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  1. Is there a howto CS2 without existing windows install?
  2. convert .odg to .jpg
  3. Pitivi 10.3
  4. Installing and managing fonts in Ubuntu
  5. Drawn by Hand 100%
  6. Help with making a wallpaper
  7. 4 new clearlooks Glossy themes for you.
  8. window backgrounds
  9. Need Help with inkscape,
  10. gimp circles??
  11. Improved Sauerbraten Icon
  12. Gimp Help
  13. Print preview with Inkscape
  14. Mupen64 Icon
  15. My first mess around with Gimp
  16. Ubuntu Wallpaper
  17. Script-Fu & Python-Fu not showing up in GIMP
  18. Equivalent Of Photoshop CS3 For Ubuntu?
  19. Photo printing and borders.
  20. GTK theme very suit for the new ubuntu
  21. Tux image
  22. Gimp Printing probelms.
  23. Cool-looking Text Program?
  24. Ubuntu Promotional Art
  25. A wallpaper
  26. A bit of GIMP wizardry
  27. Web Design Help
  28. Got some more for ya
  29. Gimp: Really? No antialiased fill?
  30. do you undestand what the ubuntu logo is?
  31. new wallpaper
  32. Problem with Blender and SL sculpting
  33. Red Moose wallpapers
  34. Help installing lightroom in VMware
  35. duubuntutu?
  36. Freebie
  37. Composite Apps
  38. gnome-look etc down
  39. communist ubuntu art
  40. more communist ubuntu art
  41. more more communist ubuntu art
  42. Ubuntu art of space
  43. Architecture / Home CAD for non-architects
  44. What do you think of my current desktop?
  45. need help choosing a wallpaper
  46. Spotlight Wallpaper
  47. Ubuntu Advertisments
  48. An interview with David Tschumperlé
  49. The border between Manu Bar Applet and the panel backround.
  50. [SOLVED] New Kernel Update Disables Wacom Bamboo
  51. GTK Theme Tutorial?
  52. [SOLVED] Creating menu like ubuntu left sidebar
  53. punbb ubuntu style
  54. Gobunto and Ubuntu Studio CD Labels
  55. Pidgin staus icons
  56. Can anyone here program Gimp plugins?
  57. Meet Wilbers family! (Icons)
  58. Failed to open stream - problem
  59. Howto install sK1, a powerful alternative for Illustrator and CorelDraw
  60. Few cool shots...
  61. Missing menu text in Apophysis
  62. Put a fork in it! Cinelerra is done...
  63. Help with panel i gnome needed. plz
  64. Hardy artwork sugestion.
  65. Trimming audio in Ubuntu
  66. HmmXP
  67. Asus eee pc background
  68. [SOLVED] Fonts
  69. Murrina Col Orange look
  70. photo compression utility suggestions
  71. Color-managed browser
  72. blender on ubuntu and xp
  73. Animated png
  74. Icon themes -- OK, what am I doing wrong?
  75. What do I need to edit?
  76. Hardy splash sugestion.
  77. Idea for Hardy GDM design - not just a mockup
  78. only 50% load on cpu in gimpshop?
  79. Wacom Slowdown After Unplug
  80. Ubuntu Video
  81. website banner
  82. change color of "trash ..... empty trash" bar
  83. [SOLVED] A favour to ask :P
  84. gimp
  85. any good programs for 2d and 3d design?
  86. What license should I use for photos?
  87. kerning fontforge
  88. Ubuntu Start/End sounds
  89. [SOLVED] panel problems
  90. Gtk-WARNING theme directory
  91. Question about GIMP (copy and paste as new)
  92. Gutsy: Best Theme Engine
  93. e-on Vue alternative for linux
  94. Complete Gnome themes?
  95. Virtual Ubuntu Tour
  96. there wont be new look in ubuntu 8.04 hardy heron
  97. New wallpaper in Hardy.....
  98. Zynaddsubfx Instruments
  99. Thinner Buttons
  100. A designer - Moving from windows to ubuntu.... the journey
  101. Check out the extraordinary graphics :) 3men + 4days= warmovie
  102. CD inlay for Ubuntu
  103. Blog Theme Design with gimp
  104. Maya 8.5 minor motif interface problems
  105. Gifsicle
  106. Ubuntu 7.50...
  107. Two New Cornell-Box Screen Savers
  108. The DemoScene as part of Ubuntu (screensavers mb)
  109. Hosting solution for online comics?
  110. New wallpapers
  111. Gimp + Mouse + Tablet
  112. HOW TO: tiled 'the Gimp'- wallpaper
  113. Krita - call for programmers
  114. ANY real web designer moved to ubuntu?
  115. Flash + DRM
  116. My "human" AWM theme
  117. How is css medium value calculated. Anyone?
  118. Macro for KolourPaint = possible?
  119. Spidermonkey as a javascript parser. error is "parse error in file"
  120. Good news for Adobe fans
  121. Easy and Silly GIMP question - Lost the window!
  122. color to alpha isn't always enabled
  123. Hardy Heron mockup
  124. file format converter
  125. looking for app to do some art work for website..
  126. Bryce for ubuntu
  127. Web Designers moving from windows to linux unite!
  128. audio mixing and emulation (real time)
  129. Bleeding Edge (1280x1024,JPG)
  130. app for creating background color..
  131. Pixel ruler for GNOME
  132. Photoshop CS2 with WINE?
  133. Is there any UV mapper application for Ubuntu
  134. How to add a text file in inkscape
  135. my first real website, designed in Inkscape
  136. Login screen theme manager
  137. JPG rotated in Windows but not in Linux
  138. Animation app help ?_?
  139. New theme engine. "xl_cheeselooks"
  140. Scotland-Themed Ubuntu
  141. Edit .plt file using Gimp
  142. Help editing theme
  143. Seeking an artist for a couple of small icons
  144. Ubuntu Lightscribe
  145. Why are the Settings and Administration menus so large?
  146. Screen Veiwer
  147. Project Started: Using Linux for Desktop
  148. Printing sequential barcodes, then cataloging them
  149. xcalib
  150. Emerald: Problems with round corners
  151. Ubuntu laptop Stickers, I protest
  152. GNOME themes should affect Qt themes
  153. Cool Comic Strip
  154. Blender? Wow!
  155. Creating Icon theme. What icons to use as base theme?
  156. Art, Photography
  157. Blog Designing
  158. JSP & JavaScript icons
  159. help installing fonts...
  160. I wish gnome had these themes by default
  161. question scan with Gimp
  162. I need some help, please.
  163. Question about GIMP (I'm new) and layers
  164. problem with inkscape..
  165. [SOLVED] Inkscape default settings
  166. Ugly background of boxes buttons in Firefox 3 under Aurora
  167. Intuos 3 help!
  168. How To: Getting a Wacom Working in Ubuntu 7.10
  169. Intuos 3 Please help.
  170. [SOLVED] Official Tux
  171. colour management bg tip
  172. A possible window bar idea
  173. [SOLVED] Web Dwarf
  174. if u wouldent mind can u go check out my videos and spread them around.
  175. Understanding Licensing
  176. GIMP! Pictures
  177. Watermarking with PHatch - Feisty User
  178. Which CMS is best for your needs, and your clients needs?
  179. Motion capture...
  180. can i bucket fill transparency?
  181. Graphic Tablets
  182. problem installing photoshop cs3
  183. The transparent windows look nice at first glance, But
  184. The New Human Theme in Hardy Alpha 6 Is Amazing, But...
  185. Keyboard makes my photoshop CS2 *CRASH*! PLEASE HELP!!!
  186. human border theme on xfwm?
  187. HOWTO: An HDR-like effect w/ ImageMagick
  188. URxvt xdefaults (rgba help)
  189. Can anyone help me find...
  190. Ubuntu localized logos
  191. XSane issues
  192. Ubinto Studio 8.04 screenshots.
  193. What if Microsoft bought Digg.com ??? [FUNNY PIC]
  194. Custom Theme for My "Distro"
  195. Why tables for layout is stupid: problems defined, solutions offered
  196. Map program?
  197. I really like the Human Murrine Theme in Hardy!
  198. Why no incorporation of Tux in any artwork?
  199. Switch Gimp for Krita?
  200. [SOLVED] Gimp tutorials
  201. Maya playblast avi output?
  202. My first really popular idea on brainstorm!
  203. any free programs to make audio....
  204. Best Window Manager
  205. Nodoka Compact
  206. Wordpress theme designed with gimp.
  207. Module Texture Creator
  208. Python update broke GIMP?
  209. Insert Dia file in Open Office
  210. Looking for "Debian Free" Tiling Textures
  211. Logo Design (please help)
  212. Paper model in Linux
  213. Mac style scrollbars .. please help
  214. Converting emerald themes to metacity.
  215. [SOLVED] Missing font in gimp? slogan font
  216. Cutting images with Inkscape
  217. Looking for Photo Gallery ideas...
  218. Moving from Mac (maybe)
  219. [SOLVED] Anyone got a nightmare before X-Mas theme?
  220. Phatch 0.2 (Photo Batch Processor): Vote for new features!
  221. My mozilla themed wallpapers
  222. ubuntu New CD cover
  223. Can I use CorelDRAW templates in Inkscape?
  224. An interview with Anders Brander about Rawstudio
  225. Heron Wallpaper!!
  226. Hardy Heron - new shutdown?
  227. Can you use a tablet with Inkscape?
  228. Is it possible to take a black and white photo and add colour to it?
  229. Ubuntu Wallpaper
  230. Picasa Color Theme
  231. rss icons
  232. Slightly modified logo
  233. 3D effect in Inkscape
  234. three gimp / xsane problems : auto rename
  235. Cristal or transparent themes
  236. Help with inkscape
  237. The GIMP Compilation
  238. Red glass all around
  239. Alternative programs for...
  240. The Shuffle Desktop Concept
  241. Kubuntu Wallpaper : Mac Look.
  242. Ubuntu Hardy Heron Beta Theme
  243. phpSpace web engine design
  244. Idea - Ubuntu 8.04 "Hungry Hippo" Theme
  245. Would this art style work?
  246. Ubuntu Fonts
  247. Gimp Font Help
  248. My web site
  249. please include splash screen in ubuntu hardy heron
  250. SVG version of Tux G1