- Welcome to the Ubuntu Illinois & Ubuntu Chicago Forums
- Illinois & Chicago Shoutouts
- Ubuntu Illinois Loco Meeting!
- What is going on CHICAGO!!!
- Feb.9th, 2008 Hackathon
- Peoria meet?
- Ubuntu Chicago Christian Life College Project
- Decatur, Central Illinois
- Bloomington/Normal LUG??
- Chicago Team Artwork?
- Special Project: Ubuntu Linux Guide for the Windows Expert
- event in Madison and you're invited!
- Help! Priamary dual boot Ubuntu broken!
- event in Milwaukee and you're invited
- kernel debug problem
- What (in general) happened at the 9.04 launch party?
- Where can I buy a Ubuntu netbook from Chicago-area retail?
- Southern Illinois user
- Ubuntu Literature, Posters
- On site tech support for ubuntu in the chicago land?
- Chicagoland guys - What broadband internet provider do you have??
- Breadstown, IL
- Chicago Loco Karmic Release Party!!!
- Bringing OggCampUSA to Chicago?
- Chicago Loco Doc Jam - Sunday, Jan 17th
- Global Jam 2010! - Sunday, April 11th in Chicago
- Ubuntu User Days - Jan. 23rd on #ubuntu-classroom
- Attending Flourish this weekend?
- my lated work using linux
- has anyone been to this place yet?
- what do you use linux for and what can you do with it?
- Chicago LoCo logo
- we finally got the designs on a poll
- Ubuntu Global Jam -- April 2nd - 3rd 2011
- Illinois testers
- as your desktop
- Introduction!
- Linux Community Meet Up in Chicago