View Full Version : Connecticut Team

  1. Any Nutmegers (Connecticut) ?
  2. Welcome To Connecticut
  3. IRC meeting proposals
  4. Best Means of Communication
  5. Double-booting Windows? Consider FAT32
  6. Wubi works
  7. Hey! is it too early?
  8. Do we need a logo ???
  9. Connecticut Loco Team IRC Meeting
  10. Daily Regular Gasoline prices (lowest)
  11. I think I may have started something ...
  12. $4 Gasoline? Here we go again!
  13. Ubuntu Connecticut Team Resources
  14. IRC meeting summary - 4/26/07
  15. Regularly Scheduled IRC Meetings?
  16. Events in Connecticut
  17. Next IRC meeting?
  18. Font tip
  19. New Projects Page
  20. Project : Meet-and-greet
  21. Project : Outreach
  22. Microsoft takes on the "free" world
  23. You've Got Mail!!
  24. Cogan Fairs, New Haven, June 9
  25. Hubbell 42U Server Rack for sale
  26. Southern CT Open Source User Group Picnic!
  27. New Member Introduction
  28. Serious Help Needed
  29. sound card
  30. any Hardy Heron release parties in or around CT?
  31. Anybody affected by the Financial Crisis?
  32. noob looking for ubuntu buddies
  33. Felony charges dropped against teacher in porn/spyware case
  34. Desktop Linux Presentation in Danbury April 6th!
  35. Any Jaunty release parties in CT?
  36. Mountain Lions in Connecticut
  37. CT LoCo team dead?
  38. Help getting computers and parts.
  39. FOSSCON 2010 @ RIT - Rochester NY
  40. Greetings and Salutations
  41. Enjoying Winter?
  42. Any chance of a release party for 11.04?
  43. Who's prepared for Hurricane Ireme?
  44. Halloween Blizzard!
  45. Anybody still around?
  46. Prayers to the victims of Sandy Hook Elementary School
  47. "Cluster Fluff of 2013"