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  1. Request to link to original account
  2. Delete a duplicate account
  3. The transfer of my old user account has not completed
  4. ubuntuforums account name problem
  5. [SOLVED] Cannot change Forum email address...
  6. Duplicate Accounts
  7. Account change after SSO login
  8. Username change
  9. Please delete this account.
  10. Duplicate Account Created
  11. Please disable my account
  12. Would like old account name back
  13. [SOLVED] Changing my username (Please?) :)
  14. Please, remove my account
  15. [SOLVED] can't get in to my old account
  16. Another duplicate account :(
  17. OK Thank Elfy
  18. [SOLVED] The Jail ???
  19. [SOLVED] Change Username please
  20. Cannot change forum email address!!
  21. Account name needs to change - or delete my account
  22. Unlocking thread after supposed copyright infringement.
  23. Forum account auto-created with an unwanted username after registering at Ubuntu One
  24. old user name
  25. Why is my name suddenly davidbaumann2?
  26. Username Change Please
  27. [SOLVED] Username change request
  28. change username please
  29. Link old account with SSO
  30. Username Change
  31. Username change
  32. Thread was locked - maybe a slight over-reaction?
  33. username was changed, but i did not request
  34. [SOLVED] Change Name
  35. Please fix my account
  36. username change
  37. Yet another username change, please. Thank you.
  38. Disassociate account
  39. Username Change
  40. Username Change Request
  41. forum account name change request
  42. Why is there a 2 after my name when I log-in?
  43. Link old account with SSO
  44. re old user name
  45. Username Change
  46. received email saying I have wrong email address associated w/ my ubuntu one account
  47. 2 after my name...still
  48. E-mail address in forum profile settings - cannot change
  49. [SOLVED] Member name change
  50. Name Change
  51. Account reset, username changed
  52. Account reset, username changed
  53. double user name?
  54. Request User Name Change
  55. need some help
  56. Request my name changed back to what it was please!
  57. I didn't know you could merge the new account with the old one
  58. Sorry I have to ask for help again
  59. Merge old account?
  60. [SOLVED] Account editing
  61. Why does it say "Welcome, FtB8EfL"?
  62. Username change
  63. [SOLVED] Forum upgrade username issues
  64. howto recover my original account after using SSO to login,
  65. Wrong email but thats where I got the attack notification. now i have an extra "T"
  66. Old account has slightly different email address
  67. Username change
  68. [SOLVED] Username Change
  69. requiring help
  70. changing display name?! / intro i guess lol
  71. username change
  72. Can't access original account!
  73. Upgrading to 13.04 ruined all my settings and accounts
  74. Username change after SSO login
  75. Old account didn't merge with new one
  76. Accounts not linked
  77. Old account didn't merge with new one
  78. request to merge back to old account
  79. now neither of my accounts work
  80. Request to restore username
  81. [SOLVED] I made new account by mistake!
  82. Deactivate Account
  83. My account is gone!
  84. ubuntu forum login problem
  85. Can I have my account back please?
  86. Please change forum username
  87. username change
  88. Link my old profile with new one
  89. [SOLVED] Request to change my Email
  90. Request to restore username
  91. [SOLVED] Reply to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2181035
  92. incorrect user name previous account not accessed
  93. [SOLVED] Request to restore original username
  94. [SOLVED] Please change my forum username
  95. Yet another name change
  96. Why can't I access the forums?
  97. Name change
  98. Please change my username
  99. the old account
  100. Registered twice ?
  101. Can you delete this account?
  102. Registered twice
  103. Unlink New Created Account
  104. How to login with a different sso account?
  105. [SOLVED] Username change request
  106. Created a second account in error/now unable to update original email address
  107. [SOLVED] Change username
  108. request to merge accounts, or to delete new account
  109. Change username?
  110. Change username
  111. Dont even know where to begin to gain access to my old account...
  112. So I need to spam the forums in order to update my profile?
  113. Change Username?
  114. Forum username change
  115. Delete new account (wrong e-mail)
  116. Reclaim username and profile
  117. Username Change Please
  118. [SOLVED] Username change?
  119. Username change
  120. Reclaim old account
  121. Username change
  122. [SOLVED] User name change
  123. Username change
  124. Changing Ubuntu Forums usernames
  125. 2 accounts same email address?
  126. Change username to dgraziotin, please
  127. [SOLVED] forum admin help
  128. PLEASE change username
  129. User name change please
  130. change user name please
  131. Disassociate user name please
  132. Reclaiming pre-sso account
  133. Profile Problem
  134. old account
  135. change of username
  136. Change username
  137. lost old account with new login system
  138. Please change name
  139. New user totally unable to log in
  140. Could you please resend me activation link?
  141. Change username
  142. Change username
  143. Another SSO Account Foul-Up
  144. This username kangarooo2 not needed. need back Kangarooo
  145. Change username please
  146. Rename my username from akirrocks to ripthejacker
  147. New Login/Old account
  148. Change username
  149. [SOLVED] New Account with SSO
  150. old account
  151. Change username?
  152. Lost my old username
  153. Delete Ubuntu Forum Account
  154. Unable to login,.. with old ID
  155. [SOLVED] Lost my old user account
  156. Can I change my user name?
  157. Username change request
  158. Lost access to old account after change to SSO
  159. Please randomize user name and deactivate this forum account
  160. Removing user profiles?
  161. Merge or Delete 3 Accounts
  162. My old User Name
  163. Change my username to old user
  164. How can I get my account here fixed?
  165. Lost account access
  166. Get old account back
  167. Recover old account
  168. change user name
  169. help with SSO/email doesn't meet standards problem
  170. change username
  171. Trying to get hold of my old account
  172. old account (and beans) back, too, please
  173. Username Set as E-Mail?
  174. Possible for username to change?
  175. Change Profile Name
  176. Please fix my account
  177. @ Admin.: Username change?
  178. Deleting ubuntu forums and ubuntu One account
  179. Help Recovering Old Forum Account
  180. [SOLVED] Rename forum account plz
  181. [SOLVED] Username change
  182. Need help after trying to change email address
  183. Deactivate Account.
  184. Resetting Password created new account?
  185. mailinator register stole a users account
  186. unwanted change of username...
  187. Why cant I login to my old account?
  188. username change
  189. Can you please change my username?
  190. Apologies: failed to grasp import of new login advice
  191. Thanks! (but a possible issue ...)
  192. Please delete my old account, then rename my current account to that username.
  193. Please give me my old account back and delete this one with my full name visible
  194. Change username
  195. How do I change my username?
  196. Messed up account transition
  197. Lost access to old account
  198. Please deactivate this account
  199. Can anyone change my username?
  200. Not possible edit replies
  201. user name
  202. Another account request.
  203. Disable my account
  204. UserName Change
  205. Account Lost Now =(
  206. duplicate accounts
  207. UserName change
  208. Please associate new account with old one.
  209. help me regain my old account
  210. Please close down this account.
  211. Re-connecting to "old" account
  212. username change
  213. username change
  214. Resolving of accounts
  215. Username change
  216. Username Change
  217. Cannot link to old account
  218. Accidentally created new account rather than linking old account
  219. Move this account to my other SSO-ID?
  220. SSO and account issues
  221. Not linking to old account
  222. Username Change
  223. Old account recovery
  224. Access to my old account
  225. How do I change my site username?
  226. Username change request
  227. Login Name question and request for help
  228. Can I gain access to my account please
  229. username change request
  230. my former username was wgregori... ubuntuone has created a new account for me
  231. username change request
  232. Logging into old account-please help
  233. Confused regarding 'multiple posts' response in one of my threads in 'Wireless'...
  234. [SOLVED] username Change request again
  235. Username change request
  236. Linking my new account to my old one
  237. locked out of my old account
  238. Inadvertently created a new account - email is different to old forum account
  239. Remove a/c
  240. New forum rules
  241. Thought I did it right, but got a new username...
  242. I amnot allowed to view a page in Ubuntuforums.. Why?
  243. [SOLVED] user name adjustment, please
  244. One more user kicking herself
  245. Merge two accounts
  246. Guess something went wrong
  247. Inadvertedly created duplicate account
  248. Change Username
  249. Username Change
  250. Given me wrong Username.