- Welcome - Please Read
- compizconfig-settings-manager
- Ubuntu SC - IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
- Team Web Site
- Florida Linux Show
- Ubuntu South Carolina on Facebook...
- First OFFICIAL IRC Meeting - Please VOTE!
- Blog Post: "The Ubuntu Bug Reporting Culture"
- How to Setup Ubuntu File Server
- S.C. LoCo Charter (The Beginning...)
- My Ubuntu/Linux Experience - rant and questions
- Second IRC Meeting
- TCL/Eggdrop Developers
- Compiz Fusion Updates/News (Updates for KDE4!)
- Graphic Designer / Wiki Designer (Help Needed!) ;-)
- Team Projects: KDEFox and Jasper
- Team Wiki
- Open Source In School Could Save Governments Tons of $$$
- 27 March 2008 @ 7:30 P.M. (Official IRC MEETING) & Welcome JIM to Ubuntu-SC!!
- OFFICIAL Team Status - When? May, of course.
- Ubuntu South Carolina Team March 27th IRC Meeting Topics
- April Meetings - 2 Unofficial (2 April, 22 April), 1 OFFICIAL on 30 April 2008
- Slashdot: Salasaga Fills Flash Creation Hole for Linux
- Ubuntu SC Google Calendar
- Wiki Team has been Established - See details here
- Past Accomplishments & Goals
- Irc
- ubuntusc.com suggestion (regarding blog)
- May 2008 - Official & Unofficial Meeting Times
- 25 Reasons to Use Linux / Convert to Linux
- MEETING - Maybe this will help you guys attend?! Your IM Handle Please!
- Relevant to the Team! Loco Council improved
- Funny little story for the group
- JULY MEETING (Be there or be ^) - July 30th @ 8:00 P.M. EST
- A problem with the Linux Community: the direction we need to go
- Linux certification info
- Software Freedom Day 2008!
- Hello
- Question for the group
- Geeks
- Stalking the Ibex
- Move your Tux Move your Gnu
- Let's start planning a Jaunty release party for the Ubuntu S.C. (South Carolina) LoCo
- Official Meeting Tonight - 01.28.2009 @ 08:00 P.M. EST
- New Website...
- Introducing Ubuntu 9.10: Karmic Koala (In case you missed it)
- Linux Alternatives to Microsoft Applications
- A win for open source everywhere: UK government backs open source
- South Carolina LoCo Jaunty Release Party Roll Call - Let's get tentative head counts!
- SouthEast LinuxFest Coming to Clemson, SC on June 13th!
- Myrtle Beach release party - CANCELED
- South East Linux Fest was great
- Augusta Linux User Group Meeting
- Upcoming Meeting
- Anybody here testing Karmic Koala
- Activity
- Important Meeting
- Hello SC Team
- Greenville Area
- Activity
- Ubuntu Global Jam
- At SELF 2011... Where are we?
- Any of the experts in SC looking for a job?
- Regional Meetings?
- Monthly Meeting
- Important Meeting
- SC LoCo Logo update
- Social Media
- IRC Meeting on July 25th
- Reviving the SC LoCo team
- Where do we go from here?