanese?
  51. [ubuntu] upgrade 10.04 to 10.10
  52. [ubuntu] Dual Boot Ubuntu and BackTrack Only
  53. [PPC] Ubuntu 10.10 server install PPC PowerMac G3 (Blue and white)
  54. [ubuntu] Natty on MacBook Air 3,1 (11" late 2010)
  55. [ubuntu] Have a UEFI notebook, Installed 11.04 Alpha 3, Can't Boot?
  56. [PPC] Eclipse and Java on powerpc
  57. [PPC] ramdisk load failed !
  58. [ubuntu] Ubuntu 10.10 iMac disk won't eject /wireless keyboard
  59. [SOLVED] 10.04 on G3 iMac low-graphics mode
  60. [ubuntu] Problems with install - OSX + Windows 7 + Ubuntu
  61. [other] Apple MobileMe and iOS 5 event possible in April
  62. Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid problem with signature verification
  63. Ubuntu installation image (on flash) for Macbook pro
  64. [ubuntu] Cannot create a usb drive for Mac
  65. [SOLVED] Can someone make a lightspark deb for 10.10 Maverick PowerPC
  66. [PPC] Airport wireless card drivers
  67. [ubuntu] OS X file recovery
  68. [PPC] accelerated X on Maverick 10.10 PPC64
  69. [ubuntu] Changing from nvidia to radeon on macbook
  70. [ubuntu] Mac OS X's Dock's Folder System
  71. [PPC] Keyboard Backlight on Powerbook G4
  72. [ubuntu] Macbook 7,1 single vs dual boot?
  73. [ubuntu] iMac aluminum: Booting into Ubuntu by default?
  74. [ubuntu] Ubuntu install with rEFIt on MacBook pro: Grub apparently messed up my Windows 7 boot
  75. [ubuntu] Video card and HD size
  76. [ubuntu] 10.10 and 10.04 won't boot on Mac Mini (mid-2010 model)
  77. [PPC] Installed 10.10 on G4 Imac, no backlight
  78. [ubuntu] File Sharing with OS X
  79. [other] MacbookPro 8,3 w/ ubuntu 10.04 no wired ethernet
  80. [PPC] How to get wireless working on PPC 10.04 Lucid
  81. [PPC] Startup disk/boot OS
  82. [SOLVED] Battery always shown as charging
  83. [ubuntu] [macbookpro] osx+win7+ubuntu
  84. [ubuntu] Uninstalling Ubuntu From MacBook!
  85. [ubuntu] Buttons functionality in Ubuntu on a Macbook pro
  86. [ubuntu] How to remap macbook keyboard
  87. [PPC] Iphone tethering ipheth-dkms in mintppc
  88. [PPC] Hardware questions (G3 Upgrade to G4) and VPN advice
  89. [ubuntu] No linein on my ubuntu 10.10 64bit ! on iMac 21" 2010 3ghz !
  90. junk
  91. [ubuntu] MacbookPro6,2 EFI Video
  92. [SOLVED] MacBook Pro 7,1 Wifi
  93. [PPC] U10.10 on G5: deadly slow
  94. [PPC] Installing OS Apple Powerbook G4 - Ubuntu??
  95. [PPC] installing ubuntu on mac g3 tower (a little bit of a different isue)
  96. [ubuntu] Macbook Pro 5.5 + Ubuntu 10.10 = no audio
  97. [ubuntu] Keyboard Preferences - on MACPRO Aluminium Keyboard
  98. [ubuntu] Macbook 7,1 ubtuntu 10.04 64AMD Shutdown
  99. [ubuntu] No splash
  100. [PPC] Arduino on powerpc Ubuntu 10.10
  101. [ubuntu] moving HFS files to Ubuntu?
  102. Grub 2 efi just shell no kernel
  103. [SOLVED] WiFi dissappears on wake from sleep
  104. [all variants] MacBook Pro 1,1: bad battery performance
  105. [ubuntu] Wifi
  106. [ubuntu] Banshee doesn't sync to iPhone 4
  107. [PPC] Minior edit request of forum " Apple PPC users"
  108. [PPC] iMac G3 CD-ROM problem
  109. [ubuntu] Bootloader deleted on mac during ubuntu reinstall
  110. [ubuntu] Gnash, Flash, Youtube
  111. [ubuntu] Boot /login problems - can't access Ubuntu
  112. [xubuntu] Putting JUST xubuntu on iMac G3's
  113. [ubuntu] Missing Operating System. Macbook Air 2,1.
  114. [ubuntu] Power Mac G4
  115. [ubuntu] Problems with Sound Troubleshooting: Requires Kernel Source?
  116. [ubuntu] Install on iMac G5
  117. [ubuntu] Installing onto PPC
  118. [ubuntu] Oh S%^T no cd-rom (FSTAB) found Imac G3
  119. [ubuntu] Help - I really want to insist on this
  120. [PPC] eMac G4 internal monitor adjustment
  121. [ubuntu] Ubuntu 10.10 Powerbook 15" 1.67Ghz
  122. [PPC] Control CRT via command line on an imac g3
  123. [SOLVED] Mac OS X Snow Leopard Help!!!
  124. [ubuntu] setup macbook
  125. [PPC] PPC, Java < 5, Ubuntu 10.04, and a headache
  126. [all variants] Sudden boot problems
  127. [ubuntu] messed up ntfs partition
  128. [ubuntu] Can't boot install CD on iMac core 2 duo
  129. [ubuntu] Read files on Software Raid0 mac drives
  130. [ubuntu] New configuration help
  131. [ubuntu] Help - can't boot back into OSX!
  132. [ubuntu] No CD/DVD
  133. [ubuntu_studio] what is best?
  134. [ubuntu] Multi-touch - dragging with one finger while holding button with another?
  135. [ubuntu] New RAM in Macbook
  136. [ubuntu] Installation problem - ubuntu 7.04 on iMac G3 (os 9.2.2)
  137. [ubuntu] iMac and Ubuntu 10.10
  138. [ubuntu] Need my iPad!
  139. Triple installation (macos + ubuntu + winxp) with Windows after Ubuntu
  140. [ubuntu] Controlling display backlight with the ambient sensor?
  141. [ubuntu] Can I dualboot Linux using bootcamp?
  142. [ubuntu] can't mount iwork disk to share to diskless mac
  143. [ubuntu] Access Ubuntu partitions from Windows on reFIT-based triple boot
  144. ubuntu 10.10 dual boot with snow leopard. iMac
  145. [ubuntu] No sound Mac Mini intel based
  146. [PPC] Bootable backup?
  147. [ubuntu] Live CD won't work on my mac?
  148. [lubuntu] macbook: portuguese keyboard and altgr - x11 settings
  149. [ubuntu] Appletouch config file location
  150. [ubuntu] Natty Narwhal on Intel CPU-based Macintosh Computers
  151. [ubuntu] mbp 7,1 webcam and backlit and audio
  152. [ubuntu] Problems Booting from USB Drive
  153. [ubuntu_studio] How to install grub 1.99 macbook 13"
  154. Residual Sound
  155. [PPC] PACE anti
  156. [ubuntu] Appletouch not being recognized as Synaptics
  157. [ubuntu] Ubuntu vs OS X
  158. [ubuntu] rEFIt boots to Windows when Ubuntu is selected
  159. [ubuntu] MacBook Partition Problem
  160. [ubuntu] Lost UBUNTU partition
  161. [ubuntu] Parallels and Ubuntu
  162. [ubuntu] iTouch Dbus Error.
  163. [PPC] Speaker / Headphone switching
  164. [SOLVED] TestingOnMacbook Boot grub2 in EFI mode
  165. [ubuntu] Macbook 7,1 Color Calibration Help
  166. [ubuntu] My Macbook Pro dilemma
  167. [ubuntu] Macbook pro 13" 2010 wireless notes
  168. [PPC] Watching iPlayer Live
  169. Defragmentation/Partition Creation in OS X
  170. [ubuntu] Bottom menu bar messed up
  171. [ubuntu] macbook 7,1 webcam + 10.10 = help
  172. [SOLVED] Loading Second Stage Bootstrap... looped
  173. [PPC] 11.04 Beta Upgrade
  174. [ubuntu] Syncing an iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, etc.
  175. [ubuntu] intel imac duo core - boot ubuntu from usb stick
  176. [ubuntu] Using Ubuntu on an iBook
  177. [ubuntu] Ubuntu 7.04 Live CD on White Macbook
  178. [ubuntu] Call for testing: Multitouch
  179. [ubuntu] mic
  180. [SOLVED] Brightness on Macbook 7,1
  181. [ubuntu] blank (black) screen when trying to load ubuntu 10.10 from refit
  182. [ubuntu] ubuntu can't find my ipod touch
  183. [ubuntu] Unable to mount my iPhone
  184. [ubuntu] MacBook Pro 8,1 With Ubuntu
  185. Why is my Macbook using so much ram?
  186. [ubuntu] 64 bit vs 32 bit
  187. [ubuntu] New xf86 Multitouch driver reduced tapping sensitivity?
  188. [ubuntu] Most 'canonical' iPhone jailbreak?
  189. [PPC] Install Trouble for 10.04 on PowerPC G5
  190. [ubuntu] mini.iso and macbook 1.1 no CD
  191. [ubuntu] Ubuntu working extremely slow, MacBookPro8.3+RealSSD
  192. [ubuntu] Problems with Ubuntu on Solid State Drive
  193. [ubuntu] Can you move fonts from your HFS+ drive?
  194. [ubuntu] Please help! Dual-booting with rEFIt, can't boot into ANYTHING!
  195. [ubuntu] Newbie music and dimming issues
  196. [ubuntu] PowerBook G4 - Boot gets stuck at "Setting sensors limits"
  197. [all variants] Issues With Windows 7 + Linux after installing linux to USB.
  198. [SOLVED] can't wake up from suspend on macbook
  199. [ubuntu] DOESN'T WORK: External Monitor on 8,1 (13") MBP w/ Ubuntu Natty B1
  200. [ubuntu] Need Live-CDs To Resurrect HD-Dead 700mHz iMacs
  201. [ubuntu] Apple Multitouch and touchpad
  202. [all variants] changing the passwd on a mac
  203. [PPC] Ubuntu 10.10 on a 2004 Imac
  204. [ubuntu] 10.10 on Macbook Pro 15" 1,1 (Intel)
  205. [ubuntu] no iPhone in lsusb or dmesg
  206. [ubuntu] Annoying sound on start
  207. [ubuntu] ubuntu on apple powerbook g4
  208. [ubuntu] A little sound problem.
  209. [PPC] USB and FLASH
  210. [PPC] PPC Imac G5 With Radeon ATI X600
  211. [ubuntu] I can't get the alt-codes of my Macbook Pro keyboard to work. Is it possible?
  212. [PPC] Power button does not turn Mac Mini G4 off
  213. [other] OS X + WinXP (Encrypted) + Win7 (Encrypted) + Ubuntu (Encrypted)
  214. [SOLVED] Ubuntu freezes on Red(ish) Ubuntu screen
  215. [ubuntu] AFP file sharing from Mac OS 9 to ubuntu
  216. iPhone 2g Downgrade and Jailbreak!
  217. ClamAV work on a slaved mac.
  218. [PPC] Movingo to another hard drive
  219. [PPC] Wifi again
  220. [ubuntu] Apple keyboard shortcuts
  221. [ubuntu] Boot directory on a Disc
  222. [other] Set Root Password for Install MySQL in Mac Air
  223. [ubuntu] How to mirror screens on another monitor with Ubuntu 10.10 and Macbook Pro 2008?
  224. [ubuntu] 10.04 stalls in mid-boot on 700mHz iMac
  225. [ubuntu] had to recreate /boot, grub unworking
  226. [ubuntu] Can not install 11.04 on Macbook Pro
  227. [ubuntu] Mac Mini won't boot from CD
  228. [ubuntu] iMac - Can't boot Ubuntu from CD!
  229. [lubuntu] Installing 10.04 via 8.04 Live-CD on 700mHz iMac
  230. [ubuntu] Booting from live CD question.
  231. [gnome] iPhone 4 not vibrating anymore?
  232. [ubuntu] Pommed doesn't work correctly
  233. [ubuntu] slow boot to grub
  234. [ubuntu] HELP! Ubuntu killed my HFS+ portable drive...
  235. [ubuntu] Natty live CD running problem on MacBookPro
  236. [ubuntu] apple isight recognition issues
  237. [SOLVED] Successful Ubuntu 10.10 Boot on Macbook Pro 5,3
  238. [ubuntu] Tracking down configuration files
  239. [other] Which is first MAC or UBUNTU
  240. [ubuntu] built-in mic isn't working
  241. [ubuntu] Recommend Best Backup Programs Into Flash Drive
  242. [ubuntu] Apache on my vmware partition
  243. [ubuntu] Ubuntu 10.04 livecd won't boot on mac pro
  244. [ubuntu] PowerPC install problem: "[...]/boot/vmlinux: No such file or directory"
  245. [ubuntu] Ubuntu 11.04 will hang my MBA
  246. [ubuntu] Share mighty mouse with both OSs
  247. [ubuntu] Error activating XKB configuration.
  248. [ubuntu] Reset touchpad settings in Ubuntu 10.10 for Macbook 5.1
  249. [ubuntu] “error: unknown file system grub rescue>” on boot
  250. [SOLVED] burning livecd on OS X 10.4 truncates file names