View Full Version : Resolution Centre
- [RESOLVED] Automatix
- The DOC
- [RESOLVED] IRC Channel dispute
- [RESOLVED] Sign Code of Conduct?
- [RESOLVED] Forum server hosting
- Backyard
- Guidelines could be more explicit?
- Posts removed
- banned user for no reason
- Do it again
- irony
- And Again They Do It!
- Send to jail please.
- Free Software Magazine in jail!
- Have I done something wrong ?
- To whom it concerns
- forum crashing
- Why close threads?
- Another Thread Potentially Locked Unnecessarily
- DVD Movies
- Reporting Spam
- get out of jail or?
- Be respectful.
- So extremly annoyed -.-
- win32codecs post jailing...
- Should this be in jail?
- LinuxSwede here, i was banned?
- Explanation...?
- Maybe it's me?
- Freedom of speech and knowledge infringed.
- How to find a resolution if you are prevented from posting here
- Just a question...
- Xenophobia and illegal immigration
- Was it me?
- IRC #ubuntu
- How can I delete my own posts?
- Re: In your opinion what is the biggest setback that is preventing Linux to widesprea
- Moderator troubles
- Was it my post??
- Time to say goodbye
- Me again-Unfortunately!
- Ban edmond
- Jail
- In regards to "The main suggestion for Edgy Eft"
- Acht
- Should this have been moved to the Jail?
- Offensive Post
- Type-o, edited post, or am I missing something?
- the closing of the syd barrett thread
- Censorship in "Syd's Thread"
- Why was this moved
- I received an infraction?
- (In(?))human censoriousness?
- Account suspension
- When you respect someone you tell them the truth...
- You have received an infraction at Ubuntu Forums
- this thread doesn't belong in the jail
- [Proposal] Standard Procedures to Follow Before Closing a Thread
- [Proposal] Procedure for Thread Closure
- Proposal for the backyard
- Appeal to KiwiNZ
- KiwiNZ
- made post when error was mine please close my thread enclosed url
- An Argument in my howto
- How about an explanationw hen unstickying a thread?
- licensing issue
- harrassment from member
- Reporting a post
- [Proposal] Can we create a separate section for Polls inside the Ubuntu Forum?
- Christian Ubuntu Moderation/Resolution?
- How about an explanation when you remove a member from one of the teams
- What happened to Georg Galloway?
- The Lebanon and Galloway threads
- please delete my account
- [SOLVED] please close the Automatix forum
- Hindsight
- [SOLVED] my post in the UNOFFICIAL ubuntuforums IRC channel stuck thread
- you've got to be kidding
- Why was "Ubuntu Christian Edition rant" closed?
- Galloway etc...
- The post titled "Add money to your paypal account (as seen on OPRAH)"
- Crocodile hunter-post
- Can't activate my account
- Unsuspend account
- racism thread
- Regarding my thread that said "Windows is Better/Ubuntu Sux"
- Personal Message Spam
- Close my thread?
- Why are my jokes being removed
- Unjust actions in the forums.
- [SOLVED] Banned account
- [SOLVED] Delete account
- why is the bullyism thread closed?
- Hijacking of threads
- The "Bin Laden" thread
- remove this thread...
- [SOLVED] Please delete my account
- Please delete my account
- My thread about Hans Resier
- Why is a thread being created in my name?
- Bad call by Mod!
- Question About Code of Conduct.
- Matthew
- user: tmp33
- You have received an infraction at Ubuntu Forums
- Infraction note received that I don't think I deserved
- Why are my posts taking hours to be validated?
- Vote for your best Linux Desktop distribution
- Vote for your best Linux Desktop distribution
- To moderate or not to moderate - what gives?
- Thread Closed Needlessly?
- What was done about member who called me Stupid???
- Unban request
- A thread of mine... nowhere to be seen
- No room for hate in the OSS community.
- aysiu
- Why was this thread closed ?
- Delete account please
- I don't understand this violation.
- The Trident thread
- Backyard thread - "Is it morally wrong to download music?" closed? Why?
- Mod needed
- [SOLVED] There is no guideline to justify this.
- Regarding "My new forum"
- I cannot reply to the merged thread:
- Procedure Followed with Reported Post
- RE: Sub Judice
- Please open thread
- Huh?
- Unacceptance is quite ironic imho
- Thread being closed.
- Im sorry guys ok
- I got the message, but this is rediculous!
- I cannot understand this stupidity!
- Excuse Me!
- Need a logo designed
- Second opinion needed
- Linux is Freedom this forum isn't
- Closed Cedega Thread
- Anybody want to explain ?
- recieved a warning for innocent post-unimpressed
- Pricechild requested my presence here.
- okay. I need a thorough explanation
- Please delete my account
- Re: CNR For Ubuntu....From A New User Perspective
- please let me out of jail
- Merged Ubuntu isn't Linux with Why do people dislike Ubuntu?
- can you review a jailed post please ?
- Why was the "Fiesty looking like Edgy" thread closed?
- Why was..... closed
- Re: The internet servers were being bombed other day
- The internet servers were being bombed other day
- Why are all of my threads closed?
- censorship
- Reply to: Why are all of my threads closed?
- RAV TUX: Closing of Israel: Illegitimate State? Poll Thread
- "Israel: Illegitimate State?" thread, in connection with an older one
- Thoughts on "illegitimate state" controversy.
- Wrt: Closing of Israel: Illegitimate State?
- Reasons for jailed posts, if any?
- Still no advice for Novice?
- Cuba switching to Linux thread
- Profanity
- aysiu has got to go
- Scandinavian Socialism thread closed? resolved
- Re: Issue with infractions
- aysiu
- Infraction for insulting other member NOT TRUE!!
- recent removal of my thread
- I fail to see the insult....
- i prefer deletion to editing
- Delete my account... please
- Rav Tux
- Double Standards
- Post Gone
- it violates the spirit of humanity...
- my avatar's inappropriate???
- questions about infractions
- Delete my account?
- post approval
- Possible misconduct re: KiwiNZ
- previous account?
- My post in Tutorials & Tips section is not made 'available' yest
- Why was my thread locked?
- How to add a user to the ignore list?
- how do i
- Spam
- Can you please change my username!
- [SOLVED] Reversed Infraction & Signature
- Social Discussions
- Forum Policy and respected priviledges
- [SOLVED] legitimate thread moved to Jail
- Need to change ubuntu screen name
- Email
- My thread jailed... any chance of community cafe/backyard?
- Complaint re Inappropriate Avatar Ignored
- Please explain how this post breaks forum rules
- Ubuntu User Map
- Censorship
- Censorship - part deux
- taurus post attachments issue
- Please justify this warning
- meng's "please justify this warning" thread
- Request to re-open thread.
- How is this flamebaiting?
- Being Cheeky
- Who handles Forum PM Spam?
- I see no reason for my thread being jailed?
- Re: Thinking up alternate spellings for "Microsoft" does NOT make you look smarter.
- Request removal of unjustified infraction ...
- Concerned about help/advice given by ********
- Should admins be able to close threads they simply disagree with?
- request to remove infraction in profile
- Place for commercial interest
- Some gentle criticism for moderators
- [SOLVED] Please remove/delete post
- Should staff moderate their own threads?
- Thread movement/infraction
- Abuse of admin rights
- No justice from Staff Member...
- Infraction leading to temporary ban, I think...
- KiwinZ.
- In repsonse to :"Abuse of admin rights"
- Should this thread be banned?
- PM spam
- user security questions
- Someone tried to hack my account.
- closed threads because "it was tried and failed before"
- About "Why I think the Evolutionary Theory is Bogus"
- Can someone explain to me what was "insulting" about this post?
- Moderator Contradiction
- Why was my post about accessing FHM.COM moved to 'The Jail'
- Vorian out of line, please assist
- About "Interfaith Marriage"
- Moderator/Admin Abuse
- Threats, and using the code of conduct in ways it was never intended imho
- Infraction?
- Question to Forum Administrators
- Am I at fault?
- Why should this thread be closed when the discussion is still happening?
- Are posts that mention Automatix against the rules?
- Reporting FUD and misinformation
- Almost aginst the rules words.
- Freedom? Where?
- Incest Thread
- Re: German gov't teaches incest, pedophilia
- Is it possible to remove only one post ?
- I have recieved another infraction! that I feel is not right
- Sorry about the mess
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