View Full Version : Ohio Team - US
- Welcome to the Ohio LoCo Team Forum
- IRC anyone?
- Ohio LoCo Team Info
- Ohio Logo's (w/ official guideline)
- Goals for 2007!
- From where in Ohio do you hail?
- Have you subscribed to the list?
- Who will it be?
- Ohio Team Members
- Ubuntu Open Week
- How we can help to market Ubuntu
- Ubuntu-Ohio Website
- Intro Meeting
- UbuntuOhio Ubuntu Commercial
- What's your system?
- Meeting Minutes
- [Temporary] Website online!
- Ohio's Smith wins Heisman Trophy!
- Gonna Go With Kubuntu Dapper
- meeting question....
- Ubuntu Marketing Needs You!
- March Madness Install Fest!
- tech gifts
- Linux PDAs? Any thoughts?
- Ppc
- Teams for Ohio LoCo
- Feisty Release Party
- Proposal: Ohio LoCo Education Team
- OSU vs. Florida predictions!
- Working on a usplash for Ubuntu-Ohio
- Ubuntu Ohio LoCo Sweatshirts
- Customized Ubuntu-Ohio branded CDs
- Updates from the wiki team
- Possible internship
- New Users Team: Face To Face Support Signup!
- Converting 1 Computer At A Time
- Ubuntu Ohio Blog
- Translation Team Proposal
- Several Things
- Just a reminder, Sub-teams
- Tell us where your Ubuntu CD's are
- I would like a poster
- Our ambitions
- Ohio LoCo Art
- Team wiki now reflects CD + Marketing Team merger
- I'm back.
- What is the Ohio team?
- The Time is at Hand!
- Dell Ideastorm: Pre-installed Linux
- School of the Ubuntu
- Log for Wednesday's meeting?
- Ohio School District Moves to Linux
- LoCo Docs Day, this Friday
- Congratulations Team Ohio!!!
- New Story for Everyone of another converted
- Getting Ubuntu CD's
- ATTN: Education Team
- How do I Access Zoomtown (Cincinnati Bell Broadband) with ubuntu
- ET: Introducing Resource Snapshots
- Feisty Party Showdown!
- Feisty Party Locations: Poll
- Major Props to PWill!
- Planning for Ohio Linux Fest
- I laughed so hard when I saw this
- Education Sub-Team Meeting
- New users prespective
- ET: Some ideas, meeting follow-up discussion.
- Library Display
- Voip conference calls
- Help with a SAA7134 Decoder Card NIGHTMARE!
- Log for this past meeting?
- Team Ohio Stickers?
- Making presentation - need feedback
- Over 100 members and still growing!
- Ubuntu ads, looking for help
- RSVP For the Feisty Party!
- Education (Changing Careers) Info Request
- Meeting Tonight
- April 21,2007 = Fun Filled Day!
- A few notes for tonight (OFFICIAL MEETING)
- Feisty Party Detailed Map
- New member
- Feisty party, noobs welcome?
- Team Unification Proposal
- Website Nuking
- New Member page up and linked to!
- Dual Head Monitor Setup with a Third Monitor
- Uh oh
- Network printing...Help please
- Web IDE Recommendations?
- Lima Feisty Fawn Release Party
- Feisty Party Pics Online!
- How to use IRC
- Website: Take 2
- New member intoduction
- Have you heard the news?
- External HDD Fix
- Windows Vista Story - I had to share!!
- NU Team meeting?
- Meeting log from Wednesday?
- Anyone have the meeting log from April 25th?
- GUI Kills?!?!
- Ohio Planet?
- [SOLVED] Linux Users Group for UC
- how-to web site
- Regrettably, I must take a leave of absence
- The Official Ohio Ubucon '08 Planning Thread
- Meeting Logs
- mass t-shirts order with MI loco for OLF
- Ubuntu Users Group - The Ohio State University
- Restarting New User meetings by October
- Ohio Linux Fest, Less than a month away!
- A thanks from Youtube
- just arrived
- I'm back!
- Linuxfest!
- Gutsy Release Party!
- Education Team Meeting!
- Nicaragua Laptop Project
- My Ohio natives...need some info!
- External software Installation
- Norhern OH interested in OLPC speaker?
- Northwest Ohio And Ubuntu
- Installing Sound card
- start a group gathering
- Old Meeting Information
- nominations
- Tri LoCo team meeting
- blender book
- Baby rats looking for homes in the columbus area. ^_^
- Screenshots for the Website
- Additional ideas for the Ubuntu Ohio website
- Cambridge LUG
- Coming soon, the Ohio Ubuntu LOCO branded CD...
- Compile an installation
- Screenshots
- Study of Ubuntu Use - help needed
- Cases?
- Ubuntu gaming vs. Windows gaming
- Ubucon accesories?
- Are you a new user, live in Southeast Ohio, and are wanting to learn Ubuntu?
- Ohio IRC
- New User in Ohio
- Meeting on April 2, 2008
- Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Parties!
- I'm back - server business
- Earthquake!
- unable to compile c code using gcc
- PyOhio, Call for Presentations
- Ubuntu
- Denise of ...(newbie)
- Announcement: Meeting on Wednesday, July 9th!
- Another idea for OLF `08
- I've been robbed!
- New to Ubuntu in NE ohio
- Looking for a little help on something if any have some time to wast.
- Ohio Linuxfest
- netcat tripwire
- Ubuntu Ohio LAN Party - anyone interested?
- It's arrived
- Please help me with this xorg bug affecting Firefox & Opera.
- Can I get in on the Ubuntu Ohio Planet?
- Ubuntu Podcast
- Ubuntu Not Displaying my HD's
- New user in ParmaI
- First Official IRC Meeting of 2009
- Dual boot raid0 with extra drive
- Jaunty Jackalope Party/Parties
- New Data Center In Cincinnati Area
- R.i.p. W8rla
- Ohio Linuxfest 2009
- ***RELEASE PARTY May 9 5pm*** Panera @ Easton
- Ubuntu 9.04 PPC
- Plans to blanket Guernsey county with CDs
- Help me with Firefox not using DNS
- If you need a server...
- Hardware needed for trade
- Anyone from the Toledo area going to OLF?
- Meeting on Wednesday, 8pm
- New Linux User
- A milestone for me.
- Introduction & Question
- Possibly another new Ubuntu user.
- A joyous day
- Psz
- Meeting on *Sunday* at 4pm
- Old info, let me know if anyone wants it updated
- OLF Emergency
- Ohio Team Updates
- Lima Area ReLoCo
- Ohio Libraries
- Calling all Columbus-area Members
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Help!!!
- Akron Area Members
- Huzzah, I have returned.
- LOCO OHIO/ FireFox 3.6
- Hello
- Meetup Ubuntu Ohio
- Introduction
- Columbus Ubuntu Hour April 7, 6pm
- 10.04 party at the Dublin library
- Discs
- FOSSCON 2010 @ RIT - Rochester NY
- Anyone from the Chillicothe area?
- Will the Ubuntu LoCo Ohio be in the LinuxFest in Step?
- We have a forum?
- What is an Ubuntu hour?
- New branding!
- New website live
- Banner for OLF
- Cleveland ReLoCo Ubuntu Hour
- Hack Challenge in Cleveland Ohio
- Ubucon Ohio
- Cleveland area Global Jam
- Linux Club @ UC
- My background and reasons for wanting to be the new contact.
- Meeting 8pm Wednesday on IRC
- Elections ( November 2010 )
- Hi Everyone!
- Kickstarting an openbox project
- IRC Meeting -- 28 June 2011
- IRC Meeting Log for 29 June 2011
- New to ubuntu
- AskUbuntu Ubuntu Security Chat Room
- Thoughts on Kernel.Org & Linux Foundation Security Breach
- How to Install Firewall Builder 5 In Ubuntu
- Akron Ubuntu Hour
- Cranking RSS field entries into something my ereader can handle
- Upgrade from 10.10 to 12.04 using LiveCD
- Student User
- Ohio Linux Fest 2012
- Are You Attending Ohio Linux Fest 2012?
- 12.10 Release Reminders (So Far)
- Reading of the new draft Code of Conduct
- Ubuntu Stop Meetups for November
- Ubuntu Ohio IRC Meeting!
- IRC Meeting Report from November 1, 2012
- December IRC Meeting
- Ohio IRC Meeting on Thursday, December 13th.
- Ubuntu Ohio Holds December Meeting
- January IRC Meeting Poll
- January Educational Meeting Poll
- January Team Meetings Coming Up
- 23 January 2013 Business Meeting Minutes
- Podcasting Continues
- Raring Ringtail Conference Call Release "Party"
- Forum and Discourse
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