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  1. I need Ubuntu logo (together with the name)
  2. Transparent applications
  3. Pen and tablet mouse
  4. A couple-a wallpapers, whoopee!
  5. Photo database ???
  6. Ubuntu Workmat
  7. Ubuntu banners/ads
  8. instal
  9. Installing custom Gnome themes.
  10. which prog would you recommend to create icons
  11. gimpshop- a good idea?
  12. Converting MAC / XP icons for GTK
  13. Ubuntu wristband, OHH yea baby
  14. Ubuntu Cell Phones
  15. Music is art
  16. Realistic Freehand drawing app
  17. where can I get official Ubuntu logos?
  18. Default brown - hex?
  19. How to take a screenshot of the login screen?
  20. Wacom
  21. Linux noob needs some info about themes
  22. The Dapper Drake -- unoriginal
  23. Looking for a large Ubuntu logo
  24. Any possibility of nautilus ever looking like this?
  25. Let's vote for Dapper icon (Human vs Tango)
  26. " Cradle of a cold " - is satan art...
  27. GIMP for webdesign
  28. A true photoshop alternative....No not GIMP!! "PIXEL" actually
  29. [SOLVED] Panel text color
  30. opus3 theme gnome porting?
  31. Change my wallpaper ...
  32. Wallpaper doesnt look right.
  33. coordinating colors
  34. Professional webdesigning on Ubuntu?
  35. New Clearlooks-Cairo Themes!
  36. Ubuntu Holiday Wallpaper
  37. Request for Alternative main-menu
  38. Help me in my eternal quest
  39. My Ideas
  40. Proudly announcing - Userbility!
  41. Is it possible?
  42. 1st Draft holiday wallpaper
  43. GIMP: How do I save font?
  44. art and Ubuntu funding
  45. Gnome Colorscheme
  46. Could somebody port this to Metacity?
  47. where to save gimp brushes and patterns
  48. Ubuntu Default Waiting Mouse Cursor
  49. Theme Idea
  50. Metacity help
  51. logo update
  52. Ubuntu Homework
  53. can i have a clear terminal?
  54. SD Card Icon?
  55. I made the ubuntu logo in gimp
  56. Boot Screen and Loading Splash should be changed
  57. theme questions, can you help?
  58. Firefox Theme Updating
  59. Where can I get the Ubuntu boot screen?
  60. Clearlooks based Webpage designs
  61. LILO Boot Screens
  62. Let's vote for your Theme style
  63. MOTU logo.
  64. CommunityArtwork @ wiki?
  65. Ubuntu UserBar
  66. Ubuntu Info Pamphet
  67. Anyone interested in this wallpaper?
  68. suggestion for starting my own web page
  69. lipstik 2.1 in deb?
  70. Here's a custom splash for OpenOffice.org 2.0
  71. Any Gimp scripting experts here?
  72. How to create x11 cursors?
  73. Xubuntu Logo: Which one should be official?
  74. Lost theme...
  75. playing with the gimp..
  76. creating fonts
  77. Font collections?
  78. Pogo?
  79. Picassa!
  80. Rounded Corners on Panels
  81. E17 theming anybody?
  82. Linux manger scene wallpaper
  83. Help with Gimp
  84. clearlooks 2.0 metacity
  85. can you show me where to get these icons, please?
  86. Mac OS GUI on Ubuntu
  87. Hoary Wallpaper
  88. Brushed themes
  89. mildly customizable wallpaper
  90. Creating Themes/Visual Styles?
  91. Howto install cursors themes/themes in ubuntu
  92. Lets design our own Ubuntu case badges
  93. Looking for an anime style artist
  94. Theme Request
  95. wallpaper
  96. Ubuntu Splash Image Retouched
  97. Artwork Team meeting on the 29th of December
  98. Anyone know Lilypond? (need help...)
  99. New GIMP book comming in April '06
  100. Scrollbar And Menu Bar
  101. Sticky.
  102. how can i change Tango's Wastebasket icon?
  103. is there any way to get these icons to work?
  104. Fubuntu theme
  105. my wicked cool openbox theme
  106. Using The GIMP to Optimise Graphics for the Web?
  107. Howto: Build your own Ubuntu t-shirt (or whatever!)
  108. Designed for Ubuntu
  109. Ubuntu stickers
  110. Got a new case sticker...
  111. Since the monthly calendar is down.... [NWS]
  112. I need a good art program for ubuntu
  113. CD cover models
  114. Help in the Gimp
  115. Naruto GDM & Boot Splash Themes
  116. ubuntu in Blue
  117. Can I make swf?
  118. Rounded square in Gimp?
  119. Icons
  120. Why art.ubuntu.com do NOT accept gtk/metacity theme?
  121. Anyone remember this cursor set?
  122. location of default icons
  123. Dapper theme proposal
  124. Is there a how to on adding/changeing boot splash on Ubuntu?
  125. uuhhh how did they do this?
  126. Tablet driver/calibration
  127. ABR to GBR converter
  128. clearlooks-cairo?
  129. SVG - "Scaleable Vector Graphics"
  130. Glass theme for Gnome?
  131. Clearlooks Kwin Idea/request/thing.
  132. The GIMP-Help
  133. Dapper Fligh 3 - New Notification Bubble
  134. Gnome-look???
  135. Suggest Your Favorite Gnome Themes
  136. gdesklets
  137. How to change GTK colors?
  138. Microsoft stealing from ubuntu?
  139. Synaptic and OpenOffice in IceWM
  140. How to Tell Commons License?
  141. Terminal Windows Desklet
  142. New logo needed for new ubuntu site - your help needed!
  143. Acquiring a good mask
  144. Gursor Maker help
  145. Ximian OpenOffice.org Crystal SVG Icons
  146. Dapper +1 ideas...
  147. Desktop Icons Wanted..
  148. 'Think Free' Wallpapers in Blue.
  149. Ubuntu Buddy Icons
  150. Temperature Monitoring Desklets don't work
  151. I`m searching for a good paint program!
  152. fonts -installing
  153. Creating your own GDM Themes?
  154. here's some wallpaper
  155. Orbit: We need something like this.
  156. Ubuntu 5.10 Themes
  157. original ubuntu wallpaper
  158. ubuntu theme like black japan for firefox
  159. But is it art?
  160. Transparency?
  161. Lipstik 2.2 (Kubuntu package)
  162. nautilus throbber???
  163. window list and clearlooks theme....
  164. Thinking of buying a larger tablet - Aiptek?
  165. Lifetec tablet driver
  166. Excellent Inkscape guide
  167. Super Baby Tux wallpaper
  168. Eye candy for Evolution
  169. Black
  170. Open Source Animation Software
  171. The "proper" way to install themes, icons, etc...
  172. Lazy Guy Looking for Virginia Tech Theme
  173. GNOME look like MAC OS ?
  174. Mac OSX Look, but one problem with it.
  175. Some new icons I'm making.
  176. Inkscape, pixels and points.
  177. how to set up a picture for the framebuffer?
  178. Which Theme Is This?
  179. Gimp's Filter all Layers plugin doesn't work
  180. Theme not applied to scroll bars?
  181. Painted my Ubuntu PC!
  182. ble-eyed theme request
  183. Icons on buttons and menut items
  184. Question about xnest
  185. My own OSX theme for Metacity and XFCE
  186. Ubuntu and Einstein! :-)
  187. Ubuntu Mouse Cursor Theme?
  188. Is there a theme like this?
  189. Advice to improve this desktop.
  190. Corner rhythmlet and cover art question.
  191. Cotent Management Help!
  192. Looking for a splash image with an angry penguin
  193. Ubuntu Buttons and banners!
  194. this theme exist?
  195. A couple of Inkscape questions.
  196. ubuntu phpbb theme
  197. Firefox Fonts
  198. the best opensource Video editor I have seen -jahshaka
  199. Ubuntu CD covers
  200. Looking for login theme with username filled in
  201. Ubuntu CNR (possible) Logo
  202. Help changing size of wallpaper
  203. Ubuntu Logo Update
  204. Linux Penguin + ubuntu..What could be better?
  205. Guitar Tabs Program
  206. Any free software, Linux projects needing art?
  207. Do you like Tango-ified trend icons?
  208. Creating an animated GIF from a DVD
  209. Wallpapers from South Africa
  210. The original Warty Login "Circle of Friends"
  211. Png2html
  212. Ubuntulooks colors (Metacity titlebar)?
  213. Ubuntulooks done right!
  214. Powered by ubuntu
  215. Quickiest wallpaper ever
  216. Ubuntu is very elegant!
  217. UNIX geek
  218. Ubuntulooks for Breezy?
  219. Trash can battery
  220. Orange Tango
  221. What theme is this?
  222. themes
  223. Hi I created some ubuntu wallpapers
  224. Icons on gnome.org
  225. Looks promising: Xara Xtreme
  226. Triple screen wallpaper
  227. Gnomad2 icon
  228. OS X Tiger wallpaper modified for Dapper
  229. Ubuntu Subway wallpaper
  230. A background for poor people who are forced to use Mac OS or Windows
  231. Been playing with GIMP
  232. Application skinning?
  233. Ubuntu Coffee adds
  234. Tango iPods
  235. Splashy progressmeter too fast on boot-up
  236. inkscape question - size / cropping of saved files
  237. My other computer runs linux (inspired by the other thread!)
  238. How do I make fonts?
  239. Ubuntu Rolling Road Wallpaper
  240. Ubuntu Stairs at Dusk Wallpaper
  241. Ubuntu Lake - dual screen wallpaper
  242. Ubuntu- Stairs at dusk "remix"
  243. Classic Fonts (for Print) on Linux
  244. Ubuntu buttons
  245. Where can I find...
  246. Behind the hill
  247. Orange Human and Tango
  248. where can i get this wallpaper?
  249. gim plugins
  250. ubuntu forums