- I need Ubuntu logo (together with the name)
- Transparent applications
- Pen and tablet mouse
- A couple-a wallpapers, whoopee!
- Photo database ???
- Ubuntu Workmat
- Ubuntu banners/ads
- instal
- Installing custom Gnome themes.
- which prog would you recommend to create icons
- gimpshop- a good idea?
- Converting MAC / XP icons for GTK
- Ubuntu wristband, OHH yea baby
- Ubuntu Cell Phones
- Music is art
- Realistic Freehand drawing app
- where can I get official Ubuntu logos?
- Default brown - hex?
- How to take a screenshot of the login screen?
- Wacom
- Linux noob needs some info about themes
- The Dapper Drake -- unoriginal
- Looking for a large Ubuntu logo
- Any possibility of nautilus ever looking like this?
- Let's vote for Dapper icon (Human vs Tango)
- " Cradle of a cold " - is satan art...
- GIMP for webdesign
- A true photoshop alternative....No not GIMP!! "PIXEL" actually
- [SOLVED] Panel text color
- opus3 theme gnome porting?
- Change my wallpaper ...
- Wallpaper doesnt look right.
- coordinating colors
- Professional webdesigning on Ubuntu?
- New Clearlooks-Cairo Themes!
- Ubuntu Holiday Wallpaper
- Request for Alternative main-menu
- Help me in my eternal quest
- My Ideas
- Proudly announcing - Userbility!
- Is it possible?
- 1st Draft holiday wallpaper
- GIMP: How do I save font?
- art and Ubuntu funding
- Gnome Colorscheme
- Could somebody port this to Metacity?
- where to save gimp brushes and patterns
- Ubuntu Default Waiting Mouse Cursor
- Theme Idea
- Metacity help
- logo update
- Ubuntu Homework
- can i have a clear terminal?
- SD Card Icon?
- I made the ubuntu logo in gimp
- Boot Screen and Loading Splash should be changed
- theme questions, can you help?
- Firefox Theme Updating
- Where can I get the Ubuntu boot screen?
- Clearlooks based Webpage designs
- LILO Boot Screens
- Let's vote for your Theme style
- MOTU logo.
- CommunityArtwork @ wiki?
- Ubuntu UserBar
- Ubuntu Info Pamphet
- Anyone interested in this wallpaper?
- suggestion for starting my own web page
- lipstik 2.1 in deb?
- Here's a custom splash for OpenOffice.org 2.0
- Any Gimp scripting experts here?
- How to create x11 cursors?
- Xubuntu Logo: Which one should be official?
- Lost theme...
- playing with the gimp..
- creating fonts
- Font collections?
- Pogo?
- Picassa!
- Rounded Corners on Panels
- E17 theming anybody?
- Linux manger scene wallpaper
- Help with Gimp
- clearlooks 2.0 metacity
- can you show me where to get these icons, please?
- Mac OS GUI on Ubuntu
- Hoary Wallpaper
- Brushed themes
- mildly customizable wallpaper
- Creating Themes/Visual Styles?
- Howto install cursors themes/themes in ubuntu
- Lets design our own Ubuntu case badges
- Looking for an anime style artist
- Theme Request
- wallpaper
- Ubuntu Splash Image Retouched
- Artwork Team meeting on the 29th of December
- Anyone know Lilypond? (need help...)
- New GIMP book comming in April '06
- Scrollbar And Menu Bar
- Sticky.
- how can i change Tango's Wastebasket icon?
- is there any way to get these icons to work?
- Fubuntu theme
- my wicked cool openbox theme
- Using The GIMP to Optimise Graphics for the Web?
- Howto: Build your own Ubuntu t-shirt (or whatever!)
- Designed for Ubuntu
- Ubuntu stickers
- Got a new case sticker...
- Since the monthly calendar is down.... [NWS]
- I need a good art program for ubuntu
- CD cover models
- Help in the Gimp
- Naruto GDM & Boot Splash Themes
- ubuntu in Blue
- Can I make swf?
- Rounded square in Gimp?
- Icons
- Why art.ubuntu.com do NOT accept gtk/metacity theme?
- Anyone remember this cursor set?
- location of default icons
- Dapper theme proposal
- Is there a how to on adding/changeing boot splash on Ubuntu?
- uuhhh how did they do this?
- Tablet driver/calibration
- ABR to GBR converter
- clearlooks-cairo?
- SVG - "Scaleable Vector Graphics"
- Glass theme for Gnome?
- Clearlooks Kwin Idea/request/thing.
- The GIMP-Help
- Dapper Fligh 3 - New Notification Bubble
- Gnome-look???
- Suggest Your Favorite Gnome Themes
- gdesklets
- How to change GTK colors?
- Microsoft stealing from ubuntu?
- Synaptic and OpenOffice in IceWM
- How to Tell Commons License?
- Terminal Windows Desklet
- New logo needed for new ubuntu site - your help needed!
- Acquiring a good mask
- Gursor Maker help
- Ximian OpenOffice.org Crystal SVG Icons
- Dapper +1 ideas...
- Desktop Icons Wanted..
- 'Think Free' Wallpapers in Blue.
- Ubuntu Buddy Icons
- Temperature Monitoring Desklets don't work
- I`m searching for a good paint program!
- fonts -installing
- Creating your own GDM Themes?
- here's some wallpaper
- Orbit: We need something like this.
- Ubuntu 5.10 Themes
- original ubuntu wallpaper
- ubuntu theme like black japan for firefox
- But is it art?
- Transparency?
- Lipstik 2.2 (Kubuntu package)
- nautilus throbber???
- window list and clearlooks theme....
- Thinking of buying a larger tablet - Aiptek?
- Lifetec tablet driver
- Excellent Inkscape guide
- Super Baby Tux wallpaper
- Eye candy for Evolution
- Black
- Open Source Animation Software
- The "proper" way to install themes, icons, etc...
- Lazy Guy Looking for Virginia Tech Theme
- GNOME look like MAC OS ?
- Mac OSX Look, but one problem with it.
- Some new icons I'm making.
- Inkscape, pixels and points.
- how to set up a picture for the framebuffer?
- Which Theme Is This?
- Gimp's Filter all Layers plugin doesn't work
- Theme not applied to scroll bars?
- Painted my Ubuntu PC!
- ble-eyed theme request
- Icons on buttons and menut items
- Question about xnest
- My own OSX theme for Metacity and XFCE
- Ubuntu and Einstein! :-)
- Ubuntu Mouse Cursor Theme?
- Is there a theme like this?
- Advice to improve this desktop.
- Corner rhythmlet and cover art question.
- Cotent Management Help!
- Looking for a splash image with an angry penguin
- Ubuntu Buttons and banners!
- this theme exist?
- A couple of Inkscape questions.
- ubuntu phpbb theme
- Firefox Fonts
- the best opensource Video editor I have seen -jahshaka
- Ubuntu CD covers
- Looking for login theme with username filled in
- Ubuntu CNR (possible) Logo
- Help changing size of wallpaper
- Ubuntu Logo Update
- Linux Penguin + ubuntu..What could be better?
- Guitar Tabs Program
- Any free software, Linux projects needing art?
- Do you like Tango-ified trend icons?
- Creating an animated GIF from a DVD
- Wallpapers from South Africa
- The original Warty Login "Circle of Friends"
- Png2html
- Ubuntulooks colors (Metacity titlebar)?
- Ubuntulooks done right!
- Powered by ubuntu
- Quickiest wallpaper ever
- Ubuntu is very elegant!
- UNIX geek
- Ubuntulooks for Breezy?
- Trash can battery
- Orange Tango
- What theme is this?
- themes
- Hi I created some ubuntu wallpapers
- Icons on gnome.org
- Looks promising: Xara Xtreme
- Triple screen wallpaper
- Gnomad2 icon
- OS X Tiger wallpaper modified for Dapper
- Ubuntu Subway wallpaper
- A background for poor people who are forced to use Mac OS or Windows
- Been playing with GIMP
- Application skinning?
- Ubuntu Coffee adds
- Tango iPods
- Splashy progressmeter too fast on boot-up
- inkscape question - size / cropping of saved files
- My other computer runs linux (inspired by the other thread!)
- How do I make fonts?
- Ubuntu Rolling Road Wallpaper
- Ubuntu Stairs at Dusk Wallpaper
- Ubuntu Lake - dual screen wallpaper
- Ubuntu- Stairs at dusk "remix"
- Classic Fonts (for Print) on Linux
- Ubuntu buttons
- Where can I find...
- Behind the hill
- Orange Human and Tango
- where can i get this wallpaper?
- gim plugins
- ubuntu forums