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Thread: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

  1. #411
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Segura, Spain

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    This is my conky, a union of ideas this thread

     # set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
    background no
    # X font when Xft is disabled, you can pick one with program xfontsel
    #font 5x7
    #font 6x10
    #font 7x13
    #font 8x13
    #font 9x15
    #font **
    #font -*-*-*-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
    # Use Xft?
    use_xft yes
    # Xft font when Xft is enabled
    #xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=8
    xftfont Terminus:size=8
    # Text alpha when using Xft
    xftalpha 0.8
    # Print everything to console?
    # out_to_console no
    # mail spool
    mail_spool $MAIL
    # Update interval in seconds
    update_interval 5.0
    # This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
    # Set to zero to run forever.
    total_run_times 0
    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
    own_window yes
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    own_window_type override
    # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
    double_buffer yes
    # Minimum size of text area
    minimum_size 5 5
    maximum_width 160
    # Draw shades?
    draw_shades yes
    # Draw outlines?
    draw_outline no
    # Draw borders around text
    draw_borders no
    draw_graph_borders yes
    # Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders 8
    # border margins
    border_margin 4
    # border width
    border_width 1
    # Default colors and also border colors
    default_color white
    default_shade_color black
    default_outline_color white
    # Text alignment, other possible values are commented
    alignment top_left
    #alignment top_right
    #alignment bottom_left
    #alignment bottom_right
    # Gap between borders of screen and text
    # same thing as passing -x at command line
    gap_x 860
    gap_y 0
    # Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
    no_buffers yes
    # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
    uppercase no
    # number of cpu samples to average
    # set to 1 to disable averaging
    cpu_avg_samples 2
    # number of net samples to average
    # set to 1 to disable averaging
    net_avg_samples 2
    # Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
    override_utf8_locale yes
    # Add spaces to keep things from moving about?  This only affects certain objects.
    use_spacer no
    #Note: doesn't work in conky 1.2 =(
    ${color #888888}jjgomera@$nodename ${color #CCCCCC}- ${color #888888}$machine
    ${color #888888}$sysname $kernel 
    ${color #888888}UpTime: ${color }$uptime
    ${color #0077ff}${time %a-%d/%b/%y}${alignr}${time %k:%Mh}
    ${color}${hr 2}
    ${alignc}${color #0077ff}CPU
    ${voffset 5}${color #888888}Freq: ${color}2 x ${freq_dyn}MHz
    ${color #888888}${cpugraph 20 160 ff0000 0000ff}
    ${color }$cpu% ${color #ff0000}${cpubar 4}
    ${voffset 5}${color #888888}Carga: ${color }$loadavg
    ${color #888888}Temp:${color #ff0000} ${i2c temp 1} ${i2c temp 2} ${color}${i2c temp 3} C
    ${color #888888}Ventilador:${color }  ${i2c fan 1} RPM
    ${color #888888}Int:${alignr}${color }  ${i2c in 0}  ${i2c in 1}  ${i2c in 2}  ${i2c in 3}  ${i2c in 4}  A 
    ${alignr}${color }${i2c in 5}  ${i2c in 6}  ${i2c in 7}  ${i2c in 8}  A 
    ${color #888888}Process: ${color}$processes${alignr}${color #888888}Runing: ${color}$running_processes
    ${color white}${stippled_hr 2 1}
    ${color #0077ff}${alignc}Memoria:
    ${voffset 5}${color #10DFED}RAM: ${color } $memperc%${alignr}$mem${color #888888}/$memmax
    ${color #10DFED}${membar 4,160}
    ${color #10DFED}SWAP: ${color }$swapperc%${alignr}$swap${color #888888}/$swapmax
    ${color #10DFED}${swapbar 4,160}
    ${voffset 5}${color #888888}Nombre${alignr}RAM     CPU% 
    ${color #B60000}${top name 1}${alignr}${top mem 1}    ${top cpu 1}
    ${color #D17D00}${top name 2}${alignr}${top mem 2}    ${top cpu 2}
    ${color #B2B200}${top name 3}${alignr}${top mem 3}    ${top cpu 3}
    ${color #187B18}${top name 4}${alignr}${top mem 4}    ${top cpu 4}
    ${color #3A9191}${top name 5}${alignr}${top mem 5}    ${top cpu 5}
    ${color white}${stippled_hr 2 1}
    ${color #0077ff}${alignc}Disco Duro:
    ${voffset 5}${color #E2E22D}HOME:${alignr}${color }${fs_free /}${color #888888}/${fs_size /}
    ${color #E2E22D}${fs_bar 4,160 /}
    ${if_mounted /media/Datos}${color #E2E22D}Datos:${alignr}${color }${fs_free /media/Datos}${color #888888}/${fs_size /media/Datos}
    ${color #E2E22D}${fs_bar 4,160 /media/Datos}
    $endif${if_mounted /media/Windows}${color #E2E22D}Windows:${alignr}${color }${fs_free /media/Windows}${color #888888}/${fs_size /media/Windows}
    ${color #E2E22D}${fs_bar 4,160 /media/Windows}
    $endif${color #888888}Disco I/O: $color$diskio
    ${voffset -5}${color white}${stippled_hr 2 1}
    ${color #0077ff}${alignc}RED:
    ${voffset 5}${color #888888}Subida: ${color #55B350}${upspeed eth0}k/s${alignr}${color #55B350} ${totalup eth0}
    ${color #888888}Descarga: ${color #55B350}${downspeed eth0}k/s${alignr}${color #55B350} ${totaldown eth0}
    ${color #888888}${downspeedgraph eth0 160BE9 00ff00 300}
    ${color #888888}Conexiones totales:${alignr}$color ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}
    ${color #888888}Salida: $color${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 count}${alignr}${color #888888}Entrada: $color${tcp_portmon 1 32767 count}
    ${color #888888}${alignr}amule:$color ${tcp_portmon 4662 4662 count}
    ${color #0077ff}IP: $color${execi 10000 curl ''}
    ${voffset -5}$color$stippled_hr${if_running amarokapp}
    ${color #0077ff}${alignc}Amarok
    ${color #CC6600}${alignc}${execi 10 dcop amarok player artist}
    ${execi 10 dcop amarok player album} ${alignr}${execi 10 dcop amarok player year}
    ${execi 10 dcop amarok player title} 
    ${execi 5 dcop amarok player currentTime}/${execi 10 dcop amarok player totalTime} ${execibar 1 ~/configuracion/ progress}
    ${color #CC6600}Bitrate:${execi 10 dcop amarok player bitrate}kbps${alignr}Vol:${execi 10 dcop amarok player getVolume}%
    ${color #0077ff}Root: ${color white}${execi 10000 grep mount /var/log/fsck/checkroot | fold -w25}
    ${color #0077ff}Datos: ${color white}${execi 10000 grep blocks /var/log/fsck/checkfs | fold -w25}$endif
    And here the screenshot, different when the amarok is playing, when not to play, show the next fsck, a important information for me, to take a cup of coffee or so while the system boot

    For the weather I prefer de gdesklets, its more graphics, and the wallpaper is the apod,
    different every day.

  2. #412
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    IA & NC
    Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Hey quys... quick question...

    I install hddtemp to implement into conky a hddtemp monitor display. I do something like hddtemp /whatever/sda

    and it spits out the temperature...

    Only problem is, I have to sudo to get access to that temperature, so when I put it into conky it gives me permission errors when I run conky from the terminal without sudo..

    I have conky as a startup program, so I will not be able to sudo it...

    Is there a way to grant a command in conky the rights to make this work, or do I have to change the permissions of the file containing sda/sdb, and if I have to do the latter, is there any security risks that wouldn't even make it worth it?
    Our Society has replaced Heroes with Celebrities, the quest for a well informed character with the search for a flat stomach, and substance and depth with image and personality.

  3. #413
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    # A comprehensive conky script, configured for use on
    # Ubuntu / Debian Gnome, without the need for any external scripts.
    # Based on conky-jc and the default .conkyrc.
    # - tail of /var/log/messages 
    # - netstat connections to your computer
    # -- Pengo (
    # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
    own_window no
    # Use pseudo transparency with own_window?
    own_window_transparent yes
    # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
    double_buffer yes
    # fiddle with window
    use_spacer yes
    use_xft no
    # Update interval in seconds
    update_interval 1.0
    # Minimum size of text area
    # minimum_size 250 5
    # Draw shades?
    draw_shades no
    # Text stuff
    draw_outline no # amplifies text if yes
    draw_borders no
    font arial
    uppercase no # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
    # Stippled borders?
    stippled_borders 3
    # border margins
    border_margin 9
    # border width
    border_width 10
    # Default colors and also border colors, grey90 == #e5e5e5
    default_color grey
    own_window_colour brown
    own_window_transparent yes
    # Text alignment, other possible values are commented
    alignment top_left
    #alignment top_right
    #lignment bottom_left
    #alignment bottom_right
    # Gap between borders of screen and text
    gap_x 10
    gap_y 175
    # stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
    override_utf8_locale yes
    ${color orange}SYSTEM ${hr 2}$color
    ${alignc}$nodename $sysname $kernel on $machine
    ${time %T} ${alignr}Uptime: $uptime
    ${color orange}CPU ${hr 2}$color
    ${freq}MHz   Load: ${loadavg}   Temp: ${acpitemp} ${cpu 0}%
    ${cpugraph FE0000 FE0000}
    NAME             PID       CPU%      MEM%
    ${top name 1} ${top pid 1}   ${top cpu 1}    ${top mem 1}
    ${top name 2} ${top pid 2}   ${top cpu 2}    ${top mem 2}
    ${top name 3} ${top pid 3}   ${top cpu 3}    ${top mem 3}
    ${top name 4} ${top pid 4}   ${top cpu 4}    ${top mem 4}
    ${top name 5} ${top pid 5}   ${top cpu 5}    ${top mem 5}
    ${top name 6} ${top pid 6}   ${top cpu 6}    ${top mem 6}
    ${top name 7} ${top pid 7}   ${top cpu 7}    ${top mem 7}
    ${top name 8} ${top pid 8}   ${top cpu 8}    ${top mem 8}
    ${color orange}MEMORY / DISK ${hr 2}$color
    RAM:  $memperc%  ${membar 6}$color
    Swap: $swapperc%  ${swapbar 6}$color
    Root: ${fs_free_perc /}%   ${fs_bar 6 /}$color 
    HDD:  ${fs_free_perc /media/HDD}%   ${fs_bar 6 /media/HDD}
    ${color orange}NETWORK (${addr eth0}) ${hr 2}$color
    Down: $color${downspeed eth0} k/s ${alignr}Up: ${upspeed eth0} k/s
    ${downspeedgraph eth0 45,140 FE0000 FE0000} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth0 
    45,140 00FE30 00FE30}$color
    Total: ${totaldown eth0} ${alignr}Total: ${totalup eth0}
    Inbound: ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 count} Outbound: ${tcp_portmon 32768 
    61000 count}${alignr}Total: ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}

  4. #414
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Portland, Oregon
    Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by notwen View Post
    Any special scripts or packages/dev packages need to be installed for these conky calendars to work? I've been looking for this for the longest time. Thanks for any info. =]
    Nope, they are all running the terminal "cal" command. Open a terminal and type in "cal" (without the quotes). You will get all of the months for this year. If you change the command to "cal -3" it will present you with three months - the current month and the month before and after.

    The "cut" command picks certian columns from the output of the command to which it is associated. cut -c1-10 will keep columns 1-10 in the output of the command. there are other switches to discard columns (-d I believe). No magic or wizardry here.

    I did do mine a little differently because I wanted the months stacked. The normal cal command will return three months displayed from left to right in the terminal window. To stack them in mine I had to cut each individual month out of the command to present it, that's whey the script is three cal commands instead of just one.

  5. #415
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Portland, Oregon
    Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by ghandi69_ View Post
    Hey quys... quick question...

    I install hddtemp to implement into conky a hddtemp monitor display. I do something like hddtemp /whatever/sda

    and it spits out the temperature...

    Only problem is, I have to sudo to get access to that temperature, so when I put it into conky it gives me permission errors when I run conky from the terminal without sudo..
    You need to enable execution permissions on the hddtemp script so that your user has permission to execute it. The dangerous way is to open a terminal window, navigate to your hddtemp script and then
    sudo chmod 755 hddtemp
    The even more dangerous way is to open a terminal and enter the following command:
    gksudo nautilus
    This will open your file browser as root from the / directory. Navigate to the file, right click on it and edit the permissions. Careful what you do here, mistakes are easier to make with gksudo nautilus than you might think. It's like editing the Windows registry - if you don't know what you are doing don't do anything except explicity what you went in to do.

  6. #416
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by yabbadabbadont View Post
    Any name you like. You will have to specify it as one of the command line parameters when you startup the second instance of conky.
    can someone help me please???

    i am trying to start another conky for amarok.... i would like to have one to the bottom right of my screen but is there some script i need to edit or something so that it can be recognized??

    also, if i change the name of the original conkyrc, conky uses the sample conkyrc that it came it.... i was trying to change it to .conkyrc_main....

    thanks in advanced!

    Edit ::: i think i got it!!!!
    Last edited by hardKNOXbz; July 26th, 2007 at 01:42 AM.

  7. #417
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by dbbolton View Post
    how can i do that?
    Open XMMS and go

    Options > Preferences > General Plugins > InfoPipe (1.3 probably)

    then with that highlighted click enable plugin in the bottom right corner. It should now say enabled after it. See if that does it.

  8. #418
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by PurposeOfReason View Post
    Open XMMS and go

    Options > Preferences > General Plugins > InfoPipe (1.3 probably)

    then with that highlighted click enable plugin in the bottom right corner. It should now say enabled after it. See if that does it.
    ok, i enabled it-- but when i launch conky from the terminal, i get this:

    Can't locate XMMS/ in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /home/daniel/.config/scripts/ line 5.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/daniel/.config/scripts/ line 5.
    ( i followed this guide: )

  9. #419
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Shreveport, Louisiana
    Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Is there a variable to display the current RPM of the hard drive?
    Intel Q6600 - 2.4GHz, 2x2GB RAM, nVidia GeForce GTX 260, SoundBlaster Audigy SE 7.1
    Dual-boot: Windows 7 64-bit & Ubuntu 10.04

  10. #420
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by dbbolton View Post
    ok, i enabled it-- but when i launch conky from the terminal, i get this:

    Can't locate XMMS/ in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /home/daniel/.config/scripts/ line 5.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/daniel/.config/scripts/ line 5.
    ( i followed this guide: )
    Okay. Change your conkyrc XMMS part to show as follows:
    Xmms: ${execi 1 cat /tmp/xmms-info | grep Status: | cut -d ":" -f2}
    Artist: ${execi 1 xmmsctrl title | cut -d "-" -f1}
    Song : ${execi 1 xmmsctrl title | cut -d "-" -f2}
    Time : ${execi 1 xmmsctrl print %m%n} ( ${execi 25 xmmsctrl print %M%n})
    Number  : ${execi 1 xmmsctrl getpos} / ${execi 25 cat /tmp/xmms-info | grep Tunes | cut -d ":" -f2}
    Then in your tmp folder make a script called 'xmms-info' which will look like the one below. Make it executable however you like to.

    #This script is free to modify and distribute.
    #Use at your own risk.
    #Requirement: xmms-infopipe
    #User Settings here
    #Grab needed information
    pos=`cat $file | grep uSecPosition: | cut -d : -f2`
    len=`cat $file | grep uSecTime: | cut -d : -f2`
    #Count the length in characters of the title
    size=`echo $title | wc -c`
    #Calculate current position within that length
    poscol=$(echo "$pos*$maxcol/$len" | bc)
    for (( i=0; i<$maxcol; i++ ))
      if [ $i -eq $poscol ]; then
        echo -n 'O'
        echo -n '='
    Now for the final bit. Open up synaptic and get the file 'xmmsctrl'. Now you should be good.

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