since I got a free trial and my emusic subscription is almost up i want to give at least 10 folks one song each and since I want to at least use them all, nothing is required and I will NOT give my username and password to the site, what i will do is get the 10 first people that respond tell me the song they want then i'll write them down in a txt file with ur username and beside it the song u want and then i'll pm u the link to get the song once it's uploaded. Itta be uploaded to a FREE upload site I found trying to help someone get Palm desktop for windows 3.1 and so..and I have it bookmarked...

If this is not allowed please just delete this thread and I will not offer no more... and I will not re-post...

(i used some have 17 left)

edit i have read the forum rules and I do not know if this is applies to anything that goes against them..

This only lasts until 8pm Pacific time August 1st 2007.