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  1. Future File Management Mockup
  2. Image viewer in shift switcher style
  3. kerkthea and ubuntu???
  4. e17 logo .svg - Please help
  5. Moving selections in GIMP (Gutsy, Gnome)
  6. xubuntu edgy wallpaper
  7. wine + Zbrush
  8. aMSN Skin
  9. Upgrading to Rosegarden 1.6
  10. Program for restyling everything?
  11. has anyone made any christmas themes?
  12. Could anyone make me a Slingplayer SVG icon?
  13. How to make a Matrix based Login Screen
  14. How do I view the results of HTML without first uploading?
  15. themes
  16. Anyone Know Where I Can Get This Wallpaper
  17. Can someone please tell me...
  18. CD or lightscribe label template
  19. Monitor calibration, profiles etc...
  20. Help a noob with themes
  21. Xmas avatars
  22. Make some Ubuntu Studio wallpapers!!
  23. My very first image using GIMP
  24. [SOLVED] Newbie - Definition confusion - BootSplash
  25. imagemagick display on Gutsy
  26. Splash screen icons naming
  27. requesting generic penguin/tux icons in svg formats
  28. Funny/Amusing idea for Ubuntu Studio Mascot
  29. Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Hardy Heron Artwork
  30. ubuntu theme for nokia 60 series phone(.nth)?
  31. A review of the screensavers section in Hardy?
  32. Islamic Firefox theme contest
  33. Using 2 or more computers to render one image
  34. gfx boot splash
  35. Worth a look
  36. phatch bug
  37. any good websites teaching art..... art sites.
  38. Opacity in The Gimp
  39. GNUtoon Icon Theme
  40. Not Vista, but Ubuntu...
  41. My Appearance manager is glitchy
  42. Gimp
  43. Supernova Wallpaper!
  44. How to get the HP Color Laserjet 2600n working in color the easy way!
  45. Solar System Wallpaper!
  46. Yet Another Hardy Theme Thread
  47. vista look
  48. Ubuntu New Year theme?
  49. 3d editing software
  50. The Hardy Theme Paparazzi Rumor Mill
  51. Why is wings 3d so slow?
  52. Personas ubuntu theme
  53. AirBuntu graphics project
  54. My ubuntu nova wallpaper
  55. [SOLVED] Photo editor with Date Stamp
  56. Christmas aniamted wallpapers
  57. Ubuntu mockup...
  58. Complete theme pack manager ?
  59. Inkscape stroke width resets.
  60. Collectors Cards of the tech world by me
  61. ubuntu studio on a cd
  62. Separator lines in Gtk themes
  63. Not ubuntu related:animating the globe (basic animation help)
  64. Login Manager Mockups
  65. [SOLVED] Best 3d software
  66. finding frame numbers in cinelerra
  67. LIghtZone 3.3 beta available for Linux
  68. anyone know how to create kickoff buttons???
  69. Anyone seen this wallpaper?
  70. GNUtoon Icon Theme
  71. New potential theme idea.
  72. Another 8.04 mockup!
  73. Problem with Gogh
  74. Hardy has no official mockup yet...
  75. Where?
  76. Hardy wallpaper design first test
  77. Hardy Heron Feather Remixes
  78. Here's an idea for my own bumpersticker, any comments or ideas?
  79. Xubuntu Wallpaper
  80. A guide to creating a theme?
  81. great cursor themes!!!!!
  82. Gimp Plugins
  83. Sketchup in Linux?
  84. copycat artworks VS copyrighted artworks
  85. Good news for us all regarding Gimp
  86. How to force gnome to use icons with fixed sizes?
  87. New Hardy Heron Wallpaper
  88. Fabric pattern design software
  89. Ride the mock-up train!
  90. Ubuntu glass wallpaper
  91. GIMP application icon
  92. a good 2d animating program...?
  93. Ubuntu Energy Wallpaper
  94. changing photo exposures
  95. Ubuntu Certificate Of Authenticity?
  96. Software to catalgo pictures
  97. [SOLVED] Website Hosting
  98. Picture browser
  99. Photoshop Equivalents?
  100. separating multiple pictures in one image scan
  101. [SOLVED] GIMP- How do I Import pictures from a Camera
  102. GIMP- Graphics Animation Plugin help
  103. On calender with Rainlender
  104. [SOLVED] Magazine
  105. Wings 3D crashes
  106. Seamless drawing to computer program application?
  107. IE 7 problems
  108. Using Vista Fonts in Gutsy
  109. A Hardy Heron Wallpaper.
  110. Christmas GNU Banner
  111. get your vote in (Gimper.net abtract wallpaper contest)
  112. GIMP Tutorial
  113. [SOLVED] Banshee Skins/Themes
  114. Linux Penguin
  115. How does one make themes?
  116. VISTAvsUBUNTU Flyer
  117. [SOLVED] Gimp Moving Layer
  118. Blender Campaign
  119. NEW Ubuntu Linux 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon DVD / BluRay Cover for Playstation 3
  120. My trials and tribulations with CSS
  121. "Funny" problem with XaoS
  122. Ubuntu Logo for laptop lid
  123. Scaling Image to Outline
  124. Can someone create a logo for me?
  125. Ubuntu Studio Gnome Interface
  126. Need a drawing software that works in linux
  127. Murrina Neo blue
  128. Inkscape running very slow
  129. Composite-goodness in a photo manager?
  130. Tux penguin VS. Vista windmills
  131. Use parts of a theme?
  132. My current linux GUI.
  133. E17 Svg...
  134. Inkscape with Picture
  135. Gimp selection to layer question
  136. Xubuntu Wallpaper - "Speed!" (1280x1024 .png)
  137. split pdf a2 to multiple a4 documents
  138. New logothingy
  139. Inkscape Tutorials checkover
  140. How change Wi-Fi icon?
  141. Gimp no paste
  142. Switching to ubuntu permanently.....however.
  143. How I did it - Eyecanding my Desktop -
  144. XSANE only scans in color?
  145. Some gtkrc help!
  146. [SOLVED] inkscape png export help
  147. BIG Gimp Tutorial
  148. How can I get the Gimp back to it's defaults?
  149. Hot wallpaper for the cold days
  150. Ideas Wanted: Background for Ubuntu CD labels
  151. cool mouse cursors for Ubuntu?
  152. website layout help.
  153. CinePaint with UFRaw Plugin help
  154. Inkscape: Blend/Overlay color options gone?
  155. artwork needed
  156. Latest SVG: Egret or Heron
  157. Copying from Gimp to Inkscape
  158. Enlightenment and it's design
  159. WHat is the Best Vector App???
  160. DAM Server
  161. BEST Mix between OSX, Vista, Ubuntu
  162. GDM theme, how to change the list color?
  163. feast your eyes......
  164. Gimp Scripts Missing?
  165. Kubuntu Logo & usplash
  166. Got Blender? Post Your Work!
  167. ::.. Rook Girl ..::
  168. Two questions Gimp decor filters and adding new filters
  169. penguin meets heron WP
  170. "Terminator" needs an icon.
  171. Artists Wanted
  172. square pixels on krita & gpaint
  173. Recommend Printer For Photography
  174. What the Ubuntu 8.04 Default Desktop Should Be
  175. New GIMP upgrade -- Thanks!
  176. Hardy Heron DVD Cover
  177. A new idea for Desktop Design.
  178. Logo artwork needed for my project
  179. We don't need no stinking GIF! APNG is here!
  180. Help a noob move from photoshop to gimp
  181. Free Ubuntu Wallpaper I Made Inside!
  182. Attack Cat
  183. Artist needed please :)
  184. Gimp text help
  185. GIMP Brushes
  186. Quick question (KDE related)
  187. Gimp word twist. From straight to circular. Possible?
  188. Help installing Gimp Normalmap plugin
  189. digikam posterize?
  190. Floorplan stencils
  191. [SOLVED] Advanced Screen Shot capturing utility
  192. USplash suggestion - the demoscene reborn
  193. proposal: How to use the front page to SELL ubuntu
  194. Suggestions for pen tablet?
  195. Wierd problem f-spot & gimp - how do I solve this???
  196. Some easy stuffs
  197. DigiKam - What do you think & Tutorials?
  198. Interview with Kai-Uwe Behrmann
  199. trouble installing gimp-svg
  200. Button, Banner, Image Editor for Web pages
  201. Hmm.. need feedback.
  202. Ubuntu Music?
  203. Looking for someone for Wordpress Theme for Ubuntu/Linux/Tech Blog
  204. [SOLVED] wallpaper WIP- C&C wanted
  205. Wallpaper for Windows Work Laptop
  206. Making an album (with exclusively FOSS) have some questions (mainly graphics)
  207. Flyer
  208. Determine colors in a picture
  209. Looking for a specific digital art program...
  210. Fist Architectural project donw withought booting into windows :)
  211. 4 new wallpapers
  212. Old Ubuntu Theme
  213. Calendar Wallpaper January 2008
  214. [SOLVED] wallpaper- help with slogan
  215. Blender Bleeding
  216. Oxygen iconset for KDE3
  217. Contribute to Big Bimp
  218. Please Help / Editing Images
  219. GIMP: file info - is it included or available as a plug-in?
  220. Very Appropriate Wallpaper for Hardy Heron
  221. program to use for project that involves image editing
  222. gimp batch save problem
  223. Need something that can import XML artwork file
  224. Need some help "Stickin it to the Man" so to speak... read here.
  225. Need help making an avatar
  226. gimp-fx foundry
  227. Do you need a Logo?
  228. Is Abiword related to Ubuntu? and...
  229. inkscape icon trouble...
  230. A Wacom driver installation/uninstallation problem
  231. hello
  232. Indigo Renderer
  233. Native Linux version of Daz3D
  234. What program to use?
  235. Want to download new fonts
  236. 3D renderes: need your help
  237. Glass Rob Wallpaper
  238. just change 1 icon
  239. Subpixel rendering SVGs?
  240. Two good free paint/art work prgrams.
  241. Laiconic Studio goes Global
  242. How to move objects with keyboard in DIA 0.96.1?
  243. Logo
  244. gThumb without GIF support?
  245. Synfig 2D Now Available- Download Here
  246. The No Name Theme - Current WIP
  247. Black and Orange Ubuntu Theme
  248. I Turned Ubuntu from Orange to Green
  249. wallpaper - please leave impression
  250. Blender UI disccusion and help?