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Thread: [SOLVED] Python with Tkinter, problems with grid placement

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

    Question [SOLVED] Python with Tkinter, problems with grid placement

    Dear all

    I am trying to make a small wrapper program for textbased program and
    it is going well but I have one problem. The placement of the widgets with grid is acting so strange. Eventhough I tried to place the button in a grid the ouput is totally different from what I designed.

    I would have expected that the following made theese 3 buttons sit next to each other on a row
    self.writetofileLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W)
    self.outputfileEntry.grid(row=0, column=1)
    self.writetofileButton.grid(row=0, column=2)
    but as can be seen in this picture they don't?

    Graphical interface for geocol12
    Thomas R. N. Jansson
    #Load graphical tool kit
    from Tkinter import *
    import os
    # clear console
    # os.system('clear')
    class App:
    	def __init__(self, master):
    		frame = Frame(master)
    		#Write File
    		self.writetofileLabel = Label(frame,text="Output filename:")
    		self.outputfile = StringVar()
    		self.outputfileEntry = Entry(master, state=NORMAL, text="Title", textvariable=self.outputfile)
    		self.outputfileDefault = "default.inp"
    		self.outputfileEntry.insert(0, self.outputfileDefault)
    		self.writetofileButton = Button(frame, text="Write to file", command=self.write_to_file)
    		self.writetofileLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W)
    		self.outputfileEntry.grid(row=0, column=1)
    		self.writetofileButton.grid(row=0, column=2)
    		#Option LPOT
    		self.lpot= IntVar()
    		self.lpotCheckbutton = Checkbutton(master, text="LPOT", variable=self.lpot)
    		self.lpotCheckbuttonLabel = Label(frame,text="LPOT or not :")
    		self.lpotCheckbuttonLabel.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W)
    		self.lpotCheckbutton.grid(row=1, column=1)
    		#Option LNCOL
    		self.lncol = IntVar()
    		self.lncolCheckbutton = Checkbutton(master, text="LNCOL", variable=self.lncol)
    		self.lncolCheckbuttonLabel = Label(frame,text="LPOT or not :")
    		self.lncolCheckbuttonLabel.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W)
    		self.lncolCheckbutton.grid(row=2, column=1)
    		#Input name of pot. coeff. set:
    		self.runtitle = StringVar()
    		self.runtitleEntry = Entry(master, state=NORMAL, text="Title", textvariable=self.runtitle)
    		self.runtitleDefault = "Osu91a To Degree 10"
    		self.runtitleEntry.insert(0, self.runtitleDefault)
    		self.runtitleLabel = Label(frame,text="Name of Pot. Coeff. Set :")
    		self.runtitleLabel.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W)
    		self.runtitleEntry.grid(row=3, column=1)
    		self.button = Button(frame, text="QUIT", fg="red", command=frame.quit)
    		self.button.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=W)
    		#Run geolcol12
    		self.rungeolcolButton = Button(frame, text="Run geolcol12", command=self.run_geocol12)
    		self.rungeolcolButton.grid(row=4, column=2, sticky=E)
    		#self.refsys = IntVar()
    		#self.refsysScale = Scale(master, from_=0, to=10, textvariable=self.refsys)
    	def write_to_file(self):
    		#print self.outputfile.get()
    		file = open(self.outputfile.get(), 'w')
    		if file:
    			print "open file"
    			lncol = "f"
    			print self.lncol.get()
    			if self.lncol.get() == "0":
    				lncol = "t"
    			print lncol	
    			wordlist = ["t\n", "f t f f f t f\n", self.outputfile.get(), "\n" ]
    			print self.outputfile.get()
    			print "close file"
    			print "ERROR: writing to file"
    	def run_geocol12(self):
    		if os.path.isfile("cct/dgravsoft/geocol12"):
    			os.popen("cct/dgravsoft/geocol12 <"+self.outputfile.get()+" &" )
    			print "ERROR: cct/dgravsoft/geocol12 does not exist"
    root = Tk()
    app = App(root)
    root.title('Graphical interface for geolcol12')
    Kind regards
    Thomas Jansson
    Kind regards
    Thomas Jansson -
    Geek By Nature | Linux By Choice

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Python with Tkinter, problems with grid placement

    Quote Originally Posted by tjansson View Post
    Dear all

    I am trying to make a small wrapper program for textbased program and
    it is going well but I have one problem. The placement of the widgets with grid is acting so strange. Eventhough I tried to place the button in a grid the ouput is totally different from what I designed.

    I would have expected that the following made theese 3 buttons sit next to each other on a row
    self.writetofileLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W)
    self.outputfileEntry.grid(row=0, column=1)
    self.writetofileButton.grid(row=0, column=2)
    but as can be seen in this picture they don't?

    Graphical interface for geocol12
    Thomas R. N. Jansson
    #Load graphical tool kit
    from Tkinter import *
    import os
    # clear console
    # os.system('clear')
    class App:
    	def __init__(self, master):
    		frame = Frame(master)
    		#Write File
    		self.writetofileLabel = Label(frame,text="Output filename:")
    		self.outputfile = StringVar()
    		self.outputfileEntry = Entry(master, state=NORMAL, text="Title", textvariable=self.outputfile)
    		self.outputfileDefault = "default.inp"
    		self.outputfileEntry.insert(0, self.outputfileDefault)
    		self.writetofileButton = Button(frame, text="Write to file", command=self.write_to_file)
    		self.writetofileLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W)
    		self.outputfileEntry.grid(row=0, column=1)
    		self.writetofileButton.grid(row=0, column=2)
    		#Option LPOT
    		self.lpot= IntVar()
    		self.lpotCheckbutton = Checkbutton(master, text="LPOT", variable=self.lpot)
    		self.lpotCheckbuttonLabel = Label(frame,text="LPOT or not :")
    		self.lpotCheckbuttonLabel.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W)
    		self.lpotCheckbutton.grid(row=1, column=1)
    		#Option LNCOL
    		self.lncol = IntVar()
    		self.lncolCheckbutton = Checkbutton(master, text="LNCOL", variable=self.lncol)
    		self.lncolCheckbuttonLabel = Label(frame,text="LPOT or not :")
    		self.lncolCheckbuttonLabel.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W)
    		self.lncolCheckbutton.grid(row=2, column=1)
    		#Input name of pot. coeff. set:
    		self.runtitle = StringVar()
    		self.runtitleEntry = Entry(master, state=NORMAL, text="Title", textvariable=self.runtitle)
    		self.runtitleDefault = "Osu91a To Degree 10"
    		self.runtitleEntry.insert(0, self.runtitleDefault)
    		self.runtitleLabel = Label(frame,text="Name of Pot. Coeff. Set :")
    		self.runtitleLabel.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W)
    		self.runtitleEntry.grid(row=3, column=1)
    		self.button = Button(frame, text="QUIT", fg="red", command=frame.quit)
    		self.button.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=W)
    		#Run geolcol12
    		self.rungeolcolButton = Button(frame, text="Run geolcol12", command=self.run_geocol12)
    		self.rungeolcolButton.grid(row=4, column=2, sticky=E)
    		#self.refsys = IntVar()
    		#self.refsysScale = Scale(master, from_=0, to=10, textvariable=self.refsys)
    	def write_to_file(self):
    		#print self.outputfile.get()
    		file = open(self.outputfile.get(), 'w')
    		if file:
    			print "open file"
    			lncol = "f"
    			print self.lncol.get()
    			if self.lncol.get() == "0":
    				lncol = "t"
    			print lncol	
    			wordlist = ["t\n", "f t f f f t f\n", self.outputfile.get(), "\n" ]
    			print self.outputfile.get()
    			print "close file"
    			print "ERROR: writing to file"
    	def run_geocol12(self):
    		if os.path.isfile("cct/dgravsoft/geocol12"):
    			os.popen("cct/dgravsoft/geocol12 <"+self.outputfile.get()+" &" )
    			print "ERROR: cct/dgravsoft/geocol12 does not exist"
    root = Tk()
    app = App(root)
    root.title('Graphical interface for geolcol12')
    Kind regards
    Thomas Jansson
    It looks like "self.outputfileEntry" has a parent of "master" while the other two have "frame" as their parent. With different parents, they won't end up in the same grid.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

    Re: Python with Tkinter, problems with grid placement

    Thank you so much!! Spend so much time on this.
    Kind regards
    Thomas Jansson -
    Geek By Nature | Linux By Choice


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