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Thread: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Oklahoma, USA
    Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    After "simplifying" my bar code the other day, I had to start fighting the periodic "too many fonts" error again (even when I was down to 1 font), after trying everything I could think of I finally just uninstalled and re-installed Conky. Seems to be working fine after re-install.

    I have 2 Conkys running now with my calendar separate from the rest (I originally thought the periodic date check may have been causing the error which seemed to occur after about 30 min to an hour from start up, so I separated it from the rest). I grew to like it separate and here's my latest, greatest, and so far stable version.

    Screenshot - 05222013 - 08:00:48 PM.png

    >>>Update <<<

    Of course the moment I post this, Conky seemingly randomly crashes yet again (my main Conky anyways, my calendar is continuing to run just fine). I just don't get why it's complaining about the fonts. It only uses 1 font and I increased the buffer sizes quite a bit. I guess I'm left with just trying to change the friggin' source code or something to get rid of that stupid error . I just don't get why Conky cannot handle my bar code, it's not that complicated.

    My current crashing conkyrc...

    #conky performance settings
      update_interval 3.0
      total_run_times 0
      cpu_avg_samples 4
      no_buffers yes 
      double_buffer yes
      override_utf8_locale no
      max_specials 2000
      text_buffer_size 2048
      max_user_text 65000
    #overall position of conky window
      alignment middle_right
      gap_x 20
      gap_y 0
      minimum_size 300 140
      maximum_width 140
    #overall appearance of conky window
      own_window yes
      own_window_type override
      own_window_transparent yes
      own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
      draw_borders no
      #own_window_argb_visual yes
      #own_window_argb_value 100
    #default text apperance
      use_xft yes
      xftalpha 0.9
      xftfont Alfios:size=10
      default_color FFEEDD #aliceblue #beige #bisque #white 
      draw_shades no
      draw_outline no
      default_shade_color black
      default_outline_color black
      uppercase no
    #border around graphs
      draw_graph_borders no
      color1 CCFFFF 
      color2 CCDDFF 
      color3 CCBBFF 
      color4 CC99FF 
      color5 CC77FF 
      color6 CC55FF 
      color7 CC33FF 
      color8 CC11FF 
      color9 444444
      color0 FF8888 
    ${image /home/greg/Documents/Conky/Main/fang.png -p 0,3 -s 100x105}
    ${voffset 56}${color0}${alignr}Xubuntu 12.10${color}
    ${voffset 0}${alignr}${kernel}
    ${voffset -10}${color4}________________________${color}
    CPU${voffset -2}${alignr}[\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >    0}${color1}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >    5}${color1}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   10}${color1}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   15}${color2}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   20}${color2}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   25}${color2}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   30}${color3}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   35}${color3}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   40}${color3}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   45}${color4}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   50}${color4}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   55}${color4}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   60}${color5}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   65}${color6}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   70}${color6}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   75}${color6}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   80}${color7}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   85}${color7}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   90}${color7}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >   95}${color8}|\
    ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} == 100}${color8}|\
    ${voffset 4}${offset 10}${top name 1}${alignr}${top cpu 1}   
    ${offset 10}${top name 2}${alignr}${top cpu 2}   
    ${offset 10}${top name 3}${alignr}${top cpu 3}   
    RAM${voffset -2}${alignr}[\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >    0}${color1}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >    5}${color1}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   10}${color1}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   15}${color2}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   20}${color2}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   25}${color2}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   30}${color3}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   35}${color3}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   40}${color3}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   45}${color4}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   50}${color4}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   55}${color4}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   60}${color5}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   65}${color6}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   70}${color6}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   75}${color6}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   80}${color7}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   85}${color7}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   90}${color7}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} >   95}${color8}|\
    ${if_match ${memperc} == 100}${color8}|\
    ${voffset 4}${offset 10}${top_mem name 1}${alignr}${top_mem mem 1}   
    ${offset 10}${top_mem name 2}${alignr}${top_mem mem 2}   
    ${offset 10}${top_mem name 3}${alignr}${top_mem mem 3}   
    ${if_match ${swapperc} > 0}
    SWP ${color}${alignr}$swap/$swapmax
    HD ${alignr}${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}${if_existing  /dev/sdc1}
    ${execp df -H | grep 'sdc1' | cut -c56-66}${alignr}${execp df -H | awk '/sdc1/ {print $3, "/", $2}'}${else}${endif}${if_existing  /dev/sdd1}
    ${execp df -H | grep 'sdd1' | cut -c56-66}${alignr}${execp df -H | awk '/sdd1/ {print $3, "/", $2}'}${else}${endif}${if_existing  /dev/sde1}
    ${execp df -H | grep 'sde1' | cut -c56-66}${alignr}${execp df -H | awk '/sde1/ {print $3, "/", $2}'}${else}
    Private IP ${alignr}${addr eth0}
    ${color0}${font Heydings Icons:bold:size=8}d${outlinecolor}${color}${font}  [\
    ${if_match ${downspeedf eth0} >    0}${color1}|\
    ${if_match ${downspeedf eth0} >   19}${color1}|\
    ${if_match ${downspeedf eth0} >   38}${color2}|\
    ${if_match ${downspeedf eth0} >   58}${color2}|\
    ${if_match ${downspeedf eth0} >   77}${color3}|\
    ${if_match ${downspeedf eth0} >   96}${color3}|\
    ${if_match ${downspeedf eth0} >  115}${color4}|\
    ${if_match ${downspeedf eth0} >  134}${color5}|\
    ${if_match ${downspeedf eth0} >  154}${color6}|\
    ${if_match ${downspeedf eth0} >  173}${color7}|\
    ${if_match ${downspeedf eth0} >= 192}${color8}|\
    ${color}] ${alignr}${font}${totaldown eth0}   
    ${outlinecolor black}${color0}${font Heydings Icons:bold:size=8}u\
    ${outlinecolor}${color}${font}  ${voffset -2}[\
    ${if_match ${upspeedf eth0} >   0}${color1}|\
    ${if_match ${upspeedf eth0} >   5}${color1}|\
    ${if_match ${upspeedf eth0} >  10}${color2}|\
    ${if_match ${upspeedf eth0} >  14}${color2}|\
    ${if_match ${upspeedf eth0} >  19}${color3}|\
    ${if_match ${upspeedf eth0} >  24}${color3}|\
    ${if_match ${upspeedf eth0} >  29}${color4}|\
    ${if_match ${upspeedf eth0} >  34}${color5}|\
    ${if_match ${upspeedf eth0} >  38}${color6}|\
    ${if_match ${upspeedf eth0} >  33}${color7}|\
    ${if_match ${upspeedf eth0} >= 48}${color8}|\
    ${color}] ${alignr}${font}${totalup eth0}   
    ${if_running pithos}
    ${color0}Song ${color}${execp php ~/Documents/Conky/Main/pithos.php 'title'}
    ${color0}Artist ${color}${execp php ~/Documents/Conky/Main/pithos.php 'artist'}
    ${color0}Album ${color}${execp php ~/Documents/Conky/Main/pithos.php 'album'}
    Last edited by Petro Dawg; May 23rd, 2013 at 02:44 AM.
    Who's Awesome? You're Awesome.

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