View Full Version : Debian
- Gnoppix 0.8.1: Ubuntued
- Differences between Debian and Ubuntu?
- How is Ubuntu better than Debian Sarge or Xandros?
- Debian GNU Talk
- Debian Popularity Contest - automatic tracking of most popular packages
- Debian developers amaze me: Checkout module-assistant!
- Debian Sarge is Out!
- Debian 3.0 Release
- /. story about debian and security...
- Debian GNU/Linux Reference Card
- Debian installed... works great!
- Debian based on???
- Elive Talk
- Why still need Debian at all?
- Is Ubuntu easy like Linspire?
- New: The Debian Contributer Project
- Thinking of trying to install Debian on my P2
- Anti Linux P2-350 now rund Debian Linux
- Cool new Debian & Deb based community site!!
- Debian Founder Ian Murdock Appointed Chief Technology Officer
- Debian Testing Volume Controls...
- MEPIS is switching from Debian as base system to Ubuntu
- Mepis Talk
- Is the MKDistro Tool available for Ubuntu?
- Debian vs Ubuntu?: Linux Magazine slams Ubuntu
- The DeadCD is unofficially Dead!
- Is Ubuntu better than Debian?
- Installing Debian Etch, which cds?
- install driver on Debian(sarge)
- Question about Mepis (+my experiences with Ubuntu)
- SymphonyOS Talk
- Freespire Beta Is out
- Dreamlinux Talk
- Freespire Talk
- Check this out: Freespire
- PUD Talk
- [SOLVED] [SOLVED] Compiling Kopete on Debian 3.1
- [SOLVED] [SOLVED] Debian Sarge, strange entries in auth.log file -- is security being compromi
- Debian based + KDE + Non- bloated + Fast Linux distro?
- Dual boot Ubuntu & Debian
- Hiweed Talk
- BeaFanatIX Talk
- New subforums?
- UMBC & Debian
- Debian and its 15 CDs
- SELinux on Etch
- which debian based distros do you recommend?
- austrumi
- Debian Live CD Project
- Freespire and the CNR tool
- Tough Technical Hardware Problem
- Anyone else remember Progeny Debian?
- SymphonyOS
- Debian and Ubuntu: uneasy coexistence
- Debian Minimalistic Desktop
- Knoppix the best Distro to install and use !(after trying a lot of distros [50+])
- Kanotix Talk
- downloading Quantian now
- Differences between Debian and Ubuntu Linux
- Debian Etch.........
- Aquamorph...Prepare to fall in love with your Linux OS again...
- Apt with autoremove in Debian?
- Which is the fastest debian-based distro???
- Who does the best Debian-based Gnome Distro?
- gNewSense
- Another ubuntu based distro
- Knoppix created a potential Linux convert
- FSF, Forks Ubuntu!
- ipaq opie to gpe error anyone doing the familiar project?
- Old Laptop and DSL
- Why I am going back to Debian.
- Ulteo - Gael Duval's latest project is officially public
- Kanotix RIP
- How to make a persistent /home folder with DSL?
- A General Question
- debian alternatives
- Share/Advice for debian repositories sources.list
- damn small linux on playstation2
- "Knoppix 5.1.1 CD-EN (Bugfix Release)" | Based on Debian Etch with Beryl
- Small Question - Debian Etch Internet Install
- Any former Libranet users here?
- Linux Mint For Newbies?
- ** Help Needed **
- gcconfig for etch
- dcconfig for etch
- automatix for etch
- KNOPPIX 5.1.1 screenshots
- Dreamlinux 2.2 MULTIMEDIA EDITION screenshots
- dialup in etch
- installing nvidia driers in etch
- ndiswrapper in Mepis
- no sound in etch
- Debian definitely much easier & working than Ubuntu ?
- DSL problem
- Here's a challenge: Debian netinst with no removable media (Except 1 floppy)
- [SOLVED] Fast xfce Live CD - Dream Linux
- Dual-Booting DSL-N and Ubuntu
- The difference between Debian and Ubuntu?
- A Couple of Questions about setting up Debian
- Elive 0.6 = Amazing
- Etch release?
- Not able to install debian 3.1 on SATA
- possible to convert to gnewsense?
- [SOLVED] codecs for media (VLC or RealPlayer 10)
- java plugin for epiphany
- Debian GNU/Hurd & Ubuntu?
- easily install ipw3945 wireless driver in etch?
- Sidux Talk
- Ubuntu Christmas Edition and Linux Mint Review
- setting up users in Xebian
- anyone installed dreamlinux?
- 64 Bit Mepis - This looks amazing!
- Knoppix GUI is really clunky..
- Debian Multi-Boot Question
- NepaLinux Talk
- localhost login
- Futubuntu
- Ubuntu or Debian?
- Mounting device taking too much time in Dreamlinux
- courier-pop-ssl on debian etch (help how addusers)
- Debian Floppy Install Help
- Ubuntume - Ubuntu muslim edition
- Cannot start kstartupconfig?
- freespire - OSS edition - GONE!
- KDE takes 15 minutes to start, cannot fix
- BOSS Linux
- Debian Etch RC2 is OUT NOW!!!
- Mepis?
- _very_ lightweight install
- Reviews on MEPIS 6.5?
- Mepis 6.5: Superb Distro
- I've just installed etch on my usb hard drive!!
- Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 released
- Debian Forums access
- Debian Etch installation?
- Debian 4.0 finally arrives... does anyone care?
- Ubuntu or Debian for Web and Database Servers
- Effects of Ubuntu Feisty on Linux Mint?
- Debian redefines itself with new release
- Mepis uses Ubuntu's Repositories!!
- Debian issues?
- Sharing home with Ubuntu 6.10
- Debian=Rock Solid
- Is Debian faster than Ubuntu?
- Back on Debian =)
- Best Debain *Review* Ever!
- nVidia on Lenny
- 64 studio help
- want to *work* for Debian?
- DPL speaks - make Debian SEXY again
- c133n
- How do I get Damn Small Linux bootable off of USB drive
- NetworkManager doesn't work with my wi-fi...
- Debian etch rocks
- Bad experience with debian
- I finally did it!
- How Fast Is Debian?
- Debian KDE vs Net Install
- For people interested in Debian...
- How do I get equal functionality out of Etch that we enjoy in Ubuntu?
- Do you like
- can someone tell me what repos to change to get debian unstable from etch?
- Latex problem in debian
- Push me just a bit more, please
- Debian Stability
- [SOLVED] LinuxMint repo...
- Gnome-Terminal Transparency and Compiz
- Embedded Linux - where to start?
- debian sid users
- Debian Etch: Flash Sound and Latency
- emacs and antialiasing...debian deb?
- okay, i'm stumped
- Wubi-like installer for Debian
- Windows installer for Debian
- a potentially awful question
- Debian Server or Ubuntu Server
- trouble installing debian etch on an iMac G5
- Considering a Move Upstream
- [help] no sound
- [help] scim not showing up
- Should I install Debian?
- Why is the latest Sidux relese called Tartaros?
- can't install nvidia driver on 2.6.21
- [SOLVED] Torrents
- What is the easiest way to install Debian?
- too many files
- What's the best Debian-based KDE Distro today?
- screen resolution help
- Freespire apt-get
- Mepis going back to debian base
- Debian and patents
- Debian Etch Beowulf Cluster Howto
- Debian file browser vs Ubuntu file browser
- Help me decide... Debian or Gentoo? (To dual with Feisty, and eventually switch to)
- Switching to Debian
- Notebook Keymap Ubuntu / Debian
- Debian vs Slackware?
- tips for debian
- Add/Remove Programs in Debian?
- Errors to apply mac80211 patch in Debian
- FreeFontPath Error
- Sidux 2007-03 Is Now Available for Both Amd64 and i686
- NetworkManager
- Debian GNU/Linux 4.0r1 Released
- mixing feisty and lenny repos
- Help - x server will not start on etch
- Getting nvidia to run xserver on debian- HELP
- whats with the logo?
- fglrx installation problems
- Default Gnome Themes
- [SOLVED] Install from HDD?
- anyone know how many of the iso cd's you need to intall
- Madwifi + kernel update
- Ubuntu fonts are better than Debian. Why?
- Question regarding Sid Repository
- auto mount ipod like ubuntu
- Debian CD
- If you are currently using Elive Gem please post here
- comparison to Debian
- java, repositories, and the like...
- An Easy Distro (for those who linux seems to hate)
- Interesting OS
- debian repositories
- my freespire 2.0 experience
- [SOLVED] Help, Debian is extremly slow
- Installing Mods on Frets On Fire
- I'm having trouble building headers.
- kernel 2.6.22
- Debian Guru Needed
- need help upgrading an ancient debian system
- [SOLVED] mouse disappears after logout
- Debian KDE install from netinst cd?
- Debian System Noises
- Startup of development for N800 Device
- Sid=>dexconf: error: cannot generate configuration
- apt-get sources.list
- What is the differance between Lenny and Gusty?
- Debian ISO files
- [SOLVED] ristretto and thunar-vfs
- Moving from Ubuntu to Debian: advice and tips
- Network management: both ethernet and wireless
- Question about Sid.
- Compiz-fusion on etch
- How stable is Sidux?
- xserver-xorg failed error
- Debian installation media, 21 cd's?
- Sidux install question
- Runlevel change won't "stick"
- HELP! my old laptop won't turn off
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