View Full Version : Education & Science
Pages :
- lyx
- Sky Simulator
- The Kool-Aid fiasco
- GIS system for Linux
- Help with Bibus/Bibliography Software!
- New CAD Project
- new planet
- drawing with cad
- interactive physics
- Ubuntu Science Metapackage
- physics? software
- searching for a good TEC editor
- 10th Planet? New moon? There goes the solar system!
- Freeware 3d Mechanical Modelling
- CAD for Linux
- Installation of SAS for Linux on Ubuntu?
- Any statisticians out there?
- Powerful Calculator?
- how can i install R (the statistical package)
- What Statistics Software do you recommend?
- statistics software?
- LaTeX / LyX vs. Word Processing
- WHere can I get more Scientific Tools (college/grad/research level)
- Scientific/Engineering Software?
- Cad
- Linux (Ubuntu) for engineers...
- CAD support in Linux?
- cad software similar to autodesk inventor?
- cad software similar to autodesk inventor?
- GRASS Compilling
- matlab on ubuntu
- In desperate need of statistics help... data reduction
- Engineering sofware?
- Nuclear modelling
- Take part in the worlds biggest cliamte experiment!
- Grass launches and then closes
- Free astronomy programs
- Help on GNU R & SPSS file
- App suggestion: Stellarium
- My Ubuntu CAD station
- PSPP from CVS
- Autocad
- Cad ?
- Scientific Software options for Ubuntu
- Scientific UBUNTU, How To install ELMER Multiphysics
- Astronomy software on Ubuntu?
- Fluid Flow Applications
- Tools for VLSI/MEMS design
- installing Scilab/Octave or any other programmes.. HELP!!!!
- How does fluid go down the drain where you live?
- Qcad
- Statistical software
- [SOLVED] LaTeX problems in dapper?
- Chemistry
- Cad software to save .dxf files
- Water as an alternative fuel source
- Need help with a small QCaD issue
- matlab-installation using wine
- scilab and octave help required
- CAD programs?
- How to compile the XEphem astronomy program
- Need simple CAD program (maybe like Claris CAD?)
- Skylendar package for Ubuntu or Repo
- Scientific
- Looking for solid model design package for Ubuntu.
- Customized Ubuntu for Chemical Computing
- Crisis Management software on Linux
- Is it known..
- statistics analysis software
- Anyone good with CAD?
- Celestia
- Is there any weather analyis programs for linux?
- is there autocad for linux/ubutnu ???
- open-source and scientific software
- writing scientific/mathematic papers
- Astronomers to vote on potential new planets
- Periodic Table program?
- matlab / scilab / octave
- Scientific/Engineering/work Software? Section
- Statistics
- A liquid flow editor and something like Ares & Isis?
- Bibus for Dapper?
- What's a good opensource free program for drawing and creating electronic schematics.
- autocad equivalent
- Has any one managed to install EAGLE CAD lately?
- Touch Screen Login
- Can LyX do multiple languages at once? Can LaTeX for that matter?
- SAL (Scientific Applications on Linux) Website !!!
- mathematica problem with XGL
- From the Trenches: MOTU Science
- BibTeX questions in Kile
- Koctave doesn't work
- Kernel resource limitations & phred/phrap & cap3
- Problems with scilab and tcl/tk
- SAS Statistical Software and UBUNTU
- Open Source Linux Based Chemistry Programs
- Strange problem with Mathematica
- OO endnote formatting issue
- Project Management applications?
- Creating an interactive educational CD with ubuntu and FOSS
- Build Your Own Jeopardy
- Linux - command line only
- Want MEEP software in ubuntu package
- Folding@Home - Bandwidth Usage?
- Chemist in need of guidance
- tools to work with DNA sequence data
- Maxima / TexMacs
- Plotting program needed
- Programs for a Biology Teacher
- problem with SCILAB 4.0 installation
- Need help with X to run clustalX
- Maxima problems
- Cite-as-you-write with OpenOffice?
- problem with bibus
- GraphCalc?
- Bibus just... keeps going...
- GaussSum cannot call gnuplot
- SCJP is looking impossible for me.
- Best Analog Circuit Simulator
- Geology vertical sections?
- Ubuntu Poll For College Class
- Wine & Endnote - Open from browser?
- Installing Xfoil on Ubuntu
- Linux solutions for Vernier Labpro?
- tablet for school!
- Boinc Graphics (dual post)
- Need help installing Ngspice
- Is there an autograph equivalent for linux?
- LaTeX & pst-circ package
- How to use maxima in Emacs?
- CVS and version control for thesis
- Linux + Exam
- Scibuntu
- xmgrace, xmgr, grace or similar?
- compiling tex documents with texlive & kile
- How can I use Greek fonts?
- libnotify Plug-In for Gaim
- Help installing library geoR in R, or update R
- What is there in Edubuntu?
- Problems creating pdf from dvi
- Including eps in LaTeX file
- BOINC Can't find on Edgy x64
- uDig GIS software installation
- Eagle CAD bug?
- Cannot type "Frequency" in GNU/TexMacs!
- Maxima fix needs help testing
- Help on Subject (I/O and Memory Management)
- Kids Software
- just wondering (physics)(chemistry)
- Study abroad.
- Function Generator for soundcard
- Finding a relevant CMS for a scientific lab web frontend
- jPicEdt
- MATLAB substitute
- openoffice calc cell formatting
- Lab Notebook and Best Graphing software
- Kig won't start
- LyX 1.4.2 wont replace 1.3.7
- Bibus reference styles?
- Rē in gnumeric
- Looking for a programme that does histograms
- computing, programming: micro introductions/links
- Scibuntu 0.4 is out
- Plotting in R
- Downloading
- Writing in Ancient Greek in Open Office
- fuzzy logic simulation
- Need help for Ktechlab
- Software for plotting dendrograms
- Open office formula
- how do I manipulate matrices in C++?
- Idl
- UBUNTU in Public School
- Diabetes tracking software
- adding new packages to MOTU/Science?
- Finally , Passed Ccna With 987 !
- Linux based cluster for Distributed Password Cracking
- Any Electrical Circuit Simulation Soft for Ubuntu???
- Ghosting Edubuntu for Mac
- Education Project
- Problems with LaTeX styles/classes and LyX
- Wine and Maxwell
- Vis5d on Edgy
- Ubuntu News Server
- School Tools
- School environment..
- Useful Software
- Academic Referencing Tools
- Using LaTex
- Easy Software for NGO and INGO
- Introduction Ubuntu/Foss to my university
- Compiling latest Xephem from source (Edgy)
- no moodle: internal server error - php?
- Lams
- Giving Ubuntu Edgy a Edubuntu feel
- problem with latex
- LaTeX for Python for LaTeX?
- SVN1 - simple version control for your thesis or other 1 person project
- Morse Code, Ham Radio
- problem with AUTO - software for continuation and bifurcation
- Toronto Calling
- Efficiently Using LaTeX
- software like endnote
- How to install .sty LaTeX package
- OOoLatex or Latex for OpenOffice
- Xmgrace in Edgy Eft
- Any Language Learning Software?
- PWscf, ABINIT installation on Ubuntu -help
- How to include different encoding in LaTeX
- Clue in linux?
- Licenced software stop working after update!!
- High Performance Parallel computing: fortran
- texlive/dvi problem in edgy
- Pro/Engineer Linux experiences?
- Science dictionary
- is there any fuzzy logic toolbox for octave?
- East Asian Language Learning Programs
- Ubuntu and the Humanities
- kile: emacs key-bindings
- Applications for economists in edgy
- R/X11 plotting error
- ZDOCK, RDOCK, FFTW installation
- Edubuntu needs your feedback ( default app selection)
- learn python for scintific computing?
- Dinamic Geometry
- Refencing software
- Using ArcWeb Services with Mapserver
- openoffice import pdf
- export to pdf in Lyx
- request - GDL
- APA5th style in Bibus?
- I have some OOo drawing templates to share, about scientific tools
- installing OWNS in ns2
- School Calendar and Assignments Software: suggestions?
- The development of Scilab and Octave
- Linguists Unite!
- $GMTHOME in Ubuntu?
- R installed I think but no GUI
- texlive swedish letters does not work
- Does LaTeX matter for typeset manuscripts?
- Computer Lab help/advice
- Upgrade Paraview for OpenFOAM
- Desktop conferencing ?
- Dictionary like Wordweb
- Computer Assisted Drafting
- Labview or Agilant VEE
- What text editor for LaTeX?
- latex-suite F9 looking in previously opened file
- geda vs oregano
- R Trace/breakpoint trap error
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