View Full Version : Resolution Centre

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  1. change my name to cybrus10
  2. change username please
  3. [SOLVED] Access to profile and account settings
  4. Survey Request
  5. Username change request
  6. Username change request
  7. username change request
  8. Username Change Request
  9. username change request
  10. I have done the wrong thing, please help.
  11. Tried to access old account it instead made new one :(
  12. Lost Account
  13. Delete and annonymize old account
  14. Lost Account (take 2)
  15. I got back in my forum account, but it's associated with the wrong UbuntuOne account
  16. Locked out again
  17. Please change my username
  18. Account deactivation request
  19. No longer want account
  20. Username change request
  21. Postfix - stripping mail from header
  22. [SOLVED] Change Username Request
  23. Account removal request
  24. [SOLVED] Username change request
  25. username change request
  26. Name Change Request
  27. Username change request
  28. How do I change my Ubuntu forums name?
  29. Merging accounts/changing username
  30. Ubuntu forums account deletion
  31. [SOLVED] Username change request
  32. [SOLVED] Username change request
  33. [SOLVED] tset
  34. Can't Access old account
  35. Username change request
  36. User Namechange Request
  37. Delete Ubuntu One and Forum Account Info
  38. Close account
  39. Close account
  40. [SOLVED] Missing "Post New Thread" button everywhere but here
  41. [SOLVED] Username change request
  42. Orphaned Account
  43. Proper way to delete ubuntuforums account?
  44. Need to merge my accounts or delete one of my accounts.
  45. Staff agression, harrassment, and threats of violence
  46. Account deletion
  47. [SOLVED] Username change request
  48. Delete account request
  49. Help determining correct order of operations for account changes
  50. deactivate account
  51. Account Deletion
  52. Help deactivating an old account
  53. Account Woko
  54. Remove fullname from Forum posts
  55. [SOLVED] profanity
  56. Delete account request
  57. [SOLVED] Autentification issue ubuntuONE-ubuntuforums.org
  58. Pls delet this
  59. [SOLVED] Account name change
  60. Recover / merge forum account
  61. Account Name Change
  62. Please delete this account
  63. Deleting My Account
  64. SSO Account Login
  65. remove data
  66. Account deletion
  67. Please delete all my posts and account
  68. Dear Admin, could you please delete this forum account?
  69. Can't post new threads
  70. Account name change
  71. Cannot login on regular account
  72. Long Overdue Name Change
  73. [SOLVED] Change of Email Address Problem.
  74. username change
  75. Account closure
  76. [SOLVED] Can't post to forums
  77. [SOLVED] Username Change Request
  78. [SOLVED] Unable to access ubuntuforums.org with my primary SSO login
  79. UbuntuOne IDs
  80. Thread Unfairly Closed
  81. Account deletion
  82. Username change request
  83. Didn't get an activation email
  84. retrieving my previous account
  85. Account Deletion Request
  86. Old Forum Account, new SSO account
  87. username change request
  88. email address / username fix please
  89. Account deletion
  90. Account confusion
  91. how to install kali linux dual boot with ubuntu
  92. Chumleyex2 should be chumleyex
  93. account delete
  94. I have two accounts; please merge/join
  95. Can a ubuntu member logo be added to my id please :)
  96. Please Disable Account, Randomize Name, Wipe Data
  97. Username Change Request
  98. User name change
  99. definition
  100. Disable account
  101. courtesy message about my post
  102. SSO Username change
  103. Request - Move Post to Different Topic (I think?)
  104. Username change request
  105. Username change request
  106. two different threads but one got closed as a dup
  107. really???
  108. really??? Part2
  109. Username change request
  110. YAUCR (Yet another username change request)
  111. Can't log into this for on my computer
  112. SSO login created a new account instead of using the previous one
  113. SSO login created a new account instead of using the previous one
  114. SSO login created a new account instead of using the previous one
  115. delete my account
  116. Please move my thread to networking
  117. username change
  118. delete my account
  119. Delete my account
  120. Please delete my account
  121. Username change request
  122. Please Delete My Account
  123. That's all folks
  124. please change username
  125. Please delete my account
  126. Please delete my account
  127. Not allowed to use the Ubuntu forums
  128. Merging SSO account and old account
  129. Pffft
  130. Merge my account with old account
  131. Different Forum Account from Old One - Switch to Old Account w/ Username Change?
  132. Youtube download policy question
  133. Please delete my account
  134. Please, delete this account
  135. Please delete this account
  136. Username needs to be changed
  137. please deactivate my account. Thankyou!
  138. Close (Deactivate) My Ubuntu Forum Account
  139. [SOLVED] Restricted Access
  140. It is not possible to reset this account's password.
  141. Hallo,kenne linu binaber neu bei Ubuntu, wie kann man blut stacks ...
  142. I accidentally created a new forum account...
  143. Mistakenly created new account, would like to access old account
  144. Accidentally created new forum account via Ubuntu One
  145. I accidentally created a new forum account
  146. new forum acct created because SSO has 2 different emails
  147. Account deactivation
  148. I believe my mistake caused an unwanted username
  149. [SOLVED] Username change
  150. Please deletemy account
  151. Delete my account
  152. Account deletion request
  153. Name change request
  154. Name change request
  155. [SOLVED] Change login email from one SSO to another
  156. Deleting an account
  157. Name change request
  158. Requset to reclaim old account
  159. [SOLVED] Changed e-mail and now Can not start a new thread or reply to a thread anymore
  160. SSO username resolution: nomaed vs. nomaed2
  161. Username change request
  162. Name Change Request
  163. Name change request
  164. Please change my username
  165. Username change request
  166. Verification email not coming through
  167. [SOLVED] Name change....
  168. ubunto research project
  169. [SOLVED] Could I change my account name?
  170. Requesting name change.
  171. YouTube Download Policy
  172. Merge data from older forum account into my current account
  173. Name Change Request
  174. Old account recovery
  175. I was posting in relevance to a post, it still shows up in search engines
  176. [SOLVED] Change my username?
  177. SSO pickle
  178. [SOLVED] Error posting to forums after e-mail change
  179. Account Recovery
  180. Yet another account recovery
  181. Re: Yet another account recovery
  182. Change of username
  183. Please help restore access to pre-SSO forum account
  184. [SOLVED] Unable to Post After Updating Forum Email
  185. Requesting disabling and obfuscating of account
  186. Closing the account
  187. Please close/delete this account
  188. Frustration with admin criticizing a mistake in a public thread asking for help
  189. Account closure request
  190. I cannot post after changing my email
  191. [SOLVED] Didn't receive any veriffy mail
  192. Disable account and randomize account username
  193. old login of forum account
  194. Recovering old account access
  195. post count not acurate
  196. Please disable account and randomise username
  197. [SOLVED] change username
  198. Close account
  199. Thread Locked A Bit Prematurely, IMO
  200. Username change request
  201. Account closure
  202. new SSO wrecked my account
  203. username change request
  204. Is it possible to recover an old Ubuntu forum account started in 2005
  205. Toxic Behavior - Gaslighting
  206. Not linking to my old account showing only one post
  207. Wrong account on ubuntu forums after logging on via Ubuntu one
  208. Delete Account
  209. Username Change Request
  210. [SOLVED] Seem to have no rights but been here a while
  211. Close and delete my data
  212. username change request
  213. Merging forum accounts
  214. Delete account
  215. Username change request
  216. Disable account
  217. Please let me continue using Ubuntu Forums
  218. Duplicate accounts
  219. [SOLVED] Change username to real name with a space
  220. please match my old forum account to my SSO one.
  221. Username change request
  222. Delete this account
  223. Unable to use forum.
  224. Please disable this account
  225. Please disable this account
  226. please delete my account
  227. Change username
  228. Please delete/disable this account
  229. unable to post
  230. Could you please delete this account?
  231. Unable to post new threads.
  232. User Name Change
  233. Please disable account
  234. Please disable account
  235. Remove account or equivalent
  236. Significant HTTPS Security Issues with Vbulletin Puts UbuntuOne At Risk!
  237. [SOLVED] Username Change
  238. Disappointed with this Forum
  239. Password uncertainty - a bug
  240. Remove my account
  241. username change
  242. Please deactivate my account
  243. request to merge "chinarut2' into SSO for "chinarut"
  244. [SOLVED] Merging identities
  245. username change request
  246. Username change request
  247. Remove old account and rename my username
  248. delete old post
  249. may I have my original username, etc? (SSO problem)
  250. I now cannot get back to the forum as my original identity.