- Wallpaper I am tyring to find
- Web designers, is lack of CS3 an issue for you?
- Remove Extra Entries
- GNOME-panel Character Palette GTK
- Synthesis theme
- digiKam (Color Management) how do I?
- can someone help me convert some cursors to work with X?
- Orange wallpaper - what do you think?
- Ubuntu Gimp Splash
- Photo management
- quick gtkrc question (xfce-panel)
- Looking for icon creation applications
- startup / shutdown sounds - please improve them!
- MadTracker is now open source
- awsome desktop control idea
- gutsy lightscribe art?
- [SOLVED] Background
- Photoshop / File Types / Nautilus / Help!
- LightScribe Image for Gutsy Gibbon
- Where can I find CD covers for Gutsy ?
- Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 CDs covers
- Hydrogen Drum Kits...
- Turtle-esque Wallpaper
- Photo mangament?
- Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10 CD Label Here!
- Saving .gif images
- Gutsy Gibbon DVD Cover
- Dark Ubuntu Wallpaper
- Web Editor with with DreamWeaver templates
- comparing krita to gimp?
- Proposition: Vectorised Menus
- Kubuntu Feisty Default Wallpaper
- Red / black / gray theme?
- Previous official wallpapers
- Orange Ubuntu OpenOffice Splash
- inscape gutsy gibbon SVG
- Theme modification help needed
- CYCAS 3.8 cannot re-size
- Another OpenOffice Splash for Ubuntu!
- Need tutorial on liquid resizer.
- How Easy Can You Make A Linux Desktop Look?
- eagle pcb ulp directory
- anyone like my chocolate theme for gnome?
- Gimp Experts.
- USB pen drives, speed and branding
- upgrades icon is ugly
- Making A4 Posters
- Wacom Tablet...assigning keystrokes problem
- [SOLVED] Inkscape development versions
- WYSIWYG options?
- [SOLVED] Xara Xtreme on Gutsy
- maya ui KDE
- Multiple Image Upload
- Wallpapers For You :)
- Any help and or ideas?
- Splitting MNGs into PNGs
- 7.10 changed my gimp a little...need some help please
- "Official" CD/DVD Cover Art for Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu
- GIMP 2.4 out
- Looking for this Wallpaper
- Identify These Icons
- Certificate of Authenticity SVG
- Flaming Penguins Logo
- Image Viewer
- Ubuntu Wallpapers?
- Py-slice in Krita?
- Amapi on Ubuntu
- For the insane: Building The GIMP 2.4 for Feisty
- Can anybody print direct from Scribus to an inkjet printer
- gimp toolbars
- Do you like the default wallpaper? Should it be improved?
- Wallpapers for Laptop 1280x800
- High Rresolution posters
- gimpshop for gusty?
- Any good Icon Themes?
- Blender book for a n00b
- ubuntu studio theme... not good.
- New Gimp Splash!
- New OpenOffice Splash!
- Orange & Black Wallpaper
- fiesty wall paper
- [SOLVED] ubuntu icons for nagios?
- 1920 x 1200 Desktop Wallpapers
- Personal Ubuntu repository
- Desklets
- My vision for Hardy | PLZ COMMENT
- where to download ubuntu 7.10 gutsy default wallpaper?
- adding cursor themes
- great idea for screensaver...
- [SOLVED] Need Help finding one or two icon names
- Looking for a planning/diagram/design program with cross linking capability
- Hardy theme Idea
- will quakewars demo work with my specs?
- Gimp AND RAW images
- [SOLVED] Xara Xtreme crashes a lot on Gutsy
- What the hell is wrong with Adobe?
- Ubuntu Web Banners
- New Linux Interface Ideas.
- Giraffe wallpaper without logo
- Anyone using Anime Studio Pro?
- My theme for Hardy...
- not vista wallpaper
- Suggestions for free open source software to draw cartoons
- Ubuntu certification
- [SOLVED] Linux equivalent to Jasc's "Animation Shop"?
- Vista theme??
- Creating wallpaper
- I created a new theme - what do you think??
- Anyone able to turn a .zip pack of cursors work for Feisty Fawn?
- Neil Patel's Avant Theme Engine (mockups)
- Nine Innings Overtime in a Rhyme
- flash mx on linux helllllllllllp1!!!!! plzzzzzz
- Can someone help me with a mockup?
- How do you make a complete theme?
- Makehuman 64bit installation - success, sharing my experience
- Why is there 3 image viewers?
- Does anyone have ubuntu logos?
- (IDEA) New Simple Theme Plan
- Gimp question: editing selections
- Someone with drawing skills should work on this funny idea!
- xubuntu 7.10 default theme
- Old Ubuntu wallpaper
- snazz up the emails
- Windows Wallpaper
- Wallpaper idea: Tux with an Ubuntu frisbee, he just broke a "Window"
- Make your own paperboard Tux!
- Gutsy Gibbon wallpaper
- Photoshop in Ubuntu
- HP Photosmart 8750 Black and White printing
- Transform your GIMP to PHOTOSHOP?
- Does a Ubuntu merchandise purchase at cafepress.com support Canonical?
- Screensaver Question:
- Table in inkscape
- [SOLVED] ***? ImageMagick "composite" not working
- Can you get AutoCad to work in Ubuntu??
- What's the best 3D CAD to run on Ubuntu?
- Mouse Mode Wacom Tablet
- Nautilus script to convert image types (and convert question)?
- Quick help with svg files
- A great big tux family portrait?!
- How do I get an image ready for the web in GIMP?
- two screens for photoshop: laptop monitor and TV?
- SVG --> Corel
- Glass looking 3d text in Gimp
- Hardy Theme Concept
- [Concept/Mockup] Rhythmbox Icon
- Can you help me build XaraLX?
- I need my imagemagick application path
- Ubuntu Studio Simple Blue
- Looking for ubuntu skins for
- Themes..invalid file type
- OpenSoure Ubuntu ZBrush alternative???
- PSP Icon
- More Undo steps in paint tool mod for Blender?
- Update Gimp?
- How To create icon?
- Flash for Ubuntu
- Dedicated Photo Printer
- 150 extra brushes for GIMP - Gutsy package
- how do i cut out image with gimp
- ubuntu logo bookmark?
- gimp usebar question:
- [Release] Metacity Theme: SmoothBlend
- [SOLVED] Maya or 3DS Max?
- KDE 4, default wallpapers
- gimp selection tool question
- Ubuntu Panel Replacer - Mockup / Idea
- what do you think of this?
- cool wallpapers, easy to make, submit yours!
- Gartoon Icon Theme
- Defaul fonts !help!
- make blinkies and siggs?
- [SOLVED] Hardy's Heart (what color scheme)
- Hardy Mockup based on current palette idea...
- Gmail 2 skin using Stylish
- The ubuntu cube
- Hardy Input
- Looking for a Triple boot image.
- Maya linux ple.
- favorite creations with the gimp
- Ubuntu style backgrounds
- [SOLVED] Note: All screenshots or images should be posted in the gallery
- Scribus text frame "Edit Text" or other options just not working!
- full kubuntu them for ubuntu
- Need More Advice
- GIMP 2.4 for Fiesty?
- Looking for Gutsy icons..?!?!
- gimp cmyk
- Gutsy Lightscribe Labels
- "A True Ubuntu Desktop" (.jpg 1280x1024)
- publishing software
- Adobe DNG Converter works perfectly under Wine
- Design a logo for UbuntuHQ
- looking for a quick lauch icon
- A request to the amazing theme developers!
- Changing pixels to 130x160 with Gimp
- How can i edit an emerald theme?
- Galaxy Ripple Ubuntu Wallpaper
- VectorMagic - Online Vectorization Tool
- Tempest/typhoon
- Ubuntu 7.10 CD Art
- Mouse Pointer
- Good video editing program for ubuntu
- Another Firefox + Dark Theme issue
- Steampunk screen saver
- I bet you didn't know this!
- inkscape + Scribus
- Ubuntu fonts on Windows?
- GIMP not working?
- Login Window - Tech Question
- [SOLVED] Old Default Ubuntu Backgrounds
- Splash screen of some kind or other
- Cursor/Pointer Editor
- Widget/program for color schemes/palettes?
- Ubuntu 'Da Bomb' Music & vedio !!!
- How do get Ubuntu's GIMP to open eps files?
- Animation program?
- A couple of theme questions....
- need a graphic designed please.
- Equivalent for the smart draw?!!
- Here's a little tool to help make GNOME throbbers.
- synfig studio
- No Print Menu With GIMP?
- Favorite Inkscape creations!
- Update GIMP on Gutsy 7.10 64bit?
- Blank Screen
- Downloading Wooos
- Free Fonts
- my first ubuntu wallpaper (3D)
- Hope I'm not asking an already answered question GIMP 2.4 in Ubuntu 6.10
- What programs to use for image manipulation
- ubunto forums web designer, who is it?
- Kiba-Dock problem in general
- cd label, box cover
- [SOLVED] Live Paint on Linux???
- 2-per-page official CD labels for 7.10
- Online Art Magazine..really cool..
- Making an outline around text in inkscape
- guide to create a Ubuntu logo in Blender
- Can we not go Web 2.0!?
- Photographer needs help with Ubuntu
- Emerald Shadow Bug on borderless Window
- is there such a thing as "Human Icon Guidelines"?
- Ubuntu themes...
- Movie Maker
- Ubuntu signatures!
- mix of ubuntu and Vista (for ubuntu) tell me what you think
- My first Ardour project.
- Gutsy Example Folder CD Cover Still Shows Feisty
- Google sketch for Ubuntu