View Full Version : Arch and derivatives

Pages : [1] 2

  1. Arch Linux Talk
  2. Arch Linux urgent help//
  3. Congratulations, Arch users.
  4. Any tips for an Arch 64 system?
  5. Downgrade xorg, Catalyst and Compiz?
  6. Whats better 32 or 64 bit
  7. Welcome to the Arch Linux subforum
  8. A suggested sticky post
  9. Remaster arch Linux into a Newbie Friendly Distro
  10. I love Arch!
  11. Command line based system?
  12. After how much playing around did you try Archlinux?
  13. What would it take to revitalize Lowarch?
  14. Arch Linux is awesome!
  15. gtk based pacman frontend?
  16. Got Arch installed yay!
  17. [SOLVED] Getting online
  18. [SOLVED] Ethernet problems in arch
  19. Editing what is displayed when the power button is pressed
  20. I just got mine going too!
  21. Dual booting Arch and Ubuntu
  22. Need some help with X
  23. [SOLVED] Nano, this is minor, but...
  24. Benefits of multiple partitions
  25. [SOLVED] Building Mozilla apps from Source x86_64
  26. Cannot upload pictures!!!
  27. So I compiled firefox 3 beta3 from AUR
  28. Problem with installing Arch.
  29. [SOLVED] Arch/Windows dual boot
  30. KDE only starts using root user
  31. How does Arch have low quality packages?
  32. Anybody ever used nmap?
  33. Installing Arch alongside of Ubuntu and Windows
  34. Arch on OLPC XO-1
  35. Customizing (see sliming) my kernel
  36. Archux now up!
  37. Distro to try before arch
  38. Filled up my home dir
  39. [SOLVED] ipw3945 on arch linux
  40. [SOLVED] hard drive mounting problem
  41. How will Arch effect my partitioning?
  42. [SOLVED] Backup time
  43. To install Arch, do I need intimate knowledge of my hardware?
  44. [SOLVED] Can not load menu editor.
  45. What makes Arch so much faster than most other distros?
  46. [SOLVED] NET_PROFILES Line in rc.conf Ignored
  47. i686 or x86_64
  48. Ubuntu? No more.
  49. [SOLVED] Tribooting with Arch
  50. Arch network setup problem. SO FRUSTRATING!
  51. This is great...
  52. Single package from repo
  53. Before I go to install Arch...
  54. Arch - good for computer lab and/or locked-down terminals?
  55. Loop GIF
  56. X server trouble
  57. Use terminal for one distro through another?
  58. Unusal installation technique: Epic Fail
  59. Run a script as root fails (works otherwise)
  60. hal fails to mount usb drives/dvd with konqueror erred as Feature available wit hal
  61. [SOLVED] were is my USB stick?
  62. Getting a new monitor. How do I reconfigure X à la ubuntu?
  63. Help me cut out a few modules
  64. Arch and xorg huge problem
  65. [SOLVED] how to change xterm fonts?
  66. [SOLVED] Arch Linux Install Guide
  67. Finally installed Arch!
  68. "less" and "sux" commands are creating problems!!
  69. Arch Network Problem
  70. Gnome: Slower over time
  71. [SOLVED] Still getting used to pacman. Question.
  72. Odd problem with middle click in browsers
  73. Ctrl+Alt+Backspace does nothing (Xfce)
  74. Virtualized Arch, works great, but vbox fullscreen doesn't cover Kubuntu KDE panel...
  75. Magic SysRq key not activating
  76. Considering Arch Linux - Install Questions
  77. Installing Ach on a Pentium III, what desktop should I use?
  78. new arch user, horrible nautilus!
  79. How can I downgrade packages?
  80. Finally decided to try it, won't install anything...
  81. [SOLVED] Arch Build System
  82. Question about i686 optimization...
  83. Arch is installing with only minor problems thus far...
  84. Webkit
  85. Just installed Arch, and I like it!
  86. Gnome alt+f2 just flashes (so does panel properties)
  87. Setting gtk icon theme for pcmanfm
  88. hmm... ethernet not working, i bet this has never happened beffore... LOL
  89. An interesting dilemma (fluxbox, pcmanfm)
  90. A question about rc.conf.
  91. Change iPod Mountpoint
  92. How do I configure TCP ports in Arch?
  93. What do you think about the change to German?
  94. What video driver do I use in a virtual machine?
  95. General Usage Questions
  96. Shutting down with Xfce4
  97. Wow, kdemod is NICE
  98. [SOLVED] Screen Resolution/Video Driver issue
  99. Xorg configuration
  100. Special suspend commands in grub?
  101. Gnome volume (fn) keys seen but do nothing.
  102. [SOLVED] this is driving me CRAZY!!!!!
  103. [SOLVED] flash x86_64 problems
  104. SIOCADDRT: No such process
  105. Fonts look weird on the forums
  106. Help me get the cleanest boot possible
  107. Cleaning all caches/tmp files and a solution to ACPI boot problem?
  108. [SOLVED] Browser goes backwards when using the mouse wheel
  109. minimal install from alt. cd, or arch?
  110. X-less install, background image?
  111. Making it look nice.
  112. Setting up arch on virtualbox
  113. Gnome won't accept my username/password?
  114. reiserfs, or ext3?
  115. General Help
  116. well, i made it
  117. Virtual Machine problem
  118. I failed
  119. OMG! barebones is wearing spectator pumps?!? LOL!
  120. Arch linux
  121. Arch Linux Social Group
  122. I lied. Arch isn't that hard.
  123. Making a live dvd.
  124. Openbox + Arch => Wow... and some questions
  125. new awesome release!
  126. what gui apps do you all use?
  127. Arch64 Flash issues?
  128. How long have been using Arch?
  129. lightest operating system/browser?
  130. ah! back to normal
  131. Arch64+Gnome 2.22+Java=no trayicon?
  132. kdemod error
  133. Kde4 on arch
  134. Arch linux
  135. Expermienting with a tiling WM.
  136. New Convert to Arch
  137. Xmonad may be my undoing...
  138. dzen2
  139. Lost wireless connections
  140. List of applications that are fit for arch linux
  141. Why is it that most Arch users prefer a lightweight set up?
  142. Arch HAL issues - How does Ubuntu configure HAL?
  143. GRUB Error 11: Unrecognized Device String
  144. Interesting...
  145. I now use Arch after a whirlwind of problems!
  146. KISS aint going so great...
  147. Strange networking problem
  148. The Arch Challange
  149. Ark or Arch?
  150. Help setting up amazing with awesomewm
  151. OpenSSL vulnerability
  152. Two Questions about configuring KDE.
  153. Newbie's Arch Guide
  154. Pacman Issues
  155. Confused about this forum
  156. new results to an old test
  157. A little guidance please?
  158. Swap Space
  159. adios, life in the monastery
  160. Banned
  161. [SOLVED] LiveCD problems
  162. Bootchart?
  163. Arch vs. Ubuntu: Wine and WoW. Why is Arch Choppy?
  164. [SOLVED] Reformat /boot
  165. is it true?
  166. Thinking of trying ArchLinux
  167. [SOLVED] smbclient
  168. Synchronize Bookmarks via your private website?
  169. So I tried arch and got pain
  170. humungous periodic disk writes
  171. Sharing /home
  172. Superblock cant be read
  173. Skype?
  174. Kernel Panic & boot problems
  175. Arch is Pretty Kewl
  176. Equivalent of apt-get *
  177. aircrack-ng on 2.6.25-ARCH w/ b43
  178. Console font at bootup?
  179. [SOLVED] Firefox3 in Arch - Rebuilt for i686 or official build?
  180. New Archlinux Release 2008.06 - "Overlord"
  181. [SOLVED] Obconf Error
  182. [SOLVED] memory usage
  183. [SOLVED] Strange dual-boot problem.
  184. Installed Arch Again
  185. Coming to the Arch side
  186. Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT settings
  187. Arch + KDEmod4 Live CD
  188. [SOLVED] Filesystem for Arch
  189. can't share folders at all, and a wierd sftp in network
  190. My brother did something bad, something VERY bad...
  191. A new Arch user ^_^
  192. No GNOME Shutdown Applet because I don't use GDM?
  193. 137 GB limit and font rendering
  194. [SOLVED] Gnome-Do 0.5 not opening folders? Try this!
  195. [SOLVED] Denied root access in fresh install
  196. [SOLVED] compiling: cannot find "-lfreetype" error?
  197. Help, new arch install.
  198. [SOLVED] Nvidia GE440 (rollback from 173.?? to 169.12)
  199. A couple pacman function questions
  200. Help installing flash/nsplugin.
  201. [SOLVED] Unicode Characters
  202. check out my review or Arch Linux
  203. Arch Stability?
  204. Copying an installation?
  205. triple boot?
  206. My new Arch site
  207. Arch Linux video installation guide
  208. [SOLVED] Where are the synaptics driver settings stored?
  209. Not getting the right cpu speed
  210. Trying out Arch - two weeks now
  211. Check install size
  212. How to make Arch+Gnome more like Ubuntu?
  213. Custom kernel won't install
  214. Forward all connections to local proxy
  215. Arch Linux: After reboot nothing works.
  216. Odd Suspend/Hibernate issues on HP dv6000 laptop
  217. How do you merge your .conf & .conf.pacnew files?
  218. Thinking of trying out Arch
  219. [SOLVED] Arch Linux for a really old computer
  220. [SOLVED] VLC autoplay DVDs in GNOME/Arch linux
  221. Should I try Arch Linux?
  222. 2 questions
  223. Compiling Drivers into the Kernel
  224. [SOLVED] nVidia drivers in Arch
  225. [SOLVED] kdeinit4 cannot start
  226. [SOLVED] Arch Linux
  227. Looking for a better GNOME menu
  228. Another reason arch is the best
  229. Hard Disk Installation.
  230. Adjusting the GTK1.2 interface font
  231. ATI Radeon IGP 345 M external monitor problem.
  232. pacbuilder
  233. Arch in a virual machine
  234. dualbooting with the same /home
  235. To Arch or not to Arch....
  236. [SOLVED] Boot from USB on Old Thinkpad
  237. My Archlinux Murrine Gmail
  238. Laptop load cylce count fix in Arch?
  239. Oh, YOU guys have a lot to answer for!!!
  240. help with my wireless install!
  241. Remote machine with Arch Linux + bootchart
  242. Problems with accessing external HDD & playing video files
  243. Any idea how to voice chat with yahoo users ?
  244. how to get the template folder working in Arch
  245. [SOLVED] Why is my CPU idling at 4%?
  246. Wireless Wiki Woes...
  247. [SOLVED] Fail to upgrade due to files conflict
  248. Need to remove nvidia drivers to install proper arch nvidia package
  249. Kdemod3 users help me!
  250. Did anything go wrong after upgrading ?