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  1. Release party poster artwork
  2. Photo management software
  3. On Cost Reduction in Pre-printing Design
  4. Kill Bill Redone
  5. Ubuntu 9.04 or Mac OSX Snow Leopard
  6. I'd like to learn....
  7. Photo/Scanned image archival package for small Office?
  8. Is there a preview of Ubuntu 8.10
  9. GIMP - convert png to svg ?
  10. gimp stop working
  11. 3Ds Max (or Maya) to Blender? Blender to 3Ds Max(or Maya)?
  12. New set of spontaneous wallpapers
  13. Changing one of the tab parameters in Notebook widget
  14. looking for dingbat fonts
  15. looking for original wallpaper
  16. Kubuntu wallpaper
  17. opening a photoshop document in gimp
  18. CSS help
  19. Apple wooden wallpaper without the logo
  20. First Inkscape Wallpaper
  21. brusehes for gimp
  22. How to create icon with transparent background color in GIMP?
  23. We need more Xara LX users! Attached current project
  24. a problem with gimp brushes
  25. is linux going to catch up with gui?
  26. ut3 tux wallpaper
  27. Tux is taking windows' territory wallpaper
  28. Best wishes of DIWALI Festival
  29. 3D Ubuntu Wallpaper
  30. ubuntu mac walpaper
  31. my ubuntu poster
  32. my ubuntu poster 2
  33. ubun-tux
  34. [SOLVED] Wacom + Gimp = serious lag
  35. Ubuntu Buscuit
  36. Good tutorial for using gimp-console? (For animation-generating bash script)
  37. CD label for Intrepid (8.10)?
  38. The first official coin made with Ubuntu software!
  39. Introducing Human Synergy GTK Theme
  40. Make Me An Icon For My Application
  41. 8.10 and still no new theme?!?
  42. Xubuntu.org-theme for Drupal
  43. Calcomp Digitizer - Can I run it in Ubuntu?
  44. Flickr group for Ubuntu/linux face browser avatars
  45. Window management buttons-- alternate visual metaphors
  46. Problem with ttf fonts
  47. Request: Ninja Jousting Pirate
  48. Xubuntu 8.10 CD-Label or Lightscribe-Label
  49. Replace folder icon in Human theme
  50. Basic nutrients for life ;)
  51. Turkey Avatar!
  52. My first wallpaper!! :D (Ocean)
  53. Gimp pro's, help me with a simple wallpaper
  54. Can't think of a name
  55. anyone interested in Celebrity Tshirt Design Contest?
  56. Can't do anything in GIMP. Crazy mouse coordinates.
  57. wacom hotplugging in intrepid, future plans and developments?
  58. Gimp 2.6.2
  59. Jaunty Jackalope Logo
  60. Wallpapers (Originally for Linux Mint, but flexible) :P
  61. Some ideas about the concept of Partitions in Linux
  62. Ubuntu logo in Inkscape SVG
  63. Wallpapers
  64. Help me find some specific Tango-styled icons...
  65. Graphics card recs for Scriibus?
  66. Aristotelis' Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex CD labels
  67. blackcomb gtk 2 theme
  68. Gimp selection modes: I am confused
  69. Center a selection in Gimp?
  70. Wallpaper Original Artwork
  71. Krita 1.6.3 Bezier selection tool
  72. [SOLVED] Where can I get the Hardy Heron background?
  73. [SOLVED] text fonts and size in kolourpaint
  74. [SOLVED] Where IS the gallery?
  75. Wallpaper Thread - Post your ORIGINAL Wallpapers here
  76. Photoshop Replacement in Intrepid Ibex?
  77. Vector style Icon set
  78. Photographer, new around here
  79. [SOLVED] How to make a blend group in Inkscape ???
  80. Bootscreen Mockup
  81. White Gnome Splash screens
  82. Metacity theme: Vrey, try it out!
  83. Creating Mouse Pointers
  84. Cool Custom Bash Prompts
  85. Next Ubuntu Theme
  86. Help with gtk edit (dark theme) select box problem.
  87. Crystal Thanksgiving Turkey Wallpaper
  88. how to access a .3ds file extension in 8.04
  89. Graphic Artists - this forum needs a :pipedream: smiley!
  90. Hey can anyone make a logo?
  91. CSS centering and positioning
  92. Ubuntu Web Design: Inkscape, BlueFish and WordPress
  93. Screem - Symbols and ctags
  94. Website Mockup Made in GIMP
  95. Website/Blog Mockup
  96. How to install Processing Flash Creator on Ubuntu 8.04
  97. My First Wallpaper
  98. My wood Theme
  99. javascript query
  100. Fear And Mystery
  101. Ubuntu Usplash Smooth
  102. Antique Icon Theme
  103. Nathive
  104. Fixing window icon in dust sand metacity theme...
  105. Stupid question #101 - Where'd the Gallery go?
  106. Changing the color of an icon theme
  107. [SOLVED] problem with printing in GIMP
  108. [SOLVED] Need help with color replacement
  109. Liquid theme proposal [+preview]
  110. Request: Modified dust metacity
  111. i wanna make a little changes on Dust theme at FireFox
  112. How do I get wav files from flv files
  113. Make X11 Cursor
  114. Bamboo mte-450 won't work!
  115. Adesso CyberPad 8.5 11 digital notepad
  116. New login/logoff sounds
  117. Design Student Needs Help!
  118. Gimp - resizing parts of an image.
  119. Web Layouts Advice...
  120. Horns of the Ibex wallpaper
  121. Do you use Gimp for pro design?
  122. A very modern gtk2 theme
  123. I'm a Human
  124. Gimp 2.6 is Great!
  125. Ubuntu studio theme
  126. SimplicityDesktop - A new idea for GNOME
  127. Graphical Bootloader?
  128. GIMP Text Layer Find and Replace
  129. Drop shadows - random idea
  130. My Second Wallpaper: The Coffee Drip
  131. need some help with images asap...
  132. Third Party Icons
  133. I think I've found the ONE tool that GIMP is missing.
  134. Vertical dual screen wallpapers?
  135. Ron Carter jazz bassist wallpaper
  136. Idea: USBuntu
  137. [SOLVED] Installing Blender 2.48
  138. How should an Ubuntu button widget look like?
  139. Do you recognize these fonts?
  140. Jaunty wallpaper, a bunny with antlers
  141. Menu Help, My Menu.
  142. gimp questions....
  143. Gnome wallpapers not in wallpaper menu
  144. [SOLVED] License priority
  145. Scanned Document- improve quality
  146. My improvement of the LiveCD menu
  147. An idea for someone better at graphic design then me.
  148. GIMP Batch Production
  149. [SOLVED] GIMP Identify Color
  150. Whats up with the historic version of gimp for ubuntu?
  151. Just an idea (dock mockup)
  152. HOWTO: Inkscape and LaTex formulas
  153. Desktop recording w/ Compiz
  154. blender
  155. Anyone else a Gimp Arist?
  156. Ubuntu Walls
  157. Monitor Calibration
  158. Zoom hotkey problem with photoshop in virtualbox
  159. [SOLVED] CSS, centering images inside relatively positioned div
  160. human theme in intrepid ibex is horrible
  161. Windows core fonts...
  162. Optional animated wallpaper for Jaunty
  163. how to move a layer in GIMP, for example move it to a corner of the image.
  164. how do I convert icons from .gif to .png the smart way?
  165. What GIMP 3.0 should look like
  166. new Anjuta splash screen
  167. Changing the flashing colour on a GTK theme??
  168. [SOLVED] Gimp fonts
  169. Ubuntu Everywhere - Photos
  170. Xmas Theme
  171. GDM Theme: Abstract Human
  172. Market system design...
  173. Gimp 2.6
  174. Photoshop and some problems...
  175. javascript query 2
  176. [SOLVED] photo management and layout
  177. verticies in Blender?
  178. Leading in Inkscape and GIMP
  179. Looking For Crystal Clear Icon
  180. Web Design with Ubuntu
  181. Blender Wire Frame
  182. startup page in Poser 7
  183. WordPress 2.7 is here
  184. Looking for some feedback
  185. New Metapixel GUI in Mono/C#
  186. Saving Guide Postitions In Gimp
  187. .PCX Editor
  188. [SOLVED] Wordpress Question(s)
  189. Picture Editing Software suggestions?
  190. How to draw a button connected to an arrow using the Gimp
  191. Theme makers: I need help!
  192. Serious Parametric CAD App for Linux?
  193. A new theme (or 5)
  194. Virus attack graphical representation needed
  195. tineye invites
  196. XnView - strange problem
  197. UBUNTU/Debian: Intsalling Inckscape - any help appreciated.
  198. Photomatix Linux port coming?
  199. This is for who thinks windows sucks
  200. Are there any FOSS alternatives out there that can read .fla files?
  201. Looking for a graphic software
  202. yellow #12 filter in gimp?
  203. How to Make themes
  204. Nimbus theme for Openbox
  205. Layer Styles for GIMP?
  206. Save an animated GIF?
  207. What does base[PRELIGHT] in the gtkrc affect?
  208. replacement for Dreamweaver
  209. How to correct over-exposure with Gimp?
  210. crappy jaunty jackle wallpaper
  211. Digital Camera advantages
  212. Jackalope wallpaper
  213. What program for editing font characters and text manipulation?
  214. The Ubuntu button!
  215. [SOLVED] Method needed to convert hex & RGB values to colour names and vice versa!
  216. Ubuntu HAL 9000 eye (green ver.)
  217. I need image cd of ubuntu 8.10 desktop edition
  218. Hp mie interface download
  219. ubuntu sunshine wallpaper
  220. Make a German Wallpaper for ubuntu! collabrated effort
  221. fake newspaper
  222. ubuntu smooth wallpaper
  223. Interview with Martin Nordholts about GIMP
  224. Want Hardy Heron heron as 8.10 background
  225. How do I view EXIF data in GIMP 2.6.3?
  226. convert .gbr to .imp gimp ubuntu
  227. Made On Ubuntu
  228. Howto Reflections AWN icon theme by styrizo
  229. My funny Desktop wallpapers .
  230. Kalinka malinka wallpaper 2 and 3 released
  231. Designer for Watch Dials
  232. workspace-switcher: rounded corners and no borders
  233. beans! wallpaper
  234. Unknown File Type in GIMPshop
  235. Slideshow help
  236. [SOLVED] Installing ttf fonts on ubuntu.
  237. Finding Slickness-Black GDM Logins
  238. new theme for jaunty
  239. An Ubuntu Video Camera
  240. import images from blender to gimp
  241. New distro screenshots
  242. Ubuntu-ish Wallpaper
  243. Problems with Epidermis: Cannot find installed pigment
  244. Problems with darkroom theme?
  245. Universal settings
  246. 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 ... Free Culture Showcase project
  247. Carrara Pro on Ubuntu
  248. Free WordPress Theme made with Inkscape and Bluefish
  249. [SOLVED] How do I download Google Sketchup (for wine) ?!?
  250. My 1st Ubuntu Wallpaper