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Thread: My expiriance with trying ubuntu seance 16.04

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    My expiriance with trying ubuntu seance 16.04

    So i stopped using linux seance 16.04 was such a long time ago and decided to give 23.04 a try and this is what i experienced.

    So the first impression is very positive the system looks so slick and it runs so fast super impressed there are some ease of use ideas that i enjoyed connection my headphones was so easy and convenient for example.

    Now the bad part.
    As a person who works in a office I Manley work with documents and honestly don't have too much energy to mess around with the OS and it's tantrums.

    So my first reality check was thinking about starting libreoffice, I was like maybe it isn't as ugly as i remember it being and as buggy as i remember it. So i started it and too my surprise after 7 years nothing have changed in this office suit it is as ugly as it was nothing improved here.
    My next thought was maybe there is a native MS office port for linux, so i googled "how to get microsoft office for linux"
    The first result was a article on a webpage called "makeuseof" on this article it is written that this article was updated on Jan 5, 2023 but i think i have seen this article in 2014 nothing changed still talking about web version still talking about POL and wine and honestly i can't deal with any of this things. So i was like no proper office suit for me that will not make me hate opening documents.

    So, my next thought was like how do i install software here is it still as cumbersome as it was?!

    So i opened ubuntu software and you might have guessed it nothing has changed, the software on it is hard to find, the software is outdated and still bad descriptions bad images etc...
    Ok i was like maybe there is a new universal installer package file for linux, NOPE still there are PPA's still you need to hunt for PPA's if you want software to update itself, still there were deb files now there are flatpak files there are zip files and i don't have time or energy to figure this out.
    So please don't hate, but nothing has changed using linux hasn't inched forward so i want back to windows.
    Last edited by QIII; May 4th, 2023 at 03:12 AM. Reason: Removed objectionable language.

  2. #2
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    Re: My expiriance with trying ubuntu seance 16.04

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: My expiriance with trying ubuntu seance 16.04

    Ubuntu, like every other OS, has its faults. You are welcome to point them out in a mature manner. But if you want to throw all of your toys out of the pram or take your ball and go home, do so without fanfare. It's not like the volunteers here will care. We are aware, as you seem not to be, that Linux is installed on more devices, by an order of magnitude, than any product that issues from Redmond. Even the internet that provides you access to these forums runs on Linux. Windows is a coracle afloat on a sea of Linux. That is just hard to see from the safety below the gunwale of the little vessel in which so many people travel. While Windows certainly serves people well for their purposes, it is naught but a tiny boat in the overall scheme of things.

    (Mind you, I am financially comfortable in my retirement after years of making my software development company available to those I find bobbing about in that little wicker craft.)

    I have edited the childish foul language in the original post. Please keep your language family- and workplace-friendly if you would like to maintain your posting privileges here. While constructive criticism is welcome, accepted and even encouraged, inaccurate rants are not. Bear in mind that the volunteers populating this forum are not Canonical employees and cannot affect any changes. Flinging yourself to the floor and having a tantrum here is pointless. Please feel free to use whatever OS you like. That is your choice. However, venting off-base and inaccurate generalities as though everyone here encounters them is a bit of a waste of your time. We, of course, know that your rant is somewhat less than objective. Who do you think you are schooling? We don't support Windows bashing. What make you think we will support Linux bashing?

    What failings you may find with LibreOffice do not reflect on Ubuntu specifically, nor on any other Linux-based OS generally. LibreOffice is a reflection only of the LibreOffice developers, not of Canonical's developers. The LibreOffice package available for any release of Ubuntu is used as is at the time of release. Canonical freezes features and software available at each release and does not change them except in the case of severe security problems. Canonical, LTD, is a small company with roughly 500 direct employees and a development staff off only a fraction of that. They do not have the time to bring in a new software suite to test it against all prior releases and place it in the repos for those releases. And if you are bothered by the fact that Office documents do not work well with LibreOffice, ask Microsoft to support open source-based standards compliance and stop hiding behind closed-source avoidance of standards.

    You are free to volunteer your time to Canonical to help them do that if you would like. Otherwise, don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
    Last edited by QIII; May 4th, 2023 at 04:00 AM.
    Please read The Forum Rules and The Forum Posting Guidelines

    A thing discovered and kept to oneself must be discovered time and again by others. A thing discovered and shared with others need be discovered only the once.
    This universe is crazy. I'm going back to my own.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: My expiriance with trying ubuntu seance 16.04

    I remember you from back in the day and am really great full for all your help when i started using ubuntu but seriously I or anyone else needs a lecture.
    Not knowing a language fully isn't a crime either.
    Overall this has always been a problem with linux, when some people identify and point out a problem they are experiencing they always have been silenced and no one actually tried to fix the underline problem.
    I'm like 7 years have passed and nothing improved, you are like how could it no one works on it (Very few people work on it, in their free time).
    Well if that is the case why will people like me use it, why will majority of people use it?
    One thing i must add that if distributions wouldn't be trying to grow their market share than they wouldn't even be making front ends to their distributions and would be exclusively making server OS

    I'm just rambling here but this is my experience and you can just only imagine what will a new user experience when trying out ubuntu.
    Last edited by Chelidze; May 4th, 2023 at 12:14 PM.

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