
I've got a bit of a problem that I can't seem to figure out and as much as I search around I can't find what I'm trying to do.
Anyway I've got an Apache server running on a network and this server is visible to the internet. On the same network I've got another web server.
On the main one I've already setup a sub domain (example:http://sub.domain.com/) but now I'd like to set up apache forward everything on this sub domain to the second server.
I've tried adding something like this to the httpd.conf but I think I'm barking up the wrong tree.
ProxyPass / http://lan_ip_second_server
ProxyPassReverse / http://lan_ip_second_server7
<Proxy http://lan_ip_second_server/>
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
Can this even be done?

Thanks for the help and bye