- Plymouth is gross IMO
- Bokeh Hearts Wallpaper Attempt
- Ubuntu Wallpaper :D
- Seeking help with html / CSS
- Simple 2d animation software
- Ubuntu CD Cover
- [Desktop] Ordinary Dust Sand
- we made a skin today
- Blender 2.5
- ubuntu theme for joomla cms
- Fashion Design Sotware?
- Themes like Windows 7
- Editing themes/icons
- Lucid lynx theme for wordpress
- low res, XO like icon themes or packs?
- Can gradients be applied to any gtk window themes?
- Ubuntu in space
- Index file for icon theme?
- [photography] Island map for game
- Found something cool re OpenBox
- ASCII Art in Fish (gnome-panel)
- Pencil - Can't find flash or movie files
- i remade our ubuntu laptop skin
- firefox desing concept & ireader
- How to make a "cosmos" background with gimp ?
- Specularity maps in POV-ray
- Create an object from selection (Inkscape)
- Counting Down to Ubuntu 10.10
- Basmalah Plymouth Theme
- Odd request - can I theme Lucid to look like Jaunty?
- My tux avatar
- PSD Mixed Web Elements
- Myriad Pro SemiBold for Ubuntu
- [photography] simple 16 bit image editor?
- [SOLVED] Show Off Your Desktop Thread
- Limited Time Only Custom Theme
- An Ubuntu 10.10 ilustration :)
- Ubuntu Forum fs
- I need a good art program for ubuntu
- [photography] Color managed workflow...
- Intro animation
- Dual boot grub2 wallpapers
- Making a website in Ubunut
- Fox Bubbles Icon
- [photography] deleting photos from a cf card
- Caricaturist asking your advice
- what one do you like the best -
- First blender model - myst planetarium
- New HAL-Style wallpaper
- Problem with FreeCAD
- New interface idea: One interface fits all
- Custom icons for specific apps
- Poll: Which design do you like the most (blueprints inside)?
- Fonts used on help.ubuntu pages
- Open source software that supports photoshop's adjustment layers?
- Blender Tux
- i have a problem in inkscape
- Any good software for sitemaping?
- Inkscape Tutorials
- Digikam Batch Queue Manager produces washed-out color
- Make GIMP work
- [SOLVED] Fonts for Inkscape
- Old Ubuntu wallpapers?
- BacktrackOrb Gnomenu Button
- Competition - ART - Windows or Linux - Best You can do
- [photography] pdfposter help: tile printing
- Icons in menu
- Ubuntu mono dock icons
- Graphics (paint-type) software using tablet
- [SOLVED] Tool to extract palette / color table from image
- My Wacom Pen tablet stopped working
- [SOLVED] white gtk theme
- Warm-Up exercises for Web Designers?
- How to change sidebar color in pcmanfm ?
- Ubuntu DVD Covers!!!!
- Pressure detection on Gimp
- what is the bar in the bottom called?! I can't remember! please help me!
- Gimp brush lag
- old goblinx themes?
- GIMP - GAP - OGV movie files
- Adobe's interface...Copyright?
- Halfway to a '90s Macintosh look (OS 8 or 9)
- Gimp question
- [SOLVED] PDF applications supporting Overprint Preview?
- Inkscape Problems
- faenza icon theme, get it in ubuntu?
- GNOME Shell Ambiance Light Theme
- Abiword: Embedded Advertisements
- [photography] Which Digital Camera?
- Easier package installing UI idea. Comments, please
- Software Center (Mock Up)
- Inkscape ruler issue...Ubuntu 10.10
- Animated background (moving eyes picture)
- Hybrid Ubuntu-Apple-Windows logo
- Cybershop CS4
- Ubuntu & Kubuntu DVD Covers
- G'MIC : a GIMP plugin
- please help me out
- [photography] My Maverick Meerkat's DVD Cover
- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Trailer
- Lubuntu slogan
- [photography] Lubuntu t-shrit
- Need a simple photo program
- Lubuntu Art UPLOAD HERE
- Variations of Colors in Hex
- A subReddit devoted to linux photography
- Signature Help (Gimp)
- [photography] Strange little glitches in a Gimp pix..?
- [photography] RAW software...
- Blender 2.53 BGE refuses to render textures?
- Is there an analogy to Web X5 designer?
- [SOLVED] Ubuntu 10.04 cd label
- Gimp 2.7 start / menu shortcut
- [Wall] Organocatalytic Heart Response Engines O.C.H.R.E
- [photography] Concept Desktop
- Gnome Home icon
- [SOLVED] A decent font for Kubuntu
- Interactive Desktop Hints
- [SOLVED] Inkscape - How to get the outline of an object in a bitmap?
- Video Game Floorplans
- program bar? help
- Thoughts & Constructive Criticism - My Site
- Inkscape...3D
- [SOLVED] Need help figuring out a website issue.
- How to theme Ubuntu One folder icon
- Can you design a logo for my blog?
- WEB 2.0 PSD Designs collection for web designer
- Hello Fellows!!! Check Zis Out!!!
- Take a look at what I was able to achieve
- Is Canon "Dust Delete Data" compatible in linux software?
- Making PSD files safe for GIMP?
- Insightpoint
- [SOLVED] What's with GIMP batch processing? too complex!! help please?!
- panel vs notification/indication area
- How do I go back to the Lucid theme on Maverick?
- Good script font for all situations?
- Thin Titlebars
- Ideas
- my new website
- ImageMagick behaving strange with window option?
- [SOLVED] CAD required
- Humanity icon theme has some bitmap files with wrong extension names?
- Maverick Meerkat Wallpaper?
- Share New Wallpapers for Meerkat
- Facebook Profile Image
- [SOLVED] Browser compatibility - Chrome works, anything else doesn't.
- New Ubuntu font in the Terminal
- Center title in Ambiance theme for Ubuntu 10.10?
- Change default font to Ubuntu Font from command line in Gnome
- Dislike the purple and orange startup?
- Looking for a wallpaper
- Official Lucidity theme discussion thread
- Mp3 Thumbnails
- Maverick Themes on Lucid
- Basic query about DTP
- My New Xubuntu 10.10 Deskop
- Turn Windows titles from centered to left aligned in Theme?
- how to: appearance settings - icons - themes
- screen resolution/size
- Emerald button art
- Ubuntu 10.10 DVD Cover
- i need some help with font type
- [photography] Jooria Web Design Resources
- Making part of an existing image partially transparent in GIMP
- Ubuntu and Design Suit
- Powered By Ubuntu Sticker
- [SOLVED] openbox theming
- Kubuntu 10.10 DVD Cover
- I could really use some input on my new theme.
- Looking to identify this Metacity theme.
- Install Photoshop CS2 on Your Ubuntu PC
- Post a screenshot of your gnome-terminal!
- 60 most-excellent-ubuntu-wallpapers
- Software/commands to move & rename photos based on EXIF data or tags?
- what are good websites to find artistic non-geek inspired wallpaper thats somewhat mi
- Animation-videp
- [photography] Recompile linux into an install CD after redesign
- Text dripping in Gimp vs Inkscape
- Restoring default appearance from Xubuntu 10.04 Lucid
- Good Typefaces?
- Wan't to change the login screen
- [SOLVED] custom focus style in gtkrc
- My Work with the GIMP
- What's with the Ubuntu logo and the obsession with circles?
- Logo Desing Contest and Voting on Favorites
- I made these wallpapers for us.
- Is it okay to use the Lubuntu logo for my company logo?
- Mac OS Icons => Ubuntu Icons
- Would like to make cartoons
- Nasty Over site In Open Source Software (e.g. Ubuntu Software Centre)
- Where To Start
- MiniTube icon concept
- Looking for Graphics Designer who is interested in contributing to open source projec
- Problems with using browsers on Ubuntu for web design
- JACK help
- Ubuntu: Warthog to Meerkat
- Use Ubuntu font in non-Ubuntu distro?
- wallpaper
- inspired by Indian classical art - Purely hand made paintings using GIMP
- Letter spacing problem for azerty keyboard users
- Xubuntu 10.10 Lightscribe Template
- How do I know what the widget classes are?
- Brochure printings
- Bar idea....
- [SOLVED] Convert .png to .jpg with multiples photos how?
- Open source short.
- Desktop Concept/Mockup (Pic)
- mirror mirror on the wall what's the best image editor of them all
- Great opportunity for Adobe Creative Suite for Linux
- I need ideas for the logo on my website.
- How can we petition to bring Adobe creative software to Ubuntu?
- Hacking Canon cameras
- What are your favorite typefaces?
- Advertisement Idea for Ubuntu
- How to add Arabic fonts to libreoffice
- Longhorn Transformation Pack
- New icon for google chrome
- evince problem
- Request: Quick svg version of a very simple png
- looking for wallpaper
- Gimp: How can I fill a 16x16 square with incremental color values?
- Photoshop equivalent
- Flowchart design software
- Creating a Velvet Texture in Gimp?
- Ubuntu 11.10 Omniscient Octopus
- MS Paint....
- Can some one design a nice cover in visual art for my proposed book on Srichakra and
- Looking for things :)
- Gimp Going Down hill
- [photography] Win 7 and ubuntu 10.10
- I'm a web developer looking for a web designer
- A Few Custom Ubuntu Backgrounds
- Radiance in 10.10 but more compact theme ?
- Pimp my Macbook
- Chocolate Ubuntu Wallpaper
- Gimp paint studio
- [SOLVED] Grub2 Text Shadow
- Desktop Wallpapers
- [SOLVED] Combine images into a single image on commandline
- Retro Wallpapers
- Evolution Mail-List-Color in gtkrc?
- Ubuntu theme for Wordpress
- Linux Penguin Vs Windows (Again?)
- Save For Web in GIMP?
- Good CD/DVD Printer copier combo
- Scribus tooltips
- [SOLVED] Adding music to an already existing slideshot
- Diference Between Photoshop and gimp?
- Change keyboard layout Inkscape and Blender
- Different fonts in LXDE/OpenBox