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Thread: Assembler school task

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Assembler school task

    I have got a task to solve, it's a program (bomb) that i have to debug to see witch strings it needs to defuse the bomb.
    The problem is that we haven't programed any assembler before and there for i want to ask if i do understand the code right. We are using dbg to debug the code. You can see the code here

    So to my questions, can you tell me if i understands the code right and answer my questions
    You do see some comments i have done to the code here

    I also want to know the difference between push and pushl, lea and leal. I know that the xxxl is for 4 bytes, but how many bytes does push and lea work with ?

    My book says that leal "loads effective adress" what does that mean ?

    thank you for helping me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Assembler school task

    In AT&T syntax, which you're using, the operand size is specified as the suffix of the instruction name -- b is for byte, w is word, l is long. If you don't specify one of these, then the assembler will try to guess from the operands provided (%eax is 32 bits, %al would be 8, and so on). If it can't decide, it defaults to 32 bits.

    For the line
    lea    0xffffffd8(%ebp),%eax
    look at
    page 23.

    It's been a while since I've fiddled with AT&T style IA-32 assembly, but I think it's basically adding 0xffffffd8 (which is really -40) to whatever is in ebp, and storing it in eax. Also note that 40 decimal is the same as 28 hex (look at the line a few above it, with sub 0x28,esp). It looks like it's just putting the address of esp into eax.

    Again, it's been quite a while since I've looked at assembly, so this is likely not 100% accurate.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Northern CA
    Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa

    Re: Assembler school task

    Your comments are pretty close. Please allow me to modify them:
    push   %ebp			save caller's frame pointer
    mov    %esp,%ebp			New frame pointer = stack pointer
    push   %esi			save %esi
    push   %ebx			save %ebx
    sub    $0x28,%esp			allocate space for local variables
    mov    $0x0,%esi			%esi = 4bytes zeros
    lea    0xffffffd8(%ebp),%eax		get address of beginning of local variable area
    push   %eax			arg 2 for read_six_numbers
    pushl  0x8(%ebp)			arg 1 for read six_numbers (the arg for this function wich is 4 bytes)
    call   8048c59 <read_six_numbers>	calls function
    If you draw a picture, you will see that the frame pointer, ebp, is pointing to the saved value of the caller's frame pointer, esi and ebx are stored next on the stack, and the code has reserved 40 bytes on the stack for local variables. The stack pointer, esp, can still be used for pushing and popping without worrying about trashing the local variable area. (This statement assumes that you observe proper stack protocol.)

    The previous poster is correct. lea means "load effective address". lea 0xffffffd8(%ebp),%eax places the value of 0xffffffd8 added to whatever is in ebp in eax. movl 0xffffffd8(%ebp) would perform the same address computation (0xffffffd8 + whatever is in ebp), but it would copy the 32-bit value at this address into eax.

    My remarks about reserving space on the stack for local variables does not take into account various manipulations that might be done to achieve specific address values in esp. Take a look at what gcc does to a simple C function. If you use the -S option (that's upper-case S), it will generate foo.s from foo.c, which contains the assembly language generated by the compiler.

    I've taught this material since 1999 and have even written a book on it. I still have not figured out all the things that the compiler does with esp at the beginning of a function. Some of them are intended to keep the stack at certain address boundaries. And it's getting much more complex with newer versions of gcc. I think this has to do with designing gcc to handle the x86-64 architecture, which tends to pass arguements in registers instead of on the stack. I'm still learning about this.

    Finally, I am writing all this to help you in your assignment because it's clear that you have made a good attempt at understanding it before asking for help. I enjoy helping people who want to learn.
    Intel i7-920; Nvidia GT 220, 1GB; MSI X58 Pro-E; 6GB DDR; 64-bit mode.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    The Local Group

    Re: Assembler school task

    Quote Originally Posted by rplantz View Post
    I've taught this material since 1999 and have even written a book on it. I still have not figured out all the things that the compiler does with esp at the beginning of a function. Some of them are intended to keep the stack at certain address boundaries. And it's getting much more complex with newer versions of gcc.
    That makes me feel somewhat better, because this kind of thing makes me say WTF:
            pushl   %ebp
            movl    %esp, %ebp
            subl    $24, %esp
            andl    $-16, %esp
            movl    $0, %eax
            addl    $15, %eax
            addl    $15, %eax
            shrl    $4, %eax
            sall    $4, %eax
            subl    %eax, %esp
    The green code makes sense to me: saving the frame pointer, reserving stack space, and aligning the stack pointer, but why the fancy footwork afterward?


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