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Thread: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

  1. #521
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    added another conky..
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  2. #522
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    I started using this 3 days ago, I don't know why I didn't before. Here's my config. Does anybody know how I could make the calendar in the middle?

    # Conky sample configuration
    # the list of variables has been removed from this file in favour
    # of keeping the documentation more maintainable.
    # Check for an up-to-date-list.
    # set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
    background no
    # X font when Xft is disabled, you can pick one with program xfontsel
    #font 5x7
    #font 6x10
    #font 7x13
    #font 8x13
    #font 9x15
    #font **
    #font -*-*-*-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
    # Use Xft?
    use_xft yes
    # Xft font when Xft is enabled
    xftfont Monospace:size=9
    # Text alpha when using Xft
    xftalpha 0.8
    # Print everything to stdout?
    # out_to_console no
    # MPD host/port
    # mpd_host localhost
    # mpd_port 6600
    # mpd_password tinker_bell
    # Print everything to console?
    # out_to_console no
    # mail spool
    mail_spool $MAIL
    # Update interval in seconds
    update_interval 1
    # This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
    # Set to zero to run forever.
    total_run_times 0
    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
    own_window yes
    # If own_window is yes, you may use type normal, desktop or override
    own_window_type override
    # Use pseudo transparency with own_window?
    own_window_transparent yes
    # If own_window_transparent is set to no, you can set the background colour here
    own_window_colour hotpink
    # If own_window is yes, these window manager hints may be used
    #own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
    double_buffer yes
    # Minimum size of text area
    minimum_size 280 5
    # Draw shades?
    draw_shades np
    # Draw outlines?
    draw_outline no
    # Draw borders around text
    draw_borders no
    # Draw borders around graphs
    draw_graph_borders yes
    # Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders 5
    # border margins
    border_margin 4
    # border width
    border_width 1
    # Default colors and also border colors
    default_color grey
    default_shade_color black
    default_outline_color black
    # Text alignment, other possible values are commented
    #alignment top_left
    alignment top_right
    #alignment bottom_left
    #alignment bottom_right
    #alignment none
    # Gap between borders of screen and text
    # same thing as passing -x at command line
    gap_x 10
    gap_y 47
    # Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
    no_buffers yes
    # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
    uppercase no
    # number of cpu samples to average
    # set to 1 to disable averaging
    cpu_avg_samples 1
    # number of net samples to average
    # set to 1 to disable averaging
    net_avg_samples 1
    # Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
    override_utf8_locale yes
    # Add spaces to keep things from moving about?  This only affects certain objects.
    use_spacer no
    # Allow each port monitor to track at most this many connections (if 0 or not set, default is 256)
    #max_port_monitor_connections 256
    # Maximum number of special things, e.g. fonts, offsets, aligns, etc.
    #max_specials 512
    # Maximum size of buffer for user text, i.e. below TEXT line.
    #max_user_text 16384
    # variable is given either in format $variable or in ${variable}. Latter
    # allows characters right after the variable and must be used in network
    # stuff because of an argument
    # stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
    #${texeci 20 /home/jocelyn/Scripts/Conky/ essid}
    ${color white}$alignc$sysname $kernel on $machine
    ${color white}$alignc${exec whoami} @ $nodename
    ${color}Date: ${color white}${time %A,%d %B}
    ${color}Heure: ${color white}${time %k:%M:%S}${alignr}${color}Uptime: ${color white}$uptime
    ${color}CPU:${color white} ${cpu cpu1}% ${cpubar cpu1}
    ${color}CPU:${color white} ${cpu cpu2}% ${cpubar cpu2}
    ${color}RAM:${color white} $memperc%  $mem/$memmax $membar
    ${color}Swap:${color white} $swapperc% $swap/$swapmax ${swapbar}
    ${alignc}Systèmes de Fichiers
    ${color}Root:${color white} ${fs_used_perc /}%   ${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}   ${fs_bar /}
    ${color}Batterie: ${color white}$battery
    ${color}Adresse IP:${color white} ${addr eth1}
    ${color}Signal:${color white}${linkstatus eth1} %
    ${color}Downspeed: ${color white}${downspeed eth1} kb/s   ${color}Upspeed: ${color white}${upspeed eth1} kb/s
    ${downspeedgraph eth1 20,130 000000 ffffff} ${upspeedgraph eth1 20,130 000000 ffffff}
    ${exec cal}
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #523
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    I've been working on this for quite a while on and off (also using it as an excercise to learn scripting).

    Anyway here's the finalish version....

    The conky does a couple of things that I haven't seen in other conky's:-

    1. The colours of the stats change depending on the temperatures currently on the device.

    2. The colours of the hosts change from green to red if they go offline (sorry I had to smudge the host names in the image and remove the names from the scripts but you get the idea.

    3. The weather part of the conky is created using a weather true type font I hacked together, that's why the scripts are quite long in parts (all kind of exchanges have to go on).

    The scripts are as follows

    #Conkyrc - Conky configuration file
    # set to yes if you want tormo to be forked in the background 
    background no 
    use_xft yes 
    # X font used, you can pick one with program xfontsel 
    # xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-7
    font 5x7
    #font 6x10 
    #font 7x13 
    #font 8x13 
    #font -*-clean-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* 
    #font -artwiz-kates-medium-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-* 
    #font -artwiz-kates-medium-*-normal-*-17-120-*-*-*-*-*-* 
    #font -*-webby caps-*-*-*-*-7-*-*-*-*-*-*-* 
    #font -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--14-140-72-72-c-80-iso8859-1 
    #font -*-terminus-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* 
    #font -*-bitstream vera sans mono-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
    font courier
    xftfont DejaVu LGC Sans Mono
    xftfont Weather:size=9
    # xftfont Arial:size=4
    # Text alpha when using Xft
    # xftalpha 1
    # mail spool 
    # mail_spool $MAIL 
    # Update interval in seconds 
    update_interval 5.0 
    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus) 
    own_window yes
    # to get transparency working properly
    own_window_hints undecorated,below,skip_taskbar
    # You want the window transparent?
    own_window_transparent yes
    # Use Double Buffering - Reduces flickering (May not work)
    double_buffer yes
    # Minimum size of text area 
    minimum_size 400 4
    maximum_width 400
    # Draw shades? 
    draw_shades no 
    # Draw outlines? 
    draw_outline no 
    # Draw borders naround text 
    draw_borders no 
    # Stippled borders? 
    stippled_borders 0 
    # border margins 
    border_margin 4 
    # border width 
    border_width 6
    # Default colors and also border colors 
    #default_color spring green 
    default_color white 
    default_shade_color black 
    default_outline_color black
    # Text alignment, other possible values are commented 
    #alignment top_left 
    alignment top_right 
    #alignment bottom_left 
    #alignment bottom_right 
    # Gap between borders of screen and text 
    gap_x 10 
    gap_y 50 
    # Subtract file system buffers from used memory? 
    no_buffers yes 
    # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase 
    uppercase no 
    # Possible variables to be used: 
    #      Variable         Arguments                  Description 
    #  acpiacadapter                     ACPI ac adapter state. 
    #  acpifan                           ACPI fan state 
    #  acpitemp                          ACPI temperature. 
    #  battery           (name)          Remaining capasity in ACPI or APM 
    #                                    battery. ACPI battery name can be 
    #                                    given as argument (default is BAT0). 
    #  buffers                           Amount of memory buffered 
    #  cached                            Amount of memory cached 
    #  color             (color)         Change drawing color to color 
    #  cpu                               CPU usage in percents 
    #  cpubar            (height)        Bar that shows CPU usage, height is 
    #                                    bar's height in pixels 
    #  downspeed         net             Download speed in kilobytes 
    #  downspeedf        net             Download speed in kilobytes with one 
    #                                    decimal 
    #  exec              shell command   Executes a shell command and displays 
    #                                    the output in torsmo. warning: this 
    #                                    takes a lot more resources than other 
    #                                    variables. I'd recommend coding wanted 
    #                                    behaviour in C and posting a patch :-). 
    #  execi             interval, shell Same as exec but with specific interval. 
    #                    command         Interval can't be less than 
    #                                    update_interval in configuration. 
    #  fs_bar            (height), (fs)  Bar that shows how much space is used on 
    #                                    a file system. height is the height in 
    #                                    pixels. fs is any file on that file 
    #                                    system. 
    #  fs_free           (fs)            Free space on a file system available 
    #                                    for users. 
    #  fs_free_perc      (fs)            Free percentage of space on a file 
    #                                    system available for users. 
    #  fs_size           (fs)            File system size 
    #  fs_used           (fs)            File system used space 
    #  hr                (height)        Horizontal line, height is the height in 
    #                                    pixels 
    #  i2c               (dev), type, n  I2C sensor from sysfs (Linux 2.6). dev 
    #                                    may be omitted if you have only one I2C 
    #                                    device. type is either in (or vol) 
    #                                    meaning voltage, fan meaning fan or temp 
    #                                    meaning temperature. n is number of the 
    #                                    sensor. See /sys/bus/i2c/devices/ on 
    #                                    your local computer. 
    #  kernel                            Kernel version 
    #  loadavg           (1), (2), (3)   System load average, 1 is for past 1 
    #                                    minute, 2 for past 5 minutes and 3 for 
    #                                    past 15 minutes. 
    #  machine                           Machine, i686 for example 
    #  mails                             Mail count in mail spool. You can use 
    #                                    program like fetchmail to get mails from 
    #                                    some server using your favourite 
    #                                    protocol. See also new_mails. 
    #  mem                               Amount of memory in use 
    #  membar            (height)        Bar that shows amount of memory in use 
    #  memmax                            Total amount of memory 
    #  memperc                           Percentage of memory in use 
    #  new_mails                         Unread mail count in mail spool. 
    #  nodename                          Hostname 
    #  outlinecolor      (color)         Change outline color 
    #  pre_exec          shell command   Executes a shell command one time before 
    #                                    torsmo displays anything and puts output 
    #                                    as text. 
    #  processes                         Total processes (sleeping and running) 
    #  running_processes                 Running processes (not sleeping), 
    #                                    requires Linux 2.6 
    #  shadecolor        (color)         Change shading color 
    #  stippled_hr       (space),        Stippled (dashed) horizontal line 
    #                    (height) 
    #  swapbar           (height)        Bar that shows amount of swap in use 
    #  swap                              Amount of swap in use 
    #  swapmax                           Total amount of swap 
    #  swapperc                          Percentage of swap in use 
    #  sysname                           System name, Linux for example 
    #  temp1                             Temperature #1 from i2c-sensors, same as 
    #                                    ${i2c temp 1} 
    #  temp2                             Temperature #2 from i2c-sensors, same as 
    #                                    ${i2c temp 2} 
    #  time              (format)        Local time, see man strftime to get more 
    #                                    information about format 
    #  totaldown         net             Total download, overflows at 4 GB on 
    #                                    Linux with 32-bit arch and there doesn't 
    #                                    seem to be a way to know how many times 
    #                                    it has already done that before torsmo 
    #                                    has started. 
    #  totalup           net             Total upload, this one too, may overflow 
    #  updates                           Number of updates (for debugging) 
    #  upspeed           net             Upload speed in kilobytes 
    #  upspeedf          net             Upload speed in kilobytes with one 
    #                                    decimal 
    #  uptime                            Uptime 
    #  uptime_short                      Uptime in a shorter format 
    # variable is given either in format $variable or in ${variable}. Latter 
    # allows characters right after the variable and must be used in network 
    # stuff because of an argument 
    # stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen 
    # ${color}$hr 
    # ${color}Mails: ${color slategrey}$mails${color} New: ${color slategrey}$new_mails${color}    |      ${color}Battery:${color slategrey} ${battery} % 
    #to be inserted
    # ${execi 40000 cal}  
    #${color yellow}RAM :${color yellow} $memperc% $mem/$memmax $membar 
    #${color yellow}SWAP:${color yellow} $swapperc% $swap/$swapmax $swapbar
    #${color yellow}ROOT:${color yellow} ${fs_free_perc /}% ${fs_free /}/${fs_size /} ${fs_bar /} 
    # These are the characters and corresponding graphic for the weather font
    # copy these into the text area and remove the # to see the match
    #${color yellow}
    #${font courier:size=20}ABCDEFGHIJ
    #${font Weather:size=30}ABCDEFGHIJ
    #${font courier:size=20}KLMNOP
    #${font Weather:size=30}KLMNOP
    #${font courier:size=20}QRSTUVWXY
    #${font Weather:size=30}QRSTUVWXY
    #${font courier:size=20}abcdefghijk
    #${font Weather:size=30}abcdefghijk
    #${font courier:size=20}lmnopqrstu
    #${font Weather:size=30}lmnopqrstu
    #${font courier:size=20}vwxyz
    #${font Weather:size=30}vwxyz 
    ${font DejaVu LGC Sans Mono:Bold:size=8}${color}$nodename${alignr}$sysname $kernel $machine
    ${color}${time %a, }${time %b %e %l:%M %P} ${alignr}UpTime: $uptime
    Current CPU Freq. ${freq}Mhz  (${cpu}%)
    ${cpugraph 40 ffff00 00ff00}
    ${offset 10}CPU: ${offset 12}Mob: ${offset 12}hda: ${offset 12}GPU: ${offset 12}FAN: ${offset 12}RAM: ${offset 11}Swap: ${offset 11}HDFree: ${offset 9}Load:
    ${color green}${offset 12}${if_existing /tmp/.conkytemps/CPU.WARM}${color orange}$endif${if_existing /tmp/.conkytemps/CPU.HOT}${color red}$endif${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadtemps.txt|cut -f1}${offset -5}C${color green}${offset 15}${if_existing /tmp/.conkytemps/PCI.WARM}${color orange}$endif${if_existing /tmp/.conkytemps/PCI.HOT}${color red}$endif${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadtemps.txt|cut -f2}${offset -5}C${color green}${if_existing /tmp/.conkytemps/HDD.WARM}${color orange}$endif${if_existing /tmp/.conkytemps/HDD.HOT}${color red}$endif${offset 17}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadtemps.txt|cut -f3}${offset -5}C${color green}${if_existing /tmp/.conkytemps/GPU.WARM}${color orange}$endif${if_existing /tmp/.conkytemps/GPU.HOT}${color red}$endif${offset 17}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadtemps.txt|cut -f4}${offset -5}C${color green}${offset 22}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadfan.txt}${offset 16}$memperc% ${offset 21}$swapperc% ${offset 26}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/harddiskspace.txt}${offset 26}${loadavg 1} ${color}
    NetUp: ${upspeed eth0} k/s      ${alignc}IP Address ${addr eth0} ${alignr}NetDown: ${downspeed eth0} k/s
    ${upspeedgraph eth0 32,180 ffff00 00ff00} $alignr${downspeedgraph eth0 32,180 00ff00 ffff00}
    ${color}Hosts Status${color}
              ${texeci 150 "up" "down"}${if_existing /tmp/.status/}${color green}Host1 UP$else${color red}Host1 Down$endif      ${color #98c2c7}${texeci 150 "up" "down"}${if_existing /tmp/.status/}${color green}Host2 UP$else${color red}Host2 Down$endif       ${color #98c2c7}${texeci 150 "up" "down"}${if_existing /tmp/.status/}${color green}host3 UP$else${color red}host3 Down$endif${color}
    ${font DejaVu LGC Sans Mono:Bold:size=8}${color}Weather for London City (EGLC)
    ${execi 1800}
    ${color}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/weathersunriseset.txt}
    ${color}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wmoonriseset.txt | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}'}   Moonphase: ${font Weather:size=30}${voffset -17}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wmoonphase.txt}${font DejaVu LGC Sans Mono:Bold:size=8}
    ${color}${tab 120}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wdaynames.txt}
    Temp AM C${color yellow}${tab 60}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wmrealtemp.txt}
    ${color}Wind AM mph${color yellow}${tab 60}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wmwindspeed.txt}
    ${color}Conditions AM${color yellow}${font Weather:size=20}${voffset -3}${tab 57}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wmconditions.txt | cut -f1}${tab}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wmconditions.txt | cut -f2}${tab}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wmconditions.txt | cut -f3}${tab}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wmconditions.txt | cut -f4}${tab}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wmconditions.txt | cut -f5}${offset -3}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wmconditions.txt | cut -f6}${font DejaVu LGC Sans Mono:Bold:size=8}
    ${font DejaVu LGC Sans Mono:Bold:size=8}${color}Temp PM C${color yellow}${tab 60}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/warealtemp.txt}
    ${color}Wind PM mph${color yellow}${tab 60}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wawindspeed.txt}
    ${color}Conditions PM${color yellow}${font Weather:size=20}${voffset -3}${tab 57}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/waconditions.txt | cut -f1}${tab}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/waconditions.txt | cut -f2}${tab}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/waconditions.txt | cut -f3}${tab}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/waconditions.txt | cut -f4}${tab}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/waconditions.txt | cut -f5}${offset -3}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/waconditions.txt | cut -f6}${font DejaVu LGC Sans Mono:Bold:size=8}
    ${font DejaVu LGC Sans Mono:Bold:size=8}${color}Temp Ngt C${color yellow}${tab 60}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wnrealtemp.txt}
    ${color}Wind Ngt mph${color yellow}${tab 60}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wnwindspeed.txt}
    ${color}Conditions Ngt${color yellow}${font Weather:size=20}${voffset -3}${tab 57}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wnconditions.txt | cut -f1}${tab}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wnconditions.txt | cut -f2}${tab}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wnconditions.txt | cut -f3}${tab}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wnconditions.txt | cut -f4}${tab}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wnconditions.txt | cut -f5}${offset -3}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wnconditions.txt | cut -f6}${font DejaVu LGC Sans Mono:Bold:size=8}
    ${font DejaVu LGC Sans Mono:Bold:size=8}${color}Wind Dir${color yellow}${tab 60}${exec cat /tmp/.conkytemps/wmwinddir.txt}${color}
    ${font DejaVu LGC Sans Mono:Bold:size=8}${color}${offset 10}Latest BBC News Headlines:
    ${color}${execi 300 5 2}
    ${offset 10}Latest Reg Headlines:
    ${execi 300 5 2}
    ${color} Last 6 log entries
    ${color}${execi 30 cat /tmp/.conkytemps/shorttail.txt | fold -w65 }
    ${color} Fortune
    ${execi 120 fortune -s | fold -w65}
    NAME                PID      CPU%      MEM%
    ${top name 1} ${top pid 1}   ${top cpu 1}    ${top mem 1}
    ${top name 2} ${top pid 2}   ${top cpu 2}    ${top mem 2}
    ${top name 3} ${top pid 3}   ${top cpu 3}    ${top mem 3}
    ${top name 4} ${top pid 4}   ${top cpu 4}    ${top mem 4}
    $hr - this handles the bulk of the weather data
    # Released under GPL - Feel free to modify code as appropriate
    # This script takes the source data from a UK weather site and formats it into a usage I wanted for Conky
    # I've never written scripting using awk, grep and sed in linux before this so it was an exercise for me
    # I'm sure that a more experienced scripter would get the code to be substantially more effecient
    # however I had to do it a stage at a time to help me understand what was happening.
    # The parsing of the individual day datablocks was especially difficult as they spread over multiple lines and
    # in many instances this caused spacing or EOL/CR/LF issues with specific fields I was trying to identify (for example 
    # I spent half a day trying to get sed to delete EOL properly on $filetoday before I discovered with tr it was easy).
    # I'm sure the code could be modified to use different source sites - please if you do mods post them back to the
    # Conky project page on sourceforge.
    # Hopefully this will be useful to you - all feedback gratefully received. 
    file=/tmp/.conkytemps/wmetcheckcom.txt					#The original Source file
    weatherdatablock=/tmp/.conkytemps/weatherdatablock.txt		#The source file stripped of lots of garbage
    filetempblock=/tmp/.conkytemps/wtempblock.txt              #temp file stipped of more garbage
    filetoday=/tmp/.conkytemps/weathertoday.txt			#The data block for todays weather
    filetodaymorn=/tmp/.conkytemps/weathertodaymorn.txt		#The data block for today morning
    filetoday1=/tmp/.conkytemps/weathertoday1.txt			#The data block for tomorrows weather
    filetoday2=/tmp/.conkytemps/weathertoday2.txt			#The data block for next day weather
    filetoday3=/tmp/.conkytemps/weathertoday3.txt			# so on as above till day 6
    sunriseset=/tmp/.conkytemps/weathersunriseset.txt	#The data for sunrise and sunset times for today
    shorttoday=/tmp/.conkytemps/wshorttoday.txt		#sets the short form for todays date i.e. Fri 11 to identify where the data block starts in original source file
    arealtemp=/tmp/.conkytemps/warealtemp.txt				#afternoon real temp
    awindchill=/tmp/.conkytemps/wawindchill.txt				#afternoon wind chill
    awindspd=/tmp/.conkytemps/wawindspeed.txt				#afternoon wind speed
    awinddir=/tmp/.conkytemps/wawinddir.txt				#afternoon wind direction
    aconditions=/tmp/.conkytemps/waconditions.txt			#afternoon conditions
    mrealtemp=/tmp/.conkytemps/wmrealtemp.txt				#morning real temp
    mwindchill=/tmp/.conkytemps/wmwindchill.txt				#morning wind chill
    mwindspd=/tmp/.conkytemps/wmwindspeed.txt				#morning wind speed
    mwinddir=/tmp/.conkytemps/wmwinddir.txt				#morning wind direction
    mtconditions=/tmp/.conkytemps/wmtconditions.txt			#morning conditions
    nrealtemp=/tmp/.conkytemps/wnrealtemp.txt				#night real temp
    nwindchill=/tmp/.conkytemps/wnwindchill.txt				#night wind chill
    nwindspd=/tmp/.conkytemps/wnwindspeed.txt				#night wind speed
    nwinddir=/tmp/.conkytemps/wnwinddir.txt				#night wind direction
    nconditions=/tmp/.conkytemps/wnconditions.txt			#night conditions
    isitcoldorhot=/tmp/.conkytemps/isitcoldorhot.txt				#All Data
        echo -n Hit any key to continue....
        stty -icanon
        key=`dd count=1 2>/dev/null`
        stty icanon
    today="`date +%a' '%-e`"			#todays date in format Fri 11 - padded spaces stripped
    today1="`date --date="tomorrow" +%a' '%-e`"	#tomorrows date in format Sat 12 - padded spaces stripped
    today2="`date --date="2 days" +%a' '%-e`"		#as above till 6 days
    today3="`date --date="3 days" +%a' '%-e`"
    today4="`date --date="4 days" +%a' '%-e`"
    today5="`date --date="5 days" +%a' '%-e`"
    today6="`date --date="6 days" +%a' '%-e`"
    location=				#the location from which to pull the file - change by changing EGLC location to yours (UK only supported)
    lynx -accept_all_cookies -dump $location > $file 	#get the raw data from the location above and dump into the original source file
    lynx -accept_all_cookies -dump $location2 | grep -m 1 "Moonrise: " > $file2
    cat $file2 | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$9,$10}' > $file3
    cat $file3 | sed -e 's/First Quarter/N/g' -e 's/Waxing Gibbous/M/g' -e 's/Full/K/g' -e 's/Waning Gibbous/M/g' -e 's/Last Quarter/N/g' -e 's/Crescent/O/g' -e 's/New Moon/P/g' > $file2
    cat $file2 | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $7}' > $file3
    cat $file | grep "this week in " -A 60 > $weatherdatablock 	#identifies the start of the actual weather data block and dumps the next 60 lines
    sed -e '/bullet_15.gif/d' $weatherdatablock > $filetempblock			
    cat $filetempblock > $weatherdatablock
    cat $weatherdatablock | grep "Sunrise : " | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $13 , $15}' > $sunriseset		#extracts todays sunrise and sunset time from datablock
    cat $weatherdatablock | grep "Sunset : " | awk -F " " '{print $1 , $3}' >> $sunriseset
    cat $weatherdatablock | sed -e "/./{H;$!d;}" -e "x;/ $today /!d;/ Evening /!d"  > $filetoday			#extracts the paragraph for today for the data block
    echo $today > $shorttoday
    cat $filetoday | grep -A 8 --file=$shorttoday > $filetempblock	#only saves the data from the paragraph (looks for 'day date' ($shorttoday) to identify start of data)
    cat $filetempblock > $filetoday
    sed -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e "x;/ $today1 /!d;/ Afternoon /!d" $weatherdatablock > $filetoday1			#saves datablock for tomorrow
    sed -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e "x;/ $today2 /!d;/ Afternoon /!d" $weatherdatablock > $filetoday2	# and so on for 6 days
    sed -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e "x;/ $today3 /!d;/ Afternoon /!d" $weatherdatablock > $filetoday3
    sed -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e "x;/ $today4 /!d;/ Afternoon /!d" $weatherdatablock > $filetoday4
    sed -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e "x;/ $today5 /!d;/ Afternoon /!d" $weatherdatablock > $filetoday5
    sed -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e "x;/ $today6 /!d;/ Afternoon /!d" $weatherdatablock > $filetoday6
    # This is where we do the parsing......I know this code could be written substantially better/differently but it's my first attempt at this type of scripting - In total took me 2 days to write (with no knowledge of awk,sed or grep)
    # It's been written in this format so that's it's fairly easy to follow on a step by step basis
    cat $filetoday | tr '\n' ' ' > $filetempblock	#strips line feeds and EOL's from lines to put all data into one block
    cat $filetempblock | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$40,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,$49,$50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59,$60}'  > $filetoday	#prints all the fields to 'standardise' the spacing (needed to identify and substitute 'Cloudy' as against 'Partly Cloudy'
    cat $filetoday | sed -e 's/°c//g' -e 's/mb//g' -e 's/mm//g' -e 's/Wind from//g' -e 's/mph//g' -e 's/\%//g' > $filetempblock	# strips out unneeded data
    cat $filetempblock | sed -e 's/Partly Cloudy/c/g' -e 's/Cloudy/d/g' -e 's/Fair/C/g' -e 's/Heavy Rain/j/g' -e 's/Light Rain/i/g' -e 's/Mainly Clear/b/g' -e 's/Sunny/A/g' -e 's/Intermittent Rain/e/g' -e 's/Clear/K/g' -e 's/Showers/e/g' -e 's/Mist/l/g' > $filetoday	# converts weather descriptions to weather font character - standardises field numbers before final strip !! NEEDS TO BE ADDED TO
    cat $filetoday | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$7,$9,$10,"\n",$11,$12,$13,$17,$19,$20,"\n",$21,$22,$23,$27,$29,$30}'  > $filetempblock   # we've now got just the data we want and in a standardised format
    cat $filetempblock > $filetoday
    # This next section of code is to ensure that data from today now excluded from live (i.e. Morning and Afternoon) is still in the data set
    TEMPMornVAR=`grep "Morning" $filetoday`
    TEMPAftVAR=`grep "Afternoon" $filetoday`
    if !(test -z "$TEMPMornVAR"); then
         echo "$TEMPMornVAR" > $filetodaymorn
    if !(test -z "$TEMPAftVAR"); then
         echo "$TEMPAftVAR" > $filetodayaft
    cat $filetoday | grep "Evening"  > $filetodayeve
    cat $filetodaymorn > $filetoday
    cat $filetodayaft >> $filetoday
    cat $filetodayeve >> $filetoday
    #  Now the same excercise for the other days
    cat $filetoday1 | tr '\n' ' ' > $filetempblock	# strips line feeds and EOL's from lines to put all data into one block
    cat $filetempblock | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$40,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,$49,$50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59,$60}'  > $filetoday1		#prints all the fields to 'standardise' the spacing (needed to identify and substitute 'Cloudy' as against 'Partly Cloudy'
    cat $filetoday1 | sed -e 's/°c//g' -e 's/mb//g' -e 's/mm//g' -e 's/Wind from//g' -e 's/mph//g' -e 's/\%//g' > $filetempblock	# strips out unneeded data
    cat $filetempblock | sed -e 's/Partly Cloudy/c/g' -e 's/Cloudy/d/g' -e 's/Fair/C/g' -e 's/Heavy Rain/j/g' -e 's/Light Rain/i/g' -e 's/Mainly Clear/b/g' -e 's/Sunny/A/g' -e 's/Intermittent Rain/e/g' -e 's/Clear/K/g' -e 's/Showers/e/g' -e 's/Mist/l/g' > $filetoday1		# converts weather descriptions to weather font character - standardises field numbers before final strip !! NEEDS TO BE ADDED TO
    cat $filetoday1 | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$7,$9,$10,"\n",$11,$12,$13,$17,$19,$20,"\n",$21,$22,$23,$27,$29,$30}'  > $filetempblock   # we've now got just the data we want and in a standardised format
    cat $filetempblock > $filetoday1
    cat $filetoday2 | tr '\n' ' ' > $filetempblock	# strips line feeds and EOL's from lines to put all data into one block
    cat $filetempblock | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$40,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,$49,$50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59,$60}'  > $filetoday2							#prints all the fields to 'standardise' the spacing (needed to identify and substitute 'Cloudy' as against 'Partly Cloudy'
    cat $filetoday2 | sed -e 's/°c//g' -e 's/mb//g' -e 's/mm//g' -e 's/Wind from//g' -e 's/mph//g' -e 's/\%//g' > $filetempblock	# strips out unneeded data
    cat $filetempblock | sed -e 's/Partly Cloudy/c/g' -e 's/Cloudy/d/g' -e 's/Fair/C/g' -e 's/Heavy Rain/j/g' -e 's/Light Rain/i/g' -e 's/Mainly Clear/b/g' -e 's/Sunny/A/g' -e 's/Intermittent Rain/e/g' -e 's/Clear/K/g' -e 's/Showers/e/g' -e 's/Mist/l/g' > $filetoday2						# converts weather descriptions to weather font character - standardises field numbers before final strip !! NEEDS TO BE ADDED TO
    cat $filetoday2 | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$7,$9,$10,"\n",$11,$12,$13,$17,$19,$20,"\n",$21,$22,$23,$27,$29,$30}'  > $filetempblock   # we've now got just the data we want and in a standardised format
    cat $filetempblock > $filetoday2
    cat $filetoday3 | tr '\n' ' ' > $filetempblock													# strips line feeds and EOL's from lines to put all data into one block
    cat $filetempblock | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$40,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,$49,$50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59,$60}'  > $filetoday3							#prints all the fields to 'standardise' the spacing (needed to identify and substitute 'Cloudy' as against 'Partly Cloudy'
    cat $filetoday3 | sed -e 's/°c//g' -e 's/mb//g' -e 's/mm//g' -e 's/Wind from//g' -e 's/mph//g' -e 's/\%//g' > $filetempblock	# strips out unneeded data
    cat $filetempblock | sed -e 's/Partly Cloudy/c/g' -e 's/Cloudy/d/g' -e 's/Fair/C/g' -e 's/Heavy Rain/j/g' -e 's/Light Rain/i/g' -e 's/Mainly Clear/b/g' -e 's/Sunny/A/g' -e 's/Intermittent Rain/e/g' -e 's/Clear/K/g' -e 's/Showers/e/g' -e 's/Mist/l/g' > $filetoday3						# converts weather descriptions to weather font character - standardises field numbers before final strip !! NEEDS TO BE ADDED TO
    cat $filetoday3 | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$7,$9,$10,"\n",$11,$12,$13,$17,$19,$20,"\n",$21,$22,$23,$27,$29,$30}'  > $filetempblock   # we've now got just the data we want and in a standardised format
    cat $filetempblock > $filetoday3
    cat $filetoday4 | tr '\n' ' ' > $filetempblock													# strips line feeds and EOL's from lines to put all data into one block
    cat $filetempblock | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$40,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,$49,$50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59,$60}'  > $filetoday4							#prints all the fields to 'standardise' the spacing (needed to identify and substitute 'Cloudy' as against 'Partly Cloudy'
    cat $filetoday4 | sed -e 's/°c//g' -e 's/mb//g' -e 's/mm//g' -e 's/Wind from//g' -e 's/mph//g' -e 's/\%//g' > $filetempblock	# strips out unneeded data
    cat $filetempblock | sed -e 's/Partly Cloudy/c/g' -e 's/Cloudy/d/g' -e 's/Fair/C/g' -e 's/Heavy Rain/j/g' -e 's/Light Rain/i/g' -e 's/Mainly Clear/b/g' -e 's/Sunny/A/g' -e 's/Intermittent Rain/e/g' -e 's/Clear/K/g' -e 's/Showers/e/g' -e 's/Mist/l/g' > $filetoday4						# converts weather descriptions to weather font character - standardises field numbers before final strip !! NEEDS TO BE ADDED TO
    cat $filetoday4 | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$7,$9,$10,"\n",$11,$12,$13,$17,$19,$20,"\n",$21,$22,$23,$27,$29,$30}'  > $filetempblock   # we've now got just the data we want and in a standardised format
    cat $filetempblock > $filetoday4
    cat $filetoday5 | tr '\n' ' ' > $filetempblock													# strips line feeds and EOL's from lines to put all data into one block
    cat $filetempblock | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$40,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,$49,$50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59,$60}'  > $filetoday5	#prints all the fields to 'standardise' the spacing (needed to identify and substitute 'Cloudy' as against 'Partly Cloudy'
    cat $filetoday5 | sed -e 's/°c//g' -e 's/mb//g' -e 's/mm//g' -e 's/Wind from//g' -e 's/mph//g' -e 's/\%//g' > $filetempblock	# strips out unneeded data
    cat $filetempblock | sed -e 's/Partly Cloudy/c/g' -e 's/Cloudy/d/g' -e 's/Fair/C/g' -e 's/Heavy Rain/j/g' -e 's/Light Rain/i/g' -e 's/Mainly Clear/b/g' -e 's/Sunny/A/g' -e 's/Intermittent Rain/e/g' -e 's/Clear/K/g' -e 's/Showers/e/g' -e 's/Mist/l/g' > $filetoday5						# converts weather descriptions to weather font character - standardises field numbers before final strip !! NEEDS TO BE ADDED TO
    cat $filetoday5 | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$7,$9,$10,"\n",$11,$12,$13,$17,$19,$20,"\n",$21,$22,$23,$27,$29,$30}'  > $filetempblock   # we've now got just the data we want and in a standardised format
    cat $filetempblock > $filetoday5
    cat $filetoday6 | tr '\n' ' ' > $filetempblock													# strips line feeds and EOL's from lines to put all data into one block
    cat $filetempblock | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$40,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,$49,$50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59,$60}'  > $filetoday6	#prints all the fields to 'standardise' the spacing (needed to identify and substitute 'Cloudy' as against 'Partly Cloudy'
    cat $filetoday6 | sed -e 's/°c//g' -e 's/mb//g' -e 's/mm//g' -e 's/Wind from//g' -e 's/mph//g' -e 's/\%//g' > $filetempblock	# strips out unneeded data
    cat $filetempblock | sed -e 's/Partly Cloudy/c/g' -e 's/Cloudy/d/g' -e 's/Fair/C/g' -e 's/Heavy Rain/j/g' -e 's/Light Rain/i/g' -e 's/Mainly Clear/b/g' -e 's/Sunny/A/g' -e 's/Intermittent Rain/e/g' -e 's/Clear/K/g' -e 's/Showers/e/g' -e 's/Mist/l/g' > $filetoday6						# converts weather descriptions to weather font character - standardises field numbers before final strip !! NEEDS TO BE ADDED TO
    cat $filetoday6 | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$7,$9,$10,"\n",$11,$12,$13,$17,$19,$20,"\n",$21,$22,$23,$27,$29,$30}'  > $filetempblock   # we've now got just the data we want and in a standardised format
    tail -n 1 $filetempblock | sed -e '/ Evening /!d' > $filetoday6
    # Now we have to format the data and transpose some settings for day or night characters - then output to files that conky can import directly
    echo $today | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $1}' > $daynames
    echo $today1 | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $1}' >> $daynames
    echo $today2 | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $1}' >> $daynames
    echo $today3 | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $1}' >> $daynames
    echo $today4 | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $1}' >> $daynames
    echo $today5 | awk -F " " '{print $1}' >> $daynames
    cat $daynames | awk -F " " '{print $1,"\t",$2,"\t",$3,"\t",$4,"\t",$5,"\t",$6}' > $dtaynames
    cat $dtaynames > $daynames
    cat $filetoday | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}' > $mrealtemp
    cat $filetoday1 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}' >> $mrealtemp 
    cat $filetoday2 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}' >> $mrealtemp 
    cat $filetoday3 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}' >> $mrealtemp 
    cat $filetoday4 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}' >> $mrealtemp 
    cat $filetoday5 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}'>> $mrealtemp 
    cat $filetoday6 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{print $2,"\t"}' >> $mrealtemp
    cat $mrealtemp | awk -F " " '{print $1,"\t",$2,"\t",$3,"\t",$4,"\t",$5,"\t",$6}' > $mtrealtemp
    cat $mtrealtemp | sed -e 's/ -8 /cold/g' -e 's/ -7 /cold/g' -e 's/ -6 /cold/g' -e 's/ -5 /cold/g' -e 's/ -4 /cold/g' -e 's/ -3 /cold/g' -e 's/ -2 /cold/g' -e 's/ -1 /cold/g' -e 's/ 0 /cold/g' -e 's/ 1 /cold/g' -e 's/ 2 /cold/g' -e 's/ 3 /cold/g' -e 's/ 4 /cold/g' -e 's/ 5 /cold/g' -e 's/ 6 /cold/g' -e 's/ 7 /cold/g' -e 's/ 15 /hot/g' > $isitcoldorhot
    cat $mrealtemp | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8}' > $alldata
    cat $filetoday | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}' > $arealtemp 
    cat $filetoday1 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}' >> $arealtemp 
    cat $filetoday2 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}' >> $arealtemp
    cat $filetoday3 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}' >> $arealtemp 
    cat $filetoday4 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}' >> $arealtemp 
    cat $filetoday5 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}'>> $arealtemp 
    cat $filetoday6 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{print $2,"\t"}' >> $arealtemp
    cat $arealtemp | awk -F " " '{print $1,"\t",$2,"\t",$3,"\t",$4,"\t",$5,"\t",$6}' > $atrealtemp
    cat $atrealtemp | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8}' > $alldata
    cat $filetoday | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}' > $nrealtemp 
    cat $filetoday1 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}' >> $nrealtemp 
    cat $filetoday2 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}' >> $nrealtemp
    cat $filetoday3 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}' >> $nrealtemp 
    cat $filetoday4 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}' >> $nrealtemp 
    cat $filetoday5 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t"}'>> $nrealtemp 
    cat $filetoday6 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{print $2,"\t"}' >> $nrealtemp
    cat $nrealtemp | awk -F " " '{print $1,"\t",$2,"\t",$3,"\t",$4,"\t",$5,"\t",$6}' > $ntrealtemp
    cat $ntrealtemp | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8}' > $alldata
    cat $filetoday | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' > $mwindspd
    cat $filetoday1 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' >> $mwindspd 
    cat $filetoday2 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' >> $mwindspd 
    cat $filetoday3 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' >> $mwindspd 
    cat $filetoday4 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' >> $mwindspd 
    cat $filetoday5 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' >> $mwindspd
    cat $filetoday6 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{print $5}' >> $mwindspd
    cat $mwindspd | awk -F " " '{print $1,"\t",$2,"\t",$3,"\t",$4,"\t",$5,"\t",$6}' > $mtwindspd
    cat $mtwindspd | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' >>$alldata
    cat $filetoday | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' > $awindspd
    cat $filetoday1 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' >> $awindspd 
    cat $filetoday2 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' >> $awindspd 
    cat $filetoday3 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' >> $awindspd 
    cat $filetoday4 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' >> $awindspd 
    cat $filetoday5 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' >> $awindspd
    cat $filetoday6 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{print $5}' >> $awindspd
    cat $awindspd | awk -F " " '{print $1,"\t",$2,"\t",$3,"\t",$4,"\t",$5,"\t",$6}' > $atwindspd
    cat $atwindspd | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' >>$alldata
    cat $filetoday | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' > $nwindspd
    cat $filetoday1 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' >> $nwindspd 
    cat $filetoday2 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' >> $nwindspd 
    cat $filetoday3 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' >> $nwindspd 
    cat $filetoday4 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' >> $nwindspd 
    cat $filetoday5 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $5,"\t"}' >> $nwindspd
    cat $filetoday6 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{print $5}' >> $nwindspd
    cat $nwindspd | awk -F " " '{print $1,"\t",$2,"\t",$3,"\t",$4,"\t",$5,"\t",$6}' > $ntwindspd
    cat $ntwindspd | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' >>$alldata
    cat $filetoday | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $4,"\t"}' > $mwinddir
    cat $filetoday1 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $4,"\t"}' >> $mwinddir 
    cat $filetoday2 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $4,"\t"}' >> $mwinddir
    cat $filetoday3 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $4,"\t"}' >> $mwinddir
    cat $filetoday4 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $4,"\t"}' >> $mwinddir
    cat $filetoday5 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $4,"\t"}' >> $mwinddir 
    cat $filetoday6 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{print $4}' >> $mwinddir
    cat $mwinddir | awk -F " " '{print $1,"\t",$2,"\t",$3,"\t",$4,"\t",$5,"\t",$6}' > $mtwinddir
    cat $mtwinddir | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' >>$alldata
    cat $filetoday | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' > $mconditions
    cat $filetoday1 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' >> $mconditions 
    cat $filetoday2 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' >> $mconditions
    cat $filetoday3 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' >> $mconditions
    cat $filetoday4 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' >> $mconditions
    cat $filetoday5 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' >> $mconditions
    cat $filetoday6 | grep "Morning" | awk -F " " '{print $6}' >> $mconditions
    cat $mconditions | awk -F " " '{print $1,"\t",$2,"\t",$3,"\t",$4,"\t",$5,"\t",$6}' > $mtconditions
    cat $mtconditions | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' >>$alldata
    cat $filetoday | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' > $aconditions
    cat $filetoday1 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' >> $aconditions 
    cat $filetoday2 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' >> $aconditions
    cat $filetoday3 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' >> $aconditions
    cat $filetoday4 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' >> $aconditions
    cat $filetoday5 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' >> $aconditions
    cat $filetoday6 | grep "Afternoon" | awk -F " " '{print $6}' >> $aconditions
    cat $aconditions | awk -F " " '{print $1,"\t",$2,"\t",$3,"\t",$4,"\t",$5,"\t",$6}' > $atconditions
    cat $atconditions | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' >>$alldata
    cat $filetoday | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' > $nconditions
    cat $filetoday1 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' >> $nconditions 
    cat $filetoday2 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' >> $nconditions
    cat $filetoday3 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' >> $nconditions
    cat $filetoday4 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' >> $nconditions
    cat $filetoday5 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $6,"\t"}' >> $nconditions
    cat $filetoday6 | grep "Evening" | awk -F " " '{print $6}' >> $nconditions
    cat $nconditions | sed -e 's/c/n/g' -e 's/d/o/g' -e 's/C/K/g' -e 's/j/t/g' -e 's/i/s/g' -e 's/b/m/g' -e 's/A/K/g' -e 's/e/s/g'  > $ntconditions						# converts day weather font to night weather font character - NEEDS TO BE ADDED TO
    cat $ntconditions | awk -F " " '{print $1,"\t",$2,"\t",$3,"\t",$4,"\t",$5,"\t",$6}' > $nconditions
    cat $nconditions | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' >>$alldata - this grabs the hardware status and sets the correct colour flags

    # Section is to capture the temperature from /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal
    cat /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2,"\t",$3,"\t",$4,"\t",$5}' > /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadtemps.txt
    cat /proc/acpi/ibm/fan | grep "speed:" | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2}' > /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadfan.txt
    cat /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadtemps.txt | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $1}' > /tmp/.conkytemps/tpcputemp.txt
    cat /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadtemps.txt | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $2}' > /tmp/.conkytemps/tppcitemp.txt
    cat /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadtemps.txt | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $3}' > /tmp/.conkytemps/tphddtemp.txt
    cat /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadtemps.txt | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $4}' > /tmp/.conkytemps/tpgputemp.txt
    # Now we have to convert those temps into filenames that identify the temp range
    # create the directory 
    if [ ! -d /tmp/.conkytemps/.hardwaretemp ]; then mkdir /tmp/.conkytemps/.hardwaretemp; fi
    # Get the cpu temp and set the status
    cat /tmp/.conkytemps/tpcputemp.txt | sed -e 's/2[0-9]/COOL/g;s/3[0-9]/COOL/g;s/4[0-9]/COOL/g;s/5[0-9]/COOL/g;s/6[0-9]/WARM/g;s/7[0-5]/WARM/g;s/7[6-9]/HOT/g;s/8[0-9]/HOT/g;s/9[0-9]/HOT/g' > /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadcputemp.txt
    STATUSCPU="`cat /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadcputemp.txt`"
    # Remove the old status
      if [ -f /tmp/.conkytemps/CPU. ]; then rm /tmp/.conkytemps/CPU.; fi
      if [ -f /tmp/.conkytemps/CPU.$COOL ]; then rm /tmp/.conkytemps/CPU.$COOL; fi
      if [ -f /tmp/.conkytemps/CPU.$WARM ]; then rm /tmp/.conkytemps/CPU.$WARM; fi
      if [ -f /tmp/.conkytemps/CPU.$HOT ]; then rm /tmp/.conkytemps/CPU.$HOT; fi
    # Create the new status file
    if [ ! -f /tmp/.conkytemps/CPU.$STATUSCPU ]; then touch /tmp/.conkytemps/CPU.$STATUSCPU; fi
    # Get the pci(mobo) temp and set the status
    cat /tmp/.conkytemps/tppcitemp.txt | sed -e 's/2[0-9]/COOL/g;s/3[0-9]/COOL/g;s/4[0-9]/COOL/g;s/5[0-9]/COOL/g;s/6[0-4]/COOL/g;s/6[5-9]/WARM/g;s/7[0-9]/HOT/g;s/8[0-9]/HOT/g' > /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadpcitemp.txt
    STATUSPCI="`cat /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadpcitemp.txt`"
    # Remove the old status
      if [ -f /tmp/.conkytemps/PCI. ]; then rm /tmp/.conkytemps/PCI.; fi
      if [ -f /tmp/.conkytemps/PCI.$COOL ]; then rm /tmp/.conkytemps/PCI.$COOL; fi
      if [ -f /tmp/.conkytemps/PCI.$WARM ]; then rm /tmp/.conkytemps/PCI.$WARM; fi
      if [ -f /tmp/.conkytemps/PCI.$HOT ]; then rm /tmp/.conkytemps/PCI.$HOT; fi
    # Create the new status file
    if [ ! -f /tmp/.conkytemps/PCI.$STATUSPCI ]; then touch /tmp/.conkytemps/PCI.$STATUSPCI; fi
    # Get the HDD temp and set the status
    cat /tmp/.conkytemps/tphddtemp.txt | sed -e 's/2[0-9]/COOL/g;s/3[0-9]/COOL/g;s/4[0-9]/COOL/g;s/5[0-5]/WARM/g;s/5[6-9]/HOT/g;s/6[0-9]/HOT/g;s/7[0-9]/HOT/g;s/8[0-9]/HOT/g' > /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadhddtemp.txt
    STATUSHDD="`cat /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadhddtemp.txt`"
    # Remove the old status
      if [ -f /tmp/.conkytemps/HDD.$COOL ]; then rm /tmp/.conkytemps/HDD.$COOL; fi
      if [ -f /tmp/.conkytemps/HDD.$WARM ]; then rm /tmp/.conkytemps/HDD.$WARM; fi
      if [ -f /tmp/.conkytemps/HDD.$HOT ]; then rm /tmp/.conkytemps/HDD.$HOT; fi
    # Create the new status file
    if [ ! -f /tmp/.conkytemps/HDD.$STATUSHDD ]; then touch /tmp/.conkytemps/HDD.$STATUSHDD; fi
    # Get the GPU temp and set the status
    cat /tmp/.conkytemps/tpgputemp.txt | sed -e 's/2[0-9]/COOL/g;s/3[0-9]/COOL/g;s/4[0-9]/COOL/g;s/5[0-9]/COOL/g;s/6[0-9]/COOL/g;s/7[0-9]/COOL/g;s/8[0-9]/COOL/g;s/9[0-9]/HOT/g;s/10[0-9]/HOT/g' > /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadgputemp.txt
    STATUSGPU="`cat /tmp/.conkytemps/thinkpadgputemp.txt`"
    # Remove the old status
      if [ -f /tmp/.conkytemps/GPU.$COOL ]; then rm /tmp/.conkytemps/GPU.$COOL; fi
      if [ -f /tmp/.conkytemps/GPU.$WARM ]; then rm /tmp/.conkytemps/GPU.$WARM; fi
      if [ -f /tmp/.conkytemps/GPU.$HOT ]; then rm /tmp/.conkytemps/GPU.$HOT; fi
    # Create the new status file
    if [ ! -f /tmp/.conkytemps/GPU.$STATUSGPU ]; then touch /tmp/.conkytemps/GPU.$STATUSGPU; fi
    # Section is to identify amount of free space left on disk
    # --------------------------------------------------------
    df /dev/sda3 -h > /tmp/.conkytemps/hddspace.txt
    cat /tmp/.conkytemps/hddspace.txt | tail -n 1 | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print $4}' > /tmp/.conkytemps/harddiskspace.txt
    cat /tmp/.conkytemps/harddiskspace.txt | sed -e 's/1G/LOW/g' >/tmp/.conkytemps/harddisklow.txt
    cat /var/log/messages | tail -n 6 > /tmp/.conkytemps/currenttail.txt
    cat /tmp/.conkytemps/currenttail.txt | awk -F " " '{ORS=" "} {print "\n",$3,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12}'  > /tmp/.conkytemps/shorttail.txt

    # RSS Display Script by Bill Woodford ( v1.0
    # This script is designed to output story titles for most any RSS Feed.
    # This script depends on curl.  Please ensure it is installed and in your $PATH
    # Gentoo: emerge -av net-misc/curl
    # Debian: apt-get install curl
    # Homepage:
    # Usage:
    # .conkyrc:	${execi [time] /path/to/script/ URI LINES TITLENUM}
    #	URI = Location of feed, ex.
    #	LINES = How many titles to display (default 5)
    #	TITLENUM = How many times the title of the feed itself is specified, usually 1 or 2 (default 2)
    # Usage Example		
    #		${execi 300 /home/youruser/scripts/,4313,1,00.rss 4 2}
    #RSS Setup - Don't change unless you want these values hard-coded!
    uri=$1							#URI of RSS Feed
    lines=$2						#Number of headlines
    titlenum=$3						#Number of extra titles
    #Script start
    #Require a uri, as a minimum
    if [[ "$uri" == "" ]]; then
    	echo "No URI specified, cannot continue!" >&2
    	echo "Please read script for more information" >&2
    	#Set defaults if none specified
    	if [[ $lines == "" ]]; then lines=5 ; fi
    	if [[ $titlenum == "" ]]; then titlenum=2 ; fi
    	#The actual work
    	curl -s --connect-timeout 30 $uri |\
    	sed -e 's/<\/title>/\n/g' |\
    	grep -o '<title>.*' |\
    	sed -e 's/<title>//' |\
    	head -n $(($lines + $titlenum)) |\
    	tail -n $(($lines))
    if [[ "$#" != "3" ]]; then echo "Usage: silentping IP onsign offsign"; fi
    # Get the status
    STATUS="$(ping $1 -c 1 -w 2 | grep packets | sed "s/^.*tted, //;s/1/$2/;s/0/$3/;s/ re.*$//")"
    # Create the directory
    if [ ! -d /tmp/.status ]; then mkdir /tmp/.status; fi
    # Remove the old status
    if [ "$STATUS" == "$2" ]; then
      if [ -f /tmp/.status/$1.$3 ]; then rm /tmp/.status/$1.$3; fi
      if [ -f /tmp/.status/$1.$2 ]; then rm /tmp/.status/$1.$2; fi
    # Create the new status file
    if [ ! -f /tmp/.status/$1.$STATUS ]; then touch /tmp/.status/$1.$STATUS; fi
    Attached Images Attached Images

  4. #524
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Derby, UK

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by Raytheon View Post
    Does anybody know how I could make the calendar in the middle?
    $alignc in front of your calendar should centre it.

    Heres my .conkyrcs. I didn't like my previous one so I modified the first one I posted on this thread and added the Folding@Home status. I'm having a bit of trouble with the $if_mounted on my external harddrive, it claims to be unmounted unless I remove the whole $if and $else functions in which it displays fine (unless, of course it's not mounted).

    maximum_width 230
    background yes
    use_xft yes
    xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=8
    xftalpha 0.8
    mail_spool $MAIL
    update_interval 1
    total_run_times 0
    own_window yes
    own_window_type override
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_colour 7D191B
    own_window_hints undecorated below sticky skip_taskbar skip_pager
    double_buffer yes
    minimum_size 5 5
    draw_shades no
    draw_outline yes
    draw_borders no
    draw_graph_borders yes
    default_color white
    default_shade_color black
    default_outline_color black
    alignment top_left
    gap_x 5
    gap_y 27
    no_buffers yes
    uppercase no
    cpu_avg_samples 2
    net_avg_samples 2
    override_utf8_locale no
    use_spacer no
    ${font size=13}${time %H:%M:%S} $alignr${time %a, }${time %e %B}
    $font${color aeaeae}Uptime: $color$uptime${alignr}${color aeaeae}CPU Temp:$color${acpitemp}
    ${color aeaeae}Kernel: $color$kernel
    ${color aeaeae}$hr
    ${color aeaeae}RAM: $color$mem/$memmax${alignr}${membar 5,100}
    ${color aeaeae}Swap: $color$swap/$swapmax${alignr}${swapbar 5,100}
    ${color aeaeae}CPU Usage: $color$cpu%${alignr}${cpubar 5,100}
    ${cpugraph 0000ff 00ff00}
    ${color aeaeae}$hr
    ${color aeaeae}Root: $color${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}${alignr}${fs_free_perc /}%
    ${fs_bar /}
    ${color aeaeae}Ext Harddrive:${if_mounted /media/FREECOM HDD}$color${fs_used /media/FREECOM HDD}/${fs_size /media/FREECOM HDD}${alignr}${fs_free_perc /media/FREECOM HDD}%
    ${fs_bar /media/FREECOM HDD}$else${color de0b0b} Not Mounted$endif
    ${color aeaeae}iPod:${if_mounted /media/IPOD}$color${fs_used /media/IPOD}/${fs_size /media/IPOD}${alignr}${fs_free_perc /media/IPOD}%
    ${fs_bar /media/IPOD}$else${color de0b0b} Not Mounted$endif
    ${color aeaeae}$hr
    ${color aeaeae}Network: $color${exec iwconfig eth1 | sed 's/  /\n/g' | grep ESSID | sed 's/ESSID:"//'| sed 's/"//'}${alignr}${linkstatus eth1}%
    ${color aeaeae}IP: $color${addr eth1}
    ${color aeaeae}${offset 83}DOWN:${alignr}UP:
    ${downspeedgraph eth1 20,110 440c09 f17f1f} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth1 20,110 440c09 f17f1f}
    ${color aeaeae}Speed:${offset 39}$color${downspeedf eth1}k/s${alignr}${upspeedf eth1}k/s
    ${color aeaeae}Total:${offset 33}$color${totaldown eth1}${alignr}${totalup eth1}
    ${color aeaeae}$hr
    ${color aeaeae}Processes: $color$processes ${alignr}${color aeaeae}Running: $color$running_processes
    ${color aeaeae}Highest CPU:
     ${color de0b0b}${top name 1}${top cpu 1}
     $color${top name 2}${top cpu 2}
     ${top name 3}${top cpu 3}
     ${top name 4}${top cpu 4}
    ${color aeaeae}Highest MEM:
     ${color de0b0b}${top_mem name 1}${top_mem mem 1}
     $color${top_mem name 2}${top_mem mem 2}
     ${top_mem name 3}${top_mem mem 3}
     ${top_mem name 4}${top_mem mem 4}
    maximum_width 320
    background yes
    use_xft yes
    xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=8
    xftalpha 0.8
    mail_spool $MAIL
    update_interval 1
    total_run_times 0
    own_window yes
    own_window_type override
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_colour 701618
    own_window_hints undecorated below sticky skip_taskbar skip_pager
    double_buffer yes
    minimum_size 50 5
    draw_shades no
    draw_outline yes
    draw_borders yes
    draw_graph_borders yes
    default_color white
    default_shade_color black
    default_outline_color black
    alignment bottom_left
    gap_x 0
    gap_y 0
    no_buffers yes
    uppercase no
    cpu_avg_samples 2
    net_avg_samples 2
    override_utf8_locale no
    use_spacer no
    ${color aeaeae}FAH Status:
    $color${execi 60 tail -n 12 /opt/foldingathome/1/FAHlog.txt}
    Attached Images Attached Images | Linux User#449102 | Ubuntu User#15213
    NEVER type a command you don't understand eg. sudo rm -rf / or something similar
    Learn about them here or here.

  5. #525
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by crimesaucer View Post
    I wish it would work on my notebook, I can't enable the double buffer so it flickers? Looks dope though nice job! I want it so badly!!!!
    and I get alot of squares (unix noobie still), haven't really messed with it to much, I need to get to bed!!!
    Last edited by Sphex; August 21st, 2007 at 07:39 AM.

  6. #526

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Did you add

    Load "dbe"
    to your xorg.conf? That usually eliminates the double-buffer flicker.
    Ubuntu user #7247 :: Linux user #409907

  7. #527
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by herbster View Post
    I had that, try:

    ${i2c 9191-0290 temp 1}
    for mobo, and:

    ${i2c 9191-0290 temp 2}
    for CPU.
    I am getting this:
    Conky: can't open '/sys/bus/i2c/devices/9191-0290/temp2_input': No such file or directory
    please fix i2c or remove it from Conky

  8. #528
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by HumanPerson View Post
    I am getting this:
    Conky: can't open '/sys/bus/i2c/devices/9191-0290/temp2_input': No such file or directory
    please fix i2c or remove it from Conky
    This is what i use for cpu temp from lm-sensors under conky
    ${execi 8 sensors | grep -A 1 'Core1' | cut -c13-16 | sed '/^$/d'}C
    Change Core1, and cut numbers to match your sensors output.
    Advantages and Disadvantages of 64bit.(Plus install Guides)

    ‘In search of some small measure of peace, that we all seek, and few of us ever find.’

  9. #529
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    I'm having issues getting conky to start at boot. I've already started usr/bin/conky in sessions. Everytime I run it, I have to start it in cmd, and as soon as I close the window. What am I doing wrong?

  10. #530
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    For sessions, just use the command 'conky'.

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