View Full Version : Resolution Centre

Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

  1. Sent here by a user
  2. [SOLVED] Why was my thread closed.
  3. Infraction for Private Message? While defending myself?
  4. Infraction
  5. Re: Infraction for Private Message? While defending myself?
  6. ???
  7. Error posting poll: Invalid thread specified
  8. Dont want to be a memeber any more
  9. apology for a stupid thread i posted
  10. Moderators Are Nuts
  11. Closure: Use Open Source? Then You're a Pirate!
  12. Appealing infraction. Where's the consistency?
  13. Appeal to thread closure
  14. Appealing against infraction
  15. why have i been jailed..
  16. Delete my account
  17. Please disable my accounts.
  18. Close account
  19. [SOLVED] did I hurt post monkeh?
  20. spam report
  21. [SOLVED] Deleted post, completely confused.
  22. thread closed?
  23. close account
  24. Why is my topic jailed?
  25. How do i delete my account?
  26. No Registration email
  27. ***?
  28. What's going on?
  29. Close Account
  30. Why is Ubuntu bashing tolerated on these forums?
  31. I think I hurt Matthew's feelings.
  32. Please Remove This Religous Thread
  33. Please reopen my thread .
  34. A bit confused about an infraction
  35. A Little Confused as to Why My Thread Was Closed
  36. closing account
  37. The Linsux Game thread
  38. Why was this thread closed (Xlink Kai Evolution 7)
  39. screenshots thread got moved to testimonials
  40. Moderators on crack?
  41. Unfortunate that Nerd King let his emotions get the better of him. :(
  42. Post jailed for being "off topic"
  43. Infraction Query
  44. Account awaiting activation
  45. Complaint agains infraction
  46. Please close my account
  47. Looking for Mod to change my Account Name
  48. unclose this thread?
  49. clean up
  50. Account needs to be disabled.
  51. Deactivate account
  52. Downloading youtube closed for review...
  53. Where is the ricemonster avatar thread?
  54. Unique thread in recurring discussions?
  55. [SOLVED] Thread killed in about two minutes
  56. "Joke" Posts in Threads...
  57. [SOLVED] Username change
  58. Deactivate account
  59. Close Account
  60. What?!
  61. [SOLVED] hardware questions in cafe
  62. What's wrong with 'M$'?
  63. [SOLVED] plz tell me what is wrong........
  64. Moderation of my System Specs Thread
  65. My posts to the Screenshot Thread
  66. Why is the Mono thread still locked?
  67. Deactivate
  68. It's deja vu all over again - Yogi Berra
  69. My Account
  70. User with Animated Avatar
  71. Unfair actions commited by other members.
  72. Please close my account
  73. my warning
  74. Thread not solved
  75. Please disable/delete my account
  76. Blocked PMs
  77. close account
  78. please remove my account and details
  79. Forum staff requested me to change my name :(
  80. This Phorum - Bug
  81. Close account
  82. Request a User-name Change from 今幸福 to: Happiness Now
  83. Screen Name Change Request
  84. Complaint regarding deletion of post
  85. Believe my comments misunderstood
  86. Mr.T Jailed?
  87. is this a violation?
  88. Can I change my username
  89. Request Username Change
  90. Iron Fist Much?
  91. Username change request
  92. Delete My Account
  93. Delete my account....
  94. need this account deleted
  95. change name request
  96. Sledge-hammer censorship
  97. I got an infraction with no proper reason
  98. Infraction protest
  99. Mod bias and abuse.
  100. [SOLVED] mod bias and abuse 2
  101. Moderation
  102. mod bias and abuse 3 : moderate the moderators
  103. Legally CHanged My Name
  104. [SOLVED] żis it just me or...?※
  105. Infraction Protest
  106. Disappointed in the mods at Ubuntu forums
  107. hm... my post disappeared
  108. Please delete my account
  109. Close my account please
  110. Ok scratch my head?
  111. Petition to remove from the jail the Microsoft / National Labor Commitee Thread
  112. Move thread
  113. Ad hominem
  114. Username help...
  115. Are you feeling a little insecure?
  116. Request for disabeling this account
  117. Please close my old account and remove my email address from it
  118. Can't post on this account.
  119. UserID change
  120. Change Username Please
  121. Request username change
  122. Username Change Request
  123. Username change request
  124. Microsoft makes HTC pay to use android
  125. [SOLVED] Username Change =]
  126. Offensive post
  127. Delete old account?
  128. Report post function not working
  129. Did not receive an activation email
  130. Please remove this account
  131. points
  132. Why was I warned?
  133. Unable to post reply in forum
  134. Registration error (php, array), no activation email
  135. Why are moderators derailing threads?
  136. Need Account NAme Changed
  137. Unhappy about forum limitations. I just lost a week in preparing a post.
  138. Username change?
  139. Username change
  140. delete my account
  141. Re: Possibly moving a forum post
  142. [SOLVED] Protest about infraction
  143. Change username to Francewhoa ?
  144. "ajkwright" User Name Change
  145. Advertising on Ubuntu forums.
  146. Please reactivate my account
  147. Thread closure
  148. The T&E sub-forum.
  149. Activation email.
  150. Close my account
  151. Infraction
  152. close account
  153. Changes needed in my posting style.
  154. Prediction
  155. Rename my id
  156. what if
  157. [SOLVED] Infraction
  158. confirmation mail?
  159. A warning?
  160. Problem with my screen name?
  161. Change my username
  162. please close my account
  163. Abuse in the Ubuntu wiki
  164. Delete me
  165. Unhappy with infraction.
  166. Where is my post
  167. Why is my thread closed?
  168. username change request
  169. Delete my account
  170. Mental health
  171. Almost Unbelievable
  172. Request: close my account
  173. Request for account deletion plus FANTASTIC Ubuntu CD competition
  174. maihai007's comment *is* on topic.
  175. Change Forum User Name
  176. please delete my account
  177. Merge accounts
  178. Please delete my account
  179. Account deactivation
  180. Delete, De-Activate My Account
  181. Why did I get 2 infractions?
  182. Delete Ubuntu Forums Account
  183. MIssing Post
  184. account merge
  185. deactivate/delete account
  186. Delete Account
  187. T&E thread's go south yet again!!!
  188. Closing of support thread
  189. Why was my thread closed?
  190. Deactive or delete account
  191. Specific details plz re: "profanity"
  192. No activation email sent
  193. User sonialove, spam PM
  194. is this fair???
  195. Change my username
  196. Username Change Request
  197. "formaldehyde_spoon" mini vendetta against me?
  198. crazy warnings?
  199. Username Change
  200. remove this account
  201. This thread
  202. Deactivate my account
  203. Apparently, I have two accounts. Can I delete one?
  204. Change username
  205. Delete my profile
  206. User abusing forums by continually posting questions
  207. Topic gone?
  208. banned for spam
  209. can you rename my account
  210. Activation mail not Received
  211. [SOLVED] Locked Thread
  212. Please remove my account
  213. Profile Name Change?
  214. please remove my account
  215. Please disable my account.
  216. How to change ubuntu username
  217. User name
  218. You guys swing the ban hammer pretty quick around here.
  219. Flame Bait/Trolling?
  220. Please disable my account.
  221. Please disable my account, changing the name would also nice
  222. ubuntuforums.org
  223. server/anonymous
  224. Thread deleted?
  225. Remove Infraction?
  226. Please, remove this account
  227. Why was this thread closed?
  228. Can you please remove or deactivate this account
  229. problems with forum mod "overdrank"
  230. I would like to change my nickname if possible.
  231. A new name for me too?
  232. Can you delete this account?
  233. Cancel My Account Please
  234. Yet Another Name Change
  235. Delete my account
  236. Cancel this account ymitchell
  237. cancel this account
  238. Delete this account por favor
  239. I think I'm done
  240. Is there a limit on how many infractions needed to ban someone at once?
  241. Requesting a namechange
  242. Why was I banned?
  243. Why was it jailed.
  244. Thanks for the insight
  245. Getting my old account reactivated
  246. Delete account
  247. Question about acceptable forum language
  248. [SOLVED] Requesting A Name Change
  249. Disrespectful Jail Message
  250. Disable Accounts: AltomineUK and BritishEmperor