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Thread: Conky Weather Forecast Python Script

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    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Conky Weather Forecast Python Script

    ArchLinux : Package support is present in the AUR. All my packages can be seen here:

    Ubuntu/Debian : All the script packages have now been copied into the Conky Companions PPA. Any package updates will be provided by the team through this new ppa. The ppa can be found here: To use this ppa first delete the old ppa files using this:
    sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/m-buck* && sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/conkyhardcore*
    Then follow the modified first post instructions for the scripts have removed developer support and as such most will have great difficulty using the service through the conkyForecast script in the future.

    Please note however that there is an "alpha" version of the script called conkyForecastWU which is also included in the latest conkyWeather package and is detailed towards the end of this thread which works against weather underground...this is a good alternative but has not been documented for here as yet.


    I put together this python script to produce various bits of weather data on demand for use in Conky. This sort of thing has been done already by lvleph, a post for his contribution is here.

    I wanted to create something, firstly to gain some experience with Python, and secondly so that there was no dependency on the yahoo weather website and it's formatting. This hopefully means that it will have a little longevity.

    Some key features

    • Compliant with python 2.4 onwards
    • Utilises the XOAP service.
    • Caches fetched data to stop unnecessary web calls
    • Supports ranged forecast output, up to the next 5 days (cut's down on execi calls )
    • Optional spacing settings for ranged input
    • Supports imperial / metric / beaufort measurements
    • Supports day or night forecasts
    • Uses separate config file for key settings
    • Provides language support using gettext i18n functionality (English default, optional Spanish, French, Bulgarian, Czech, more if help provided)
    • Supports template files for complicated output in a single exec call! (cut's down on execi calls big time )
    • Template files can include the various conky variables such as $color, $font, $goto and $offset, and be formatted through the execp/exexpi commands
    • Obtainable through apt with a quite addition to your sources.list file
    • Uses custom font to display day and night based weather symbols (thanks Stancho!)

    There is a README with the install, I suggest you give it atleast a quick once over! It can be found in the installation folder, normally following the path of /usr/share/conky<scriptname>/

    Hope some of you find it useful

    Any suggestions, please speak up.

    Basic Install

    Method 1: Using apt

    1) Add the repository to your OS install:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:conky-companions/ppa
    * Note if you are running 9.10 or below then refer to the PPA link at the end of this post for help on installing from the ppa, good guidance can be found on the launchpad site

    2) Now that is done simply run the following to update your repo cache and install the script:

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install conkyforecast
    Method 2: Using deb file

    Run the .deb file available at the Conky Companions PPA site here:

    Warning, this will not ensure you are kept up-to-date. Only method 1 will do that

    Method 3: Using tar.gz file

    Extract all the contents of the tar.gz file to an appropriate folder, and edit the conkyForecast script to point to the correct location where is. The tar.gz file is available at the Conky Companions PPA site here:

    Unless you are using a non-Debian based OS I don't suggest this. Users of Debian/Ubuntu flavour OS's should ideally use method 1.

    Again you will not receive updates using this method. ONLY method 1 can do this for you

    All further details on setup are orientated around the deb package based install, so may differ from what you choose your setup to be, if done using the tarball. XOAP Service Registration

    Due to the risk of having the previously registered xoap account terminated because of high volumes of requests, I have upgraded the script to use a users own registered details. These details need to be entered into the users own config file, details on that are below.

    To register and obtain the necessary codes you need to visit the following url and fill out the form:

    After successfully completing the form, you will then receive a couple of emails providing you with the necessary codes to update these settings with, along with the software development kit and terms and conditions.

    Location Code For Config / Script Calls

    To identify the location code for your town/city the following URL should be used, replacing NORWICH with the one you're looking up :

    The following xml is returned for the above url, from which the correct location code (loc id value) can be picked. Mine was UKXX0103.

    <search ver="2.0">
      <loc id="USNY0428" type="1">East Norwich, NY</loc>
      <loc id="USNY1036" type="1">North Norwich, NY</loc>
      <loc id="USCT0155" type="1">Norwich, CT</loc>
      <loc id="UKXX0103" type="1">Norwich, United Kingdom</loc>
      <loc id="USKS0428" type="1">Norwich, KS</loc>
      <loc id="USND0266" type="1">Norwich, ND</loc>
      <loc id="USNY1044" type="1">Norwich, NY</loc>
      <loc id="USOH0716" type="1">Norwich, OH</loc>
      <loc id="USVT0175" type="1">Norwich, VT</loc>
    Once you know your location code, use it when calling the script with the "--location=" option or set the default location in you ~/.conkyForecast.config based config file.

    Note that if you don't see full xml data like above for your search then (presuming results were found) you may need to "view source" to see them as some browsers like to display xml in different ways.

    Example Use

    In the /usr/share/conkyforecast/example folder you'll find 8 files, providing 3 different examples of font and image based output, the list of files are:
    • conkyForecast.fontbased.conkyrc
    • conkyForecast.fontbasedtemplate.conkyrc
    • conkyForecast.fontbasedtemplate.template
    • conkyForecast.imagebasedtemplate.conkyrc
    • conkyForecast.imagebasedtemplate.template

    Note that the .sh files when run through a shell will display that particular example. For more on how they work open the files and take a look!

    By running this you should see some output at the top right of your screen, detailing all sorts of weather information.

    If you wish to use these example files for your own creations it would be best to copy the files to your $HOME location and edit them appropriately.


    In the /usr/share/conkyforecast/test folder you'll find 3 files, providing for test output, these files are:

    • conkyForecast.test.conkyrc
    • conkyForecast.test.conkyrc

    Note that the .sh file when run through a shell will display the test window. For more on how they work open the files and take a look!

    By running this you should see some output in a conky dialog, detailing all sorts of weather information. This is a test script for use with new releases.

    Usage Help

    You can get the current help options at any time by running (change the path as necessary):

    conkyForecast -h

    conkyForecast --help
    The usage as output in the console is as follows:

    Usage: conkyForecast [options]
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -C FILE, --config=FILE
                            [default: ~/.conkyForecast.config] The path to the
                            configuration file, allowing multiple config files to
                            be used.
      -l CODE, --location=CODE
                            location code for weather data [default set in
                            config]. Use the following url to determine your
                            location code by city name:
      -d DATATYPE, --datatype=DATATYPE
                            [default: HT] The data type options are: DW (Day of
                            Week), WF (Weather Font output), WI (Weather Icon
                            Path), LT (Forecast:Low Temp,Current:Feels Like Temp),
                            HT (Forecast:High Temp,Current:Current Temp), CC
                            (Current Conditions), CT (Conditions Text), PC
                            (Precipitation Chance), HM (Humidity), VI
                            (Visibility), WD (Wind Direction), WA (Wind Angle - in
                            degrees), WS (Wind Speed), WG (Wind Gusts), BF
                            (Bearing Font), BI (Bearing Icon Path), BS (Bearing
                            font with Speed), CN (City Name), CO (Country), OB
                            (Observatory), SR (SunRise), SS (SunSet), DL
                            (DayLight), MP (Moon Phase), MF (Moon Font), MI (Moon
                            Icon Path), BR (Barometer Reading), BD (Barometer
                            Description), UI (UV Index), UT (UV Text), DP (Dew
                            Point), WM (weather map fetch and image path
                            returned),  LU (Last Update at, LF (Last
                            Fetch from Not applicable at command
                            line when using templates.
      -s NUMBER, --startday=NUMBER
                            define the starting day number, if omitted current
                            conditions are output. Not applicable at command line
                            when using templates.
      -e NUMBER, --endday=NUMBER
                            define the ending day number, if omitted only starting
                            day data is output. Not applicable at command line
                            when using templates.
      -S NUMBER, --spaces=NUMBER
                            [default: 1] Define the number of spaces between
                            ranged output. Not applicable at command line when
                            using templates.
      -t FILE, --template=FILE
                            define a template file to generate output in one call.
                            A displayable item in the file is in the form
                            [--datatype=HT --startday=1]. The following are
                            possible options within each item: --location,--
                            hidedegreesymbol,--spaces,--minuteshide. Note that the
                            short forms of the options are not supported! If any
                            of these options is set from the commandline, it sets
                            the default value of the option for all template
      -L LOCALE, --locale=LOCALE
                            override the system locale for language output
                            (bg=bulgarian, cs=czech, de=german, es=spanish,
                            en=english, es=spanish, fj=fijian, fr=french,
                            it=italian, nl=dutch, pl=polish, ro=romanian,
                            sk=slovak, more to come)
      -i, --imperial        request imperial units, if omitted output is in
      -b, --beaufort        request beaufort scale for wind speeds, if omitted
                            output is either metric/imperial.
      -M, --metrespersecond
                            request metres per second for wind speeds, if omitted
                            output is either metric/imperial.
      -n, --night           switch output to night data, if omitted day output
                            will be output.
      -w, --shortweekday    Shorten the day of week data type to 3 characters.
      -u, --hideunits       Hide units such as mph or C, degree symbols (°) are
                            still shown.
      -x, --hidedegreesymbol
                            Hide the degree symbol used with temperature output,
                            this is only valid if used in conjunction with
      -m NUMBER, --minuteshide=NUMBER
                            Works only with LU and LF. If present, hides the date
                            part of the LU or LF timestamp if the day of the
                            timestamp is today. The time part is also hidden, if
                            the timestamp is older than minutes specified in this
                            argument. If set to 0, the time part is always shown.
                            If set to -1, the value EXPIRY_MINUTES from the config
                            file is used.
      -c WIDTH, --centeredwidth=WIDTH
                            If used the output will be centered in a string of the
                            set width, padded out with spaces, if the output width
                            is greater than the setting it will be truncated
      -r, --refetch         Fetch data regardless of data expiry.
      -v, --verbose         Request verbose output, not a good idea when running
                            through conky!
      -V, --version         Displays the version of the script.
      --errorlogfile=FILE   If a filepath is set, the script appends errors to the
      --infologfile=FILE    If a filepath is set, the script appends info to the
    Note: For current conditions the temperature is "measured" using the HT datatype and "feels like" using the LT datatype.

    Expanded Usage Details
    Courtesy of conky pitstop:

    -h, --help
    show this help message and exit

    -C FILE, --config=FILE
    [default: ~/.conkyForecast.config] The path to the
    configuration file, allowing multiple config files to
    be used.

    -l CODE, --location=CODE
    location code for weather data [default set in
    config]. Use the following url to determine your
    location code by city name:

    Change NORWICH for your city name!

    -d DATATYPE, --datatype=DATATYPE
    [default: HT] The data type options are:

    Today: LT – Feels Like Temp – WITHOUT: “–startday=0″ [--datatype LT]
    Today: HT – Current Temp – WITHOUT: “–startday=0″ [--datatype HT]

    Today: LT – Forcasted Low Temp: – WITH: “–startday=0″ [-- startday=0 --datatype LT]
    Today: HT – Forecasted High Temp: – WITH: “–startday=0″ [-- startday=0 --datatype HT]

    Forecast: LT – Low Temp – use with –startday=1 to 4 [-- startday=1 --datatype LT]
    Forecast: HT – High Temp – use with –startday=1 to 4 [-- startday=1 --datatype HT]

    Font commands:

    BF (Bearing Font)
    BS (Bearing font with Speed)
    MF (Moon Font)
    WF (Weather Font output)

    Images commands (conky v1.7.1 or greater)
    - Usage:
    BI (Bearing Icon Path)
    - ${image [--datatype=BI] -p xx,xx -s yyxyy}
    - ${image [--datatype=BI --startday=1] -p xx,xx -s yyxyy}
    MI (Moon Icon Path)
    - ${image [--datatype=MI] -p xx,xx -s yyxyy}
    WI (Weather Icon Path) -
    - ${image [--datatype=WI] -p xx,xx -s yyxyy}
    - ${image [--datatype=WI --startday=1] -p xx,xx -s yyxyy}

    BD (Barometer Description)
    BR (Barometer Reading)
    CC (Current Conditions)
    CN (City Name)
    CO (Country)
    CT (Conditions Text)
    DL (DayLight)
    DP (Dew Point)
    DW (Day of Week)
    HM (Humidity)
    LF (Last Fetch from Not applicable at command line when using templates.
    LU (Last Update at
    MP (Moon Phase)
    OB (Observatory)
    PC (Precipitation Chance)
    SR (SunRise)
    SS (SunSet)
    UI (UV Index)
    UT (UV Text)
    VI (Visibility)
    WA (Wind Angle - in degrees)
    WD (Wind Direction)
    WG (Wind Gusts)
    WM (weather map fetch and image path returned)
    WS (Wind Speed)

    -s NUMBER, --startday=NUMBER
    Define the starting day number, if omitted current
    conditions are output. Not applicable at command line
    when using templates.

    -e NUMBER, --endday=NUMBER
    Define the ending day number, if omitted only starting
    day data is output. Not applicable at command line
    when using templates.

    -S NUMBER, --spaces=NUMBER
    [default: 1] Define the number of spaces between
    ranged output. Not applicable at command line when
    using templates.

    -t FILE, --template=FILE
    Define a template file to generate output in one call.
    A displayable item in the file is in the form
    [--datatype=HT --startday=1].

    The following are possible options within each item:

    • --location
    • --datatype
    • --startday
    • --endday
    • --night
    • --shortweekday
    • --imperial
    • --beaufort
    • --metrespersecond
    • --hideunits
    • --hidedegreesymbol
    • --spaces
    • --minuteshide

    Note that the short forms of the options are not
    supported! If any of these options is set from the
    commandline, it sets the default value of the
    option for all template items.

    -L LOCALE, --locale=LOCALE
    Override the system locale for language output, options are:

    • bg=bulgarian
    • cs=czech
    • de=german
    • es=spanish
    • en=english
    • es=spanish
    • fj=fijian
    • fr=french
    • it=italian
    • nl=dutch
    • pl=polish
    • ro=romanian
    • sk=slovak

    Hopefully more to come!

    -i, --imperial
    Request imperial units, if omitted output is in metric.

    -b, --beaufort
    Request beaufort scale for wind speeds, if omitted output is either metric/imperial.

    -M, --metrespersecond
    Request metres per second for wind speeds, if omitted
    output is either metric/imperial.

    -n, --night
    Switch output to night data, if omitted day output will be output.
    ~/.conkyForecast.config now has: AUTO_NIGHT = True/False Default: False

    -w, --shortweekday
    Shorten the day of week data type to 3 characters.

    -u, --hideunits
    Hide units such as mph or C, degree symbols (°) are still shown.

    -x, --hidedegreesymbol
    Hide the degree symbol used with temperature output,
    this is only valid if used in conjunction with

    -m NUMBER, --minuteshide=NUMBER
    Works only with LU and LF. If present, hides the date
    part of the LU or LF timestamp if the day of the
    timestamp is today. The time part is also hidden, if
    the timestamp is older than minutes specified in this
    argument. If set to 0, the time part is always shown.
    If set to -1, the value EXPIRY_MINUTES from the config
    file is used.

    -c WIDTH, --centeredwidth=WIDTH
    If used the output will be centered in a string of the
    set width, padded out with spaces, if the output width
    is greater than the setting it will be truncated

    -r, --refetch
    Fetch data regardless of data expiry.

    -v, --verbose
    Request verbose output, not a good idea when running through conky!

    -V, --version
    Displays the version of the script.

    If a filepath is set, the script appends errors to the filepath.

    If a filepath is set, the script appends info to the filepath.

    Notes On The Config File

    Creating a Config File

    A template config file exists which holds all the settings used by the script, and most importantly, stores the partner id and registration code for the xoap service.

    It can be found here: "/usr/share/conkyforecast/conkyForecast.config"

    For a working script you NEED at a minimum to define a partner id and registration code for the xoap service in a user specific config file. For this purpose the config file should be copied to "~/.conkyForecast.config" and setup as required.

    To copy and edit the config file, using the command line, run the following two commands in a terminal, one after the other:

    cp /usr/share/conkyforecast/conkyForecast.config ~/.conkyForecast.config
    nano ~/.conkyForecast.config

    The conkyForecast.config has a few config values worthy of a mention.

    The Cache Folder Used

    This setting dictates where the "pickled" weather data is cached for further use by the script. There will be one pickled file per location with the name .conkyForecast-LOCATION.cache, with LOCATION replace with your used location codes.

    Pickling the information retrieved means that it can be reused without needing a round trip to the XOAP service each time something is displayed through a script call.

    The default folder used is /tmp which is fine in most cases. However it should be noted that the /tmp folder is emptied on reboot, so data will not be kept in this case and a will needs refetching from the web again.

    In situations where reboots are common, you could change the path to your own home folder if desired, meaning that cached data will never be lost.

    The Default Connection Timeout

    This setting is just that, it defines the timeout period for the connection establishment. This setting probably will not need changing, however with poor connectivity a higher value may be required.

    The Expiry Duration Of Forecast Data

    This setting defines how long the cached weather data remains valid for.
    When the script is called, if the datetime of the cached files is older than this setting in minutes, the script will refetch the weather data required, and refresh the cache.

    The Date/Time Formats

    DATE_FORMAT = %Y-%m-%d
    These settings define the formatting of both time and date output.
    They follow standard strftime formatting conventions.

    For more details, see the section on strftime here:

    The Locale/Language of Output

    LOCALE =
    This setting defines the locale or language to use. It is optional as the script will determine your systems locale if this is not set. You also have the option to define locale via command line arguments, if these are set then this setting is ignored. The locales currently supported are listed against the --locale option in the command options help below. Required ID and Key

    These settings are required for a working script, they are used when
    fetching data from the XOAP service.

    As mentioned before above to register and obtain the necessary codes you need to visit this url: and fill out the form

    The Default Location For Weather Data

    As mentioned about above this is the setting that holds the default location to be used by the script if no --location option is given. If all your weather output is derived from one location then using a default like this reduces the amount of setting arguments needed through the conky rc / template files.

    The original config file provided that should be copied to a users home folder has Norwich as the default location code as so:

    Notes On Fonts

    There are several fonts included in the release, these are located in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/conkyforecast

    They should be used as follows:
    • ConkyWeather font should be used in conjunction with the WF (weather font) datatype.
    • Arrows font can used in conjunction with the BF (bearing font) datatype, to display a simple wind direction arrow
    • ConkyWind, ConkyWindN and ConkyWindNESW fonts should be used in conjunction with either the BF (bearing font) or BS (bearing font with speed) datatypes.
    • Moon Phases font should be used in conjunction with the MF (moon font) datatype

    Notes On Images

    There are now three datatype options which provide image paths to be used with the new $image parameter in Conky 1.7.1+

    The data types are WI (Weather icons), MI (Moon icons) and BI (Bearing icons).

    For more help and guidance on the $image parameter needed in conjunction with these datatype options visit the Conky PitStop website, specifically this page:

    Notes On Conky Test/Example Files

    I recommend using the test files as a templates when creating your own conkyrc file. Note that if the location of the python script is different to the example given, please ensure the conkyrc-test* file, or your own, is amended to point to the correct location.

    A quick example of use in conky rc:

    Conditions: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast --location=UKXX0103 --datatype=CC}
    ${font ConkyWeather:size=36}${execi 3600 conkyForecast --location=UKXX0103 --datatype=WF}${font}
    Temp: ${execi 3600 conkyForecast --location=UKXX0103 --datatype=HT}
    More conky documentation can be found on the conky sourceforge site, and thanks to Bruce M, in a HOWTO thread in these forums. Links below:

    Notes On Template Files

    Recently the use of templates was added, so that a single exec call can be made to retrieve a multitude of data.

    An example template file is included in the install, and the usage text also explains the options available. Only long versions of the options are supported in a template, i.e. --datatype= and not -d.

    Note that you can combine standard font output with weather fonts in a single template by using the execp and execpi commands in conky. The example uses this so to see how this works take a look at that.

    A quick example of template file options and layout:

       [--datatype=DW --startday=1 --shortweekday]
    [--datatype=HT --startday=1 --hideunits]/[--datatype=LT --startday=1 --hideunits]
    Anything inside the square brackets are options, outside of the brackets is standard text that will be output as conky would normally handle it.


    1) Conky has a default limitation of 128 bytes for any text output from a variable (such as execi). If you are creating large templates with more characters than the default buffer size can handle, the output will get truncated. If this happens you can override the default behaviour by setting as new buffer size before the TEXT section in your conkyrc file, as follows:

    text_buffer_size 1024
    2) There is a limit to the maximum range for forecasts, the startday and endday options cannot be set greater than 4, otherwise the script breaks...the following are the options to use to get the maximum forecast of high temps (including forecast data for today):

    --datatype=HT --startday=0 --endday=4
    3) For certain characters used in this script, such as degree symbols, it is required that the UTF8 character set is configured for use in Conky. If UTF8 is not enabled you can end up seeing something like 66ð rather than 66°. To enable UTF8 the following should be added before the TEXT section in your conkyrc file:

    # Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
    override_utf8_locale yes
    4) Make sure you do not have this setting below:

    uppercase yes
    The included fonts which support certain datatypes, are case sensitive so any use of them requires lower case as well as upper case.

    Further Help

    If you have an issue and are not sure, try running the same conkyForecast command in the terminal window and add the option --verbose, you should then see lots of information about what the script is doing, any warnings or errors should also be displayed.

    If after doing the above you are still stuck, further help relating to conkyForecast can be got on this thread.

    Note that it is best to post --verbose (hint on the option to use) output of your script call, as well as the conkyrc you are using. This way the issue can be understood quickly and easily.

    The README is attached to this post also, take a look at this is you want to know more. Most of it's contents are here but there is some useful info there.

    For any updates you receive you can view the readme file by running this in the terminal:

    gunzip -c /usr/share/doc/conkyforecast/README.gz | less

    Development History

    Created: 13/04/2008

    Noteworthy thanks go, in alphabetical order, to benpaka, Bruce M., El_Belgicano, HippyRandall, jjgomera, Nite, stancho and vasilub1 for their contributions to the script and it's rollouts over the past few months.

    Development history going forwards can be seen here
    All packages available from me can be found here:
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by kaivalagi; January 13th, 2012 at 09:27 AM. Reason: Updated help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Conky Weather Forecast Python Script

    Hi kaivalagi,

    OK, I'm here and will spread the word.
    I would have though as long as it was active it would be OK. Little do I know.

    But it's here now. Thanks.
    BTW, you might want to consider grabbing the post about your e-mail script (# 154 or 156) from the old thread and start that up as a "new" thread too. Be a shame to loose that.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Conky Weather Forecast Python Script

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce M. View Post
    Hi kaivalagi,

    OK, I'm here and will spread the word.
    I would have though as long as it was active it would be OK. Little do I know.

    But it's here now. Thanks.
    BTW, you might want to consider grabbing the post about your e-mail script (# 154 or 156) from the old thread and start that up as a "new" thread too. Be a shame to loose that.

    Thanks for reminding me. I will sort it out when I get some time, probably over the weekend.

    I also want to add another thread about rtorrent integration into conky, but that's going to take some explaining...

    Edit: thread added for the email script -
    Last edited by kaivalagi; July 25th, 2008 at 10:36 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    The U. S. of A.
    Kubuntu Development Release

    Re: Conky Weather Forecast Python Script

    Does this script check for network connectivity / internet access?

    if not do you know of any way to force conky to check? ...I am currently using {if_running } to only load my weather if Thunderbird is open.
    || Kubuntu x86_64 (15.10 Dev.) || KDE 4.9.00 ||
    || Dell Inspiron 570 || 8GB PC3-10600 DDR3 RAM || AMD Phenom II X4 820 @ 2.8Ghz ||
    || Logitech M570 Trackball || Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard ||
    Conky: ... no such configuration: 'normal'

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Conky Weather Forecast Python Script

    Quote Originally Posted by Crinos512 View Post
    Does this script check for network connectivity / internet access?

    if not do you know of any way to force conky to check? ...I am currently using {if_running } to only load my weather if Thunderbird is open.
    It should handle it...although I am never without a connection.

    The script tries to connect to before doing it's thing, if unsuccessful it then checks for cached weather data from a previously successful connection, and uses that. If none of this works out a fairly short error message is displayed instead.

    Let me know how you get on

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron

    Re: Conky Weather Forecast Python Script


    I have a problem with my template, as you can see the precipitaion and lower temperatures are not completely displayed.

    Also i have a question about the variable LT for the current day. I suppose this displays the temperature of the upcoming night? As you can see this is not currect, following my screenlet this should display 17°C.

    Here is my template:
     {--datatype=DW --startday=1 --shortweekday}            {--datatype=DW --startday=2 --shortweekday}           {--datatype=DW --startday=3 --shortweekday}         {--datatype=DW --startday=4 --shortweekday}
    {--datatype=HT --startday=1}          {--datatype=HT --startday=2}           {--datatype=HT --startday=3}        {--datatype=HT --startday=4}
    {--datatype=LT --startday=1}          {--datatype=LT --startday=2}           {--datatype=LT --startday=3}       {--datatype=LT --startday=4}
     {--datatype=PC --startday=1}     {--datatype=PC --startday=2}     {--datatype=PC --startday=3}
          {--datatype=PC --startday=4}
    ans here is the relevant conky code:
    ${alignc 20}${execi 3600 python conky/ --location=BEXX0008 --datatype=CC}${alignr}${color1}tonight: ${color}${execi 3600 python conky/ --location=BEXX0008 --datatype=LT}???
    ${font Weather:size=45}${execi 3600 python conky/ --location=BEXX0008 --datatype=WF}
    ${alignc 4}${voffset -45}${font size=15}${execi 3600 python conky/ --location=BEXX0008 --datatype=HT}
    $font${voffset -75}${alignr}${color1}Wind: $color${execi 3600 python conky/ --location=BEXX0008 --datatype=WS}
    ${alignr}${color1}Vochtigheid: $color${execi 3600 python conky/ --location=BEXX0008 --datatype=HM}
    ${alignr}${color1}Neerslag: ${color}${execi 3600 python conky/ --location=BEXX0008 --datatype=PC}
    ${alignr}${execi 3600 python conky/ --location=BEXX0008 --datatype=BR} - ${execi 3600 python conky/ --location=BEXX0008 --datatype=BD}$color$font
    ${color1}Zon op: ${color3}${execi 3600 python conky/ --location=BEXX0008 --datatype=SR}${alignr}${color1}onder: ${color}${execi 3600 python conky/ --location=BEXX0008 --datatype=SS}$color
    ${voffset 12}${color1}Maan: ${color}${voffset -3}${color}${font moon phases:size=15}${execi 3600 python conky/ --location=BEXX0008 --datatype=MF}$font$color
    ${font weather:size=30}${execi 3600 python /home/matt/conky/ --location=BEXX0008 --startday=1 --endday=4 --datatype=WF --spaces=5}$font$color
    ${execi 3600 python /home/matt/conky/ --location=BEXX0008 --template=/home/matt/conky/conky3Days.template}
    What is wrong?


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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Utah, USA

    Re: Conky Weather Forecast Python Script

    What do you use to give the weather output in your screenshot?

    Mike: "The hardest questions in life are the ones worth answering"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    N of Bruce W of Kaivalagi
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    Re: Conky Weather Forecast Python Script

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    What do you use to give the weather output in your screenshot?

    See his links in his sig | This is the first age that's paid much attention to the future, which is alittle ironic since we may not have one. -- Arthur Clarke

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Conky Weather Forecast Python Script

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    What do you use to give the weather output in your screenshot?

    I used the both weather font output and a template . My current conkyrc (cut down with just weather data) and template is attached, along with a fresh screenshot

    If you reuse it, update the --location options and the paths used, you may also need to tweak the offsets a little and change the fonts if you don't have them installed

    Hope that helps
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    Last edited by kaivalagi; August 1st, 2008 at 11:44 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: Conky Google Calendar Python Script

    Quote Originally Posted by kaivalagi View Post
    Thanks for that, although you didn't post on the correct thread, and things have changed in relation to translations recently. Use the link from my signature to get to the right thread

    Have a good look at the first post, things have moved on since you last looked at the script. We now have apt based installs and translations are not done in the script, they are done using a tool called poedit, which helps you create .po/.mo files for inclusion in a release. No one needs to change the script code anymore

    Any questions just post on the weather script thread which my signature links to...a number of users on there have been through this translation process, including Bruce

    Your translation is very much welcome, we just need it in the correct format

    I hope you understand

    Hi, again,
    Is the attached translation OK, complete etc? I done it using poedit... Is that correct techincally done? What about Plural Gen forms and other grammatical accords?... Need more? Please advise.
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