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  1. Wallpaper I am tyring to find
  2. Web designers, is lack of CS3 an issue for you?
  3. Remove Extra Entries
  4. GNOME-panel Character Palette GTK
  5. Synthesis theme
  6. digiKam (Color Management) how do I?
  7. can someone help me convert some cursors to work with X?
  8. Orange wallpaper - what do you think?
  9. Ubuntu Gimp Splash
  10. Photo management
  11. quick gtkrc question (xfce-panel)
  12. Looking for icon creation applications
  13. startup / shutdown sounds - please improve them!
  14. MadTracker is now open source
  15. awsome desktop control idea
  16. gutsy lightscribe art?
  17. [SOLVED] Background
  18. Photoshop / File Types / Nautilus / Help!
  19. LightScribe Image for Gutsy Gibbon
  20. Where can I find CD covers for Gutsy ?
  21. Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 CDs covers
  22. Hydrogen Drum Kits...
  23. Turtle-esque Wallpaper
  24. Photo mangament?
  25. Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10 CD Label Here!
  26. Saving .gif images
  27. Gutsy Gibbon DVD Cover
  28. Dark Ubuntu Wallpaper
  29. Web Editor with with DreamWeaver templates
  30. comparing krita to gimp?
  31. Proposition: Vectorised Menus
  32. Kubuntu Feisty Default Wallpaper
  33. Red / black / gray theme?
  34. Previous official wallpapers
  35. Orange Ubuntu OpenOffice Splash
  36. inscape gutsy gibbon SVG
  37. Theme modification help needed
  38. CYCAS 3.8 cannot re-size
  39. Another OpenOffice Splash for Ubuntu!
  40. Need tutorial on liquid resizer.
  41. How Easy Can You Make A Linux Desktop Look?
  42. eagle pcb ulp directory
  43. anyone like my chocolate theme for gnome?
  44. Gimp Experts.
  45. USB pen drives, speed and branding
  46. upgrades icon is ugly
  47. Making A4 Posters
  48. Wacom Tablet...assigning keystrokes problem
  49. [SOLVED] Inkscape development versions
  50. WYSIWYG options?
  51. [SOLVED] Xara Xtreme on Gutsy
  52. maya ui KDE
  53. Multiple Image Upload
  54. Wallpapers For You :)
  55. Any help and or ideas?
  56. Splitting MNGs into PNGs
  57. 7.10 changed my gimp a little...need some help please
  58. "Official" CD/DVD Cover Art for Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu
  59. GIMP 2.4 out
  60. Looking for this Wallpaper
  61. Identify These Icons
  62. Certificate of Authenticity SVG
  63. Flaming Penguins Logo
  64. Image Viewer
  65. Ubuntu Wallpapers?
  66. Py-slice in Krita?
  67. Amapi on Ubuntu
  68. For the insane: Building The GIMP 2.4 for Feisty
  69. Can anybody print direct from Scribus to an inkjet printer
  70. gimp toolbars
  71. Do you like the default wallpaper? Should it be improved?
  72. Wallpapers for Laptop 1280x800
  73. High Rresolution posters
  74. gimpshop for gusty?
  75. Any good Icon Themes?
  76. Blender book for a n00b
  77. ubuntu studio theme... not good.
  78. New Gimp Splash!
  79. New OpenOffice Splash!
  80. Orange & Black Wallpaper
  81. fiesty wall paper
  82. [SOLVED] ubuntu icons for nagios?
  83. 1920 x 1200 Desktop Wallpapers
  84. Personal Ubuntu repository
  85. Desklets
  86. My vision for Hardy | PLZ COMMENT
  87. where to download ubuntu 7.10 gutsy default wallpaper?
  88. adding cursor themes
  89. great idea for screensaver...
  90. [SOLVED] Need Help finding one or two icon names
  91. Looking for a planning/diagram/design program with cross linking capability
  92. Hardy theme Idea
  93. will quakewars demo work with my specs?
  94. Gimp AND RAW images
  95. [SOLVED] Xara Xtreme crashes a lot on Gutsy
  96. What the hell is wrong with Adobe?
  97. Ubuntu Web Banners
  98. New Linux Interface Ideas.
  99. Giraffe wallpaper without logo
  100. Anyone using Anime Studio Pro?
  101. My theme for Hardy...
  102. not vista wallpaper
  103. Suggestions for free open source software to draw cartoons
  104. Ubuntu certification
  105. [SOLVED] Linux equivalent to Jasc's "Animation Shop"?
  106. Vista theme??
  107. Creating wallpaper
  108. I created a new theme - what do you think??
  109. Anyone able to turn a .zip pack of cursors work for Feisty Fawn?
  110. Neil Patel's Avant Theme Engine (mockups)
  111. Nine Innings Overtime in a Rhyme
  112. flash mx on linux helllllllllllp1!!!!! plzzzzzz
  113. Can someone help me with a mockup?
  114. How do you make a complete theme?
  115. Makehuman 64bit installation - success, sharing my experience
  116. Why is there 3 image viewers?
  117. Does anyone have ubuntu logos?
  118. (IDEA) New Simple Theme Plan
  119. Gimp question: editing selections
  120. Someone with drawing skills should work on this funny idea!
  121. xubuntu 7.10 default theme
  122. Old Ubuntu wallpaper
  123. snazz up the emails
  124. Windows Wallpaper
  125. Wallpaper idea: Tux with an Ubuntu frisbee, he just broke a "Window"
  126. Make your own paperboard Tux!
  127. Gutsy Gibbon wallpaper
  128. Photoshop in Ubuntu
  129. HP Photosmart 8750 Black and White printing
  130. Transform your GIMP to PHOTOSHOP?
  131. Does a Ubuntu merchandise purchase at cafepress.com support Canonical?
  132. Screensaver Question:
  133. Table in inkscape
  134. [SOLVED] ***? ImageMagick "composite" not working
  135. Can you get AutoCad to work in Ubuntu??
  136. What's the best 3D CAD to run on Ubuntu?
  137. Mouse Mode Wacom Tablet
  138. Nautilus script to convert image types (and convert question)?
  139. Quick help with svg files
  140. A great big tux family portrait?!
  141. How do I get an image ready for the web in GIMP?
  142. two screens for photoshop: laptop monitor and TV?
  143. SVG --> Corel
  144. Glass looking 3d text in Gimp
  145. Hardy Theme Concept
  146. [Concept/Mockup] Rhythmbox Icon
  147. Can you help me build XaraLX?
  148. I need my imagemagick application path
  149. Ubuntu Studio Simple Blue
  150. Looking for ubuntu skins for
  151. Themes..invalid file type
  152. OpenSoure Ubuntu ZBrush alternative???
  153. PSP Icon
  154. More Undo steps in paint tool mod for Blender?
  155. Update Gimp?
  156. How To create icon?
  157. Flash for Ubuntu
  158. Dedicated Photo Printer
  159. 150 extra brushes for GIMP - Gutsy package
  160. how do i cut out image with gimp
  161. ubuntu logo bookmark?
  162. gimp usebar question:
  163. [Release] Metacity Theme: SmoothBlend
  164. [SOLVED] Maya or 3DS Max?
  165. KDE 4, default wallpapers
  166. gimp selection tool question
  167. Ubuntu Panel Replacer - Mockup / Idea
  168. what do you think of this?
  169. cool wallpapers, easy to make, submit yours!
  170. Gartoon Icon Theme
  171. Defaul fonts !help!
  172. make blinkies and siggs?
  173. [SOLVED] Hardy's Heart (what color scheme)
  174. Hardy Mockup based on current palette idea...
  175. Gmail 2 skin using Stylish
  176. The ubuntu cube
  177. Hardy Input
  178. Looking for a Triple boot image.
  179. Maya linux ple.
  180. favorite creations with the gimp
  181. Ubuntu style backgrounds
  182. [SOLVED] Note: All screenshots or images should be posted in the gallery
  183. Scribus text frame "Edit Text" or other options just not working!
  184. full kubuntu them for ubuntu
  185. Need More Advice
  186. GIMP 2.4 for Fiesty?
  187. Looking for Gutsy icons..?!?!
  188. gimp cmyk
  189. Gutsy Lightscribe Labels
  190. "A True Ubuntu Desktop" (.jpg 1280x1024)
  191. publishing software
  192. Adobe DNG Converter works perfectly under Wine
  193. Design a logo for UbuntuHQ
  194. looking for a quick lauch icon
  195. A request to the amazing theme developers!
  196. Changing pixels to 130x160 with Gimp
  197. How can i edit an emerald theme?
  198. Galaxy Ripple Ubuntu Wallpaper
  199. VectorMagic - Online Vectorization Tool
  200. Tempest/typhoon
  201. Ubuntu 7.10 CD Art
  202. Mouse Pointer
  203. Good video editing program for ubuntu
  204. Another Firefox + Dark Theme issue
  205. Steampunk screen saver
  206. I bet you didn't know this!
  207. inkscape + Scribus
  208. Ubuntu fonts on Windows?
  209. GIMP not working?
  210. Login Window - Tech Question
  211. [SOLVED] Old Default Ubuntu Backgrounds
  212. Splash screen of some kind or other
  213. Cursor/Pointer Editor
  214. Widget/program for color schemes/palettes?
  215. Ubuntu 'Da Bomb' Music & vedio !!!
  216. How do get Ubuntu's GIMP to open eps files?
  217. Animation program?
  218. A couple of theme questions....
  219. need a graphic designed please.
  220. Equivalent for the smart draw?!!
  221. Here's a little tool to help make GNOME throbbers.
  222. synfig studio
  223. No Print Menu With GIMP?
  224. Favorite Inkscape creations!
  225. Update GIMP on Gutsy 7.10 64bit?
  226. Blank Screen
  227. Downloading Wooos
  228. Free Fonts
  229. my first ubuntu wallpaper (3D)
  230. Hope I'm not asking an already answered question GIMP 2.4 in Ubuntu 6.10
  231. What programs to use for image manipulation
  232. ubunto forums web designer, who is it?
  233. Kiba-Dock problem in general
  234. cd label, box cover
  235. [SOLVED] Live Paint on Linux???
  236. 2-per-page official CD labels for 7.10
  237. Online Art Magazine..really cool..
  238. Making an outline around text in inkscape
  239. guide to create a Ubuntu logo in Blender
  240. Can we not go Web 2.0!?
  241. Photographer needs help with Ubuntu
  242. Emerald Shadow Bug on borderless Window
  243. is there such a thing as "Human Icon Guidelines"?
  244. Ubuntu themes...
  245. Movie Maker
  246. Ubuntu signatures!
  247. mix of ubuntu and Vista (for ubuntu) tell me what you think
  248. My first Ardour project.
  249. Gutsy Example Folder CD Cover Still Shows Feisty
  250. Google sketch for Ubuntu