well, I don't know what "<alt> F2" means but here's a quick little thing to cap off the night.

(basically using this "\" allows you to escape things which means that you spread things out - there's more to it than that but you can ask someone more knowledgeable than me)

So what you could do, to make it easier to read than one long line is use this -> \ to spread it out vertically.


( ^ the [] indicate a space - it is important because the "\" means mush together and without the spaces it would all run together: xxxxxx yyyyyy zzzzzz without spaces becomes xxxxxxyyyyyyzzzzzz)

HandBrakeCLI -i /<path to>/VIDEO_TS\
[]-t <number>\
[]-c <number-number>\
[]-o /<path to where you save file>/<filename>.<type>\
[]--markers=/<full path to chapter file>/<filename>.csv\
[]--preset="<if you use one, and why wouldn't you?>"\
[]<and so on>

When you paste it in like that (replacing the [] with a space) and hit enter it'll run it like it was all on one line. It may help make it a bit easier to read this way, separating out the arguments spatially.

The chapter markers are optional. As to finding out where your DVD is mount I'm not sure, it's probably like /mnt/<something>/VIDEO_TS. You can use VLC to find out the chapter title information. or use

HandBrakeCLI -i /<path to>/VIDEO_TS -t 0

to print a list of all of the chapters titles. Movies are usually the longest one but TV shows are all the same length or mushed together in one uber title.

There's alot of extra stuff you could add to the end but the built in presets have never failed me. Except the Xbox 360 one.

It is a lie.

And there's links to their documentation and stuff...and stuff...I could add, but I am very tired. I go bed now.