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Thread: Help needed to fix script for xchat, whilst using bip

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    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United Kingdom

    Help needed to fix script for xchat, whilst using bip

    Hey there, so I'm an ubuntu operator who has recently been lucky enough to find himself somewhere to keep a persistent session. After looking at the options, I settled on bip, mostly because of the way it sends you the backlog.

    I connect to bip using xchat, and in xchat I use the following script, named
    # Simple chanserv helper script for Xchat
    # (c) 2006,2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker
    # Latest version can be found on
    # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    # version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
    # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    # GNU General Public License for more details.
    # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    # Usage instructions:
    # Place in ~/.xchat2 for it to be autoloaded
    # It adds one command to xchat: /cs
    # /cs understands the following arguments
    # o  or op      - Let chanserv op you/others (/cs op, /cs op somenick)
    # v  or voice   - Let chanserv give you/others voice
    # d  or deop    - Let chanserv deop you/others (/cs deop, /cs deop somenick)
    # dv or devoice - Let chanserv decoice you/others (/cs devoice, /cs devoice somenick)
    # k  or kick    - Op, kick, deop (/cs kick somenick [comment])
    # b  or ban     - Op, ban, deop (/cs ban somenick)
    # f  or forward - Ban a user with a forward (/cs forward nick chan)
    # n  or nameban - GECOS ban (/cs nameban nick)
    # m  or mute    - Op, mute, deop (/cs mute somenick)
    # kb or kickban - Op, kickban, deop (/cs kb somenick [comment])
    # kf or kickforward - Same as kb, but with a forward (/cs kf somenick channel [comment])
    # kn or kicknameban - Same as kb, but with a GECOS ban (/cs kn somenick [comment])
    # l  or lart    - A combination of kick, ban, nameban, ident ban and nick ban.
    # u  or unban   - Op, unban, deop (/cs u somenick)
    # t  or topic   - Op, set topic, deop (/cs t New topic here)
    # m  or mode    - Op, change channel mode, deop (/cs mode modes here)
    # i  or invite  - With nick as argument: op, invite, deop. Without nick: invite to a channel
    # bans          - Show bans that apply to someone without removing them (/cs bans nick_or_mask)
    # * For (kick)ban and mute, it will use the ip-address or hostname instead of
    #   the nickname, unless you give a complete mask as argument. This works even
    #   after a person left by using /whowas. /whowas generally works up to a few
    #   hours after someone left.
    # * Unban will remove all bans matching the nick or mask you give as argument
    #   (*  and ? wildcards work)
    # * It won't actually kick, but use the /remove command
    # * Script is made to work on Freenode, may need changes to work on other 
    #   networks
    # * The -n argument before any of the commands (eg: /cs -n m foo) will make you
    #   stay opped after the act
    # Apart from the /cs command it also adds automatic rejoining magic. When you
    # are /remove'd from a channel, it will automatically rejoin (X-chat already can
    # do that for you if kicked). When attempting to (re)join a channel which is
    # invite-only, has a key set or where you are banned, the script will poke
    # chanserv to let you in and will automatically let you in if ChanServ helps
    # Changelog of latest versions
    # 1.0:   - Use xchat.get_info for getting the xchat dir
    #        - If a nick in /cs u starts with 2 asterisks, a non-looked up nameban
    #          removal will be tried. This was the last item in the todo, so this is
    #          1.0
    # 1.0.1: - Add voice/devoice
    # 1.0.2: - Fix complete mask detection
    #        - Fixed downloader
    # 1.0.3  - Added /cs bans -- determine which bans apply to someone without removing them
    # 1.0.4  - Update download link and allow a comment in /cs lart
    # 1.0.5  - Don't require a comment in /cs lart
    __module_name__        = "chanserv"
    __module_version__     = "1.0.5"
    __module_description__ = "Chanserv helper"
    import xchat
    import time
    import re
    # Event queue
    pending = []
    # /whois cache
    users = {}
    # /mode =bd 'cache'
    bans = {}
    _bans = {}
    # channel modes
    modes = {}
    intercept_akick = False
    # Main /cs command
    def cs(word, word_eol, userdata):
        chan = xchat.get_info('channel')
        me   = xchat.get_info('nick')
        ctx  = xchat.get_context()
        deop = True
        if len(word) == 1:
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if word[1] == '-n':
            deop = False
            for w in word_eol:
                if w.strip().startswith('-n'):
        comm = word[1].lower()
        if comm in ['o','op']:
            if me in word_eol[2] or word_eol[2] == '':
                for p in pending:
                    if == chan:
                        p.deop = False
            xchat.command('chanserv OP %s %s' % (chan, word_eol[2]))
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['d','deop']:
            if len(word) < 3: word.append(me)
            if me in word[2:]:
                for p in pending:
                    if == chan:
                        p.deop = True
            xchat.command('chanserv OP %s %s' % (chan, ' '.join(map(lambda x: '-'+x, word[2:]))))
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['v','voice']:
            xchat.command('chanserv VOICE %s %s' % (chan, word_eol[2]))
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['dv','devoice']:
            if len(word) < 3: word.append(me)
            xchat.command('chanserv VOICE %s %s' % (chan, ' '.join(map(lambda x: '-'+x, word[2:]))))
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['k','kick']:
            if len(word) < 3: return xchat.EAT_ALL
            if len(word) < 4: word_eol.append('')
            if word[2].lower() not in [x.nick.lower() for x in ctx.get_list('users')]:
                xchat.emit_print("Server Error", "%s is not in %s" % (word[2],ctx.get_info('channel')))
                return xchat.EAT_ALL
            schedule(Action(ctx, KICK, word[2], word_eol[3]), deop)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['b','ban']:
            if len(word) < 3: return xchat.EAT_ALL
            schedule(Action(ctx, BAN, word[2]), deop)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['n','nameban']:
            if len(word) < 3: return xchat.EAT_ALL
            schedule(Action(ctx, NAMEBAN, word[2]), deop)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['f','forward']:
            if len(word) < 4: return xchat.EAT_ALL
            if word[3][0] != '#':
                xchat.emit_print("Server Error", "You can only forward to a channel");
                return xchat.EAT_ALL
            schedule(Action(ctx, BAN, word[2], forward_channel=word[3]), deop)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['m','mute']:
            if len(word) < 3: return xchat.EAT_ALL
            if word[2][0] not in "+-=":
                schedule(Action(ctx, MUTE, word[2]), deop)
                return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['kb','kickban']:
            if len(word) < 3: return xchat.EAT_ALL
            if len(word) < 4: word_eol.append('')
            schedule(Action(ctx, KICKBAN, word[2], word_eol[3]), deop)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['kn','kicknameban']:
            if len(word) < 3: return xchat.EAT_ALL
            if len(word) < 4: word_eol.append('')
            schedule(Action(ctx, KICKNAMEBAN, word[2], word_eol[3]), deop)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['kf','kickforward']:
            if len(word) < 4: return xchat.EAT_ALL
            if word[3][0] != '#':
                xchat.emit_print("Server Error", "You can only forward to a channel");
                return xchat.EAT_ALL
            if len(word) < 5: word_eol.append('')
            schedule(Action(ctx, KICKBAN, word[2], word_eol[4], word[3]), deop)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['u','unban']:
            if len(word) < 3: return xchat.EAT_ALL
            if word[2].startswith('**'):
                schedule(Action(ctx, UNBAN, word_eol[2]), deop)
                schedule(Action(ctx, UNBAN, word[2]), deop)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['l','lart']:
            if len(word) < 3: return xchat.EAT_ALL
            if len(word_eol) < 4: word_eol.append('')
            schedule(Action(ctx, LART, word[2], word_eol[3]), deop)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['t','topic']:
            if len(word) < 3: return xchat.EAT_ALL
            schedule(Action(ctx, TOPIC, word_eol[2]), deop)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['m','mode']:
            if len(word) < 3: return xchat.EAT_ALL
            schedule(Action(ctx, MODE, word_eol[2]), deop)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['i','invite']:
            if len(word) < 3: return xchat.EAT_ALL
            if word[2][0] == '#':
                xchat.command('chanserv INVITE %s' % (word[2]))
                if word[2].lower() in [x.nick.lower() for x in ctx.get_list('users')]:
                    xchat.emit_print("Server Error", "%s is already in %s" % (word[2],ctx.get_info('channel')))
                    return xchat.EAT_ALL
                schedule(Action(ctx, INVITE, word_eol[2]), deop)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm == 'bans':
            if len(word) < 3: word.append(me)
            schedule(Action( ctx, BANS, word[2]), deop)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if comm in ['update']:
            import thread
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        # /cs is an alias for chanserv too, so don't eat anything if we're not able
        # to fulfill the request
        return xchat.EAT_NONE
    xchat.hook_command('cs',cs,"For help with /cs, please read the comments in the script")
    # Action class, quite powerful and extendable
    class Action:
        def __init__(self, ctx, typ, arg, comment='', forward_channel=''):
            self.ctx = ctx
            self.typ = typ
            self.arg = arg
            self.nick = arg.lower()
            self.comment = comment
            self.forward_channel = forward_channel
            self.completemask = False
            self.realname = ''
            self.mask = None
            if typ in [MUTE, BAN, KICKBAN, UNBAN, BANS]:
                if self.nick.startswith('**'):
                    self.realname = self.nick[2:]
                    self.nick = ''
                    self.mask = ('','')
                if '!' in self.nick and '@' in self.nick and self.nick.find('!') < self.nick.find('@'):
                    self.nick, self.mask = self.nick.split('!',1)
                    self.completemask = True
                    if '@' in self.mask:
                        self.mask = list(self.mask.split('@',1))
   = ctx.get_info('channel')
            self.stamp = time.time()
        def run(self):
            # Now perform actions
            if self.typ == TOPIC:
                self.ctx.command("TOPIC %s" % self.arg)
            if self.typ == MODE:
                self.ctx.command("MODE %s %s" % (, self.arg))
            if self.typ == INVITE:
                self.ctx.command("INVITE %s" % (self.arg))
            if self.typ == UNBAN:
                for b in bans[]:
                    if self.match(b):
                        if '!' in b and '@' in b:
                            self.ctx.command("MODE %s -b %s" % (, b))
                            self.ctx.command("MODE %s -d :%s" % (, b))
            if self.typ == BANS:
                xchat.emit_print('Server Text', "Bans matching %s!%s@%s (%s)" % (self.nick, self.mask[0], self.mask[1], self.realname))
                for b in bans[]:
                    if self.match(b):
                        xchat.emit_print('Server Text', b)
            if self.typ in [KICK, KICKBAN, KICKNAMEBAN, LART]:
                self.ctx.command("REMOVE %s %s :%s" % (, self.nick, self.comment))
            if self.typ in [BAN, KICKBAN, MUTE, LART]:
                mode = 'b'
                if self.forward_channel:
                    self.mask[1] += '!' + self.forward_channel
                if self.typ == MUTE:
                    mode = 'q'
                if self.completemask:
                    self.ctx.command("MODE %s +%s %s!%s@%s" % (, mode, self.nick, self.mask[0], self.mask[1]))
                    self.ctx.command("MODE %s +%s *!*@%s" % (, mode, self.mask[1]))
            if self.typ in [NAMEBAN, KICKNAMEBAN, LART]:
                self.ctx.command("MODE %s +d %s" % (, self.realname.replace(' ','?')))
            if self.typ == LART:
                # Still todo: ident ban and nick ban
                self.ctx.command("MODE %s +b %s!*@*" % (, self.nick))
                self.ctx.command("MODE %s +b *!%s@*" % (, self.mask[0]))
        def match(self, ban):
            if '!' in ban and '@' in ban: # Not 100% reliable but it'll do
                    nick, host =  ban.split('!')[:2] # Trim !#foo channel forward 
                    ident, host = host.split('@')
                    # If this happens, the ban is invalid and we should remove it anyway
                    return True
                if nick[0] == '%':
                    nick = nick[1:]
                for mtch, me in [(nick, self.nick), (ident, self.mask[0]), (host, self.mask[1])]:
                    mtch = '^%s$' % re.escape(mtch).replace(r'\*','.*').replace(r'\?','.')
                    if not re.match(mtch,me,re.I):
                        return False
                return True
            mtch = '^%s$' % re.escape(ban).replace(r'\*','.*').replace(r'\?','.')
            if not re.match(mtch,self.realname,re.I):
                return False
            return True
        def n2a(self,request=False):
            if self.nick in users:
                if users[self.nick][0]:
                    if users[self.nick][3] > time.time() - 10:
                        self.mask = list(users[self.nick][0:2])
                        self.realname = users[self.nick][2]
            if request:
                self.ctx.command('whois %s' % self.nick)
            self.mask = None
    def schedule(event, deop):
        # Add event to the pending queue and make sure all neccessary commands are
        # issued. Don't op if not sure the nick is there
        # Am I op?
        for user in event.ctx.get_list('users'):
            if user.nick == event.ctx.get_info('nick') and user.prefix == '@':
                event.am_op = True
            event.am_op = False
        # Deop afterwards?
        event.deop = deop
        if event.deop:
            event.deop = not event.am_op
            for p in pending:
                if == and p.deop:
                    event.deop = True
        # Do I know the nick
        if event.typ in (BAN, KICKBAN, MUTE, UNBAN, BANS) and not event.mask:
        if event.typ in (NAMEBAN, KICKNAMEBAN) and not event.realname:
        if event.typ == LART and (not event.mask or not event.realname):
        # Do I have all bans
        if event.typ in [UNBAN, BANS] and not in bans:
            _bans[] = []
            event.ctx.command("MODE %s =bd" %
        # Do I have all modes
        if event.typ in [TOPIC, MODE] and not in modes:
            event.ctx.command("MODE %s" %
    def run_pending(just_opped = None):
        for p in pending:
            # Timeout?
            if p.stamp < time.time() - 10:
                if p.deop and len([x for x in pending if ==]) == 0:
                    p.ctx.command('chanserv OP %s -%s' % (, p.ctx.get_info('nick')))
            if == just_opped:
                p.am_op = True
            if p.typ in (BAN, KICKBAN, MUTE, UNBAN, LART, BANS) and not p.mask:
            if p.typ in (NAMEBAN, KICKNAMEBAN, LART) and not p.realname:
            # Run!
            # Mode check here! TODO
            if p.typ == MODE and in modes:
                if not modes[].would_change([x for x in p.arg.split() if x]):
            if (p.typ in (BAN, KICKBAN, MUTE) and p.mask) or \
               (p.typ in (NAMEBAN, KICKNAMEBAN) and p.realname) or \
               (p.typ in (UNBAN,BANS) and in bans and p.mask) or \
               (p.typ in (MODE, TOPIC) and in modes) or \
               (p.typ == LART and p.realname and p.mask) or \
                p.typ in (KICK,INVITE):
                if p.am_op or (p.typ == TOPIC and 't' not in modes[].modeset) or (p.typ == BANS):
                    if p.typ in (UNBAN,BANS) and len([x for x in pending if == and x.typ in (UNBAN,BANS)]) == 0:
                    if p.deop and len([x for x in pending if ==]) == 0:
                        p.ctx.command('chanserv OP %s -%s' % (, p.ctx.get_info('nick')))
                    p.ctx.command('chanserv OP %s %s' % (, p.ctx.get_info('nick')))
    # Run commands after chanserv ops
    def do_mode(word, word_eol, userdata):
        ctx = xchat.get_context()
        if 'chanserv!' in word[0].lower() and '+o' in word[3] and ctx.get_info('nick') in word:
            run_pending(just_opped = ctx.get_info('channel'))
    xchat.hook_server('MODE', do_mode)
    # Run commands after /whois returns data
    def do_whois(word, word_eol, userdata):
        users[word[3].lower()] = (word[4], word[5], word_eol[7][1:], time.time())
    xchat.hook_server('311', do_whois)
    xchat.hook_server('314', do_whois) # This actually is a /whowas reply
    # Do /whowas is /whois fails
    def do_missing(word, word_eol, userdata):
        for p in pending:
            if p.nick == word[3]:
                p.ctx.command('whowas %s' % word[3])
    xchat.hook_server('401', do_missing)
    # Display an error if /whowas also fails
    def do_endwas(word, word_eol, userdata):
        for p in pending:
            if p.nick == word[3]:
                xchat.emit_print("Server Error", "%s could not be found" % p.nick)
    xchat.hook_server('406', do_endwas)
    # Add ban data tot cache (reply of /mode =b)
    def do_ban(word, word_eol, userdata):
        if word[3] in _bans:
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
    xchat.hook_server('367', do_ban)
    # Run commands after all bans are shown
    # It does mode =bd, so 2 368 have to be received before any action is taken
    MARKER  = '@@@@@@' # This is invalid as ban, so is safe, the +b bans come first
    MARKER2 = '!!!!!!'
    def do_endban(word, word_eol, userdata):
        if word[3] in _bans:
            if MARKER in _bans[word[3]]:
                bans[word[3]] = _bans[word[3]]
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
    xchat.hook_server('368', do_endban)
    # Autorejoin on /remove and /kick
    xchat.command('SET -quiet irc_auto_rejoin ON')
    def rejoin(word, word_eol, userdata):
        if word[0][1:word[0].find('!')] == xchat.get_info('nick') and word[3][1:].lower() == 'requested':
            xchat.command('join %s' % word[2])
    xchat.hook_server('PART', rejoin)
    # Try to convince chanserv to let me in
    def letmein(word, word_eol, userdata):
        if   word[1] == '473': xchat.command('quote cs invite %s' % word[3])
        elif word[1] == '474': xchat.command('quote cs unban %s' % word[3])
        elif word[1] == '475': xchat.command('quote cs getkey %s' % word[3])
    xchat.hook_server('473', letmein) # +i
    xchat.hook_server('474', letmein) # +b
    xchat.hook_server('475', letmein) # +k
    def unmute(word, word_eol, userdata):
        xchat.command('cs unban %s' % xchat.get_info('nick'))
    xchat.hook_server('404', unmute)
    class ModeSet:
        def __init__(self, raw_modes=[], modeset={}, new=False):
            self.modeset = dict(modeset) # Always copy
            if raw_modes:
   = new
        def merge(self, raw_modes):
            newmodes = raw_modes[0]; args = raw_modes[1:]
            num_plusmin = newmodes.count('+') + newmodes.count('-')
            do_set = True
            if len(args) > len(newmodes) - num_plusmin or newmodes[0] not in '+-':
                xchat.emit_print('Server Error', 'Woah mitzy, be careful with your modes :)')
                for i in range(len(newmodes)):
                    m = newmodes[i]
                    if   m == '+': do_set = True; num_plusmin -= 1
                    elif m == '-': do_set = False; num_plusmin -= 1
                    elif m.isalnum():
                        if m in 'vohbdqa':
                        argp = len(newmodes) - i - len(args) - num_plusmin
                        if argp == 0:
                            self.modeset[m] = args[0]
                            args = args[1:]
                            if do_set:
                                self.modeset[m] = True
                            elif m in self.modeset:
                        xchat.emit_print('Server Error', 'Whoah mitzy, be careful with your modes :)')
        def would_change(self, raw_modes):
            # Always return true for operator/voice etc... changes
            for m in raw_modes[0]:
                if m in 'vohbdqa':
                    return True
            return str(ModeSet(raw_modes, self.modeset)) != str(self)
        def __str__(self):
            return '{' + ','.join(['%s:%s' % (x, self.modeset[x]) for x in sorted(self.modeset.keys())]) + '}'
    def do_mode2(word, word_eol, userdata):
        if userdata:
            ret = xchat.EAT_NONE
            c = word[3]
            if c[0] != '#':
            if c not in modes:
                ret = xchat.EAT_ALL
            modes[c] = ModeSet(word[4:],new=c not in modes)
            return ret
            # Let's be lazy here
            c = word[2]
            if c[0] != '#': return
            if c not in modes:
                xchat.command("MODE %s" % c)
    xchat.hook_server('324',do_mode2, True)
    xchat.hook_server('MODE',do_mode2, False)
    def do_time(word, word_eol, userdata):
        if word[3] in modes and modes[word[3]].new:
            modes[word[3]].new = False
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
    xchat.hook_server('329',do_time, True)
    def joincb(word, word_eol, userdata):
        modes[word[1]] = ModeSet()
    xchat.hook_command('join', joincb, priority=xchat.PRI_HIGHEST)
    # Did chanserv let me in? - This function is now misnamed as it's used for akick as well
    def join(word, word_eol, userdata):
        global intercept_akick
        if word[0] == ':ChanServ!ChanServ@services.':
            if word[1] == 'INVITE':                xchat.command('JOIN %s' % word[-1][1:])
            if 'have been cleared' in word_eol[0]: xchat.command('JOIN %s' %word[-1])
            if 'key is' in word_eol[0]:            xchat.command('JOIN %s %s' % (word[4][2:-2], word[-1][2:-2]))
            # Work around xchat stupidness by always writing chanserv notices to the
            # current context
            # Intercept akick lists if needed
            if intercept_akick:
                if 'AutoRemove' in word_eol[0] or 'Num Hostmask' in word_eol[0] or '--- --------' in word_eol[0]:
                    return xchat.EAT_ALL
                if '-- End of list --' in word_eol[0]:
                    # FIXME Remove marker
                    # FIXME Parse hostmask and add to bans
            if word[1] == 'NOTICE':
                xchat.emit_print("Notice", 'ChanServ', word_eol[3][2:])
                return xchat.EAT_ALL
    xchat.hook_server('NOTICE', join)
    xchat.hook_server('INVITE', join)
    def download():
        import urllib2, os
        xchat.emit_print('Server Text','Trying to download from')
            fd = open(os.path.join(xchat.get_info('xchatdir'),''))
            old_cs =
            fd = urllib2.urlopen('')
            new_cs =
            if old_cs == new_cs:
                xchat.emit_print('Server Text','No new version of is available')
            # Basic sanity check
            if 'Seveas' in new_cs and '' in new_cs and 'xchat.hook_server' in new_cs:
                fd2 = open(os.path.join(xchat.get_info('xchatdir'),''),'w')
                xchat.emit_print('Server Text',' updated -- reload with /py reload')
                xchat.emit_print('Server Error','Downloading failed - downloaded file not correct')
            xchat.emit_print('Server Error','Failed to update')
    # Spam!
    xchat.emit_print('Server Text',"Loaded %s %s by Seveas <>" % (__module_description__, __module_version__)
    also available from

    However there's a problem.

    /cs bans, and /cs u do not seem to work properly.

    Both of these do a whois on the user, then /mode +bd to scan the ban lists. They then see if anything matches. The first prints results, the second undoes the ban(s).

    When running through bip, the whois is performed, but that's about it. You can see the whois results in your server tab as normal.

    Manually running /mode +bd causes to then finish running and print/unban as it should do.

    Talking with Seveas on irc, he pointed to how line 384 contains "=bd" which is a typo and should actually be "+bd". Running this manually in xchat shows that bip does indeed not like = with multiple arguments, wheras it does what it should when +bd is called.

    I have not been able to get things working though by "fixing" that line, and me and Seveas are out of ideas.

    Checking the rawlog, there is no difference between what is sent and received when connected through bip, or directly to freenode.

    Can anyone help?
    Last edited by PriceChild; February 16th, 2008 at 10:19 PM.
    Every time you install Jaunty, a kitten........ wait sorry what year is this again?
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    Oct 2005
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    Re: Help needed to fix script for xchat, whilst using bip

    Every time you install Jaunty, a kitten........ wait sorry what year is this again?
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