View Full Version : Art & Design
- Gimp Question - Automating crop/dropshadow with batch script
- missing gallery
- newbie can't get Wings3d to work in Ubuntu
- Gimp Question: How to make round corner images on gimp?
- "Lumen" Wallpaper - What do you think?
- Can you do this in gnome?
- Photoshop CS3 on ubuntu
- Pixel art applications?
- My first attempt at a theme + some problems
- My look at GIMP 2.5.x, two new much needed features
- Where is the gallery?
- Gnom look themes
- Gimp's capability in photo editing
- Hardy Boyz Wallpaper
- GIMP tutorial requests made by me
- [SOLVED] GIMP crashes loading brushes
- Seeking opinions on the colors
- I need some help with a wip theme
- first site using quata+ - feedback request
- What Color Do You Think Ubuntu Should Be?
- [SOLVED] Photoshop Question
- Gimp vs Krita, Inkscape vs Karbon14
- Readability on the GNOME Desktop
- black screen in poser 7
- Wacom Pen
- Ubuntu Girl Wallpaper-Made by me
- Best Theme?
- monitor color profile
- Digital modeling on a professional level?
- Ubuntu Logo in 3D
- WANTED: "4-D" Garden design/walk-through
- realflow and ubuntu
- [SOLVED] Top Ten Gimp Scripts to download?
- My 2 favorite Custom Themes I have on my desktop
- cd labler
- Cinepaint
- Ripped off name Heron and bird logo for your OS?
- 3D tux
- CAD / CAM software
- CPU usage graph background
- Help needed to design an XP look!
- Opening .ai (pdf) files ... ?
- GDM Expert
- how do I cut multiple layers in GIMP?
- Is GIMP able to cut layers simultaneously?
- Finished my first theme =D
- macbar look
- Software for multitrack audio production
- Intrepid Wallpaper Proposal
- Purple Haze Wallpaper
- [SOLVED] Newbie Gimp question.
- blender 2.46 - cloth simulation
- bryce 5.5, carrara 6, hexagon 2.5
- [Fix] poor quality of exporting Dia diagrams into .png format
- Need help with a web design project-
- learn web design online
- Need a web site button creator...
- HELP I need Illustrator
- Colored themes
- Need help with 40th Birthday Invitations
- Cannot get Gogh to run under 8.04
- Ubuntu walls
- Ubuntu Laptop Skin
- Where is our "Written on a Mac" button?
- Webpage questions
- ubuntu 3d in the GIMP !!
- Big Buck Bunny released!
- Aptana Install
- 'Extract Tool' in GIMP
- [SOLVED] Find Picture Sun peeking from behind earth
- [SOLVED] Question about Ubuntu's background images
- An interview with Andrew Zabolotny about Lensfun
- Illustrator/Inkscape for web design
- Intrepid counter
- Ubuntu case labels :)
- Nubius of Uria
- what about this wallpaper?
- Website file sync - which app(s)?
- Theme Tutor Project
- new xfwm4 theme
- Xfce art
- How much more can this photo be touched up?
- [SOLVED] I need help cropping a video.
- [SOLVED] Need names for new theme manager app!
- U+Bun+Two
- Blender for ADHD?
- Haruhiism Splashscreen
- batch convert svg to png
- Decompose???
- Natural ubuntu wallpaper pack
- New GDM in Intrepid
- Is there a 'Free transform' for Gimp?
- I love to make patriotic Ubuntu Logo fan art. Do you?
- Do you like my new avatar?
- UbuntuOS Videos
- Inspiration from OpenSuse
- Isometric Pixel Art Editor - Looks like I'll have to make one myself!
- My first time using gimp
- blender help
- Clearer Thumbnails?
- Can GIMP import PSD
- New Electric Sheep Client, 2.7 beta
- [SOLVED] How to remove icon from metacity title-bar
- looking for photo calendar design program
- Maya 2008 collada plug-in
- modding GTK theme, need nautilus ui guru
- FInal Version of my Clear Mockup for Intrepid Ibex
- Company Logo
- Change shape of gnome panel?
- New NOU theme
- I just created a green version of the default Ubuntu icons if anyone wants it
- Vista HD Icon for Ubuntu?
- Upgrade, or Debian?
- [SOLVED] Anniversary Invitations
- Professional Quality Graphics Program
- [SOLVED] How do I get the emerald theme?
- Managing your font collection across multiple enviroments (linux,wine and XP VM)
- Ubuntu Armenia
- Wallpaper Slideshows
- PS 7 in wine...need to copy directories over?
- I'm need to make an animated gif with transitions/wipes?
- Open Movie Editor
- Bubble photos, great for backgrounds
- Ubuntu Artwork
- Programming against design, who is the best?
- Linux Stickers for printing (link)
- Ubuntu Cd Artwork (5.10 to 8.04)
- Userbar. tell me what you think.
- Problem with Spry menu in Explorer 6.0 - any one can help??
- Ubuntu screensaver
- What happened to my GImp?
- extracting the line art from a vector image....?
- Special Request for a Designer
- [SOLVED] How hard is Gimp?
- Ubuntu ... start here
- Blender Issue
- Getting PaintShopPro-.PSP files to work on GIMP
- Wallpapers/Images???
- Dust Removal in Gimp
- Antialias & free rotate tool in gimp
- Just a little token of my appreciation
- Font's in GIMP?
- Is it possible to create material files to use in Blender?
- futuristic desktop environment? Not yet...
- [SOLVED] GIMP questions
- [SOLVED] Say Cheese!!! (then how to edit???)
- My first Gimp Image
- Batch raw converter
- CSS template for one download software website
- Bluefish/Quanta Plus/Nvu - Which can have the closest Dreamweaver workflow?
- Maya batch render problem
- Problem editing OpenOffice Draw template
- Ibex alpha
- nice?
- Transitioning from FrontPage/Windows to [?]/Ubuntu
- Daft Punk Wallpaper
- Logo Design Contest (for a FOSS program)
- Wallpaper competition?
- Can you help me make my own emerald theme?
- Gimp 2.5.1
- Website for a friend?
- my first try with gimp
- Dreamware Logo
- The new Ubuntu Web Presence Team
- [SOLVED] Recommend a tablet
- Application resize photo
- Save theme (+deb)
- [SOLVED] newbie needs help
- Steampunk/victorian gui
- XP Usplash theme
- Deviantart competition?
- Ubuntu (8.04 & 8.04.1) Nautilus still renders transparent images with black border?
- SVG and Windows woes
- GTK2 Murrine Theme Coder(s) Wanted for "Long Term Vision" (LTV) theme
- [SOLVED] Newbie needs web site help.
- Blender/Gen3 - any new updates
- New theme for Intrepid in need of testing and criticism
- Intrepid Ibex Art Wiki Pages
- creating icon themess
- Realistic art.....
- Best opensource graphical image editor/creator
- Open source alternative to Adobe Designer?
- Hydrogen
- For you KDE/Kubuntu fans..
- some nice paintings to share
- Regarding tablet settings...
- Clairo
- Dapper Ubuntu Icons Help
- Xara Xtreme Splash Screen Location?
- making 3D characters
- Animation tools
- Are they going to change theme in II alpha 2?
- Sharing some of my artworks
- [SOLVED] Seamless tiling in GIMP?
- How to obtain this photo with Gimp?
- How does your desktop look like?
- Any application for create webpage..??
- An Open badge!
- A GUI to making Metacity themes?
- Adobe RGB
- Ubuntu Hardy theme for SE W950 / UIQ phones
- Dell M1330 LED Monitor Profiles, Huey Pro Generated
- GIMP, 8.04, and a Wacom 6x11... Tips for a newb?
- Mystery Distro Logo...
- [SOLVED] Installing Mypaint? Noob here.
- Blender making web icons...
- Will Linux ever take photography seriously?
- Recoloured Hardy Heron Background (mist theme)?
- Need help with Metacity/GTK2 or someone to colaborate with
- Not working- Flash MX :(
- Fisheye lens in Gimp?
- Sounds or no sounds?
- Human with Mist / Clearlooks colouring?
- Intrepid Ibex Wallpaper Mock-up
- Help with Gimp
- New Kubuntu Wallpaper (Ubuntu wallpaper turned blue)
- What would ya artists/designers suggest for... 3D maps...
- Graphics program to replace Photosuite
- Kin Intrepid
- Gimp "Fit" help
- GIMP Pixelation / Block / 8bit
- Need some help with F/spot
- Help Needed : Community Project (conky)
- down?
- Interpid Ibex theme
- Need help creating a GCM login screen.
- what is the best Linux video deinterlacer?
- Ubuntu Studio user art section update
- Kubuntu Orange/Black
- A new Window Manager
- [SOLVED] are there Theme design tutorials
- Stupid Gimp >_>
- Intrepid Ibex official brown artwork. Opinions.
- [SOLVED] Is there a right click jpeg picture resizer add in?
- Leaves with Ubuntu
- Wingding fonts for Conky
- How hard would it be to actually create this?
- [Request]Youtube Channel banners
- Xara LX exporting "jagged" vectors
- quasi 3d pictures
- My Cedega Icon
- Deleting Metadata
- the spacerman (for wordpress themes)
- Rhythmbox mockup
- [SOLVED] blender help
- I didn't know where to submit this...
- BSP/MAP Editor
- Wallpaper pack
- To those who still searching for free web hosting...
- Gimp's pressure sensitivity
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