View Full Version : Resolution Centre
- why my post was secretly removed
- Can I just change one little thing?
- Request thread reopening
- See, this is the kind of infuriating rubbish i'm talking about.
- I've received an infraction at
- i'll probably get banned for this...
- Totally non confrontational
- Avatar Complaint
- Could we have a Community Cafe Plus? Also Few Suggestions...
- New Ubuntu support forums
- Inconsistent interpretation/enforcement of "rules"
- Complaint with regard to KiwiNZ
- Question about a few jailed threads
- banned from#Ubuntu by tritium - moderator abuse?
- Back off
- Request for review of staff member
- ADMIN, please review
- thread rescue request
- Reports not being been answered... (?!)
- libdvdread3
- Account still on moderation?
- Another thread closed?
- questions about illegal legal advice
- Question regarding thread closure...
- Question regarding thread being moved to jail
- Who to talk to....
- Where does it say this in the policy?
- Rehab for Banned Members?
- Request thread reopening
- Infraction regarding torrenting
- spam thread
- Can this thread be moved back please?
- request thread delete
- Is this thread really appropriate for these forums? To me it's almost spam?
- By any chance can I get some of my "never expiring" infractions removed?
- New account.
- How to run Linux in Windows with limited access/rights
- Would an admin care...?
- Is this appropriate?
- Should Religion and Politics be banned from the Social Groups?
- Private Message Spam
- new threads in recurring discussions
- New Account (Chaning Username)
- never received registration confirmation email
- questions about an infraction
- [SOLVED] I am desperately trying to get it right
- New translation of vBulletin, please deploy
- Erase my account
- No thread delete option
- Am i safe to use this account?
- Delete This account
- insulting
- Insulting to say the least
- [SOLVED] Active thread now closed as in testing section-move reopen possible?
- REQ: Name fix.
- why did i get an infraction?
- I protest my recent infraction!
- Need duplicate account deleted
- y did i get the infraction???
- remove me from jail please!!!!!!!!!!
- Activation email missed coz of ISP failure
- Name change request
- Infraction Error
- Denyhosts and Custom Regex
- Would an Admin please help me confirm? Explanation...
- Did npt receive activation e-mail - Mods help!
- No Activation Email
- [SOLVED] Profile image - tried everything, can't get it to appear
- Admin please help
- Please revive my "Linux practical Jokes" thread.
- root instruction policy question
- Locked topic?
- No Activation Email :( pls help!!!!! :-)
- Singled out infraction.
- Totally Pathetic Infraction
- "What is programming?" thread closed: Why?
- Moderator PMing me with another account?
- Please delete my account
- Account removal
- Warning.. post deleted.. what is it around here lately?
- So mods can call names, but when someone else does it it's bad?
- Napoleon complexes are fun!
- [SOLVED] would like a reason, or chance to revise, locked thread
- Re: Internet slow due to Hardware or Software? > personal comments
- Acts of god, allowed?
- Please Un-ban bud1960
- KiwiNZ again!
- KiwiNZ again! follow on
- [SOLVED] Meeting Logs?
- slavik needs to turn the computer off and go outside for a bit
- [SOLVED] Clarification on Thead Timezones/anouncements
- [SOLVED] any one care to explain why a post of mine has been jailed?
- another unfair act from ubuntu staff
- Yet another issue. Guess I'm up for a permanent ban.
- Requesting clarification on rules :)
- change of username
- Removal of immature Ubuntu staff
- Clarification sought re MPlayer codecs in Ubuntu Forums tutorial
- Termination of Ubuntu Staff aka After while crocodile
- Change username
- Shamefull abuse of power
- I'd like this thread moved out of the jail
- Can I have an old infraction lifted?
- delete my ubuntu forum
- Petition - change username
- Delete account
- I can't post. I am not banned, so what is going on?
- Request to delete/disable this account
- Please re-open thread
- Request to open "CD-R surcharge" thread
- Improper handle of Mod's powers
- removal of infraction
- Question to moderators ... RE: fictional game politics
- Is it OK to use meierfra's boot_info_script.txt bash script in the forums?
- unsesitive use of mod powers - yet again
- Can't post to specific thread
- Illegal Conduct of the Modulators
- mods who give infractions based on their opinion, not the coc
- delete this account
- It's ok when moderators are rude and violate the coc
- "Thanks" and "Thanked" statistics and options disappeared
- why am i given a warning when i was not ask what my intention is?
- Please disable/delete my account
- Reporting Threads
- Re: Rabid Linux "fans" threating users is unacceptable
- delete email from acount
- No activation email
- Banned from the IRC & Staff Abuse
- Questionable response to harassing, condescending member...
- trolling?
- Please remove my account
- Closure of Lame Reasons to give up on Linux thread
- Closure of Lame Reasons to give up on Linux thread 2
- Regarding my account.
- Need some advice
- no activation email
- Open letter to an admin
- Reopen poll about Ubuntu adoption
- Getting a 3 year infraction removed
- This isn't a complaint, but how about doing this...
- Overlooked report
- Trying to give feedback is difficult
- activation email
- Goodbye UbuntuForum's........
- account activation
- Account Activation
- Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss - 2
- I can't post; I don't have permission.
- Please cancel my account
- Hey What Gives
- A view from the Countryside.
- "You have received an infraction at Ubuntu Forums"
- Open mouth, insert foot
- Would it maybe be appropriate to lock catlett's Grub tutorial thread?
- Why was this thread closed?
- Requesting that the "Well they got rid of other OS Talk" thread be re-opened?
- Please Reinstate Thread 6769505
- Could you please remove this account.
- Please Review my Recent Infraction
- definitions
- Am I being singled out?
- question a mods behavior
- request for clarification
- please consider reopening this thread
- Make Account Inactive
- Make Account Inactive 2
- no account activation email
- No activation email
- Activation mail
- No activation mail
- No Activation Email
- No Activation Email
- I never received my activation email
- Activation Email
- No activation mail
- No activation email
- no activation here either
- no activation email.
- User activation email not being sent
- Activation email
- no activation email
- No activation email sent
- Activation Email
- Activation mail lost in the post
- Why was this moved?
- Mods: Name change request?
- No activation email
- mod assumed and wrongly gave infraction
- Locked Landmine Thread in Community Cafe
- Infraction for telling someone to ignore someone who was spamming off-topic posts?
- Totally Unjust Infraction!!
- Please change my nick forum name to Rukasuzu
- Infraction
- request for thread to be re-opened
- request that "Take BSD seriously thread be re-opened
- animie spam
- why is my post count going backwards?
- Please explain if you think this was fair??
- Please deactivate account
- Delete account/Change username - Help!
- Thread closure/review
- the unicru online personality test thread
- why was this closed/manage?
- I'm not going to name names, but......
- What happened to the "You know you're a geek when" thread?
- About the You know your ubuntu-ized when... thread
- Contest Unfair Infraction
- Many unfair infractions.
- Part of a thread moved here
- Closed thread
- Pushing my luck
- Is this appropriate behaviour?
- Ok Why close the thread if it is indeed legal?
- Unfair infraction
- Question for clarification
- locked discussion
- Regarding the Banning Game
- How do I delete my account
- Is there a place for this?
- Choccy ice cream post go deleted
- infraction for bringing up politics (it was directly related to open source)
- [SOLVED] Jailed post
- Please Could You Close My Account
- Please could you enable me to send PMs?
- Why is this thread closed?
- <you're being repressed>
- I've decided to wine about this infraction
- Moderated comments.......
- Image with racist motives
- Re: when Windows7 comes out, how will i install it along with my Vista and Ubuntu?
- Forum Donation
- Approve comments already ¬¬
- Misunderstood ban. Please help.
- Delete account
- Request To Moderators: If You Close A Member's Post, Please Explain Why
- Question about marking posts
- Saving Face...
- Your sure?
- Why was my question deleted?
- No confirmation email
- Nick Change
- name change
- Suicide Thread
- got an unfair infraction....
- Confused about thread closure
- Did I really deserve an infraction?
- account deletion
- Infraction for the wrong reason?
- usename change
- Gnome Research - How old are you?
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