- Laptop screen colors are not right
- Software to make logos.....
- Blue Kubuntu Wallpaper
- [SOLVED] Mouse for Graphic Designs
- Gorgeous Concept Themes for Ibex!
- Ubuntu Desktop Backgrounds
- [theme]What do think of Kin Tonic?
- GtkNotebook::tab-curvature
- Rhythmbox Mock-up
- Intrepid promotional material
- What do you think of my ibex wallpaper? should I submit it?
- Gimp help...
- laptop salvage job: cheap case from ross
- [Photo] Raw to Jpeg conversion
- Ibex concept madness. ;]
- File hosting site using ubuntu's logo in their site ?
- kfontviewer???
- Ubuntu Mock-up (Modern Gnome)
- A possible wallpaper
- ibex mockup
- [SOLVED] Another GIMP problem
- Digital clock like font
- Smooth fonts on bitmap exports in Inkscape?
- Where can I find the new default desktop wallpaper?
- Guess who
- How to Get new fonts on GIMP
- Shiki Colors
- 4 Somatic - GDM (based on david lanham work) Somatic GDM
- Turning a photo into a vector style image
- Requesting thoughts and suggestions on my new wallpaper.
- started designing a new website need some help...
- GDM/Login screen mockup
- Dark!
- how about a professional looking intro/demo for ubuntu/kubuntu
- 24 Gnome Themes
- optimising image size
- Your Favourite Gnome Theme
- Your Favourite Fluxbox Theme?
- new wallpaper:Phiery Phoenix
- Setting up new printer in Gutenprint (Gimp)
- New Ubuntu Linux "Chemical" Wallpaper
- Do you know where gimp is installed?
- A mock-up and ideas for a dock-like-thing.
- How to make a GDM
- GTKRC: ackground image and gradient
- Old Ubuntu Wallpaper (Very Rare!)
- Lets give Ubuntu some love...
- Can anybody help me with my image?
- Kubuntu Wallpaper
- [SOLVED] Question: Modifying Clearlooks GTK Theme
- Problem in KPovModeler
- Website idea, need sugestions
- Add transparency to image in GIMP?
- Can't find the gallery
- Feedback on Linux wallpaper
- What do people think of my background
- Gwenview Slideshow Plugin Error
- A question about themes
- Anyone make custom fonts?
- Yet another Ubuntu-themed wallpaper...
- Gimp question....
- John Olsen: ABC1, 12/8/08; and ABC1, 5/8/08
- *.jar mimetype for icon-theme
- Arch Blue Emerald
- How to draw coiled spring in GIMP?
- Website FTP Problem
- Tools to make a GNOME theme?
- help needed to install icon set
- new Desktop
- Aviary invitations (for Photoshop people)
- [POLL]What do you think of this mockup?
- GimPhoto 1.4.3 for Linux released - free Photoshop alternative
- Bamboo 6x8 versus Intuos3 4x6
- UI Proposals
- web design question.
- Ubuntu movie
- How to install an icon set?
- my dark theme
- xaos - save as text
- searching for a wallpaper
- opinions on new website...
- Where can I go for 4x6 picture size Ubuntu Art?
- installing gimp fonts
- Adobe CS3 almost working in Wine
- Diploma Generator for Linux?
- How do I create an index.theme file for Icons?
- Better Theme Creation?
- Ubuntu First Boot Video (Like Mac OS X)
- New appearance
- What is The Classy-est looking linux distro you have ever seen?
- Wallpaper request
- Pink tinted raw images in GIMP
- Ubuntu's Google Project request
- Theme C&C
- analyzing traffic to my site..
- Object Texture in Xfig
- VERY simple ubntu-human background
- gimphoto help please
- Ubuntu Hardy Heron theme for Sony Ericsson
- the bird and prey
- Scribus - could not wrap text around image
- Visual idea for Intrepid
- Inkscape: how do I put a stroke around a photograph?
- Blubuntu theme
- Lprof Standered Crash
- glabels file conversion
- Join the dots with GIMP
- GimpSplashLoader - how to change the gimp's splash screen with a click
- question about offering web hosting solutions
- [SOLVED] Playdeb logo (help!)
- 8.10 theme and new menu
- Fluxbuntu wallpaper
- architectural cad programs
- Tux wallpaper
- CAD Software
- Remove fonts?
- Composing Music
- Icon Library - a little app to view icon themes
- Ubuntu > Windows Wallpapper!
- Need help with 3 things in gimp
- Linux Comic (It's art...kinda)
- Rhythmbox Design - Vote Now!
- Creating a logo
- I want to help!
- Updated Noia Warm for Ubuntu 8.04
- My Personal Wallpaper for Upcoming Release
- [SOLVED] how do I re-edit text in Gimp
- How can I batch edit images?
- GTK+ Aurora Engine
- GTK+ Nodoka Engine
- GTK+ Rezlooks Engine
- Multimedia Player Prototype
- [SOLVED] Batch process with gimp.
- Dual booters!
- Gimp: "Plugin 'Frosty' left image undo in inconsistant state..."
- Big theme problem: Change EVERYTHING
- Increasing image size in X-sane
- Getting Bryce 5 to Work on Linux
- Move Tabbar in Quanta 3.5.9
- Yet another 8.10 wallpaper
- a diagram showing the problems with the ubuntu gui
- Gimp photo editing
- My Ubuntu 8.10 desktop
- Is ubuntu 8.10 theme similar to the old ones?
- Trying to emulate my old windows theme in ubuntu
- Ubuntu Sticker for Laptop lid?
- What exactly is CMYK?
- Post Your Compiz "Reflection" Images
- Gimp: how do I cut a sectiona and paste it to cover another?
- Extremely cool plugin for GIMP
- Artweaver
- Anjuta start page mockups needed
- Blender troubles.... Dunno where else to post this.
- My latest Inkscape creation and what it can do.
- Looking for GIMP filter to give artistic look
- ubuntu wallpaper splatter
- ICY DOCK "Frozen Throne" Wallpaper Contest
- Parallax Usplash
- Atair 8800 Font
- Avatars
- image maps not visible
- isometric pixel art program
- GIMP "CTRL" modifier key misbehaving
- Paint.net Equivalent for Ubuntu
- Project Kyūdō Artwork Guidelines/Process
- Photo color correction
- login manager
- [SOLVED] Blender: Intersecting Lines
- some ubuntu wallpapers 1440x900
- convert swg to .wmv, .mov, .mpg, or .avi
- Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex will not have brand new theme
- My Brand New Wallpaper Creation
- wallpapers 1440x900
- [SOLVED] Problems with custom usplash theme
- Design is what kind of art?
- Micro Tux on a microchip
- Linux for girls
- Ubuntu Designer Useful Files - vectors svg ...
- Vista
- Just some random wallpapers...
- Gimp 2.5.4
- Ubuntu and fonts
- Uphone - Ubuntu Phone
- GIMP 2.6 release on FTP
- ubuntu wallpaper
- Anyone to continue an unfinished Intrepid wallpaper?
- ibex screenshots
- How do you feel about Intrepid's look ?
- PC case design in order to promote ubuntu: (need ideas)
- malta ubuntu pic
- UbuntuMalta Wallpaper
- Help with install on gimp 2.6
- shadows in gtk themes
- New to GIMP... help me create this basic text logo... it looks so crappy
- [SOLVED] missing gimp plugins.
- Need basic tips with Gimp,just started with it
- My rendition of the YouTube logo
- Start of a better wallpaper for intrepid?
- Minicom to Transfer ASCII cad files to CNC Mill
- Can anybody upgrade thind drupal theme?
- Need to remove Kubuntu artwork?
- Is there a way to submit art work to Ubuntu?
- gimp vs photoshop questions
- [SOLVED] how do i create a svg file with gimp?
- Compiling Paint.NET
- Epidermis 0.1 beta released!
- Linux vs. Vista
- My Default Ubuntu Desktop Proposal (Using Existing Applications/Tools)
- How to make GIMP in one window?
- To all Linux news sites and enthuseist webmasters
- What's the alternative application for Autocad in Ubuntu..?
- Embroidery Digitzing Software which runs under Ubuntu..preferably Free :)
- How do i customise downloaded themes ?
- 3d viewer
- [SOLVED] ms paint
- Another os x look-a-like.
- Ubuntu 8.10 got a brand new wallpaper
- My Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop
- Music: The Mark Shuttleworth beat
- Ubuntu wallpaper photography (need ideas)
- Inkscape - Path spacing
- [SOLVED] Help on making a web page...
- Picasa has problems with nvidia drivers
- Anyone wants to make a simple logo?
- Wallpapers for all
- any good realistic art website tutorials....
- [SOLVED] Change language in Gimp 2.6
- gnome-terminal profiles
- Ubuntu Wallpaper with Maltese Scencery
- First wallpaper post
- Sketching Houses With Measurements/CAD
- How i can install new fonts for ubuntu?
- GIMP 2.6 - Burning planet
- robust image duplicate finder?
- 3dfiction wallpapers for any resolutions
- New Photography Site - photography.mstrutt.co.uk
- Putting the buttons together?
- Hello all - have a wallpaper
- Bundler!
- Boredom time wallpaper
- The new Macish Shut Down window
- Help re: GIMP + Tablet Pad scroll wheel & Mouse
- Ibex Synchronicity
- What has been of the supoused Ubuntu 8.10 radical look change?
- "The perfect desktop"....
- Gimp 2.6
- [SOLVED] Creating usplash theme
- Funny post: Ubuntu vs Mac OS and Windows
- Anyone good with PS/Gimp/Editing?? Help edit my pics?