View Full Version : Resolution Centre
- About Legitimate complaints.
- I believe this was not handled correctly
- Request for violent imagery to be removed.
- Undeserved warning
- Request for action against other user's racist attitude.
- Hatred towards America(ns)
- Harsh treatment in IRC
- Improper infraction!
- Was this poll closed because of it's result?
- challenge to warning and movement of post to the jail.
- post edit, due to possible misinterpretation
- Gutsy gets let out but I go to jail!!
- "Last Word" thread closed
- [SOLVED] My guide on using dd to transfer your Ubuntu installation
- Account user name
- [SOLVED] A little clarification
- Saying SUCKA is bad, PIRACY is ok on here?
- Staff Attitude
- Redirected and Locked post.
- Thread closed, interesting reason
- Inapropriate Thread?
- Posting permissions problem in Recurring Discussions (moved here by matthew from RD)
- hello Mr.Smith
- [SOLVED] Is this thread good enough to be a sticky?
- some resolution for this.
- inappropriate thread?
- User with obscenity in his username
- I am finding myself rather upset at this place.
- Improper locking of an important thread!
- I would appreciate someone looking in to this!!
- natehatewindows - Harrassment, direct threats to my life, rude and improper tone
- [SOLVED] can not view my own profile
- removal of infraction.
- infraction received.
- I would like to challenge an infraction I have recieved
- Can't start new thread or reply to threads
- I have no idea why I received an infraction.
- Piracy Chat Removal Request
- Equal Treatment, Please
- Deletion
- I would like to have a post removed, or closed and jailed please.
- Deletion
- Infraction question
- warning from hikcaricore
- Ever received an infraction from the Ubuntu staff?
- Please un-infraction me
- Why would this thread get moved
- thread removed
- I don't get this infraction
- limac account banned due to use of racist language
- Question Regarding Warning
- Disappointed - Bye
- Nick change please
- Why locked and not removed?
- wrongly blamed for a spamming thread
- Infraction never expire..
- Accusation of mod being unfairly selective, elitist and racist.
- Explaining group s*x
- Clarification & resolution please?
- Why was this thread closed?
- Re: Do you want to continue the religion debate?
- dereliction of staff responsibility
- revocation of infraction points request
- [SOLVED] I'm offended by staff
- Discussions of the Presidential Debate in the Backyard
- my apolgies and question
- Complain againt two users
- thread closed?
- give me a break already.
- [SOLVED] Wrong legal advice
- Can I red flag a PM? 419 scam.
- Points
- [SOLVED] username isues
- Removing Infractions
- Its against the rules to question the legality of something?
- [SOLVED] Infraction Challenge
- [SOLVED] Now I really don't understand.
- Invalid Infraction
- Re: Hugely Disappointed in Unix/Ubuntu
- Spam on Ubuntu forum
- I'm mad at these forum supers
- Confused about the smacked bottom
- Infraction Points
- Ubuntu forum admins deleting posts like communist governments.
- Do you log ip's and/or send them to third parties?
- Account activation
- Re: Is OSS socialism?
- Infraction Challenge
- I object to the closing of the death and religion thread.
- Admin complaint re: "re: ¿Who would win in a fight?"
- [SOLVED] Issue with Private Message Box
- Which post
- 5 point infraction for a joke?
- [SOLVED] You know what happens when you assume...
- Re: Did having Firefox preinstalled matter to you? -- Issues
- [SOLVED] Re: Bill Gates Recommends Ubuntu - Issue
- Fuscia has left the forums (I rest my case)
- Please *resolve* your innconsistent and negative moderating by deleting my account
- Point of order
- probably an odd request
- [SOLVED] Almost banned - but I don't know why!
- This has gotten out of hand!
- Infraction for no reason.
- Infractions
- Warning!
- Do away with the Community Cafe and the Backyard
- seriously?
- get rid of the april fool's colors
- Removing infraction points?
- Cannot post on forum
- [SOLVED] Why was the thread deleted?
- My plea to the UF FC to reinstate my account RAV TUX at Ubuntuforums
- Banned witout notice unfairly my second current account is also abused imho
- How is this an insult?
- Alleged threat against a member's bank account
- [SOLVED] apologies -swatcash
- Resend forum activation
- cannot delete my inappropriate thread
- I got an infraction I think is a bit harsh
- infraction?
- The premature closure of a thread
- Post blocked
- Delete old account
- removal of infractions
- Infraction over profanity in Cafe
- WHy was this closed?
- request to have PQualres contained
- what's Up with This?
- Ok, p_quarles, I'm questioning you here
- infraction.....again?
- over zealous rules
- duplicate post please delete one
- mod can you delete my thread?
- Misunderstood
- Surely I should be getting an Infraction for something technical?
- received an infraction, I don't think it's justified.
- Please Do what frodon started but lacks intestinal fortitude to finish.
- Accounts keep getting disabled
- Can I Have my Privileges Back?
- This thread should not have been closed
- sharkey77 banned
- Umuntu Forum Member Spamming
- Clarification of Avatar Policy Requested
- Um.... what the hell?
- Lost info/Vocab Stalkers
- Account activation
- Is it against the rules the resurrect old threads now?
- Activate
- Apologies
- Free speech or censorship
- can my past sins ever be forgiven?
- Moderator posted inaproprate PM
- [SOLVED] I was unaware, Plz consider lifting my infraction. Pleaseeeeeeeeeee:(
- Moderators should use more moderation
- Infection received
- activation mail
- Thread incorrectly moved (IMHO)
- Stop Counterfeit Code of Coduct from spreading
- Can we open this one again please?
- Please open this thread.
- Ubuntuforums doesn't send password recovery email
- [SOLVED] Lost posting privledges
- My brother got banned because they though he was a dup...
- i got an infraction
- [SOLVED] Piracy and Stereotyping?
- Please reopen this thread
- Username
- Report, but no response
- Foxconn thread closed by UbuntuForums admins
- [SOLVED] Foxcon thread closed
- Contesting an infraction
- [SOLVED] Questionable Infraction and poor follow up.
- I am being censored byt the forum moderators
- TheAlmightyCthulhu
- Contest this infraction
- Code of conduct
- contest this unnessery infraction
- pink ponies forum font color is offensive to me
- OMG Pink/Orange Ponies font colour and usability.
- Challenging A Post
- Moderation of my posts
- "Necroed" Topics
- Foxconn Representative Reply
- Now isn't that convenient.
- Contest jailing and infraction
- warning : dont use "rtfm"
- Old Account... delete or merge possible?
- Spammer PM'ed me
- My post (A How-To) is now read-only, why?
- Purple Ponies colour...
- Biased moderation
- Infraction Appeal
- [SOLVED] PM Spam report
- Freedom of Expression
- Please review thread for Minority Bashing
- [SOLVED] PM Spam
- Re: What do you think about the forum staff ?
- Ubuntu Staff
- [SOLVED] PM Spam
- Threads getting closed for no reason
- Please review infraction
- Infraction/Warning length
- [SOLVED] users joining to send spam in PMs
- Another Insulting Post
- microsoft
- delete my account
- please reopen this thread
- User pikseli@work
- Thread on Ned Kelly and other outlaws closed
- The dissability thread...
- Removing A Reversed Infraction
- Shouldn't this thread be closed?
- Is Discussion of LimeWire, Bittorrent, etc. illegal in the forum?
- What happened to my how to?
- To make the gods aware
- Confusion with Thread not having permison.
- Please Change My Username
- Request to re-open thread
- Was closing this thread an appropriate action?
- Contesting Yet Another Warning
- Please Disable My Account
- Infractions for "Use this app instead"
- I am sorry.
- Um.....what?
- 43 posts
- i would like to contest my infraction
- Thread closure and infraction
- Kansas Evolution Thread
- Google Chrome threads moved to windows discussions?
- Regarding a thread in OPP, about being told one is going to hell.
- moderating quotas ?
- Re: Kansas Outlaws Practice Of Evolution
- Infraction? By what authority?
- Moderator disagrees with by closing thread
- Re: List of Bible Study Software
- obvious and blatant abuse of priviledge by a mod
- that's exactly what i meant
- A Question about 'conflict of interest'
- how about reopening under probation?
- Talk about madness ...
- Activation Mail
- infraction from root issue
- Clash #3046
- Unwarranted Thread Closure
- It's not "everone's right to know" on these forums:
- Unwarranted public dressing-down.
- I was not spamming...
- Why was my thread jailed?
- Demote my bean title?
- why my thread was closed i just asked few hard questions
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