View Full Version : Resolution Centre

Pages : 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

  1. Challenging Infraction & temporary ban
  2. You guys a confusing the crap out of me
  3. H.t.m.l ??
  4. unfair
  5. Was that really a bannable offense?
  6. Why was this thread locked
  7. spam report
  8. Appology - kind of
  9. Please deactivate/disable account.
  10. User Name Change
  11. Glitch!
  12. No activation email
  13. Can't post!
  14. No Activation Email
  15. username change
  16. Infractions: Moderator Failure to Indicate.
  17. username change
  18. Spam report
  19. Can't Post
  20. Account activation?
  21. Linux Mint & Politics threads
  22. Clarification on signature content
  23. username change
  24. "Ticking time bomb"
  25. Username Change Please
  26. Infraction removal in CP
  27. Username Change Thanks
  28. Request to deactivate this account
  29. Activation of account
  30. Spammers
  31. "Should free software discriminate?"
  32. Infraction received
  33. Why the hell was my account banned?
  34. Am I missing something
  35. Username Change Request
  36. Warning without reason
  37. Name change request
  38. Should mod keep quiet if s/he has nothing else add to the discussion?
  39. can't post on the forum
  40. No confirmation email
  41. my warning
  42. eye208's ban.
  43. no permission to reply
  44. Name Change Please
  45. Username change
  46. Just wondering
  47. Infraction.
  48. "wutwut spam"
  49. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1160497
  50. how to remove a forum profile
  51. Clarification on a warning
  52. Email Verification / Activation problems
  53. Username Change
  54. Can I change my username?
  55. Username Change and Deletion of Old Account
  56. I want my account to be closed
  57. I need for my activation email to be sent.
  58. need account activation please
  59. Lost password and forgot old email addy
  60. No activation email :(
  61. Username Change
  62. IRC Chanops ridiculous behavior
  63. Username Change Request
  64. Username change request
  65. Username change request
  66. censored but speaking out about my concerns about mono etal
  67. Username changerequest
  68. No activation E-mail
  69. User name change
  70. request change of handle
  71. Username change request
  72. username change request
  73. Username change request
  74. Please close my account
  75. Signature
  76. account deletion
  77. lowercase...
  78. Username change request
  79. Spam report.
  80. Complaint about infraction
  81. Can I change my nickname?
  82. Username Change Request
  83. Experienced fatal error when registering, no activation email?
  84. Username change requests
  85. Infraction for which inappropriate language and whaaa?
  86. Cannot Post to Thread?!
  87. For the record...
  88. Pretty close to leaving after this
  89. This was not insulting.
  90. Looks like this thread is shut down
  91. Can I Get My Thread Uncensored? Please?
  92. Asking for the staff
  93. Why so rude?
  94. please disable my account
  95. Regurding PM Spam
  96. I'm getting fed up here...
  97. Why are dissenting mono threads being removed?
  98. Disappeared Thread
  99. Questionable infraction for posting sexual content
  100. Unnecessary infraction for "insulting a member"
  101. Account deletion
  102. Can you reactiviate my account please? I want to come back :)
  103. username updates
  104. Deactivate my account please.
  105. Username
  106. Deactivate my account please.
  107. name change
  108. Clarification of the CoC
  109. Account activation
  110. misunderstood reading of a post resulting in a warning...
  111. No email
  112. Account Deactivation
  113. Delete my Account Please
  114. Thread closure?
  115. Delete/deactivate my old account please
  116. closed thread, plus infraction in the same thread
  117. Nick Change... Please ^^
  118. Really?
  119. Recurring Discussions
  120. username change - privacy issue
  121. Name Change
  122. Deleting my account
  123. Please remove the rubbish posts
  124. Rebuttal of Infraction
  125. My ban
  126. I would like to appeal an infraction.
  127. how to delete posts made in the past?
  128. I would like to apologize for my actions in the LOL Pictures thread
  129. Deactivation
  130. Activation Email
  131. I'm having an issue adding friends.
  132. Delete my account!
  133. Please close my account.
  134. Problem logging on
  135. Staff baits with inaccurate information - user penalized
  136. Where did the "How do I improve my credit score?" Thread go?
  137. Can you change my account name?
  138. Request Username Change.
  139. Request Username Change
  140. Deactivate my account please.
  141. An upcoming guide: downloading youtube videos. Is this ok on these forums?
  142. Username Change
  143. Close my account
  144. Only have one thing to say
  145. Lost Password, Old E-mail Address
  146. Where did my Kubuntu Karmic Koala thread go???
  147. Why did i get a warning for this
  148. Woman/Chick Existence threads
  149. deactivate account
  150. Username Change Request
  151. Why on earth did you close my thread and banned me?!
  152. Problem creating account
  153. delete account
  154. Username Change Request
  155. I'm doing useful support but my beans does not increase
  156. What did I do this time
  157. come on
  158. I will be nice
  159. ban me I dont like this name
  160. I still like you Matt
  161. Please could a third party solve a disagreement I am having with Cariboo907?
  162. why do i apperar to have been banned?
  163. Deactivate me please.
  164. On behalf of an other member
  165. Closed for review?
  166. Just a short note
  167. Delete account
  168. forum account deletion?
  169. Username change
  170. Deletion of "Community Cafe - Will Gnome 3.0 Kill Compiz?" thread
  171. no email
  172. Was this serious or ironic??
  173. Username problem
  174. This thread doesn't violate anything
  175. disable account please
  176. No activation e-mail?
  177. Account Merge - businessgeeks & business.geek
  178. Account Recycling
  179. Admin's can you delete my Account?
  180. Why was I given infraction for post
  181. Change username to match Launchpad name
  182. Infraction for making the community aware.
  183. Infraction
  184. my avatar
  185. Why is cursing "bad?"
  186. Never recieved activation mail.
  187. Delete/disable/erase my account please
  188. Account reactivate
  189. Need clarification
  190. username change
  191. Concerned about a moderator's approach
  192. delete account
  193. My thread about Mark Shuttleworth
  194. Not Sure Why...
  195. ive seen enough...
  196. Posting malignant code on the Ubuntu Forums
  197. Am I Missing Something Here?
  198. Discriminating mods!
  199. Why have I been banned?
  200. Can't log in!
  201. Its all a misunderstanding!
  202. Delete this account
  203. User continually posts off-topic semi-spam nonsense
  204. Spam filter ate activation e-mail.
  205. No Activation Email sent
  206. Account or profile termination...
  207. Need an Account Deleted
  208. Change of username to match launchpad profile
  209. Kindly requesting a better explanation then 'serves no useful purpose'
  210. Meh, bored
  211. Name change
  212. no activation email sent
  213. Requesting Account Deletion.
  214. I want to be banned.
  215. Politely curious why I was deactivated
  216. Spam in support topic
  217. Issue with a mod:
  218. Match launchpad username with ubuntu forums
  219. Question about Recurring Discussion Threads
  220. Can I make a new thread?
  221. Thread closed for necromancy?
  222. various things
  223. Warning given to me.
  224. misunderstanding
  225. Warning given to me!
  226. Remove account
  227. How do I delete account?
  228. Request for Forum Council arbitration
  229. some remarks about "So, why Don't we Give Microsoft our Code?" thread
  230. Confused by staff decisions
  231. upon further reflection...
  232. Close me.
  233. Banned for absolutely no reason!
  234. Change Nick
  235. EOL ubuntu is thread closed??
  236. Good day staff. Request for temporary account.
  237. The bell has tolled...
  238. Demonoid
  239. What's up with you people !! ; Miss Universe 2009
  240. References for a thread under review.
  241. Question regarding approving of posts
  242. I need a resolution
  243. Computer Illiteracy Thread Mod Weirdness
  244. Appealing my infraction
  245. Warning about instructions on running certain commands as real root
  246. Change of username
  247. anal
  248. OSX on a Macbook in ubuntu.
  249. OS X if the ONLY system...
  250. Appeal for infraction reduction