- Debian gnome-themes-extras_0.9.0-5_all
- GTK Theme Help
- What do you guys think of my Desktop
- Logo needed for a new program (package creator)
- Representative of Ubuntu Graphics community?
- Ubuntu Wallpaper Photo Pack
- I've been working on a dark brown theme...
- grafic designers wanted
- XFCE Icon Theme Problem
- Global menu problem with ubuntu 8.10?
- how to change the look of KDE4 apps in GNOME?
- where to find royalty free music
- Windows like appearance for linux
- svg not displayed properly in Ubutntu preview
- HTML Cheatsheet Desktop Wallpaper
- Graphics Designer's Needed For Graphics User Interface
- Problem with Epidermis
- Make your own 3-D Paperboard Ubuntu Tux!
- W0lv3n's Logins
- Neat way to visualize binary data
- Gedit plugins for gtkrc editing
- Jaunty login screen metallic theme
- Website Designer for Linux
- Custom GDM Theme
- Logos I made.
- My first work on GIMP
- New GTK + Metacity Theme - Cyclotram!
- 3D graphics
- Redesigning my portfolio (again)
- Websites with fixed position menus. Opinions?
- Ubuntu logo usage
- Free SVG
- question about gtkrc
- windows theme for ubuntu
- Help an ubuntu user win a car!
- Tango version of Ubuntu logo
- Fancy desktop
- Help making vector logo
- Dissaportment in Ubunut 9.04 Theme
- Panel Backgrounds
- Real Desktop - True 3D desktop
- Login Screen
- Envelope for Jaunty in Spanish / Sobre para Jaunty en espaņol
- Evangelion Circle of Friends...
- Refreshing the Ubuntu Logo, not heaps, just a bit!
- Deck (UI idea)
- lightscribe label for Ubuntu 9.04
- How Do You Crop A Circle?
- New ubuntu wallpaper(WARNING LARGE IMAGE)
- Any ideas how or where do i get this?
- Human Theme is Ugly
- Wallpaper clock and shortcut bar identification
- Downgrading to Intrepid's themes?
- Options in Pixelize
- Looking for help --- need someone to vectorize a logo
- New wallpaper
- Is This The Right Place To Ask... Does Ubuntu Need A New Default Icons Theme?
- my ubuntu wallpaper
- need help with Inkscape for ubuntu
- Finding my inner koala - Working on a 9.10 theme...
- logo usage question
- Gnome Panel Transparency (Murrine)
- CD Label for Jaunty / Etiqueta de CD para Jaunty
- looking for a certain font
- pixelmator port?
- Screenshot taker,For complete Web prints.
- MythRow Mythtv Theme
- Gnome Sidebar - Mockup
- (1) Ubuntu Jaunty Wallpaper
- (2) Saturn Wallpaper
- (3) Splatter Wallpaper
- (4) Spacey Login GDM
- Rate my Desktop
- Suspend login window art
- Software Recommendation Please
- (Re)designing Ubuntu
- Alternative to the GIMP
- Jaunty Wallpaper
- Favorite paint program?
- Ubuntu Buddhist addition
- Good Website To Retrive Ubuntu Wallpapers?
- Darker ubuntuforums.org theme (brown)
- Clearlooks theme needs just one change: OSX traffic light buttons
- Ubuntuforums.org and Avatars
- What wallpapers are included in the new release?
- Sketching with the GIMP in Ubuntu 9.04
- Dismals Canyon-Dark Water Wallpaper
- my gimp brushes don't appear in the brush menu
- [SOLVED] Rough firefox graphics in hardy vs dapper
- bump maps in gimp, blender modeling
- Cool Open Source Tools for Image Editing
- google custom search
- LightRoom Available for Linux
- Self Portrait
- Official Jaunty CD label
- Best program for drawing anime?
- Height maps!!!!
- Custom Icon pack
- help with .abrviewer in Ubuntu 8
- Low color (16/256) icons
- Some nice Ubuntu Wallpapers
- Has anyone noticed the similarity between the Kubuntu and Ubuntu logo?
- GIMP , White blocks in text box?
- My first completed work in Inkscape
- White glue
- sk1 on Jaunty: importError: No module named sk1
- Gimp is Great.
- Cairo-dock help, can't change themes
- I've made wallpapers for you :)
- Home Folder Won't Open to Install Gimp Brushes
- Transparency as default in Gimp? how?
- GIMP turned me into a zombie.
- Design Resourses - GIMP & Blender
- Am I using HSV noise correctly?
- "Smart" scissors
- Just for fun: Arch/Ubuntu logo combination
- some great themes
- a modern and light theme for gnome?
- What do I do about jaggies?
- Lightscribe Labels
- Animated GDM Theme
- windows theme for ubuntu
- Toolbar icons with button effect always, not only prelight
- Glow Maps in Blender
- Keryxproject.org needs website comments
- Liquify
- Most high quality and lossless image filetype with GIMP?
- Change Drive Icon
- Can somebody please design me a simple piece of graphics?
- change pidgin conversation background
- im new here !
- How do I do this?
- New theme I made
- aiptek tablet
- find missing font in gimp
- software for drawing arrows?
- Gnome / compiz confusion
- New Custom Gnome Interactive Login
- Adobe rgb ICC for Gimp/Ufraw
- Ever got a theme you don't need to touch?(AKA how can brown look so good)
- Batch file processing in windows
- Ubuntu Human Firefox Theme....
- Shrink document in Lilypond
- Macchiato Theme but brighter?
- Feedback on first theme
- Wallpaper File Size Help
- Ubuntu sound
- X windows Video capture porgram
- Requesting GIMP help.
- X3D Clients and Worlds
- Modifying GTK theme (slider color)
- My second wallpaper with Inkscape.
- How about an Ubuntu poster for your bedroom?
- pic
- Ubuntu CD Wallet Help
- Usb Tablet for newbie.
- Saving whole interface with icons order (and AWN-bar?)
- good themes?
- CONCEPT: Ubuntu innovative panel
- Icon editor
- Does GIMP work with KDE?
- Updating Drupal
- Tutorial update Help required.
- Any real contender for AcDsee?
- Custom Install - Art?
- Curretn Icon set folder?
- Master Pages in Scribus
- [GIMP] yearning for an old GIMP font
- Inkscape to Scribius to PDF Transparency Issue
- Creating a personal banner-- I feel it's "missing" something. Suggestions?
- Notify OSD Icons
- Need help for desktop finding
- a set of questions
- A fireworks like program for ubuntu?
- any good tutorials learning making backgrounds....
- CONCEPT: 3D Room/File Manager
- my own theme?
- Talika - Icon Only Gnome-Window-List
- Create visualisations using an external MP3 player?
- How to create or edit mouse cursor
- Hidden Icon
- Remember this mockup? Now it's real.
- A few new wallpapers.
- SWISHmax alternative for ubuntu
- Firefox 3.5b4 PNG Rendering
- T-Shirt models for a LUG
- How to Install GIMPshop
- Sig Image I made.
- Cinepaint 0.25
- Please critique my FOSS designed folio
- Here's My Latest Hoping To Get Accepted For Karmic?
- ATTN: Theme creators and those who mess around with the system!
- Karmic Background Submission
- Wallpaper
- Customizing the gnome-panel clock's font.
- Scribus Templates
- Is this possible to do with some sort of script?
- Need an icon for Ear Candy!
- Anyone likes using different mouse cursor?
- Got a concept for a new desktop GUI - Who to show it to?
- 60 excellent ubuntu wallpapers
- Give Gnome A More Modern Look
- Krita in KOffice 2
- Where do you store your wallpapers at?
- Creating Music from scratch?
- Steampunk picture
- Looking for themes for Jauty - ancient egypt looking
- Free Website & Graphic Design
- Ubuntu marketing materials
- Custom Handwriting Front
- New Ubuntu Forum for Just Photography
- Complete Ubuntu Theming Creation Help
- Video Tutorials
- Need help to sort out a cluttered web design
- Challenge: Ubuntify KDE
- Ubuntu Vista
- My kubuntu spot with blender animation and kdenlive video editing
- Phatch 0.2: Photo & Batch!
- Why I'm running Xubuntu
- kde wallpaper
- Animation Software Ideas
- Make GIMP a little more professional :)
- troble
- beamerdelladesktop wallpaper
- GIMP - Transparency
- Need help putting together a Usplash theme...
- [SOLVED] Seeking Rolldown menu background
- low contrast scrollbars with the Human theme
- How do I package artwork?
- Ubuntu as beautiful as Mac OS X?
- Problem with gimp
- touch-screen GTK ?
- Make the new ubuntu release banners classy!
- GIMP iWarp to shrink, while preserving bokeh?
- firefox sigh
- Is there a blender PPA?
- Login Screen
- My first GIMP wallpaper
- Font request
- [photography] how to do HDR photography with open source?
- Which vector program do you use?
- 60 Beautiful Ubuntu wall Papers
- Gnome: Make sweet menus?
- free icon
- Dreamweaver vs Kompozer?
- tintwizard - tint2 config generator
- Composer Question
- Wallpapers
- awsum wallpaper
- Reload theme in build