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  1. My artwork for the 12.10
  2. Need Suggestions for Composure
  3. Unofficial Gnome-Shell Ubuntu wallpapers
  4. Monochrome
  5. Open Source Solutions for Building Information Modelling?
  6. Which One's Better?
  7. [SOLVED] Better alternative to GIMP
  8. [SOLVED] gimp/darktable opencl video ram requirements
  9. Adwaita dark theme and Google Chrome
  10. Elementary OS + Faience icon theme!
  11. Uball
  12. Gimp 2.8 network saving bug???
  13. Any good looking themes for XFCE 4.10?
  14. Plymouth hue cycle theme
  15. What are these icons known as?
  16. [SOLVED] Animated/Live Wallpapers?
  17. GIMP How do I remove part of a layer
  18. Seeking design program with real world scaling
  19. Ubuntu Accomplishments Trophy Icons - Help Needed
  20. official ubuntu 13.04 wallpaper
  21. More camera support and geotagging in darktable 1.1
  22. Design Proposals
  23. [SOLVED] ZAW icons
  24. GNU/free equivalent to AutoCAD
  25. Gimp: Persistent grid settings, Size and always visable
  26. how to create an "image letter" using Font Forge?
  27. Using CSS transition for theme hover effect.
  28. Some icon theme replace systray icons
  29. 13.04 wallpaper
  30. Kubuntu Plymouth Theme
  31. Merry Xmas for all!
  32. participation in ubuntu font design
  33. Raw image processing
  34. Which graphic / drawing tablet?
  35. Ubuntu phone wallpaper
  36. xubuntu wallpaper
  37. Pens and brushes in Gimp
  38. gtk theme not displaying properly for pidgin or hexchat
  39. Interesting Word
  40. Gimp or Inkscape and artwork
  41. precise - how to edit top panel ?
  42. Need a Graphic Designer Will Pay
  43. [gtkmm 2.4] get a widget position
  44. Idea for Unity - Better Resize
  45. Ubuntu 12.04 Indicator fixing icon space
  46. Problem with Gimp
  47. Top Creative Inspiration Blogs
  48. Inkscape / Scribus color management
  49. GTK 3 themeing help
  50. Hybrid MacOSX/Ubuntu13.04 RR wallpaper! <3
  51. Gimp Beginner Help with Path Tool
  52. Animated GIF editors other than Gimp
  53. White theme
  54. Computer aided design on Ubuntu
  55. [Guide] Setting Up Tablet PC Screen Rotation
  56. Gimp question
  57. Gimp 2.8 on Ubuntu 12.04?
  58. Theme question
  59. Need a designer for some small designs
  60. Theming your Unity panel [Tutorial]
  61. Inkscape - canvas & resize
  62. Clear History in Pinta 1.3
  63. GIMP Brush Outline Lag on Lubuntu 12.10
  64. ubunto 12.10 vs ubunto studio 12.10
  65. Ubuntu Auctions: get cool Ubuntu items and help charity (need a designer)
  66. Can Any body recomended me Best Photoshop Alternative
  67. [REQUEST] Make this all on 2 printable pages.
  68. Page layout: A7 pages on A4 paper (booklet printing)
  69. Font Identifier
  70. lossless image with GIMP?
  71. Image design : different patterns and how to use them with GIMP ?
  72. Imposition of A7 pages into A4 paper
  73. Trust Tablet dual monitor
  74. Conky script to change images
  75. Gimp 2.8 crashes on Save
  76. Scribus no longer exports PDF:s
  77. Simple Linux Wallpapers
  78. color help in scribus
  79. Ubuntu 13.04 Themes
  80. Gimpshop am I crazy? Where can I download it from?
  81. What programs were used to make the new icons?
  82. GIMP Pressure Senstivity with Synaptics Touchpad?
  83. Jagged edges in Inkscape picture
  84. What would make this picture appropriate for an Ubuntu release?
  85. Is there a good Scrapbooking app?
  86. Ultimatecat Black Opal painting
  87. Unity Dock Tweak Suggestion or Idea - Recentely used Apps icons
  88. Different Wallpapers, Cube.
  89. Unity Launcher Tweak
  90. Leftover background image
  91. [photography] Need help with GIMP display problems
  92. Can't install Draftsight 12.04 32bit
  93. Ubuntu 12.10 & 13.04 64 bit Bricscad 13 and Draftsight install instructions that work
  94. How do I cut images then enlarge and transfer to another image on GIMP?
  95. ubuntu font
  96. How to upgrade to Scribus 1.4.2 on 12.10
  97. Blender gives me black rendering (tuto heart)
  98. need help with krita install
  99. [photography] LightZone - dng colors
  100. [SOLVED] Blender 2.6x Luxrender install help appreciated
  101. How I made my student animated film with Pencil, GIMP and Blender
  102. Programs for Deep Painting Ubuntu 13.04
  103. Please help make penguin white background transparent but not penguin's chest
  104. Which is better?
  105. showing Scribus page grid
  106. Animated GIFs
  107. Better alternative to Scribus
  108. Help installing a Huion tablet
  109. best ubuntu wallpaper
  110. Using autotrace package Ubuntu Studio
  111. Please support GIMP Crowdfunding proposal. (KICKSTARTER or similar)
  112. [SOLVED] Change startup splashscreen before login-screen Kubuntu 12.04?
  113. GIMP - Crashes While Loading/Adding/Refreshing Patterns
  114. Gimp Screen
  115. Creating a board game - need a software
  116. Ubuntu themes
  117. PDF Black Text Quality
  118. GIMP 2.8 getting python-fu PhotoLabo 4.0.0 working
  119. [SOLVED] Rhythmbox with visualisation?
  120. Binaural Beats Coposition
  121. Created Today
  122. Inkscape color management.
  123. Website to promote Graphic Design and Web Design on Linux/FOSS
  124. [photography] Gimp deletes exif data..
  125. Photoshop CS6 theme for Gimp 2.8
  126. Blender: objects seem grouped, but are not
  127. Adding text labels and metadata to photographs
  128. Looking for a replacement of autoCAD and Photoshop
  129. apply layer to multiple images
  130. [SOLVED] uneditable layers in Gimp xfc file
  131. saving in gimp in a non xcf format
  132. Gimp: No change in fonts
  133. Gimp 2.8.6: Need maximise button back, or...
  134. New wallpapers using Pinta
  135. Stuck computer
  136. Adobe Creative Cloud/Suite for Ubuntu
  137. [photography] Krita
  138. stupid little xfce logo
  139. [SOLVED] gimp & astronomy plugins
  140. [SOLVED] EXIF data in Gimp
  141. Gimp 2.6.12 in the software center
  142. Change default arrow in Grimp script
  143. [photography] Ubuntu 14.04 wallpaper
  144. Need help installing HUION H610 Drawing Tablet
  145. Ubuntu version of Draftsight installs on SolydK but not Ubuntu !?!
  146. [SOLVED] Can I use the pangolin art as an avatar?
  147. [photography] New Photoshop alternative for Linux - Pixeluvo...
  148. PArticle animations
  149. gimp inches top grid says it is 34 inches wide?
  150. [photography] Darktable crashing, how can i reset it?
  151. Professional landscape design software solution
  152. Monitor Calibration - Is there anyone to explain things?
  153. printing vector images
  154. Old Ubuntu style with Unity
  155. Trusty Tahr images
  156. [SOLVED] conky trouble
  157. [SOLVED] Conky 3 month calendar
  158. My Ubuntu 14.04 Theme collection
  159. alternate clonezilla splash screen
  160. [Theme] Project eLubuntu-Lubuntu 14.04 themed like Unity - Need feedback,suggestions
  161. Ubuntu Phone: no rounded corners for photos, videos and album-art
  162. Numix Circles - Ubuntu 14.04
  163. My first attempt at a Mint-style wallpaper
  164. Technical name of wallpaper style of Ubuntu
  165. psd to svg
  166. My Desktop
  167. [SOLVED] Need testers for Tux Plot
  168. Random Pony Ubuntu-tan
  169. [SOLVED] how to use lighting in makehuman
  170. Community Made Trusty Tahr Wallpapers
  171. Dragon
  172. [SOLVED] images inserted into LibreOffice
  173. GIMP startup problem
  174. Making a theme
  175. [SOLVED] Fonts not selectable in Inkscape since upgrade to 14.04
  176. Kubuntu orange wallpaper
  177. [photography] Inkscape Needs Update
  178. Trouble installing gimp astrophotography plugins
  179. Wacom with Ubuntu: what is your experience?
  180. rendera ported to linux
  181. Gimp Question - save as and export
  182. How installing ShotWell from PPA
  183. Ubuntu Design Concept
  184. GIMP: Green Halo around text
  185. First time lapse
  186. How do you create and use a bitmap font based on GIMP png output?
  187. Art Thread
  188. Openshot Won't Save
  189. [photography] photoshop cs6 alternative in ubuntu ?
  190. Unthemed elements on ubuntu 14.04
  191. Mischief - A new hand draw application with infinite canvas and zoom
  192. Launched a photoshop shortkey repository for GIMP!
  193. Themes based on "Material Design"
  194. How do i change the colour of icons the side panel in Nemo?
  195. Lubuntu 14.04 Alternate Menu Icon
  196. "Ubuntu & Debian" background image
  197. Gnome 3 Themes vs Unity Themes?
  198. A few questions... sorry if this is the wrong place!!!
  199. Lubuntu wall .
  200. Old Ubuntu Meets New Ubuntu Wallpaper
  201. Cameron Bohnstedt Open Source Design Videos
  202. Ubuntu 16.04 Stupendously Hot Charmander concept
  203. Ubuntu vs Windows 10 Wallpaper
  204. A Couple Ubuntu Wallpapers
  205. Even More Wallpapers
  206. Ubuntu Material Design Wallpaper
  207. Web Design on linux
  208. [SOLVED] How to Draw "Musical Notes" with Shell Script? *Urgent*
  209. [photography] Darktable Scrolling ?
  210. Sharing auto-wallpaper generator with anyone who wants it
  211. Two Wallpapers I made (Rio de Janeiro)
  212. Help Running NIK Filters inside GIMP
  213. Krita 2016 Kickstarter
  214. What is a good Ubuntu 3d character software?
  215. Custom folder icons in themes
  216. Educational tileset for gnome mahjongg
  217. GIMP crash during startup on patterns folder.
  218. FOSS fonts
  219. plymouth, gdm, bootscreen, login, startup, shutdown
  220. Does your Wacom Intuos2 work in Ubuntu (or other Linux)?
  221. [SOLVED] Thumbnail in Thunar shows mysterious wider uncropped image
  222. Ubuntu Grunge Futuristic Wallpapers
  223. Fractal Image Generator
  224. Creating Cursor theme: what about the files in "cursors"?
  225. Little football animation
  226. [SOLVED] How to create a Gnome Shell theme
  227. Line drawing from JPEG
  228. I Made It
  229. Are there any XFWM themes that look like Murrina Chrystal Line?
  230. Ubuntu Logo in color ASCII art
  231. Custom Language Setting
  232. Vector graphical resources for the Ubuntu 'Origami' mascots? (Bionic Beaver)
  233. [photography] Manually change window, icon, font, etc to my liking by editing config file
  234. Thunar; how to background transparent?
  235. Is it possible to use a contorted icon as a progress- or scrollbar in a Gtk 3 theme?
  236. Ubuntu Mono - Shape issue of '<' and '>'
  237. Can I use the Ubuntu logo in a document?
  238. Fabio's Art ubuntu wallpaper HD and 4K
  239. Gimp 2.8 autosave [script] howto
  240. best software for graphics designing?
  241. Request for Yaru dark icons
  242. Need something like PosteRazor for SVG files
  243. From Transparent to Solid theme.
  244. [SOLVED] Where can I find the webpage that archives all of Ubuntu's official Wallpapers?
  245. Plotting Guilloche Designs with Open Source Software
  246. Pikachu wallpaper
  247. Hirsute Hippo Alternative Wallpaper
  248. Ubuntu Universal V2
  249. [SOLVED] To make a hi-res screenshot with Imagemagick
  250. Blender grid orientation