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  1. Gimp For Video Special Effects?
  2. Inkscape won't save my panels?
  3. Cat
  4. My future web page :D
  5. [SOLVED] looking for a way to split image into 3x3 sections
  6. Looking for an Xsplash theme
  7. Gloobus Ex Emerald Theme (Large Images)
  8. You've probably seen is a thousand time..but rate my orb.
  9. Tutorial - Giving Artwork a Metalic Chip / Glitter Look.
  10. Easy and Simple Tech Layout
  11. 26 Ubuntu Wallpapers That Don't Suck
  12. The 3D Computer Chip
  13. [photography] Exodist - Ubuntu Wallpapers.
  14. 120 Excellent Examples of Photo Manipulation Art
  15. 400 HQ Wallpapers [3 Years Collection] 2 Parts + Preview
  16. 500 Cool Best Designed Web Templates
  17. Fire and Earth
  18. Scribus Experiences
  19. Smooth Lucid Lynx CD Label.
  20. [photography] collection of around 283 pics of UFO'S seen on our earth from period 1870-2009
  21. [photography] changes in gimp 2.6.7
  22. building information modeling project
  23. Artists of all kinds if i could have your attention
  24. Gimp 2.8 Preview and Review
  25. Two new themes for Gwibber2 - Gwibbles and Gwibbly
  26. Gimp Single Window Mode
  27. Switching desktop background
  28. Switching desktop background
  29. Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala CD Covers
  30. [photography] Ubuntu stained glass project
  31. [SOLVED] Does Gimp have a feature like Photoshop's "move selection with Spacebar"
  32. [photography] Resize Mutiple Photos
  33. Trying to learn to better my artwork skills.
  34. [photography] RawTherapee 3.0 is now free and open source software
  35. General Customization Help
  36. [SOLVED] Photo Presentations ?
  37. Gimp refuses to let me draw - nothing appears when drawing
  38. Monnochrome Thunderbird dock icon
  39. [photography] RawTherapee is GPL'ed:-)
  40. Xubuntu and video creation !?
  41. Kseg - how can I create a particular angle?
  42. Speed Illustration with Inkscape under Ubuntu video.
  43. Latitude of 8 bit PNG
  44. Problems getting Sketchup to install and run
  45. [SOLVED] Problems with blender interface in Jaunty
  46. [photography] Difference of illustrator and photoshop?
  47. Tweaking Firefox for the new Ubuntu release
  48. [ask] Need recommendations for the right image viewer (for me)...
  49. Bibble 5 Pro Released!
  50. Lightwave Coming to Linux! (i think)
  51. Themes and Backgrounds
  52. Great photo stitcher, works perfectly under Wine.
  53. Blender 2.5 Sculpting & Segmentation Faults, poor performance
  54. How to Save Filters with PNG in Inkscape
  55. Man to Man "this is art"
  56. Getting MakeHuman Up And Running In Ubuntu
  57. [SOLVED] Change icon of a file
  58. Ubuntu Air Wallpaper
  59. 3D Models of Submarines or Pumps
  60. [SOLVED] Requesting 25 people's help in making something very unique.
  61. Museo font
  62. SLiM In Lucid
  63. A Purpose
  64. Rhythmbox Status Icon (applet) "Playing" state
  65. How does my desktop look?
  66. Notify-osd Percentage Bar
  67. Installing gtk+
  68. Any way to make themes?
  69. looking for simple, elegant ubuntu wallpapers
  70. [SOLVED] glass letters gimp plugin
  71. Free Gimp tutorials PDF's
  72. Blender2.5Alpha Download help?
  73. [Reference] Gnome Theme Creator
  74. Dual Screen Wallpapers on multiple workspaces
  75. Idea: Terminal Embedded in Wallpaper
  76. How to use the clone tool to stroke a path in GIMP
  77. My Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx Wallpaper
  78. [photography] Need advice with photo tagging - share your experiences!
  79. Can a scanner detect infrared light?
  80. Unable to install Art Manager
  81. Dark Clean theme for DigitalClock Screenlet
  82. Ubuntu Wallpaper Design. Source Included
  83. Art & Design
  84. [SOLVED] how to get different fg[NORMAL] in tab title and body?
  85. Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase
  86. What's wrong with this theme?
  87. [photography] My custom theme
  88. Blender into web whitout flash?
  89. looking for a bright neon theme
  90. Mock Up
  91. if i make gpl art where can I upload to share it?
  92. Blender Assembly
  93. [photography] bibble5pro crash
  94. Searching for a screensaver
  95. gimp is running painfully slow
  96. Gimpshop
  97. [photography] Extremeclipart Vector Collection AIO (FULL PACKS)
  98. Any Idea how to make blank desktop?
  99. Homosapien - Metacity
  100. GIMP 2.7.1 not remembering Single-window mode
  101. [photography] Dust and scratches?
  102. Universal themes
  103. Converting to eps
  104. Create Flash with Ajax Animator!
  105. Gimp fails to open a picture edited in gimp
  106. Inkscape Logo Designer Wanted
  107. Website help.
  108. [SOLVED] blender doesn't work anymore
  109. Which software to use for creating a product brochure?
  110. Xara for linux totally abandoned?
  111. How to install Pagemaker in ubuntu
  112. What books to get to learn art concepts.
  113. System generated Art
  114. (GIMP) Removing a color channel from an image and "rendering" this?
  115. How to add studio-fonts-meta package to Jaunty
  116. [SOLVED] aluminum icons
  117. Gimp Newb. How do I do this?
  118. Cartoon Version of Me
  119. Some Gimp Art from myself. (Mass Effect 2)
  120. Amazing Ubuntu Concepts
  121. what app for 3d landscape design
  122. GIMP Problem
  123. GIMP Problem #2
  124. Where is the best place to get GIMP questions answered?
  125. Wallpaper/theme manager question
  126. A new look for a context menu, for Human.
  127. TVPaint pro Linux Open Beta
  128. [photography] Photography, Raw files and other new Ubuntu user problems:)
  129. Designing a Cafe Menu
  130. Effectively embedding fonts in a webpage
  131. Inkscape template size
  132. [SOLVED] Blender face fgon help (2.49-2.5)
  133. [SOLVED] GIMP and TIF files
  134. Xsane scans documents dark and grey
  135. Win XP Silver theme + Mac-style window buttons + Droid icons
  136. Gimp and processor usage
  137. Ubuntu 7 Wallpaper
  138. Ubuntu 7 Wallpaper
  139. New Wallpaper
  140. Two new wallpapers.
  141. Ubuntu logo in QCaD
  142. [SOLVED] Edit a theme to remove the "background" color from windows etc...
  143. how to use referance images in blender
  144. A concept for a simple login screen.
  145. Another Lucid Lynx wallpaper
  146. My computer having a new display layout
  147. Installing wine give "failed to fetch" errors
  148. Can not get sketchup to run on wine
  149. Conky-Lua memory leak
  150. Inkscape automation?
  151. OpenOffice Drawing alternative?
  152. [photography] High Resolution Wallpapers
  153. Check out my latest travesty of a website.
  154. Help the aspiring filmmaker! dvgrab ERROR! "NO DV"
  155. The Gnome Shell themes thread... ...
  156. Gnome3 Concept!!!!
  157. inskape pen reset style
  158. Superkaramba theme
  159. Nautilus concepts
  160. I made a pencil video!
  161. New Ubuntu Design Overhaul is reality!!!
  162. [SOLVED] problem with login screen on 9.10
  163. Poll: should Ubuntu look more like a Mac?
  164. Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid CD/DVD Label | Cover Art With new brand design
  165. Rhythmbox mockup
  166. old effect in feisty
  167. Gimp help.
  168. Monitor for Photography
  169. my human theme for KDE
  170. Nautilus
  171. GDM theme executed from command line???
  172. can't find installed Wordpress
  173. Inkscape slow performance. A little test
  174. tutorail
  175. How can we make Gnome able to compete with KDE?
  176. [photography] National Geographic Channel : Moment Awards
  177. OSX Zbrush (not wine-MOL)
  178. Cartography program for Linux?
  179. [SOLVED] Icons - Creating them - best software?
  180. Office file format icons for humanity
  181. Ubuntu logo usage
  182. Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Eyecandy
  183. [SOLVED] I'm looking for an Anaglyph 3d program for images! (Ubuntu 9.10)
  184. Ambiance and Radiance for Fluxbox
  185. Screensavers in 9.10
  186. Countdown banner for 10.04
  187. [SOLVED] Help making GTK themes compact?
  188. Gimp Speed Painting
  189. Ubuntu Mac4lin Problem
  190. HOW TO: Change Ubuntu 10.04 WM buttons to 9.10 placement/order
  191. Is there anyway to make the gnome menu bar look like the xfce menu bar
  192. Help needed with artwork for Netbook Distribution
  193. Is there anyway to remove the icons in the gnome main menu bar?
  194. Gimp 2.7
  195. Skyrocketing CPU in Gnome-shell when cursor shows.
  196. Widescreen Plymouth?
  197. Theme
  198. thunar breadcrumbs redesign?
  199. How to Install Gimpshop on Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10
  200. two-line notification area?
  201. Where to get basic gimp help for noobs?
  202. Should I continue this? Ubuntu Concept Mockup
  203. how to get the buttons back on the right.
  204. Common fonts for Ubuntu and Windows
  205. Good Ubuntu Light Themes
  206. linux map editing software??
  207. Calling all website designers...
  208. The spacing of icons in panels
  209. Radiance with 10.04 beta
  210. Apartment Project in 3DS MAX 2009 (Long intro post)
  211. comic sans ms - love it / hate it / alternatives?
  212. ambience for KDE
  213. About a Wallpaper
  214. Ubuntu theme mock up
  215. GNOME SHELL (real?)
  216. Lucid default wallpaper gradient not smooth
  217. Need to Hire Inkscape Designer/Artist
  218. new ubuntu sticker (rebranding)
  219. Blender...easy to use?
  220. Lightening images (batch process)
  221. New Ubuntu logo SVG
  222. Ubuntu Concept Design
  223. Kids & Design...
  224. kompozer misses rules in CSS style sheet
  225. digital scrapbooking
  226. Animated backgrounds are great. Can you do it like this?
  227. [SOLVED] How do I create a custom cursor
  228. Paint like programs
  229. Flash like software
  230. human icons from 9.04
  231. PNG color changing issue, please help(gimp)
  232. Am I the only one who prefers Clearlooks to Ambiance?
  233. Ubuntu needs a new clothing line
  234. New Nautilus design *Mockup*
  235. Change 10.04 Window closing tags
  236. Ubuntu DVD case (paper sleeve) comin' up
  237. .: Ubuntu Wallpapers :.
  238. Tablet-ready drawing applications in Ubuntu?
  239. My new Ubuntu Laptop (Inspiron 6000)
  240. Installing cinepaint in ubuntu 9.10 (Deb packages)
  241. [photography] BreezeBrowser / Breeze browser Pro
  242. Free font alternative
  243. [SOLVED] How to change startup loader for Ubuntu 9.10 xsplash
  244. "This Will Blow Up"- Tester's Warning Video
  245. artist/gamer
  246. GUIs based on video game HUDs
  247. Image renaming software..
  248. New titlebar button proposal
  249. First Project/Creation
  250. how to customize ubuntu remix