View Full Version : The Fridge Discussions

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  1. Intrepid Alpha 3 released
  2. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #101
  3. Americas Membership Board to the Fridge
  4. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #102
  5. Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase is Born!
  6. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #103
  7. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #104
  8. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #105
  9. Second Ubuntu Developer Week!
  10. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #106
  11. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #107
  12. Jaunty Jackalope and UDS Sponsorships
  13. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #108
  14. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #109
  15. Ubuntu Server Team Wants to Know – How do you Ubuntu?
  16. Ubuntu 7.04 End-Of-Life on 19 October 2008
  17. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #110
  18. Ubuntu 8.10 CDs for Approved LoCos
  19. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #111
  20. Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase Winners Announced
  21. Firefox 3 Hug Day!
  22. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #112
  23. Ubuntu Hug Day
  24. Reminder: 7.04 Reaches End-Of-Life Sunday, 19 Oct 2008
  25. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #113
  26. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #114
  27. Interview with Dustin Kirkland
  28. Ubuntu Open Week Mon 3 Nov - Fri 7 Nov 2008
  29. Ubuntu 8.10 Released
  30. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #115
  31. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #116
  32. Ubuntero Gets Inked - Ubuntu Style
  33. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #117
  34. Ubuntu Hall of Fame
  35. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #118
  36. New and Growing LoCos
  37. Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase II
  38. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #119
  39. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #120
  40. 4000 Attendees at French Team Release Party
  41. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #121
  42. Ubuntu Global Bug Jam 20-22 February 2009
  43. Ubuntu on Amazon EC2 Beta Released
  44. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #122
  45. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #123
  46. Third Ubuntu Developer Week
  47. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #124
  48. Run-Off Ballot for Technical Board
  49. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #125
  50. Ubuntu Developer News #1
  51. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #126
  52. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #127
  53. Ubuntu LoCo Docs Day - 12 February 2009
  54. Fridge Calendar Has Moved
  55. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #128
  56. Drupal 5.x and 6.x LoCo Suite Released
  57. Rockin' Doc Days
  58. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #129
  59. Ubuntu 9.10: Karmic Koala
  60. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #130
  61. Ubuntu Developer News #2
  62. Ubuntu 9.04 Countdown Banners Wanted
  63. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #131
  64. Planet Module for Drupal
  65. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #132
  66. Ubuntu Drupal 6.2.0 Released
  67. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #133
  68. Ubuntu-India re-launches user forums
  69. Ubuntu Drupal 6.3.0 Released
  70. Interviews with Jono Bacon
  71. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #134
  72. Ubuntu 9.04 Free Culture Showcase Winners!
  73. Linux Weekly News Subscription for Ubuntu Members
  74. LinkedIn for Ubuntu Members
  75. Fridge Needs A New Theme!
  76. Ubuntu Drupal 6.3.1 Released
  77. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #135
  78. Packaging Training Kicking Off This Week
  79. Packaging Training Kicking Off This Week
  80. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #136
  81. Ubuntu Notebooks Provided by Sun
  82. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #137
  83. Ubuntu Open Week
  84. Ubuntu Drupal 5.2.0 and 6.3.2 Released
  85. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #138
  86. Ubuntu 9.04 Released!
  87. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #139
  88. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #140
  89. Interview with a Kubuntu Developer
  90. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #141
  91. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #142
  92. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #143
  93. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #144
  94. Packaging Training Sessions: Make Your Package Upgrade Correctly
  95. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #145
  96. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #146
  97. Global Bug Jam 2nd - 4th October 2009
  98. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #147
  99. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #148
  100. Kubuntu Tutorials Day Spreads the Knowledge
  101. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #149
  102. What happened to my rules file?
  103. Community Council: Nominations
  104. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #150
  105. Technical Board: Nominations
  106. Karmic Translations Are Now Open
  107. Mono packaging: quick, easy, and awesome
  108. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #151
  109. Launchpad is now open source
  110. Packaging Perl Modules
  111. Karmic Alpha 3 released
  112. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #152
  113. Free Books For Approved LoCo Teams
  114. Mozilla packaging techniques (extensions, patchsystems, bzr)
  115. Fridge events calendar
  116. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #153
  117. How to upgrade a package properly
  118. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #154
  119. On-Call Review
  120. Karmic Alpha 4 released
  121. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #155
  122. Ubuntu Developer Week – 31st August to 4th September 2009
  123. Free Art of Community Book For Approved Ubuntu LoCo Teams
  124. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #156
  125. UbuCon at Atlanta Linux Fest 2009
  126. Feature Freeze this Thursday
  127. Feature Freeze in place; Alpha 5 freeze ahead
  128. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #157
  129. TechBoard 2009
  130. Karmic Alpha 5 released
  131. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #158
  132. Ubuntu One is moving from ubuntuone.com to one.ubuntu.com
  133. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #159
  134. UDS Update
  135. Launchpad Bug Filing Changes for Ubuntu
  136. Countdown banner deadline
  137. Karmic Alpha 6 released
  138. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #160
  139. Mark Shuttleworth Announces via video Ubuntu 10.04: Lucid Lynx
  140. Announcing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS: The Lucid Lynx
  141. Ubuntu Community Council Elections 2009
  142. New LoCo Council Members Sought
  143. LoCo stories: the Ubuntu New Mexico team helps the Endorphine Power Company
  144. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #161
  145. Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala Beta Released: Testers Needed!
  146. Changes to releases.ubuntu.com rsync/FTP access
  147. Karmic Koala Countdown Banners
  148. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #162
  149. 2009 Community Council vote complete
  150. Ubuntu Server Eucalyptus Testers Needed
  151. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #163
  152. Ubuntu Open Week
  153. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #164
  154. Keeping Ubuntu CDs Available
  155. Ubuntu IRC Council Elections
  156. Announcing the Release Candidate for Ubuntu 9.10
  157. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #165
  158. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #166
  159. Lucid open for development
  160. Ubuntu Open Week in a Nutshell
  161. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #167
  162. Creating a roadmap for more successful teams
  163. How to participate remotely and get your points heard
  164. Edubuntu Council Elections
  165. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #168
  166. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #169
  167. Mackenzie Morgan (maco)
  168. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #170
  169. Renewed call for nominees - IRC Council
  170. An Interview With Daniel Holbach
  171. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #171
  172. Call for nominations: Ubuntu Developer Membership Board
  173. Edubuntu Council Elections
  174. Ubuntu Forums are currently unavailable
  175. Launchpad Read Only Notification
  176. Unified SRU policy and team for main/universe
  177. Ubuntu EMEA Regional Membership Board seeking new member
  178. LoCo Directory
  179. Transparency and keeping everybody on the same page
  180. Lucid Alpha 1 released
  181. Call for comments on IRCC nominees
  182. Micha? Zaj?c (quintasan)
  183. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #173
  184. New IRC Council Appointments
  185. Results from the Edubuntu Council Elections
  186. An Interview With Paultag
  187. Call for votes: Ubuntu Developer Membership Board election
  188. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #174
  189. LoCo stories: the Ubuntu Florida team and the Youth Build Day
  190. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #175
  191. Announcing Ubuntu Developer Week
  192. Announcing Ubuntu User Day - January 23, 2010
  193. International Women's Day -- Competition!
  194. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #176
  195. Developer Membership Board election results
  196. Ubuntu LoCo Re Approval Process
  197. LoCo Stories: the Ubuntu Honduras School Tour
  198. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #177
  199. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #178
  200. Jane Silber Interview
  201. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #179
  202. Ubuntu Opportunistic Developer Week: Call For Participation!
  203. An Interview With Jono
  204. Ubuntu Global Jam – 26 March – 28 March 2010
  205. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #180
  206. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #181
  207. LoCo Stories: the Ubuntu Libya LoCo at the Technology & Science Fair
  208. The Grand App Writing Challenge
  209. Ubuntu Translations Meeting Minutes 2010-02-25
  210. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #182
  211. Interview With Melissa
  212. Announcing The 10.10 Ubuntu Developer Summit
  213. International Women's Day Vote
  214. Refreshing the Ubuntu Brand
  215. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #183
  216. Interview with Emma Jane Hogbin
  217. 1st Annual Ubuntu Women Project "How I discovered Ubuntu." International Women's Day
  218. Ubuntu as project in Google Summer of Code 2010
  219. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #184
  220. Announcing the Ubuntu.com Website Localization Project
  221. Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Beta 1 released
  222. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #185
  223. Ubuntu One Music Store now in public beta
  224. Call for LoCo Council Elections
  225. Ubuntu 10.04 LTS: Free Culture Showcase Winners!
  226. Interview with Amber Graner
  227. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #186
  228. Shooting for the Perfect 10.10 with Maverick Meerkat
  229. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #187
  230. Canonical, Upgrading GNOME Bugzilla, and Commercial Sponsorship
  231. The Fridge Tops 2,000 Posts and Counting
  232. Announcing the mobile phone contacts sync public alpha & Sync Ubuntu One Contacts wit
  233. Patch Day, May 5th 2010
  234. Lucid Lynx Countdown Banners
  235. Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Beta 2 released
  236. Regional Membership Boards: Restaffing
  237. New Chief Editor for the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter
  238. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #188
  239. Ubuntu Women World Play Day Competition!
  240. New operators appointed on #ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic and #kubuntu
  241. Announcing the New LoCo Council Members
  242. Announcing Open Week
  243. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #189
  244. Ubuntu Turkey LoCo Team Interviews Canonical CTO, Matt Zimmerman
  245. LoCo Stories: the Asturian team drives the Asturian Language Academy migration to Ubu
  246. Ubuntu / Launchpad Single-Sign-On Now Open Source
  247. Announcing the Release Candidate for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
  248. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #190
  249. Regional Membership Boards need YOU
  250. Getting ready for the Lynx's release parties