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  1. Laptop screen colors are not right
  2. Software to make logos.....
  3. Blue Kubuntu Wallpaper
  4. [SOLVED] Mouse for Graphic Designs
  5. Gorgeous Concept Themes for Ibex!
  6. Ubuntu Desktop Backgrounds
  7. [theme]What do think of Kin Tonic?
  8. GtkNotebook::tab-curvature
  9. Rhythmbox Mock-up
  10. Intrepid promotional material
  11. What do you think of my ibex wallpaper? should I submit it?
  12. Gimp help...
  13. laptop salvage job: cheap case from ross
  14. [Photo] Raw to Jpeg conversion
  15. Ibex concept madness. ;]
  16. File hosting site using ubuntu's logo in their site ?
  17. kfontviewer???
  18. Ubuntu Mock-up (Modern Gnome)
  19. A possible wallpaper
  20. ibex mockup
  21. [SOLVED] Another GIMP problem
  22. Digital clock like font
  23. Smooth fonts on bitmap exports in Inkscape?
  24. Where can I find the new default desktop wallpaper?
  25. Guess who
  26. CYMK in GIMP?
  27. How to Get new fonts on GIMP
  28. Shiki Colors
  29. 4 Somatic - GDM (based on david lanham work) Somatic GDM
  30. Turning a photo into a vector style image
  31. Requesting thoughts and suggestions on my new wallpaper.
  32. started designing a new website need some help...
  33. GDM/Login screen mockup
  34. Dark!
  35. how about a professional looking intro/demo for ubuntu/kubuntu
  36. 24 Gnome Themes
  37. optimising image size
  38. Your Favourite Gnome Theme
  39. Your Favourite Fluxbox Theme?
  40. new wallpaper:Phiery Phoenix
  41. Setting up new printer in Gutenprint (Gimp)
  42. New Ubuntu Linux "Chemical" Wallpaper
  43. Do you know where gimp is installed?
  44. A mock-up and ideas for a dock-like-thing.
  45. How to make a GDM
  46. GTKRC: ackground image and gradient
  47. Old Ubuntu Wallpaper (Very Rare!)
  48. Lets give Ubuntu some love...
  49. Can anybody help me with my image?
  50. Kubuntu Wallpaper
  51. [SOLVED] Question: Modifying Clearlooks GTK Theme
  52. Problem in KPovModeler
  53. Website idea, need sugestions
  54. Add transparency to image in GIMP?
  55. Can't find the gallery
  56. Feedback on Linux wallpaper
  57. What do people think of my background
  58. Gwenview Slideshow Plugin Error
  59. A question about themes
  60. Anyone make custom fonts?
  61. Yet another Ubuntu-themed wallpaper...
  62. Gimp question....
  63. John Olsen: ABC1, 12/8/08; and ABC1, 5/8/08
  64. *.jar mimetype for icon-theme
  65. Arch Blue Emerald
  66. How to draw coiled spring in GIMP?
  67. Website FTP Problem
  68. Tools to make a GNOME theme?
  69. help needed to install icon set
  70. new Desktop
  71. Aviary invitations (for Photoshop people)
  72. [POLL]What do you think of this mockup?
  73. GimPhoto 1.4.3 for Linux released - free Photoshop alternative
  74. Bamboo 6x8 versus Intuos3 4x6
  75. UI Proposals
  76. web design question.
  77. Ubuntu movie
  78. How to install an icon set?
  79. my dark theme
  80. xaos - save as text
  81. searching for a wallpaper
  82. opinions on new website...
  83. Where can I go for 4x6 picture size Ubuntu Art?
  84. installing gimp fonts
  85. Adobe CS3 almost working in Wine
  86. Diploma Generator for Linux?
  87. How do I create an index.theme file for Icons?
  88. Better Theme Creation?
  89. Ubuntu First Boot Video (Like Mac OS X)
  90. New appearance
  91. What is The Classy-est looking linux distro you have ever seen?
  92. Wallpaper request
  93. Pink tinted raw images in GIMP
  94. Ubuntu's Google Project request
  95. Theme C&C
  96. analyzing traffic to my site..
  97. Object Texture in Xfig
  98. VERY simple ubntu-human background
  99. gimphoto help please
  100. Ubuntu Hardy Heron theme for Sony Ericsson
  101. the bird and prey
  102. Scribus - could not wrap text around image
  103. Visual idea for Intrepid
  104. Inkscape: how do I put a stroke around a photograph?
  105. Blubuntu theme
  106. Lprof Standered Crash
  107. glabels file conversion
  108. Join the dots with GIMP
  109. GimpSplashLoader - how to change the gimp's splash screen with a click
  110. question about offering web hosting solutions
  111. [SOLVED] Playdeb logo (help!)
  112. 8.10 theme and new menu
  113. Fluxbuntu wallpaper
  114. architectural cad programs
  115. Tux wallpaper
  116. CAD Software
  117. Remove fonts?
  118. Composing Music
  119. Icon Library - a little app to view icon themes
  120. Ubuntu > Windows Wallpapper!
  121. Need help with 3 things in gimp
  122. Linux Comic (It's art...kinda)
  123. Rhythmbox Design - Vote Now!
  124. Creating a logo
  125. I want to help!
  126. Updated Noia Warm for Ubuntu 8.04
  127. My Personal Wallpaper for Upcoming Release
  128. [SOLVED] how do I re-edit text in Gimp
  129. How can I batch edit images?
  130. GTK+ Aurora Engine
  131. GTK+ Nodoka Engine
  132. GTK+ Rezlooks Engine
  133. Multimedia Player Prototype
  134. [SOLVED] Batch process with gimp.
  135. Dual booters!
  136. Gimp: "Plugin 'Frosty' left image undo in inconsistant state..."
  137. Big theme problem: Change EVERYTHING
  138. Increasing image size in X-sane
  139. Getting Bryce 5 to Work on Linux
  140. Move Tabbar in Quanta 3.5.9
  141. Yet another 8.10 wallpaper
  142. a diagram showing the problems with the ubuntu gui
  143. Gimp photo editing
  144. My Ubuntu 8.10 desktop
  145. Is ubuntu 8.10 theme similar to the old ones?
  146. Trying to emulate my old windows theme in ubuntu
  147. Ubuntu Sticker for Laptop lid?
  148. What exactly is CMYK?
  149. Post Your Compiz "Reflection" Images
  150. Gimp: how do I cut a sectiona and paste it to cover another?
  151. Extremely cool plugin for GIMP
  152. Artweaver
  153. Anjuta start page mockups needed
  154. Blender troubles.... Dunno where else to post this.
  155. My latest Inkscape creation and what it can do.
  156. Looking for GIMP filter to give artistic look
  157. ubuntu wallpaper splatter
  158. ICY DOCK "Frozen Throne" Wallpaper Contest
  159. Parallax Usplash
  160. Atair 8800 Font
  161. Avatars
  162. image maps not visible
  163. isometric pixel art program
  164. GIMP "CTRL" modifier key misbehaving
  165. Paint.net Equivalent for Ubuntu
  166. Project Kyūdō Artwork Guidelines/Process
  167. Photo color correction
  168. login manager
  169. [SOLVED] Blender: Intersecting Lines
  170. some ubuntu wallpapers 1440x900
  171. convert swg to .wmv, .mov, .mpg, or .avi
  172. Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex will not have brand new theme
  173. My Brand New Wallpaper Creation
  174. wallpapers 1440x900
  175. [SOLVED] Problems with custom usplash theme
  176. Design is what kind of art?
  177. Micro Tux on a microchip
  178. Linux for girls
  179. Ubuntu Designer Useful Files - vectors svg ...
  180. Vista
  181. Just some random wallpapers...
  182. Gimp 2.5.4
  183. Ubuntu and fonts
  184. Uphone - Ubuntu Phone
  185. GIMP 2.6 release on FTP
  186. ubuntu wallpaper
  187. Anyone to continue an unfinished Intrepid wallpaper?
  188. ibex screenshots
  189. How do you feel about Intrepid's look ?
  190. PC case design in order to promote ubuntu: (need ideas)
  191. malta ubuntu pic
  192. UbuntuMalta Wallpaper
  193. Help with install on gimp 2.6
  194. shadows in gtk themes
  195. New to GIMP... help me create this basic text logo... it looks so crappy
  196. [SOLVED] missing gimp plugins.
  197. Need basic tips with Gimp,just started with it
  198. My rendition of the YouTube logo
  199. Start of a better wallpaper for intrepid?
  200. Minicom to Transfer ASCII cad files to CNC Mill
  201. Can anybody upgrade thind drupal theme?
  202. Need to remove Kubuntu artwork?
  203. Is there a way to submit art work to Ubuntu?
  204. gimp vs photoshop questions
  205. [SOLVED] how do i create a svg file with gimp?
  206. Compiling Paint.NET
  207. Epidermis 0.1 beta released!
  208. Linux vs. Vista
  209. My Default Ubuntu Desktop Proposal (Using Existing Applications/Tools)
  210. How to make GIMP in one window?
  211. To all Linux news sites and enthuseist webmasters
  212. What's the alternative application for Autocad in Ubuntu..?
  213. Embroidery Digitzing Software which runs under Ubuntu..preferably Free :)
  214. How do i customise downloaded themes ?
  215. 3d viewer
  216. [SOLVED] ms paint
  217. Another os x look-a-like.
  218. Ubuntu 8.10 got a brand new wallpaper
  219. My Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop
  220. Music: The Mark Shuttleworth beat
  221. Ubuntu wallpaper photography (need ideas)
  222. Inkscape - Path spacing
  223. [SOLVED] Help on making a web page...
  224. Picasa has problems with nvidia drivers
  225. Anyone wants to make a simple logo?
  226. Wallpapers for all
  227. any good realistic art website tutorials....
  228. [SOLVED] Change language in Gimp 2.6
  229. gnome-terminal profiles
  230. Ubuntu Wallpaper with Maltese Scencery
  231. First wallpaper post
  232. Sketching Houses With Measurements/CAD
  233. How i can install new fonts for ubuntu?
  234. GIMP 2.6 - Burning planet
  235. robust image duplicate finder?
  236. 3dfiction wallpapers for any resolutions
  237. New Photography Site - photography.mstrutt.co.uk
  238. Putting the buttons together?
  239. Hello all - have a wallpaper
  240. Bundler!
  241. Boredom time wallpaper
  242. The new Macish Shut Down window
  243. Help re: GIMP + Tablet Pad scroll wheel & Mouse
  244. Ibex Synchronicity
  245. What has been of the supoused Ubuntu 8.10 radical look change?
  246. "The perfect desktop"....
  247. Gimp 2.6
  248. [SOLVED] Creating usplash theme
  249. Funny post: Ubuntu vs Mac OS and Windows
  250. Anyone good with PS/Gimp/Editing?? Help edit my pics?