Hi I have a question on making web games.

My questions is what programming language is best for a major 3d web game that is played online. Also what would be the best way on doing this, meaning have the game being played using the web browser or having it separate , something like todays pc video games with have their own interfaces and networking .

I am planning to start some online game but don't know what would be the best professional way to go abouts making a web game. I am at a stage to decide what way's would be best to lower lagging problems.

I was told before from people that already have made a web game they suggested to me to just make an pc game with multi-player capacities, and was told that java is the best lang to make web games but can't make good 3d nore real 3d games, just 2d and faking 3d games could be made.

I know c++, python, c-script, html, and php , I mostly know c++ compared to the rest my strength is c++.

I have made a game but never created any games with networking or multi-player.