I got it working now. This is how i did it:

#!/usr/bin/env python

__module_name__ = "ftpparse"
__module_version__ = "0.1"
__module_description__ = "System Information script for xchat, written by nix4me"

import xchat, commands, string, os

def uploadsinf(word, word_eol, userdata):

	f = file("/home/nix4me/ftp.log", "r")
	output = f.readlines()
	filtered = [line for line in output if line.find("MKD") != -1]
	for line in filtered:
		words = string.split(line)
		if len(words) >= 4:
			print words[6]
	return xchat.EAT_ALL
xchat.hook_command("uploads", uploadsinf)

print "testuploads.py loaded"
It parses out the column i want to show now and works very well. This webpage has alot of good information on it: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/lpyth...pter/ch09.html

Thanks for all the help!