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  1. [ubuntu] 8.0.4 ibook g4 pulling my blankin hair out
  2. [ubuntu] Almost successful Leopard, Vista (32) and Ubuntu 8.10 boot
  3. [all variants] Suspend and the sky2 module
  4. [ubuntu] Impossible to boot after install on an iMac G3
  5. [all variants] MacBook Pro 15''
  6. [ubuntu] 8.10 hangs after boot on Powermac G5
  7. [ubuntu] New to Ubuntu, HD Display problems
  8. [ubuntu] No sound on iMac 20"
  9. [ubuntu] Attempting to install Ubuntu on G3 iMac
  10. [other] My theoretical home network.
  11. [ubuntu] Penryn; Broadcom "Activated but not in use"
  12. [ubuntu] Ubuntu won't run after software update
  13. [ubuntu] Unable to boot correctly in Ubuntu 8.10 after upgrading from 8.04.1 LTS
  14. [kubuntu] Trouble loading X on Mac Pro with Nvidia Gfx
  15. [ubuntu] Yaboot stuck after kernel update
  16. [ubuntu] Volume keys not working`
  17. [ubuntu] Have Macbook. Want bootable USB drive. How?
  18. [ubuntu] accessing ubuntu partition from Leopard
  19. [ubuntu] Can't copy files from USB device--running ubuntu in Parallels
  20. [all variants] Help with Hp Photosmart C4480 series
  21. [all variants] How to get rid of Key chain in sarafi
  22. [ubuntu] cdrom not detected/Partition questions
  23. [ubuntu] Partition problems
  24. [ubuntu] No wireless connexion (Airport / PPC)
  25. [ubuntu] Graphics driver problem?
  26. [ubuntu] ubuntu intrepid live-cd
  27. [ubuntu] iMac G3 Display turns off during first time booting
  28. [ubuntu] nfs share not mounting on boot
  29. [ubuntu] iBook keyboard problems
  30. [all variants] iMac G3 Will Not Boot Linux CD
  31. [ubuntu] Big problem, please please help.
  32. [kubuntu] Down Arrow as Right Click
  33. [ubuntu] activating NVIDIA accelerated graphics dribver not workingo
  34. [ubuntu] iMac G3 (Intrepid Alternate) - screen shuts off but power button stays on, bad noises
  35. [ubuntu] Kernal to install?
  36. [ubuntu] fsck died with exit status 4
  37. [ubuntu] DRM protected video files
  38. [all variants] external keyboard with macbook issue
  39. [ubuntu] Ubuntu installation to recover from broken iMac
  40. [xubuntu] Strange behavior with backlight hotkeys
  41. [other] Creating a bootable flash drive (NOT FOR MAC BOOT)
  42. [other] Getting ext2fsx to work with Linux USB drive on OSX
  43. [ubuntu] Booting Ubuntu Along side windows in Mac Pro - SEPERATE HDDs
  44. [ubuntu] Is the Rage 128 realy that bad for Ubuntu??
  45. [ubuntu] Help Installing Ubuntu on my Powerbook G4
  46. [xubuntu] Problem with a new 8.10 install and yaboot
  47. [ubuntu] Can't get iSight working
  48. [ubuntu] rEFIt doesn't work~!
  49. [ubuntu] Third Shared HD?
  50. [ubuntu] Mac Mini, 8.10, Visual Effects with Intel GMA
  51. [ubuntu] PowerBook 3400c Success
  52. [ubuntu] mac mini Feisty or more
  53. [ubuntu] Terminal MP3 player for 8.10 PPC
  54. [ubuntu] ppa.launchpad.net
  55. [ubuntu] Ubuntu only Mac Mini
  56. [ubuntu] suspend problem with MBA2,1
  57. [all variants] Working xorg.conf file for Pismos & 8.04/8.10
  58. [ubuntu] Installed Ubuntu 8.10 on partition, but can't boot from it!
  59. [kubuntu] nothing to boot anymor :-((
  60. [ubuntu] How Many Updates....
  61. [ubuntu] "Microsoft Reserved" Partition issue.
  62. [ubuntu] SSH iPhone USB
  63. [ubuntu] Macbook's arrow keys are "sticky"
  64. [ubuntu] screen resolution stuck at 800x600
  65. [ubuntu] enlightenment for hardy ppc?
  66. [ubuntu] iBook G3 wont boot
  67. [ubuntu] iBook G3 display issue - screen repeats on left & black bar on right side
  68. [all variants] Restart on MacBook (Pro) 5.1
  69. [other] About Windows Managers
  70. [ubuntu] Mactel patches - are they being upstreamed?
  71. [ubuntu] update problems
  72. [ubuntu] macbook4.1 ubuntu8.10 configuring wireless and others
  73. [xubuntu] iBook fresh install and can't log in.
  74. [ubuntu] To those with keyboard layout and keymapping issues
  75. [other] Need Laptop - Considering a Macbook
  76. [other] Problem with OS X FileVault and Ubuntu
  77. [other] Bluetooth: Not Available in OS X
  78. [xubuntu] iBook, installed, but wont launch any apps
  79. [xubuntu] PowerMac G4 Sawtooth AGP woe. Nothing works!
  80. [ubuntu] PPC G4 MDD Install issues
  81. [ubuntu] Cannot write to HFS+ journaled
  82. [xubuntu] iBook xubuntu no wpa in selection
  83. [ubuntu] Apple iMac G3 boot issues
  84. [all variants] Can't start new applications in Gnome/XFCE
  85. [ubuntu] Can't boot Linux and Rescue doesnt repair yaboot!
  86. [ubuntu] Posible to Develop iPhone Apps On Ubuntu?
  87. [other] rEFIt seems to have died
  88. [ubuntu] recent hardy update breaks intel driver?
  89. [other] hfsutils and hfsplus - Which one gives write access ?
  90. [other] How to turn off Journaling ?
  91. [ubuntu] what could go wrong?
  92. [mythbuntu] Help install MythBuntu on Apple TV
  93. [ubuntu] Function key problem.
  94. [gnome] 8.04 repos and ndiswrapper
  95. [ubuntu] screen brightness keeps lowering by itself..
  96. [ubuntu] Imac Slot Loader actory hardware Ubuntu Kubuntu , and performance
  97. [ubuntu] ctrl+alt f2 not working
  98. [ubuntu] powerbook g4 fails to boot after install (boots to white screen)
  99. [ubuntu] eMac G4 booting into single user mode
  100. [ubuntu] I cannot get sound to ******* work
  101. [other] Macintosh sends job but never prints on Linux
  102. [ubuntu] Imac G5: "failed to detect and mount cd-rom"
  103. [ubuntu] iMac 17 inch audio - only allows 1 thing to playback at a time
  104. [kubuntu] Kubuntu live disc won't load on Macbook 5,2
  105. [xubuntu] un-installing xubuntu
  106. [all variants] Does anyone has the xorg,conf for an iMacDV G3 400Mhz 128MB 10 GB
  107. [ubuntu] Error: "Can't have overlapping partition"
  108. [ubuntu] USB Drive For Mac's
  109. [ubuntu] Cannot sync iphone 2.2 with Amarok ...HElp
  110. [ubuntu] MBP 3.1, ubuntu 8.10: turn off wifi and bluetooth
  111. [ubuntu] Replicating Triple Boot System
  112. [ubuntu] MBP 4.1, problems
  113. [all variants] Can't erase Linux ext2 partition on my Mac
  114. [ubuntu] how to add applets without right click
  115. [edubuntu] Getting an iMAC G3 to be thin client on Edubuntu LTSP
  116. [ubuntu] modifying live cd on ppc g3
  117. [ubuntu] problem with nautilus after install
  118. [xubuntu] Minimal install ibook G3 PPC
  119. [edubuntu] Power Mac G5 dual 2.7 (WC) Fan racing?
  120. [ubuntu] Mac Pro 2006 Sound Problems
  121. [ubuntu] help at instllation to macbook air
  122. [ubuntu] 8.10 PPC No Applications Will Open!
  123. [ubuntu] what to do about firmware updates since I wiped out OS X
  124. [ubuntu] Apple iMac G4 17" / Ubuntu 8.10 / No Sound from Speakers
  125. [ubuntu] Give some love to the "Switching from Mac OSX" wiki page
  126. [ubuntu] Desktop Effects G3 iBook
  127. [ubuntu] Unrecognized memory on ibook G4/ Hardy 8.04.1
  128. [ubuntu] Kinda have a couple of issues
  129. [ubuntu] Installed 8.10 on Mac Mini -- two problems
  130. [ubuntu] Mac OS/ WinXP/ Ubuntu Triple Boot Help
  131. [ubuntu] Stupid question about double boot
  132. [ubuntu] Shut-down time-settings in iMac's..?
  133. [ubuntu] Nothing boots on my Powerbook g4 from cd- why?
  134. [ubuntu] Do I need drivers for RAM Ibook G4???
  135. [ubuntu] Error Truecrypt install on PPC with Hardy
  136. [ubuntu] I need help i have 2 probelms
  137. [ubuntu_studio] Mac Pro w/ Ubuntu Studio No Network
  138. [ubuntu] Triple Boot - Ubuntu,OSX, XP
  139. [ubuntu] flash on powerbook g4 intrepid
  140. [ubuntu] 5.10 Help on iBook
  141. [ubuntu] How to mount hfsplus partition?
  142. [ubuntu] dedicated mac pro 3,1 ubuntu install?
  143. [ubuntu] Experiments in refit shell to enable 9400M on MBP 5,1
  144. [ubuntu] "Desktop Effects Could Not Be Enabled" PPC Workaround :D
  145. [ubuntu] I need help
  146. [ubuntu] GRUB prompt at boot
  147. [xubuntu] ibook g3 display problem
  148. [ubuntu] Getting Wireless Woking...
  149. [ubuntu] Ibook g3 500mhz, Ubuntu 6.10
  150. [all variants] [SOLVED/INFO] Getting lirc macmini driver to work on Intrepid
  151. [ubuntu] new to ubuntu/linux...macbook1,1 right click
  152. [ubuntu] iMac G3 help
  153. [ubuntu] Installing 8.10 on PPC G4 (ive read the known issues)
  154. [ubuntu] Linux Hangs on Boot from rEFIt
  155. [ubuntu] MBP 5,2. Big switch, some initial questions
  156. [ubuntu] Ubuntu can run on 24" iMacs?
  157. [kubuntu] Help Installing OS
  158. [ubuntu] MBP 4,1 | Intrepid | 2 Quick Questions
  159. [ubuntu] shared folders show up on my mac but are not accessible
  160. [ubuntu] Triple Boot Fiasco
  161. [ubuntu] Microphone unstable with Intrepid on Macbook Pro 2G
  162. [xubuntu] xubuntu ibook g3 help!!!
  163. [ubuntu] MBP 4.1-intrepid F1 F2 brightness F5,F6 led doesn't work
  164. [ubuntu] Add 'sysctl hw.model' to docs?
  165. [SOLVED] MacBook iSight Not functioning
  166. [ubuntu] eclipse 3.4 powerpc
  167. [ubuntu] That pesky sound - iMac 7,1, Intrepid
  168. [all variants] ath9k vs MadWifi
  169. [all variants] Netboot yaboot Ubuntu
  170. [kubuntu] Realtek USB Wifi adapter on Kubuntu 7.10
  171. [ubuntu] ubuntu on unibody macbook pro
  172. [ubuntu] mac mini dual core audio issues
  173. Mouse is to slow
  174. Wireless connection issues in OS X
  175. [ubuntu] MBP 4,1 | Intrepid | Software Update Messed My System!
  176. [ubuntu] No Graphics Driver Will Install, Jockey/Synaptics
  177. [ubuntu] MBP5,2 dual boot with ext4
  178. [kubuntu] Mac OSX installation
  179. [ubuntu] Microphone
  180. [ubuntu] Mac Mini Line-In is completely broken.
  181. [xubuntu] Will Xubuntu work with my Airport card thing?
  182. [ubuntu] Remove ALL instances of GRUB, ANYWHERE
  183. [ubuntu] Need to uninstall ubuntu on my macbook (i'm a total newbie to linux)
  184. [ubuntu] How to autoboot Ubuntu 8.11 on macbook
  185. [ubuntu] right click on touchpad with macbook doesn't work
  186. [ubuntu] Ubuntu 8.04 stuck at 800+600 on my PowePc G4 dual! Help?
  187. [ubuntu] need to reverse function of "fn" key on MacBook 5,1 keyboard
  188. [ubuntu] How to get rid of Ubuntu!
  189. [all variants] Slow Computer G4 PPC
  190. [ubuntu] No sound on 20" Aluminum iMac
  191. [ubuntu] Xorg.conf + emac = 110% frusteration.
  192. [kubuntu] Can Kubuntu Intrepid work on a PowerPC Mac?
  193. [all variants] Powerbook Pro and Linux questions
  194. A mac can be cheaper than a PC
  195. [ubuntu] PPC repository question, can somebody please post a good sources.list?!
  196. [all variants] MBP 5,2 - launch an OpenGL app == X goes black
  197. [ubuntu] MBP 5,2 -- Screen brightness
  198. [ubuntu] mactel PPA usbhid error install
  199. [ubuntu] Useless keyboard layout (8.10, MacBook 3.1 C2D)
  200. [ubuntu] eth0 not detected...................
  201. [ubuntu] MAC OS X FILE Permission
  202. Gparted Live CD freezes on boot
  203. [ubuntu] 2 partitions in iMac G3. How do you get at the Ubuntu partition?
  204. [ubuntu] Loading/Startup Screen
  205. [ubuntu] FireWire drive not recognized by sysfs after suspend/resume
  206. [ubuntu] MacMini and Ubuntu PPC. Installed and working
  207. [ubuntu] isight with skype?
  208. [ubuntu] Kazehakase errors with Intrepid PPC.
  209. [ubuntu] Problems Dragging with Touchpad
  210. [xubuntu] Xubuntu doesn't see wireless connection
  211. [ubuntu] hfsplus installed, yes hfs+ drive still not mounting
  212. [xubuntu] Linux newbie here needs help installing xubuntu on iBook G4!
  213. [kubuntu] How can I make my iBook's internal mic work in Hardy?
  214. [ubuntu] How to get airport card working
  215. [ubuntu] Disable iSight LED?
  216. [ubuntu] [solved] GRUB overwrote MBR making drive unbootable
  217. [ubuntu] hdb: no response (Status code 0xec)
  218. [ubuntu] Installation crashes on the new early 2009 White Macbooks
  219. [ubuntu] How do I change F11 F12 for mouse mappings to something else?
  220. [ubuntu] Should I upgrade from Hardy to Intrepid in PPC?
  221. [ubuntu] Display problems after ubuntu installation
  222. [gnome] Error on fresh Ubuntu install on iBook G4
  223. [all variants] Macbook Pro 3,1 WiFi weak
  224. [ubuntu] Just installed Ubuntu on a iMac G3
  225. [all variants] How can I install Java on my PPC
  226. [ubuntu] Installing Amarok 2 on Ubuntu Hardy PPC
  227. [ubuntu] Can't login into my MAC. How can I rescue my data
  228. [ubuntu] PowerBook G4 Won't Suspend (8.10)
  229. [all variants] Macbook now unbootable
  230. [ubuntu] boot issues on a mac pro
  231. [ubuntu] Pre-flight check
  232. [ubuntu] rEFIt "F" Up!
  233. [ubuntu] Problems with Suspend and Hibernate
  234. [ubuntu] Macbook Pro + Ubuntu 8.10 + Accent Marks - AltGr Key
  235. [ubuntu] Backlight on MBPro only 5 settings, high pitched sound, changes randomly
  236. [ubuntu] Blinking question-mark folder of doom (post-borked-install blues)
  237. [ubuntu] Is there any software like mindview in ubuntu
  238. [kubuntu] desktop effects not working on PowerBook G4 1.67GHz
  239. [ubuntu] OS X Will Not Boot (Possible rEFIt problem)
  240. [all variants] Apple International English Keyboard
  241. [ubuntu] Mighty mouse acting weird
  242. [ubuntu] Ubuntu install OK on external drive?
  243. [ubuntu] 6.06.1 not showing gnome on iMac G3
  244. [ubuntu] Ubuntu 8.04 or 7.10 on PPC Help
  245. [ubuntu] G4 Mini: Hearty Heron, Intrepid Ibex? Jaunty?
  246. [ubuntu] Function keys
  247. [xubuntu] Xubuntu on G3 Pismo
  248. [ubuntu] lshw and lshw-gtk not showing proper/full results
  249. [ubuntu] Moving folders from OS X (hfs) partition to /home partition
  250. [ubuntu] WiFi and Screen Brightness issues with 7.10