View Full Version : Ohio Team - US

  1. Welcome to the Ohio LoCo Team Forum
  2. IRC anyone?
  3. Ohio LoCo Team Info
  4. Ohio Logo's (w/ official guideline)
  5. Goals for 2007!
  6. From where in Ohio do you hail?
  7. Have you subscribed to the list?
  8. Who will it be?
  9. Ohio Team Members
  10. Ubuntu Open Week
  11. How we can help to market Ubuntu
  12. Ubuntu-Ohio Website
  13. Intro Meeting
  14. UbuntuOhio Ubuntu Commercial
  15. What's your system?
  16. Meeting Minutes
  17. [Temporary] Website online!
  18. Ohio's Smith wins Heisman Trophy!
  19. Gonna Go With Kubuntu Dapper
  20. meeting question....
  21. Ubuntu Marketing Needs You!
  22. March Madness Install Fest!
  23. tech gifts
  24. Linux PDAs? Any thoughts?
  25. Ppc
  26. Teams for Ohio LoCo
  27. Feisty Release Party
  28. Proposal: Ohio LoCo Education Team
  29. OSU vs. Florida predictions!
  30. Working on a usplash for Ubuntu-Ohio
  31. Ubuntu Ohio LoCo Sweatshirts
  32. Customized Ubuntu-Ohio branded CDs
  33. Updates from the wiki team
  34. Possible internship
  35. New Users Team: Face To Face Support Signup!
  36. Converting 1 Computer At A Time
  37. Ubuntu Ohio Blog
  38. Translation Team Proposal
  39. Several Things
  40. Just a reminder, Sub-teams
  41. Tell us where your Ubuntu CD's are
  42. I would like a poster
  43. Our ambitions
  44. Ohio LoCo Art
  45. Team wiki now reflects CD + Marketing Team merger
  46. I'm back.
  47. What is the Ohio team?
  48. The Time is at Hand!
  49. Dell Ideastorm: Pre-installed Linux
  50. School of the Ubuntu
  51. Log for Wednesday's meeting?
  52. Ohio School District Moves to Linux
  53. LoCo Docs Day, this Friday
  54. Congratulations Team Ohio!!!
  55. New Story for Everyone of another converted
  56. Getting Ubuntu CD's
  57. ATTN: Education Team
  58. How do I Access Zoomtown (Cincinnati Bell Broadband) with ubuntu
  59. ET: Introducing Resource Snapshots
  60. Feisty Party Showdown!
  61. Feisty Party Locations: Poll
  62. Major Props to PWill!
  63. Planning for Ohio Linux Fest
  64. I laughed so hard when I saw this
  65. Education Sub-Team Meeting
  66. New users prespective
  67. Off topic : LET'S GAME THIS SUNDAY EH?!
  68. ET: Some ideas, meeting follow-up discussion.
  69. Library Display
  70. Voip conference calls
  71. Help with a SAA7134 Decoder Card NIGHTMARE!
  72. Log for this past meeting?
  73. Team Ohio Stickers?
  74. Making presentation - need feedback
  75. Over 100 members and still growing!
  76. Ubuntu ads, looking for help
  77. RSVP For the Feisty Party!
  78. Education (Changing Careers) Info Request
  79. Meeting Tonight
  80. April 21,2007 = Fun Filled Day!
  81. A few notes for tonight (OFFICIAL MEETING)
  82. Feisty Party Detailed Map
  83. New member
  84. Feisty party, noobs welcome?
  85. Team Unification Proposal
  86. Website Nuking
  87. New Member page up and linked to!
  88. Dual Head Monitor Setup with a Third Monitor
  89. Uh oh
  90. Network printing...Help please
  91. Web IDE Recommendations?
  92. Lima Feisty Fawn Release Party
  93. Feisty Party Pics Online!
  94. How to use IRC
  95. Website: Take 2
  96. New member intoduction
  97. Have you heard the news?
  98. External HDD Fix
  99. Windows Vista Story - I had to share!!
  100. NU Team meeting?
  101. Meeting log from Wednesday?
  102. Anyone have the meeting log from April 25th?
  103. GUI Kills?!?!
  104. Ohio Planet?
  105. [SOLVED] Linux Users Group for UC
  106. how-to web site
  107. Regrettably, I must take a leave of absence
  108. The Official Ohio Ubucon '08 Planning Thread
  109. Meeting Logs
  110. mass t-shirts order with MI loco for OLF
  111. Ubuntu Users Group - The Ohio State University
  112. Restarting New User meetings by October
  113. Ohio Linux Fest, Less than a month away!
  114. A thanks from Youtube
  115. just arrived
  116. I'm back!
  117. Linuxfest!
  118. Gutsy Release Party!
  119. Education Team Meeting!
  120. Nicaragua Laptop Project
  121. My Ohio natives...need some info!
  122. External software Installation
  123. Norhern OH interested in OLPC speaker?
  124. Northwest Ohio And Ubuntu
  125. Installing Sound card
  126. start a group gathering
  127. Old Meeting Information
  128. nominations
  129. Tri LoCo team meeting
  130. blender book
  131. Baby rats looking for homes in the columbus area. ^_^
  132. Screenshots for the Website
  133. Additional ideas for the Ubuntu Ohio website
  134. Cambridge LUG
  135. Coming soon, the Ohio Ubuntu LOCO branded CD...
  136. Compile an installation
  137. Screenshots
  138. Study of Ubuntu Use - help needed
  139. Cases?
  140. Ubuntu gaming vs. Windows gaming
  141. Ubucon accesories?
  142. Are you a new user, live in Southeast Ohio, and are wanting to learn Ubuntu?
  143. Ohio IRC
  144. New User in Ohio
  145. Meeting on April 2, 2008
  146. Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Parties!
  147. I'm back - server business
  148. Earthquake!
  149. unable to compile c code using gcc
  150. PyOhio, Call for Presentations
  151. Ubuntu
  152. Denise of ...(newbie)
  153. Announcement: Meeting on Wednesday, July 9th!
  154. Another idea for OLF `08
  155. I've been robbed!
  156. New to Ubuntu in NE ohio
  157. Looking for a little help on something if any have some time to wast.
  158. Ohio Linuxfest
  159. netcat tripwire
  160. Ubuntu Ohio LAN Party - anyone interested?
  161. It's arrived
  162. Please help me with this xorg bug affecting Firefox & Opera.
  163. Can I get in on the Ubuntu Ohio Planet?
  164. Ubuntu Podcast
  165. Ubuntu Not Displaying my HD's
  166. New user in ParmaI
  167. First Official IRC Meeting of 2009
  168. Dual boot raid0 with extra drive
  169. Jaunty Jackalope Party/Parties
  170. New Data Center In Cincinnati Area
  171. R.i.p. W8rla
  172. Ohio Linuxfest 2009
  173. ***RELEASE PARTY May 9 5pm*** Panera @ Easton
  174. Ubuntu 9.04 PPC
  175. Plans to blanket Guernsey county with CDs
  176. Help me with Firefox not using DNS
  177. If you need a server...
  178. Hardware needed for trade
  179. Anyone from the Toledo area going to OLF?
  180. Meeting on Wednesday, 8pm
  181. New Linux User
  182. A milestone for me.
  183. Introduction & Question
  184. Possibly another new Ubuntu user.
  185. A joyous day
  186. Psz
  187. Meeting on *Sunday* at 4pm
  188. Old info, let me know if anyone wants it updated
  189. OLF Emergency
  190. Ohio Team Updates
  191. Lima Area ReLoCo
  192. Ohio Libraries
  193. Calling all Columbus-area Members
  194. Happy Thanksgiving
  195. Help!!!
  196. Akron Area Members
  197. Huzzah, I have returned.
  198. LOCO OHIO/ FireFox 3.6
  199. Hello
  200. Meetup Ubuntu Ohio
  201. Introduction
  202. Columbus Ubuntu Hour April 7, 6pm
  203. 10.04 party at the Dublin library
  204. Discs
  205. FOSSCON 2010 @ RIT - Rochester NY
  206. Anyone from the Chillicothe area?
  207. Will the Ubuntu LoCo Ohio be in the LinuxFest in Step?
  208. We have a forum?
  209. What is an Ubuntu hour?
  210. New branding!
  211. New website live
  212. Banner for OLF
  213. Cleveland ReLoCo Ubuntu Hour
  214. Hack Challenge in Cleveland Ohio
  215. Ubucon Ohio
  216. Cleveland area Global Jam
  217. Linux Club @ UC
  218. My background and reasons for wanting to be the new contact.
  219. Meeting 8pm Wednesday on IRC
  220. Elections ( November 2010 )
  221. Hi Everyone!
  222. Kickstarting an openbox project
  223. IRC Meeting -- 28 June 2011
  224. IRC Meeting Log for 29 June 2011
  225. New to ubuntu
  226. AskUbuntu Ubuntu Security Chat Room
  227. Thoughts on Kernel.Org & Linux Foundation Security Breach
  228. How to Install Firewall Builder 5 In Ubuntu
  229. Akron Ubuntu Hour
  230. Cranking RSS field entries into something my ereader can handle
  231. Upgrade from 10.10 to 12.04 using LiveCD
  232. Student User
  233. Ohio Linux Fest 2012
  234. Are You Attending Ohio Linux Fest 2012?
  235. 12.10 Release Reminders (So Far)
  236. Reading of the new draft Code of Conduct
  237. Ubuntu Stop Meetups for November
  238. Ubuntu Ohio IRC Meeting!
  239. IRC Meeting Report from November 1, 2012
  240. December IRC Meeting
  241. Ohio IRC Meeting on Thursday, December 13th.
  242. Ubuntu Ohio Holds December Meeting
  243. January IRC Meeting Poll
  244. January Educational Meeting Poll
  245. January Team Meetings Coming Up
  246. 23 January 2013 Business Meeting Minutes
  247. Podcasting Continues
  248. Raring Ringtail Conference Call Release "Party"
  249. Forum and Discourse