- Single window for GIMP when?
- application bar
- Awesome idea for Ubuntu Linux Ad
- Black Vista styled toolbars?
- Panel Theme Color Problem
- icon theme developing?
- Linux Poster Ads
- Screensaver Creation?
- Ubuntu Studio is looking for a new art lead.
- looking for japanese fonts
- Blender-any good?
- KUbuntu Cd Label and Slim Dvd Cover
- Protecting my Designs, What a good license...
- GIMP help
- How to make banner in photoshop
- how to create ubuntu-style wallpaper
- August Sunset Wallpaper
- Best thumbnail viewer?
- whats the name of this musicplayer?
- Graphic/web Designer
- new KMess Icon
- Disc Labeling
- Set Icon for Speciific Media
- F-Spot Photo Manager 0.3.5 and 0.4.0 Crashing (Feisty)
- change applications menu logo
- SWF production in Ubuntu?
- Tango icons for Sylpheed-Claws
- In need of metacity themes professional!
- Breathless icons for GNOME
- My contribution
- Why is Inkscape so slow?
- Can GIMP save files as .pdf or .ai?
- Blender Animation Troubles
- GIMP Normalmap Plugin Woes
- Synfig canvas origin off-center?
- hanvon Tablet
- Request: GTK themer
- Blender
- [wallpaper] proposals looking good!
- Gummy GTK theme help
- [SOLVED] I cant get fonts for GIMP
- Converting a bunch of PNG files into GIF - any fast solution?
- starting a GNOME/FOSS-centered webcomic
- Best and Easiest Movie editor
- Would it be Possible to Port this Theme?
- Is there an open source version of Adobe Flash?
- Need Link/Name Of This Theme
- Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "ubuntulooks"
- why tangerine no longer inherits from tango?
- Deluxe paint-style oldschool bitmap editor?
- [Release] Ubuntu Chocolate & Ubuntu Orange 1600x1200 Wallpaper
- HDR Imaging
- Which is this font?
- One Inch Buttons In Gimp
- Adobe CS3 "like"- in unix/ubuntu
- photoshop fun - ubuntu logo
- web design
- Photoshop 7.0 issue...
- Xubuntu Fresh Upsplash w/ skull I made.
- Pixie equivalent
- Xubuntu totally killer "Custom" Upsplash/Wallpapers
- Desktop managers
- [Photos] Bulgaria photo/reference pack
- New Images
- slideshow
- Photoshop 7.0 text problem...
- Wacom Tablet Suggestions
- amaya problems
- NEATO A4 DVD Case Template *here*
- xaralx + unicode
- [wallpaper] USA ubuntu
- Make me a WordPress theme!
- begging please can someone find me the latest photo shop download for ubuntu
- Best Ubuntu recording setup.
- Idea for future version of Ubuntu
- What is preventing Ubuntu Linux from being the best looking distro out there?
- Aperture or Equivelent?
- How to create this style of wallpaper in the GIMP?
- Ubuntu Wallpapers (help)
- Ubuntu / linux commercial
- Compiz on feisty and amd-64 with Quadro-FX-550
- Several more GIMP questions
- my first image made from GIMP ( proof you dont need photoshop ) jk
- Makeing a Sun in Blender
- How to customize Text colors in a gtk engine
- Wallpaper 1280x800
- menu themes..?
- New Nautilus File-Preview?
- Ubuntu Ultimate Theme
- Help with Picasa
- Ubuntu wallpaper 1280x1024
- iSeries Icons for Ubuntu
- how does this web page button look?
- [SOLVED] div layout help needed
- powered by ubuntu svg
- Wallpaper
- Wordpress Ubuntu Theme
- Inkscape/Scribus/Illustrator workflow problems
- Pixel Beta 7 Was Released
- Capital font in openbox
- Wallpaper (basketbuntu)
- Help creating icon set?
- Metacity Theme Suggestions?
- Screen Resolution Help !
- Skencil
- Blender reboots Xserver..
- Ubuntu "Fine Art"
- [WALLPAPER] Hot, Sticky Wallpaper PACK!
- Compiz with ati
- [WALLPAPER]Ubuntu Look Down On Linux
- Maya 8.5 Hasp parallel dongle
- Wallpapers
- digital picture frame/need slideshow
- new screenlet/desktop idea
- Something new
- photo software mass resizing
- Turn any wallpaper into ubuntu Brown.
- Artwork submissions
- Multiple Picture/Image Printing Software
- Where is the Upsplash theme stored?
- How Do You Make Things LIke This?
- 3ds thingie with linux
- Garageband alternative for linux
- Anyone know where I can find a Linux Penguin with a transparent background?
- Looking for posters in ledger size (11x17)
- [SOLVED] Tango Windows icon
- Cinema 4D R10 - Wine - Ubuntu
- Title bar missing problem in compiz and beryl
- How do you change bootsplash screen
- Gimp Liquid Resize Plugin
- t-shirts???
- Putting the LInux Penguin on A Skittle
- Games for Ubuntu Bioshock poster
- [SOLVED] Color Detector like application for Linux? (detect on-screen colors)
- Post your compiz cube caps!
- need suggestion on theme
- PSP NEWS 101 banner and pc mod contest
- New Clean Ubuntu background
- Use latest dcraw with digikam
- Twin Blend Ubuntu wallpaper
- Twin Flame Ubuntu Wallpaper
- It's my KDE Human theme, and I'll post if it I want to. >_>
- Vector-izing images
- You guys are good at this... (HELP NEEDED)
- Font
- Creating a X11 Cursor Theme
- Happy Software Freedom Day!
- Ubuntulite needs themes and artwork, if you're interested
- where can i find reliable and cheap hosting?
- Stopmotion, mplayer and webcam
- [SOLVED] GIMP - How would I do this?
- Changing fonts in Gkrellm
- Make my own custom boot usplash?
- Fonts in Linux!
- Need the Default Dapper Wallpaper
- Help me refine my newest theme.
- Creating Panoramics with GIMP
- Installing Radiance
- Brainstorm with Gimp's UI Team
- Can someone find or make this wallpaper?
- Rotating taskbar?
- my first try at gimp
- [SOLVED] Tux avatar?
- monitor calibration
- Custom Laptop Paint job
- mogrify and convert
- GIMP how to create images from layers?
- [SOLVED] Font Emergency - Samanata Now Arabic
- Mac Style Wallpaper for Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Logo
- Desktop theme idea
- SSL Logo
- cool wallpaper's for ubuntu
- A really cool script for gimp
- And some moan about GIMP...
- [SOLVED] Looking For Icon/logo Developer
- Counter Strike Source Payout
- Comment jpg files
- Anti-Windows Wallpaper
- How do I insert logos and text with Gimp?
- "Made on Ubuntu"
- side dock ?
- UBUNTU for Architects
- Feisty fawn, want the bootup logo
- missing tango icons
- Ubuntu black theme!
- Bringing people together
- SVG file format on Gnome desktop?
- (1280x800) "Ubuntu Studio -- The Create"
- I want to create curvey text.
- great opertunity/Need help
- New At Web Design...Help!?
- My Anime-Inspired Theme
- [SOLVED] GIMP question, selection
- Gutsy wallpaper - alternative theory
- Novice Pixel Artist
- What do you think of my Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper
- How do I install ubuntu studio in ubuntu 7.04?
- Help! The default wallpaper of Gutsy Gibbon
- Ubuntu updated look
- art tutorials/ tips....
- Ubuntu Candy (1400x900)
- Theme Editing
- Experimental Theme Mockup 5
- Announcing my blog: Linux Photography
- An icon for my new program
- Any CS3 users here?
- I'd like to make a photo into an avatar, but...
- Panoramic Wallpapers?
- Hardy is a new Bird
- Gusty Wallpaper
- question about gtkrc widgets
- gimp - constraining movement?
- An appeal from a Ghanaian NGO
- Mascots??
- Gnome Art Repository
- High Res K/Ubuntu Logos?
- Website Design
- Quick little wallpaper I made with The Gimp =)
- Kore theme in KDE
- gtkrc and the system/places menu-items
- d3a Theme
- Suggest me some Window Borders
- KDE Domino Feisty Huh?
- Nikon NEF files Preview (Thumbnails)
- Tool to find duplicate photos with different names?
- Hey Sc00b, love your desktop!
- GNOME theme idea question
- Gnome-commander icons issue
- Bug in truglass Emerald engine
- Lightscribe Image for Gusty Beta (10/05 version)
- FPS Creator
- Wacom Volito tablet - set up pressure sensitivity?
- illustrator for ubuntu
- Does such a tool exist?
- [SOLVED] Natulis colors
- Ubuntu laptop!!! how cool would this be????
- Extra fonts (for GIMP) in Ubuntu?
- Maya 8.0 problem
- GroBoto makes creating in three dimensions exciting and enjoyable!
- Problems with Blender
- Help Me With A Chalkboard Style Banner!
- wallpaper id
- Adding Icon for .mdf in Gnome
- View PSD thumbnail in "Explorer"?
- Linux T-Shirt Design
- Gimp and layers
- The Art of Writing: A Personal View
- Dual monitor wallpapers
- Not Registering DV Camera