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  1. lyx
  2. Sky Simulator
  3. The Kool-Aid fiasco
  4. GIS system for Linux
  5. Help with Bibus/Bibliography Software!
  6. New CAD Project
  7. new planet
  8. drawing with cad
  9. interactive physics
  10. Ubuntu Science Metapackage
  11. physics? software
  12. searching for a good TEC editor
  13. 10th Planet? New moon? There goes the solar system!
  14. Freeware 3d Mechanical Modelling
  15. CAD for Linux
  16. Installation of SAS for Linux on Ubuntu?
  17. Any statisticians out there?
  18. Powerful Calculator?
  19. how can i install R (the statistical package)
  20. What Statistics Software do you recommend?
  21. statistics software?
  22. LaTeX / LyX vs. Word Processing
  23. WHere can I get more Scientific Tools (college/grad/research level)
  24. Scientific/Engineering Software?
  25. Cad
  26. Linux (Ubuntu) for engineers...
  27. CAD support in Linux?
  28. cad software similar to autodesk inventor?
  29. cad software similar to autodesk inventor?
  30. GRASS Compilling
  31. matlab on ubuntu
  32. In desperate need of statistics help... data reduction
  33. Engineering sofware?
  34. Nuclear modelling
  35. Take part in the worlds biggest cliamte experiment!
  36. Grass launches and then closes
  37. Free astronomy programs
  38. Help on GNU R & SPSS file
  39. App suggestion: Stellarium
  40. My Ubuntu CAD station
  41. PSPP from CVS
  42. Autocad
  43. Cad ?
  44. Scientific Software options for Ubuntu
  45. Scientific UBUNTU, How To install ELMER Multiphysics
  46. Astronomy software on Ubuntu?
  47. Fluid Flow Applications
  48. Tools for VLSI/MEMS design
  49. installing Scilab/Octave or any other programmes.. HELP!!!!
  50. How does fluid go down the drain where you live?
  51. Qcad
  52. Statistical software
  53. [SOLVED] LaTeX problems in dapper?
  54. Chemistry
  55. Cad software to save .dxf files
  56. Water as an alternative fuel source
  57. Need help with a small QCaD issue
  58. matlab-installation using wine
  59. scilab and octave help required
  60. CAD programs?
  61. How to compile the XEphem astronomy program
  62. Need simple CAD program (maybe like Claris CAD?)
  63. Skylendar package for Ubuntu or Repo
  64. Scientific
  65. Looking for solid model design package for Ubuntu.
  66. Customized Ubuntu for Chemical Computing
  67. Crisis Management software on Linux
  68. Is it known..
  69. statistics analysis software
  70. Anyone good with CAD?
  71. Celestia
  72. Is there any weather analyis programs for linux?
  73. is there autocad for linux/ubutnu ???
  74. open-source and scientific software
  75. writing scientific/mathematic papers
  76. Astronomers to vote on potential new planets
  77. Periodic Table program?
  78. matlab / scilab / octave
  79. Scientific/Engineering/work Software? Section
  80. Statistics
  81. A liquid flow editor and something like Ares & Isis?
  82. Bibus for Dapper?
  83. What's a good opensource free program for drawing and creating electronic schematics.
  84. autocad equivalent
  85. Has any one managed to install EAGLE CAD lately?
  86. Touch Screen Login
  87. Can LyX do multiple languages at once? Can LaTeX for that matter?
  88. SAL (Scientific Applications on Linux) Website !!!
  89. mathematica problem with XGL
  90. From the Trenches: MOTU Science
  91. BibTeX questions in Kile
  92. Koctave doesn't work
  93. Kernel resource limitations & phred/phrap & cap3
  94. Problems with scilab and tcl/tk
  95. SAS Statistical Software and UBUNTU
  96. Open Source Linux Based Chemistry Programs
  97. Strange problem with Mathematica
  98. OO endnote formatting issue
  99. Project Management applications?
  100. Creating an interactive educational CD with ubuntu and FOSS
  101. Build Your Own Jeopardy
  102. Linux - command line only
  103. Want MEEP software in ubuntu package
  104. Folding@Home - Bandwidth Usage?
  105. Chemist in need of guidance
  106. tools to work with DNA sequence data
  107. Maxima / TexMacs
  108. Plotting program needed
  109. Programs for a Biology Teacher
  110. problem with SCILAB 4.0 installation
  111. Need help with X to run clustalX
  112. Maxima problems
  113. Cite-as-you-write with OpenOffice?
  114. problem with bibus
  115. GraphCalc?
  116. Bibus just... keeps going...
  117. GaussSum cannot call gnuplot
  118. SCJP is looking impossible for me.
  119. Best Analog Circuit Simulator
  120. Geology vertical sections?
  121. Ubuntu Poll For College Class
  122. Wine & Endnote - Open from browser?
  123. Installing Xfoil on Ubuntu
  124. Linux solutions for Vernier Labpro?
  125. tablet for school!
  126. Boinc Graphics (dual post)
  127. Need help installing Ngspice
  128. Is there an autograph equivalent for linux?
  129. LaTeX & pst-circ package
  130. How to use maxima in Emacs?
  131. CVS and version control for thesis
  132. Linux + Exam
  133. Scibuntu
  134. xmgrace, xmgr, grace or similar?
  135. compiling tex documents with texlive & kile
  136. How can I use Greek fonts?
  137. libnotify Plug-In for Gaim
  138. Help installing library geoR in R, or update R
  139. What is there in Edubuntu?
  140. Problems creating pdf from dvi
  141. Including eps in LaTeX file
  142. BOINC Can't find libXext.so.6 on Edgy x64
  143. uDig GIS software installation
  144. Eagle CAD bug?
  145. Cannot type "Frequency" in GNU/TexMacs!
  146. Maxima fix needs help testing
  147. Help on Subject (I/O and Memory Management)
  148. Kids Software
  149. just wondering (physics)(chemistry)
  150. Study abroad.
  151. Function Generator for soundcard
  152. Finding a relevant CMS for a scientific lab web frontend
  153. jPicEdt
  154. MATLAB substitute
  155. openoffice calc cell formatting
  156. Lab Notebook and Best Graphing software
  157. Kig won't start
  158. LyX 1.4.2 wont replace 1.3.7
  159. Bibus reference styles?
  160. Rē in gnumeric
  161. Looking for a programme that does histograms
  162. computing, programming: micro introductions/links
  163. Scibuntu 0.4 is out
  164. Plotting in R
  165. Downloading
  166. Writing in Ancient Greek in Open Office
  167. fuzzy logic simulation
  168. Need help for Ktechlab
  169. Software for plotting dendrograms
  170. Open office formula
  171. how do I manipulate matrices in C++?
  172. Idl
  173. UBUNTU in Public School
  174. Diabetes tracking software
  175. adding new packages to MOTU/Science?
  176. Finally , Passed Ccna With 987 !
  177. Linux based cluster for Distributed Password Cracking
  178. Any Electrical Circuit Simulation Soft for Ubuntu???
  179. Ghosting Edubuntu for Mac
  180. Education Project
  181. Problems with LaTeX styles/classes and LyX
  182. Wine and Maxwell
  183. Vis5d on Edgy
  184. Ubuntu News Server
  185. School Tools
  186. School environment..
  187. Useful Software
  188. Academic Referencing Tools
  189. Using LaTex
  190. Easy Software for NGO and INGO
  191. Introduction Ubuntu/Foss to my university
  192. Compiling latest Xephem from source (Edgy)
  193. no moodle: internal server error - php?
  194. Lams
  195. Giving Ubuntu Edgy a Edubuntu feel
  196. problem with latex
  197. LaTeX for Python for LaTeX?
  198. SVN1 - simple version control for your thesis or other 1 person project
  199. Morse Code, Ham Radio
  200. problem with AUTO - software for continuation and bifurcation
  201. Toronto Calling
  202. Efficiently Using LaTeX
  203. software like endnote
  204. How to install .sty LaTeX package
  205. OOoLatex or Latex for OpenOffice
  206. Xmgrace in Edgy Eft
  207. Any Language Learning Software?
  208. PWscf, ABINIT installation on Ubuntu -help
  209. How to include different encoding in LaTeX
  210. Clue in linux?
  211. Licenced software stop working after update!!
  212. High Performance Parallel computing: fortran
  213. texlive/dvi problem in edgy
  214. Pro/Engineer Linux experiences?
  215. Science dictionary
  216. is there any fuzzy logic toolbox for octave?
  217. East Asian Language Learning Programs
  218. Ubuntu and the Humanities
  219. kile: emacs key-bindings
  220. Applications for economists in edgy
  221. R/X11 plotting error
  222. ZDOCK, RDOCK, FFTW installation
  223. Edubuntu needs your feedback ( default app selection)
  224. learn python for scintific computing?
  225. Dinamic Geometry
  226. Refencing software
  227. Using ArcWeb Services with Mapserver
  228. openoffice import pdf
  229. export to pdf in Lyx
  230. request - GDL
  231. APA5th style in Bibus?
  232. I have some OOo drawing templates to share, about scientific tools
  233. installing OWNS in ns2
  234. School Calendar and Assignments Software: suggestions?
  235. The development of Scilab and Octave
  236. Linguists Unite!
  237. $GMTHOME in Ubuntu?
  238. R installed I think but no GUI
  239. texlive swedish letters does not work
  240. Does LaTeX matter for typeset manuscripts?
  241. Computer Lab help/advice
  242. Upgrade Paraview for OpenFOAM
  243. Desktop conferencing ?
  244. Dictionary like Wordweb
  245. Computer Assisted Drafting
  246. Labview or Agilant VEE
  247. What text editor for LaTeX?
  248. latex-suite F9 looking in previously opened file
  249. geda vs oregano
  250. R Trace/breakpoint trap error